// // EVPPKey.cpp // // // Library: Crypto // Package: CryptoCore // Module: EVPPKey // // Copyright (c) 2008, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Crypto/EVPPKey.h" #include "Poco/Crypto/ECKey.h" #include "Poco/Crypto/RSAKey.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" namespace Poco { namespace Crypto { EVPPKey::EVPPKey(const std::string& ecCurveName): _pEVPPKey(0) { newECKey(ecCurveName.c_str()); poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); } EVPPKey::EVPPKey(const char* ecCurveName): _pEVPPKey(0) { newECKey(ecCurveName); poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); } EVPPKey::EVPPKey(EVP_PKEY* pEVPPKey): _pEVPPKey(0) { duplicate(pEVPPKey, &_pEVPPKey); poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); } EVPPKey::EVPPKey(const std::string& publicKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase): _pEVPPKey(0) { if (loadKey(&_pEVPPKey, PEM_read_PrivateKey, (EVP_PKEY_get_Key_fn)0, privateKeyFile, privateKeyPassphrase)) { poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); return; // private key is enough } // no private key, this must be public key only, otherwise throw if (!loadKey(&_pEVPPKey, PEM_read_PUBKEY, (EVP_PKEY_get_Key_fn)0, publicKeyFile)) { throw OpenSSLException("ECKeyImpl(const string&, const string&, const string&"); } poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); } EVPPKey::EVPPKey(std::istream* pPublicKeyStream, std::istream* pPrivateKeyStream, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase): _pEVPPKey(0) { if (loadKey(&_pEVPPKey, PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey, (EVP_PKEY_get_Key_fn)0, pPrivateKeyStream, privateKeyPassphrase)) { poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); return; // private key is enough } // no private key, this must be public key only, otherwise throw if (!loadKey(&_pEVPPKey, PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY, (EVP_PKEY_get_Key_fn)0, pPublicKeyStream)) { throw OpenSSLException("ECKeyImpl(istream*, istream*, const string&"); } poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); } EVPPKey::EVPPKey(const EVPPKey& other) { duplicate(other._pEVPPKey, &_pEVPPKey); poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); } EVPPKey::EVPPKey(EVPPKey&& other) noexcept: _pEVPPKey(other._pEVPPKey) { other._pEVPPKey = nullptr; } EVPPKey& EVPPKey::operator = (const EVPPKey& other) { duplicate(other._pEVPPKey, &_pEVPPKey); poco_check_ptr(_pEVPPKey); return *this; } EVPPKey& EVPPKey::operator = (EVPPKey&& other) noexcept { _pEVPPKey = other._pEVPPKey; other._pEVPPKey = nullptr; return *this; } EVPPKey::~EVPPKey() { if (_pEVPPKey) EVP_PKEY_free(_pEVPPKey); } void EVPPKey::save(const std::string& publicKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyFile, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase) const { if (!publicKeyFile.empty() && (publicKeyFile != privateKeyFile)) { BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); if (!bio) throw Poco::IOException("Cannot create BIO for writing public key file", publicKeyFile); try { if (BIO_write_filename(bio, const_cast(publicKeyFile.c_str()))) { if (!PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bio, _pEVPPKey)) { throw Poco::WriteFileException("Failed to write public key to file", publicKeyFile); } } else throw Poco::CreateFileException("Cannot create public key file"); } catch (...) { BIO_free(bio); throw; } BIO_free(bio); } if (!privateKeyFile.empty()) { BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); if (!bio) throw Poco::IOException("Cannot create BIO for writing private key file", privateKeyFile); try { if (BIO_write_filename(bio, const_cast(privateKeyFile.c_str()))) { int rc = 0; if (privateKeyPassphrase.empty()) { rc = PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bio, _pEVPPKey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { rc = PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bio, _pEVPPKey, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), reinterpret_cast(const_cast(privateKeyPassphrase.c_str())), static_cast(privateKeyPassphrase.length()), 0, 0); } if (!rc) throw Poco::FileException("Failed to write private key to file", privateKeyFile); } else throw Poco::CreateFileException("Cannot create private key file", privateKeyFile); } catch (...) { BIO_free(bio); throw; } BIO_free(bio); } } void EVPPKey::save(std::ostream* pPublicKeyStream, std::ostream* pPrivateKeyStream, const std::string& privateKeyPassphrase) const { if (pPublicKeyStream && (pPublicKeyStream != pPrivateKeyStream)) { BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); if (!bio) throw Poco::IOException("Cannot create BIO for writing public key"); if (!PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bio, _pEVPPKey)) { BIO_free(bio); throw Poco::WriteFileException("Failed to write public key to stream"); } char* pData; long size = BIO_get_mem_data(bio, &pData); pPublicKeyStream->write(pData, static_cast(size)); BIO_free(bio); } if (pPrivateKeyStream) { BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); if (!bio) throw Poco::IOException("Cannot create BIO for writing public key"); int rc = 0; if (privateKeyPassphrase.empty()) rc = PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bio, _pEVPPKey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); else rc = PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(bio, _pEVPPKey, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), reinterpret_cast(const_cast(privateKeyPassphrase.c_str())), static_cast(privateKeyPassphrase.length()), 0, 0); if (!rc) { BIO_free(bio); throw Poco::FileException("Failed to write private key to stream"); } char* pData; long size = BIO_get_mem_data(bio, &pData); pPrivateKeyStream->write(pData, static_cast(size)); BIO_free(bio); } } EVP_PKEY* EVPPKey::duplicate(const EVP_PKEY* pFromKey, EVP_PKEY** pToKey) { if (!pFromKey) throw NullPointerException("EVPPKey::duplicate(): " "provided key pointer is null."); *pToKey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (!*pToKey) throw NullPointerException("EVPPKey::duplicate(): " "EVP_PKEY_new() returned null."); int keyType = type(pFromKey); switch (keyType) { case EVP_PKEY_RSA: { RSA* pRSA = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(const_cast(pFromKey)); if (pRSA) { EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(*pToKey, pRSA); RSA_free(pRSA); } else throw OpenSSLException("EVPPKey::duplicate(): EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA()"); break; } case EVP_PKEY_EC: { EC_KEY* pEC = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(const_cast(pFromKey)); if (pEC) { EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(*pToKey, pEC); EC_KEY_free(pEC); int cmp = EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters(*pToKey, pFromKey); if (cmp < 0) throw OpenSSLException("EVPPKey::duplicate(): EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters()"); if (0 == cmp) { if(!EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters(*pToKey, pFromKey)) throw OpenSSLException("EVPPKey::duplicate(): EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters()"); } } else throw OpenSSLException(); break; } default: throw NotImplementedException("EVPPKey:duplicate(); Key type: " + NumberFormatter::format(keyType)); } return *pToKey; } void EVPPKey::newECKey(const char* ecCurveName) { int curveID = OBJ_txt2nid(ecCurveName); EC_KEY* pEC = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(curveID); if (!pEC) goto err; if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(pEC)) goto err; _pEVPPKey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (!_pEVPPKey) goto err; if (!EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(_pEVPPKey, pEC)) goto err; EC_KEY_free(pEC); return; err: throw OpenSSLException("EVPPKey:newECKey()"); } void EVPPKey::setKey(ECKey* pKey) { poco_check_ptr(pKey); poco_check_ptr(pKey->impl()); setKey(pKey->impl()->getECKey()); } void EVPPKey::setKey(RSAKey* pKey) { poco_check_ptr(pKey); poco_check_ptr(pKey->impl()); setKey(pKey->impl()->getRSA()); } int EVPPKey::passCB(char* buf, int size, int, void* pass) { if (pass) { int len = (int)std::strlen((char*)pass); if(len > size) len = size; std::memcpy(buf, pass, len); return len; } return 0; } } } // namespace Poco::Crypto