.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.5
.TH "mysql_stmt_field_count" "3" "" "Version 3.2.2" "MariaDB Connector/C"
.SS Name
mysql_stmt_field_count \- Returns the number of fields in a result set
.SS Synopsis
#include <mysql.h>

unsigned int mysql_stmt_field_count(MYSQL_STMT * stmt);
.SS Description
Returns the number of fields in a result set of a prepared statement.
.SS Return value
Number of fields or zero if the prepared statement has no result set.
.SS Parameter
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\f[C]stmt\f[R] \- a statement handle, which was previously allocated by
.SS Notes
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The number of fields will be available after calling
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\f[C]mysql_stmt_field_count()\f[R] returns zero for statements which
don\[cq]t produce a result set.
.SS See Also
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