// // SocketImpl.cpp // // Library: Net // Package: Sockets // Module: SocketImpl // // Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Net/SocketImpl.h" #include "Poco/Net/NetException.h" #include "Poco/Net/StreamSocketImpl.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" #include "Poco/Timestamp.h" #include // FD_SET needs memset on some platforms, so we can't use #if defined(_WIN32) && _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 #ifndef POCO_HAVE_FD_POLL #define POCO_HAVE_FD_POLL 1 #endif #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_BSD) #ifndef POCO_HAVE_FD_POLL #define POCO_HAVE_FD_POLL 1 #endif #endif #if defined(POCO_HAVE_FD_EPOLL) #include #elif defined(POCO_HAVE_FD_POLL) #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #endif #if defined(sun) || defined(__sun) || defined(__sun__) #include #include #endif #ifdef POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS #include #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(disable:4996) // deprecation warnings #endif using Poco::IOException; using Poco::TimeoutException; using Poco::InvalidArgumentException; using Poco::NumberFormatter; using Poco::Timespan; namespace Poco { namespace Net { bool checkIsBrokenTimeout() { #if defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) return true; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) // on Windows 7 and lower, socket timeouts have a minimum of 500ms, use poll for timeouts on this case // https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/76620f6d-22b1-4872-aaf0-833204f3f867/minimum-timeout-value-for-sorcvtimeo OSVERSIONINFO vi; vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vi); if (GetVersionEx(&vi) == 0) return true; return vi.dwMajorVersion < 6 || (vi.dwMajorVersion == 6 && vi.dwMinorVersion < 2); #endif return false; } SocketImpl::SocketImpl(): _sockfd(POCO_INVALID_SOCKET), _blocking(true), _isBrokenTimeout(checkIsBrokenTimeout()) { } SocketImpl::SocketImpl(poco_socket_t sockfd): _sockfd(sockfd), _blocking(true), _isBrokenTimeout(checkIsBrokenTimeout()) { } SocketImpl::~SocketImpl() { close(); } SocketImpl* SocketImpl::acceptConnection(SocketAddress& clientAddr) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); sockaddr_storage buffer; struct sockaddr* pSA = reinterpret_cast(&buffer); poco_socklen_t saLen = sizeof(buffer); poco_socket_t sd; do { sd = ::accept(_sockfd, pSA, &saLen); } while (sd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (sd != POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { clientAddr = SocketAddress(pSA, saLen); return new StreamSocketImpl(sd); } error(); // will throw return 0; } void SocketImpl::connect(const SocketAddress& address) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { init(address.af()); } int rc; do { #if defined(POCO_VXWORKS) rc = ::connect(_sockfd, (sockaddr*) address.addr(), address.length()); #else rc = ::connect(_sockfd, address.addr(), address.length()); #endif } while (rc != 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc != 0) { int err = lastError(); error(err, address.toString()); } } void SocketImpl::connect(const SocketAddress& address, const Poco::Timespan& timeout) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { init(address.af()); } setBlocking(false); try { #if defined(POCO_VXWORKS) int rc = ::connect(_sockfd, (sockaddr*) address.addr(), address.length()); #else int rc = ::connect(_sockfd, address.addr(), address.length()); #endif if (rc != 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err != POCO_EINPROGRESS && err != POCO_EWOULDBLOCK) error(err, address.toString()); if (!poll(timeout, SELECT_READ | SELECT_WRITE | SELECT_ERROR)) throw Poco::TimeoutException("connect timed out", address.toString()); err = socketError(); if (err != 0) error(err); } } catch (Poco::Exception&) { setBlocking(true); throw; } setBlocking(true); } void SocketImpl::connectNB(const SocketAddress& address) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { init(address.af()); } setBlocking(false); #if defined(POCO_VXWORKS) int rc = ::connect(_sockfd, (sockaddr*) address.addr(), address.length()); #else int rc = ::connect(_sockfd, address.addr(), address.length()); #endif if (rc != 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err != POCO_EINPROGRESS && err != POCO_EWOULDBLOCK) error(err, address.toString()); } } void SocketImpl::bind(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress) { bind(address, reuseAddress, reuseAddress); } void SocketImpl::bind(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress, bool reusePort) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { init(address.af()); } if (reuseAddress) setReuseAddress(true); if (reusePort) setReusePort(true); #if defined(POCO_VXWORKS) int rc = ::bind(_sockfd, (sockaddr*) address.addr(), address.length()); #else int rc = ::bind(_sockfd, address.addr(), address.length()); #endif if (rc != 0) error(address.toString()); } void SocketImpl::bind6(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress, bool ipV6Only) { bind6(address, reuseAddress, reuseAddress, ipV6Only); } void SocketImpl::bind6(const SocketAddress& address, bool reuseAddress, bool reusePort, bool ipV6Only) { #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) if (address.family() != SocketAddress::IPv6) throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("SocketAddress must be an IPv6 address"); if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { init(address.af()); } #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY setOption(IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, ipV6Only ? 1 : 0); #else if (ipV6Only) throw Poco::NotImplementedException("IPV6_V6ONLY not defined."); #endif if (reuseAddress) setReuseAddress(true); if (reusePort) setReusePort(true); int rc = ::bind(_sockfd, address.addr(), address.length()); if (rc != 0) error(address.toString()); #else throw Poco::NotImplementedException("No IPv6 support available"); #endif } void SocketImpl::listen(int backlog) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); int rc = ::listen(_sockfd, backlog); if (rc != 0) error(); } void SocketImpl::close() { if (_sockfd != POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) { poco_closesocket(_sockfd); _sockfd = POCO_INVALID_SOCKET; } } void SocketImpl::shutdownReceive() { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); int rc = ::shutdown(_sockfd, 0); if (rc != 0) error(); } void SocketImpl::shutdownSend() { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); int rc = ::shutdown(_sockfd, 1); if (rc != 0) error(); } void SocketImpl::shutdown() { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); int rc = ::shutdown(_sockfd, 2); if (rc != 0) error(); } void SocketImpl::checkBrokenTimeout(SelectMode mode) { if (_isBrokenTimeout) { Poco::Timespan timeout = (mode == SELECT_READ) ? _recvTimeout : _sndTimeout; if (timeout.totalMicroseconds() != 0) { if (!poll(timeout, mode)) throw TimeoutException(); } } } int SocketImpl::sendBytes(const void* buffer, int length, int flags) { checkBrokenTimeout(SELECT_WRITE); int rc; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); rc = ::send(_sockfd, reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, flags); } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) error(); return rc; } int SocketImpl::sendBytes(const SocketBufVec& buffers, int flags) { checkBrokenTimeout(SELECT_WRITE); int rc = 0; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) DWORD sent = 0; rc = WSASend(_sockfd, const_cast(&buffers[0]), static_cast(buffers.size()), &sent, static_cast(flags), 0, 0); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) error(); rc = sent; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) rc = writev(_sockfd, &buffers[0], static_cast(buffers.size())); #endif } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) error(); return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveBytes(void* buffer, int length, int flags) { checkBrokenTimeout(SELECT_READ); int rc; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); rc = ::recv(_sockfd, reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, flags); } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err == POCO_EAGAIN && !_blocking) ; else if (err == POCO_EAGAIN || err == POCO_ETIMEDOUT) throw TimeoutException(err); else error(err); } return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveBytes(SocketBufVec& buffers, int flags) { checkBrokenTimeout(SELECT_READ); int rc = 0; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) DWORD recvd = 0; DWORD dwFlags = static_cast(flags); rc = WSARecv(_sockfd, &buffers[0], static_cast(buffers.size()), &recvd, &dwFlags, 0, 0); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) error(); rc = recvd; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) rc = readv(_sockfd, &buffers[0], static_cast(buffers.size())); #endif } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err == POCO_EAGAIN && !_blocking) ; else if (err == POCO_EAGAIN || err == POCO_ETIMEDOUT) throw TimeoutException(err); else error(err); } return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveBytes(Poco::Buffer& buffer, int flags, const Poco::Timespan& timeout) { int rc = 0; if (poll(timeout, SELECT_READ)) { int avail = available(); if (buffer.size() < avail) buffer.resize(avail); do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); rc = ::recv(_sockfd, buffer.begin(), static_cast(buffer.size()), flags); } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err == POCO_EAGAIN && !_blocking) ; else if (err == POCO_EAGAIN || err == POCO_ETIMEDOUT) throw TimeoutException(err); else error(err); } if (rc < buffer.size()) buffer.resize(rc); } return rc; } int SocketImpl::sendTo(const void* buffer, int length, const SocketAddress& address, int flags) { int rc; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) init(address.af()); #if defined(POCO_VXWORKS) rc = ::sendto(_sockfd, (char*) buffer, length, flags, (sockaddr*) address.addr(), address.length()); #else rc = ::sendto(_sockfd, reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, flags, address.addr(), address.length()); #endif } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) error(); return rc; } int SocketImpl::sendTo(const SocketBufVec& buffers, const SocketAddress& address, int flags) { int rc = 0; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) init(address.af()); #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) DWORD sent = 0; rc = WSASendTo(_sockfd, const_cast(&buffers[0]), static_cast(buffers.size()), &sent, static_cast(flags), address.addr(), address.length(), 0, 0); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) error(); rc = sent; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) struct msghdr msgHdr; msgHdr.msg_name = const_cast(address.addr()); msgHdr.msg_namelen = address.length(); msgHdr.msg_iov = const_cast(&buffers[0]); msgHdr.msg_iovlen = buffers.size(); msgHdr.msg_control = 0; msgHdr.msg_controllen = 0; msgHdr.msg_flags = flags; rc = sendmsg(_sockfd, &msgHdr, flags); #endif } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) error(); return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveFrom(void* buffer, int length, SocketAddress& address, int flags) { sockaddr_storage abuffer; struct sockaddr* pSA = reinterpret_cast(&abuffer); poco_socklen_t saLen = sizeof(abuffer); poco_socklen_t* pSALen = &saLen; int rc = receiveFrom(buffer, length, &pSA, &pSALen, flags); if (rc >= 0) { address = SocketAddress(pSA, saLen); } return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveFrom(void* buffer, int length, struct sockaddr** ppSA, poco_socklen_t** ppSALen, int flags) { checkBrokenTimeout(SELECT_READ); int rc; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); rc = ::recvfrom(_sockfd, reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, flags, *ppSA, *ppSALen); } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err == POCO_EAGAIN && !_blocking) ; else if (err == POCO_EAGAIN || err == POCO_ETIMEDOUT) throw TimeoutException(err); else error(err); } return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveFrom(SocketBufVec& buffers, SocketAddress& address, int flags) { sockaddr_storage abuffer; struct sockaddr* pSA = reinterpret_cast(&abuffer); poco_socklen_t saLen = sizeof(abuffer); poco_socklen_t* pSALen = &saLen; int rc = receiveFrom(buffers, &pSA, &pSALen, flags); if(rc >= 0) { address = SocketAddress(pSA, saLen); } return rc; } int SocketImpl::receiveFrom(SocketBufVec& buffers, struct sockaddr** pSA, poco_socklen_t** ppSALen, int flags) { checkBrokenTimeout(SELECT_READ); int rc = 0; do { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) DWORD recvd = 0; DWORD dwFlags = static_cast(flags); rc = WSARecvFrom(_sockfd, &buffers[0], static_cast(buffers.size()), &recvd, &dwFlags, *pSA, *ppSALen, 0, 0); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) error(); rc = recvd; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) struct msghdr msgHdr; msgHdr.msg_name = *pSA; msgHdr.msg_namelen = **ppSALen; msgHdr.msg_iov = &buffers[0]; msgHdr.msg_iovlen = buffers.size(); msgHdr.msg_control = 0; msgHdr.msg_controllen = 0; msgHdr.msg_flags = flags; rc = recvmsg(_sockfd, &msgHdr, flags); if (rc >= 0) **ppSALen = msgHdr.msg_namelen; #endif } while (_blocking && rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) { int err = lastError(); if (err == POCO_EAGAIN && !_blocking) ; else if (err == POCO_EAGAIN || err == POCO_ETIMEDOUT) throw TimeoutException(err); else error(err); } return rc; } void SocketImpl::sendUrgent(unsigned char data) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); int rc = ::send(_sockfd, reinterpret_cast(&data), sizeof(data), MSG_OOB); if (rc < 0) error(); } int SocketImpl::available() { int result = 0; ioctl(FIONREAD, result); return result; } bool SocketImpl::secure() const { return false; } bool SocketImpl::poll(const Poco::Timespan& timeout, int mode) { poco_socket_t sockfd = _sockfd; if (sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); #if defined(POCO_HAVE_FD_EPOLL) int epollfd = epoll_create(1); if (epollfd < 0) { error("Can't create epoll queue"); } struct epoll_event evin; memset(&evin, 0, sizeof(evin)); if (mode & SELECT_READ) evin.events |= EPOLLIN; if (mode & SELECT_WRITE) evin.events |= EPOLLOUT; if (mode & SELECT_ERROR) evin.events |= EPOLLERR; if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sockfd, &evin) < 0) { ::close(epollfd); error("Can't insert socket to epoll queue"); } Poco::Timespan remainingTime(timeout); int rc; do { struct epoll_event evout; memset(&evout, 0, sizeof(evout)); Poco::Timestamp start; rc = epoll_wait(epollfd, &evout, 1, remainingTime.totalMilliseconds()); if (rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR) { Poco::Timestamp end; Poco::Timespan waited = end - start; if (waited < remainingTime) remainingTime -= waited; else remainingTime = 0; } } while (rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); ::close(epollfd); if (rc < 0) error(); return rc > 0; #elif defined(POCO_HAVE_FD_POLL) pollfd pollBuf; memset(&pollBuf, 0, sizeof(pollfd)); pollBuf.fd = _sockfd; if (mode & SELECT_READ) pollBuf.events |= POLLIN; if (mode & SELECT_WRITE) pollBuf.events |= POLLOUT; Poco::Timespan remainingTime(timeout); int rc; do { Poco::Timestamp start; #ifdef _WIN32 rc = WSAPoll(&pollBuf, 1, static_cast(remainingTime.totalMilliseconds())); #else rc = ::poll(&pollBuf, 1, remainingTime.totalMilliseconds()); #endif if (rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR) { Poco::Timestamp end; Poco::Timespan waited = end - start; if (waited < remainingTime) remainingTime -= waited; else remainingTime = 0; } } while (rc < 0 && lastError() == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) error(); return rc > 0; #else fd_set fdRead; fd_set fdWrite; fd_set fdExcept; FD_ZERO(&fdRead); FD_ZERO(&fdWrite); FD_ZERO(&fdExcept); if (mode & SELECT_READ) { FD_SET(sockfd, &fdRead); } if (mode & SELECT_WRITE) { FD_SET(sockfd, &fdWrite); } if (mode & SELECT_ERROR) { FD_SET(sockfd, &fdExcept); } Poco::Timespan remainingTime(timeout); int errorCode = POCO_ENOERR; int rc; do { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = (long) remainingTime.totalSeconds(); tv.tv_usec = (long) remainingTime.useconds(); Poco::Timestamp start; rc = ::select(int(sockfd) + 1, &fdRead, &fdWrite, &fdExcept, &tv); if (rc < 0 && (errorCode = lastError()) == POCO_EINTR) { Poco::Timestamp end; Poco::Timespan waited = end - start; if (waited < remainingTime) remainingTime -= waited; else remainingTime = 0; } } while (rc < 0 && errorCode == POCO_EINTR); if (rc < 0) error(errorCode); return rc > 0; #endif // POCO_HAVE_FD_EPOLL } void SocketImpl::setSendBufferSize(int size) { setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, size); } int SocketImpl::getSendBufferSize() { int result; getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, result); return result; } void SocketImpl::setReceiveBufferSize(int size) { setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, size); } int SocketImpl::getReceiveBufferSize() { int result; getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, result); return result; } void SocketImpl::setSendTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) int value = (int) timeout.totalMilliseconds(); setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, value); #elif !defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout); #endif if (_isBrokenTimeout) _sndTimeout = timeout; } Poco::Timespan SocketImpl::getSendTimeout() { Timespan result; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) int value; getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, value); result = Timespan::TimeDiff(value)*1000; #elif !defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, result); #endif if (_isBrokenTimeout) result = _sndTimeout; return result; } void SocketImpl::setReceiveTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout) { #ifndef POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS #if defined(_WIN32) int value = (int) timeout.totalMilliseconds(); setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, value); #else setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, timeout); #endif #endif if (_isBrokenTimeout) _recvTimeout = timeout; } Poco::Timespan SocketImpl::getReceiveTimeout() { Timespan result; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) int value; getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, value); result = Timespan::TimeDiff(value)*1000; #elif !defined(POCO_BROKEN_TIMEOUTS) getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, result); #endif if (_isBrokenTimeout) result = _recvTimeout; return result; } SocketAddress SocketImpl::address() { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); sockaddr_storage buffer; struct sockaddr* pSA = reinterpret_cast(&buffer); poco_socklen_t saLen = sizeof(buffer); int rc = ::getsockname(_sockfd, pSA, &saLen); if (rc == 0) return SocketAddress(pSA, saLen); else error(); return SocketAddress(); } SocketAddress SocketImpl::peerAddress() { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); sockaddr_storage buffer; struct sockaddr* pSA = reinterpret_cast(&buffer); poco_socklen_t saLen = sizeof(buffer); int rc = ::getpeername(_sockfd, pSA, &saLen); if (rc == 0) return SocketAddress(pSA, saLen); else error(); return SocketAddress(); } void SocketImpl::setOption(int level, int option, int value) { setRawOption(level, option, &value, sizeof(value)); } void SocketImpl::setOption(int level, int option, unsigned value) { setRawOption(level, option, &value, sizeof(value)); } void SocketImpl::setOption(int level, int option, unsigned char value) { setRawOption(level, option, &value, sizeof(value)); } void SocketImpl::setOption(int level, int option, const IPAddress& value) { setRawOption(level, option, value.addr(), value.length()); } void SocketImpl::setOption(int level, int option, const Poco::Timespan& value) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = (long) value.totalSeconds(); tv.tv_usec = (long) value.useconds(); setRawOption(level, option, &tv, sizeof(tv)); } void SocketImpl::setRawOption(int level, int option, const void* value, poco_socklen_t length) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); #if defined(POCO_VXWORKS) int rc = ::setsockopt(_sockfd, level, option, (char*) value, length); #else int rc = ::setsockopt(_sockfd, level, option, reinterpret_cast(value), length); #endif if (rc == -1) error(); } void SocketImpl::getOption(int level, int option, int& value) { poco_socklen_t len = sizeof(value); getRawOption(level, option, &value, len); } void SocketImpl::getOption(int level, int option, unsigned& value) { poco_socklen_t len = sizeof(value); getRawOption(level, option, &value, len); } void SocketImpl::getOption(int level, int option, unsigned char& value) { poco_socklen_t len = sizeof(value); getRawOption(level, option, &value, len); } void SocketImpl::getOption(int level, int option, Poco::Timespan& value) { struct timeval tv; poco_socklen_t len = sizeof(tv); getRawOption(level, option, &tv, len); value.assign(tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec); } void SocketImpl::getOption(int level, int option, IPAddress& value) { char buffer[IPAddress::MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; poco_socklen_t len = sizeof(buffer); getRawOption(level, option, buffer, len); value = IPAddress(buffer, len); } void SocketImpl::getRawOption(int level, int option, void* value, poco_socklen_t& length) { if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) throw InvalidSocketException(); int rc = ::getsockopt(_sockfd, level, option, reinterpret_cast(value), &length); if (rc == -1) error(); } void SocketImpl::setLinger(bool on, int seconds) { struct linger l; l.l_onoff = on ? 1 : 0; l.l_linger = seconds; setRawOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &l, sizeof(l)); } void SocketImpl::getLinger(bool& on, int& seconds) { struct linger l; poco_socklen_t len = sizeof(l); getRawOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &l, len); on = l.l_onoff != 0; seconds = l.l_linger; } void SocketImpl::setNoDelay(bool flag) { int value = flag ? 1 : 0; setOption(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, value); } bool SocketImpl::getNoDelay() { int value(0); getOption(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, value); return value != 0; } void SocketImpl::setKeepAlive(bool flag) { int value = flag ? 1 : 0; setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, value); } bool SocketImpl::getKeepAlive() { int value(0); getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, value); return value != 0; } void SocketImpl::setReuseAddress(bool flag) { int value = flag ? 1 : 0; setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, value); } bool SocketImpl::getReuseAddress() { int value(0); getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, value); return value != 0; } void SocketImpl::setReusePort(bool flag) { #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT try { int value = flag ? 1 : 0; setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, value); } catch (IOException&) { // ignore error, since not all implementations // support SO_REUSEPORT, even if the macro // is defined. } #endif } bool SocketImpl::getReusePort() { #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT int value(0); getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, value); return value != 0; #else return false; #endif } void SocketImpl::setOOBInline(bool flag) { int value = flag ? 1 : 0; setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, value); } bool SocketImpl::getOOBInline() { int value(0); getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, value); return value != 0; } void SocketImpl::setBroadcast(bool flag) { int value = flag ? 1 : 0; setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, value); } bool SocketImpl::getBroadcast() { int value(0); getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, value); return value != 0; } void SocketImpl::setBlocking(bool flag) { #if !defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) int arg = flag ? 0 : 1; ioctl(FIONBIO, arg); #else int arg = fcntl(F_GETFL); long flags = arg & ~O_NONBLOCK; if (!flag) flags |= O_NONBLOCK; (void) fcntl(F_SETFL, flags); #endif _blocking = flag; } int SocketImpl::socketError() { int result(0); getOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, result); return result; } void SocketImpl::init(int af) { initSocket(af, SOCK_STREAM); } void SocketImpl::initSocket(int af, int type, int proto) { poco_assert (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET); _sockfd = ::socket(af, type, proto); if (_sockfd == POCO_INVALID_SOCKET) error(); #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) // SIGPIPE sends a signal that if unhandled (which is the default) // will crash the process. This only happens on UNIX, and not Linux. // // In order to have POCO sockets behave the same across platforms, it is // best to just ignore SIGPIPE altogether. setOption(SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, 1); #endif } void SocketImpl::ioctl(poco_ioctl_request_t request, int& arg) { #if defined(_WIN32) int rc = ioctlsocket(_sockfd, request, reinterpret_cast(&arg)); #elif defined(POCO_VXWORKS) int rc = ::ioctl(_sockfd, request, (int) &arg); #else int rc = ::ioctl(_sockfd, request, &arg); #endif if (rc != 0) error(); } void SocketImpl::ioctl(poco_ioctl_request_t request, void* arg) { #if defined(_WIN32) int rc = ioctlsocket(_sockfd, request, reinterpret_cast(arg)); #elif defined(POCO_VXWORKS) int rc = ::ioctl(_sockfd, request, (int) arg); #else int rc = ::ioctl(_sockfd, request, arg); #endif if (rc != 0) error(); } #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) int SocketImpl::fcntl(poco_fcntl_request_t request) { int rc = ::fcntl(_sockfd, request); if (rc == -1) error(); return rc; } int SocketImpl::fcntl(poco_fcntl_request_t request, long arg) { int rc = ::fcntl(_sockfd, request, arg); if (rc == -1) error(); return rc; } #endif void SocketImpl::reset(poco_socket_t aSocket) { _sockfd = aSocket; } void SocketImpl::error() { int err = lastError(); std::string empty; error(err, empty); } void SocketImpl::error(const std::string& arg) { error(lastError(), arg); } void SocketImpl::error(int code) { std::string arg; error(code, arg); } void SocketImpl::error(int code, const std::string& arg) { switch (code) { case POCO_ENOERR: return; case POCO_ESYSNOTREADY: throw NetException("Net subsystem not ready", code); case POCO_ENOTINIT: throw NetException("Net subsystem not initialized", code); case POCO_EINTR: throw IOException("Interrupted", code); case POCO_EACCES: throw IOException("Permission denied", code); case POCO_EFAULT: throw IOException("Bad address", code); case POCO_EINVAL: throw InvalidArgumentException(code); case POCO_EMFILE: throw IOException("Too many open files", code); case POCO_EWOULDBLOCK: throw IOException("Operation would block", code); case POCO_EINPROGRESS: throw IOException("Operation now in progress", code); case POCO_EALREADY: throw IOException("Operation already in progress", code); case POCO_ENOTSOCK: throw IOException("Socket operation attempted on non-socket", code); case POCO_EDESTADDRREQ: throw NetException("Destination address required", code); case POCO_EMSGSIZE: throw NetException("Message too long", code); case POCO_EPROTOTYPE: throw NetException("Wrong protocol type", code); case POCO_ENOPROTOOPT: throw NetException("Protocol not available", code); case POCO_EPROTONOSUPPORT: throw NetException("Protocol not supported", code); case POCO_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: throw NetException("Socket type not supported", code); case POCO_ENOTSUP: throw NetException("Operation not supported", code); case POCO_EPFNOSUPPORT: throw NetException("Protocol family not supported", code); case POCO_EAFNOSUPPORT: throw NetException("Address family not supported", code); case POCO_EADDRINUSE: throw NetException("Address already in use", arg, code); case POCO_EADDRNOTAVAIL: throw NetException("Cannot assign requested address", arg, code); case POCO_ENETDOWN: throw NetException("Network is down", code); case POCO_ENETUNREACH: throw NetException("Network is unreachable", code); case POCO_ENETRESET: throw NetException("Network dropped connection on reset", code); case POCO_ECONNABORTED: throw ConnectionAbortedException(code); case POCO_ECONNRESET: throw ConnectionResetException(code); case POCO_ENOBUFS: throw IOException("No buffer space available", code); case POCO_EISCONN: throw NetException("Socket is already connected", code); case POCO_ENOTCONN: throw NetException("Socket is not connected", code); case POCO_ESHUTDOWN: throw NetException("Cannot send after socket shutdown", code); case POCO_ETIMEDOUT: throw TimeoutException(code); case POCO_ECONNREFUSED: throw ConnectionRefusedException(arg, code); case POCO_EHOSTDOWN: throw NetException("Host is down", arg, code); case POCO_EHOSTUNREACH: throw NetException("No route to host", arg, code); #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) case EPIPE: throw IOException("Broken pipe", code); case EBADF: throw IOException("Bad socket descriptor", code); case ENOENT: throw IOException("Not found", arg, code); #endif default: throw IOException(NumberFormatter::format(code), arg, code); } } } } // namespace Poco::Net