#!/usr/bin/env perl # Note to run this you will probably want to build with ./configure # --disable-shared. You don't want to valgrind the libtool script. # # Also make sure you compile the tests first (`make check'). use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename qw( basename ); use FindBin qw( $Bin ); use IPC::Run3; my $top_dir = "$Bin/.."; my $output; my @tests; push @tests, glob "$top_dir/t/*_t"; push @tests, glob "$top_dir/t/*-t"; my @mmdblookup = ( "$top_dir/bin/mmdblookup", '--file', "$top_dir/t/maxmind-db/test-data/MaxMind-DB-test-decoder.mmdb", '--ip', ); # We want IPv4 and IPv6 addresses - one of each that exists in the db and one # that doesn't my @ips = ( '', '', 'abcd::', '0900::' ); my @cmds = ( ( map { [ @mmdblookup, $_ ] } @ips ), ( map { [$_] } @tests ), ); for my $cmd (@cmds) { my $output; run3( [ qw( valgrind -v --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all -- ), @{$cmd} ], \undef, \$output, \$output, ); $output =~ s/^(?!=).*\n//mg; my $marker = '-' x 60; print $marker, "\n", ( join q{ }, basename( shift @{$cmd} ), @{$cmd} ), "\n", $marker, "\n", $output, "\n\n"; }