// // StrategyCollection.h // // Library: Foundation // Package: Cache // Module: StrategyCollection // // Definition of the StrategyCollection class. // // Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_StrategyCollection_INCLUDED #define Foundation_StrategyCollection_INCLUDED #include "Poco/KeyValueArgs.h" #include "Poco/ValidArgs.h" #include "Poco/AbstractStrategy.h" #include "Poco/SharedPtr.h" #include <vector> namespace Poco { template <class TKey, class TValue> class StrategyCollection: public AbstractStrategy<TKey, TValue> /// An StrategyCollection is a decorator masking n collections as a single one. { public: using Strategies = std::vector<SharedPtr<AbstractStrategy<TKey, TValue>>>; using Iterator = typename Strategies::iterator; using ConstIterator = typename Strategies::const_iterator; public: StrategyCollection() { } ~StrategyCollection() { } void pushBack(AbstractStrategy<TKey, TValue>* pStrat) /// Adds an AbstractStrategy to the collection. Class takes ownership of pointer { _strategies.push_back(SharedPtr<AbstractStrategy<TKey, TValue>>(pStrat)); } void popBack() /// Removes the last added AbstractStrategy from the collection. { _strategies.pop_back(); } void onAdd(const void* pSender, const KeyValueArgs <TKey, TValue>& key) /// Adds the key to the strategy. /// If for the key already an entry exists, it will be overwritten. { Iterator it = _strategies.begin(); Iterator endIt = _strategies.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { (*it)->onAdd(pSender, key); } } void onRemove(const void* pSender, const TKey& key) /// Removes an entry from the strategy. If the entry is not found /// the remove is ignored. { Iterator it = _strategies.begin(); Iterator endIt = _strategies.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { (*it)->onRemove(pSender, key); } } void onGet(const void* pSender, const TKey& key) { Iterator it = _strategies.begin(); Iterator endIt = _strategies.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { (*it)->onGet(pSender, key); } } void onClear(const void* pSender, const EventArgs& args) { Iterator it = _strategies.begin(); Iterator endIt = _strategies.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { (*it)->onClear(pSender, args); } } void onIsValid(const void* pSender, ValidArgs<TKey>& key) { Iterator it = _strategies.begin(); Iterator endIt = _strategies.end(); for (; it != endIt && key.isValid(); ++it) { (*it)->onIsValid(pSender, key); } } void onReplace(const void* pSender, std::set<TKey>& elemsToRemove) { Iterator it = _strategies.begin(); Iterator endIt = _strategies.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { (*it)->onReplace(pSender, elemsToRemove); } } protected: Strategies _strategies; }; } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_StrategyCollection_INCLUDED