// // ICMPPacketImpl.cpp // // Library: Net // Package: ICMP // Module: ICMPPacketImpl // // Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Net/ICMPPacketImpl.h" #include "Poco/Net/NetException.h" #include "Poco/Timestamp.h" #include "Poco/Timespan.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" #include using Poco::InvalidArgumentException; using Poco::Timestamp; using Poco::Timespan; using Poco::NumberFormatter; using Poco::UInt8; using Poco::UInt16; using Poco::Int32; namespace Poco { namespace Net { const UInt16 ICMPPacketImpl::MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 65535; const UInt16 ICMPPacketImpl::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 65507; const UInt16 ICMPPacketImpl::MAX_SEQ_VALUE = 65535; ICMPPacketImpl::ICMPPacketImpl(int dataSize): _seq(0), _pPacket(new UInt8[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]), _dataSize(dataSize) { if (_dataSize > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) throw InvalidArgumentException("Packet size must be <= " + NumberFormatter::format(MAX_PACKET_SIZE)); } ICMPPacketImpl::~ICMPPacketImpl() { delete [] _pPacket; } void ICMPPacketImpl::setDataSize(int dataSize) { _dataSize = dataSize; initPacket(); } int ICMPPacketImpl::getDataSize() const { return _dataSize; } const Poco::UInt8* ICMPPacketImpl::packet(bool init) { if (init) initPacket(); return _pPacket; } unsigned short ICMPPacketImpl::checksum(UInt16 *addr, Int32 len) { Int32 nleft = len; UInt16* w = addr; UInt16 answer; Int32 sum = 0; while (nleft > 1) { sum += *w++; nleft -= sizeof(UInt16); } if (nleft == 1) { UInt16 u = 0; *(UInt8*) (&u) = *(UInt8*) w; sum += u; } sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); answer = ~sum; return answer; } } } // namespace Poco::Net