// SqratUtil: Squirrel Utilities

// Copyright (c) 2009 Brandon Jones
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
//  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
//  claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
//  in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
//  appreciated but is not required.
//  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
//  misrepresented as being the original software.
//  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
//  distribution.

#pragma once

#include <squirrelex.h>
#include <sqstdstring.h>

#include <cassert>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <exception>
#include <unordered_map>

#include <Poco/Exception.h>

namespace SqMod {
extern void ExtendedFormatProcess(StackStrF & ss, SQInteger top);
} // Namespace:: SqMod

namespace Sqrat {

#if defined(__GNUC__)
    #define SQ_UNREACHABLE __builtin_unreachable();
#elif defined(_MSVC)
static _Noreturn void unreachable() { return; }
    #define SQ_UNREACHABLE ::Sqrat::unreachable();
    #define SQ_UNREACHABLE assert(0);

/// @cond DEV

/// Define an inline function to avoid MSVC's "conditional expression is constant" warning
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    template <typename T>
    inline T _c_def(T value) { return value; }
    #define SQRAT_CONST_CONDITION(value) _c_def(value)
    #define SQRAT_CONST_CONDITION(value) value

// Define helpers to create portable import / export macros
#if defined(SCRAT_EXPORT)
    #if defined(_WIN32)
        // Windows compilers need a specific keyword for export
        #define SQRAT_API __declspec(dllexport)
        #if __GNUC__ >= 4
            // GCC 4 has special keywords for showing/hiding symbols,
            // the same keyword is used for both importing and exporting
            #define SQRAT_API __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default")))
            // GCC < 4 has no mechanism to explicitly hide symbols, everything's exported
            #define SQRAT_API

#elif defined(SCRAT_IMPORT)
    #if defined(_WIN32)
        // Windows compilers need a specific keyword for import
        #define SQRAT_API __declspec(dllimport)
        #if __GNUC__ >= 4
            // GCC 4 has special keywords for showing/hiding symbols,
            // the same keyword is used for both importing and exporting
            #define SQRAT_API __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default")))
            // GCC < 4 has no mechanism to explicitly hide symbols, everything's exported
            #define SQRAT_API
    #define SQRAT_API

/// Define macros for internal error handling
    #define SQCATCH(vm)          if (SQRAT_CONST_CONDITION(false))
    #define SQCLEAR(vm)
    #define SQRETHROW(vm)
    #define SQTHROW(vm, err)
    #define SQTRY()
    #define SQWHAT(vm)           _SC("")
    #define SQWHAT_NOEXCEPT(vm)  _SC("")
#elif defined (SCRAT_USE_EXCEPTIONS)
    #define SQCATCH(vm)          } catch (const std::exception& e)
    #define SQCLEAR(vm)
    #ifdef _MSC_VER // avoid MSVC's "unreachable code" warning
        #define SQRETHROW(vm)      if (SQRAT_CONST_CONDITION(true)) throw
        #define SQTHROW(vm, err)   if (SQRAT_CONST_CONDITION(true)) throw ::Sqrat::Exception(err)
        #define SQRETHROW(vm)      throw
        #define SQTHROW(vm, err)   throw ::Sqrat::Exception(err)
    #define SQTRY()              try {
    #define SQWHAT(vm)           e.what()
    #define SQWHAT_NOEXCEPT(vm)  _SC("")
    #define SQCATCH(vm)          if (SQRAT_CONST_CONDITION(false))
    #define SQCATCH_NOEXCEPT(vm) if (Error::Occurred(vm))
    #define SQCLEAR(vm)          Error::Clear(vm)
    #define SQRETHROW(vm)
    #define SQTHROW(vm, err)     Error::Throw(vm, err)
    #define SQTRY()
    #define SQWHAT(vm)           _SC("")
    #define SQWHAT_NOEXCEPT(vm)  Error::Message(vm).c_str()

/// Removes unused variable warnings in a way that Doxygen can understand
template <typename T>
inline void SQUNUSED(const T&) {

/// @endcond

/// Defines a string that is definitely compatible with the version of Squirrel being used (normally this is std::string)
typedef std::basic_string<SQChar> string;

/// @cond DEV
/* from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15333259/c-stdwstring-to-stdstring-quick-and-dirty-conversion-for-use-as-key-in,
   only works for ASCII chars */
* Convert a std::string into a std::wstring
static std::wstring string_to_wstring(const std::string& str)
    return std::wstring(str.begin(), str.end());

* Convert a std::wstring into a std::string
static std::string wstring_to_string(const std::wstring& wstr)
    return std::string(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());

#endif // SQUNICODE
template < class T >
struct SqDefaultAllocator;
template < class T >
struct SqDefaultDelete;
template < class T >
struct SqDefaultDestructor;

template <class T, class D=SqDefaultDelete<T>>
class SharedPtr;

template <class T, class D=SqDefaultDelete<T>>
class WeakPtr;

/// @endcond

/// Provides the member typedef `type` that names T (i.e., the identity transformation).
template< class T > struct SqTypeIdentity { using type = T; };

/// Disambiguation tags that can be passed to constructors to indicate that the contained object should be constructed in-place.
struct SqInPlace {
    explicit SqInPlace() = default;
/// Disambiguation tags that can be passed to constructors to indicate that the contained object should be constructed in-place, and the type of the object to be constructed.
template < class > struct SqInPlaceType {
    explicit SqInPlaceType() = default;
/// Disambiguation tags that can be passed to constructors to indicate that the contained object should be constructed in-place, and the type of the object to be constructed.
template < size_t > struct SqInPlaceIndex {
    explicit SqInPlaceIndex() = default;
/// Disambiguation tags that can be passed to constructors to indicate that the contained object should be constructed in-place with formatting support.
struct SqInPlaceFormat {
    explicit SqInPlaceFormat() = default;

/// Helper class that defines a VM that can be used as a fallback VM in case no other one is given to a piece of code
class DefaultVM {
    static HSQUIRRELVM& StaticVM() {
        static HSQUIRRELVM vm;
        return vm;
    // Gets the default VM (copy)
    static inline HSQUIRRELVM Get() {
        return StaticVM();
    // Gets the default VM (reference)
    static inline HSQUIRRELVM & Get_() {
        return StaticVM();
    // Sets the default VM to a given VM
    static inline void Set(HSQUIRRELVM vm) {
        StaticVM() = vm;

/// Alias for SqVM()
inline HSQUIRRELVM SqVM() noexcept { return DefaultVM::Get_(); }

/// The class that must be used to deal with errors that Sqrat has
/// \remarks
/// When documentation in Sqrat says, "This function MUST have its error handled if it occurred," that
/// means that after the function has been run, you must call Error::Occurred to see if the function
/// ran successfully. If the function did not run successfully, then you MUST either call Error::Clear
/// or Error::Message to clear the error buffer so new ones may occur and Sqrat does not get confused.
/// \remarks
/// Any error thrown inside of a bound C++ function will be thrown in the given Squirrel VM and
/// automatically handled.
/// \remarks
/// If compiling with SCRAT_USE_EXCEPTIONS defined, Sqrat will throw exceptions instead of using this
/// class to handle errors. This means that functions must be enclosed in try blocks that catch
/// Sqrat::Exception instead of checking for errors with Error::Occurred.
/// \remarks
/// If compiling with SCRAT_NO_ERROR_CHECKING defined, Sqrat will run significantly faster,
/// but it will no longer check for errors and the Error class itself will not be defined.
/// In this mode, a Squirrel script may crash the C++ application if errors occur in it.
class Error {

    /// Clears the error associated with a given VM
    /// \param vm Target VM
    static void Clear(HSQUIRRELVM vm) {
        sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
        sq_rawdeleteslot(vm, -2, false);
        sq_pop(vm, 1);

    /// Clears the error associated with a given VM and returns the associated error message
    /// \param vm Target VM
    /// \return String containing a nice error message
    static string Message(HSQUIRRELVM vm) {
        sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_rawget(vm, -2))) {
            string** ud;
            sq_getuserdata(vm, -1, (SQUserPointer*)&ud, nullptr);
            sq_pop(vm, 1);
            string err = **ud;
            sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
            sq_rawdeleteslot(vm, -2, false);
            sq_pop(vm, 1);
            return err;
        sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
        sq_rawdeleteslot(vm, -2, false);
        sq_pop(vm, 1);
        return string(_SC("an unknown error has occurred"));

    /// Returns whether a Sqrat error has occurred with a given VM
    /// \param vm Target VM
    /// \return True if an error has occurred, otherwise false
    static bool Occurred(HSQUIRRELVM vm) {
        sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
        if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_rawget(vm, -2))) {
            sq_pop(vm, 2);
            return true;
        sq_pop(vm, 1);
        return false;

    /// Raises an error in a given VM with a given error message
    /// \param vm  Target VM
    /// \param err A nice error message
    static void Throw(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const string& err) {
        sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
        if (SQ_FAILED(sq_rawget(vm, -2))) {
            sq_pushstring(vm, "__error", -1);
            string** ud = reinterpret_cast<string**>(sq_newuserdata(vm, sizeof(string*)));
            *ud = new string(err);
            sq_setreleasehook(vm, -1, &error_cleanup_hook);
            sq_rawset(vm, -3);
            sq_pop(vm, 1);
        sq_pop(vm, 2);


    Error() {}

    static SQInteger error_cleanup_hook(SQUserPointer ptr, SQInteger size) {
        string** ud = reinterpret_cast<string**>(ptr);
        delete *ud;
        return 0;

/// Tells Sqrat whether Squirrel error handling should be used
/// \remarks
/// If true, if a runtime error occurs during the execution of a call, the VM will invoke its error handler.
class ErrorHandling {

    static bool& errorHandling() {
        static bool eh = true;
        return eh;


    /// Returns whether Squirrel error handling is enabled
    /// \return True if error handling is enabled, otherwise false
    static bool IsEnabled() {
        return errorHandling();

    /// Enables or disables Squirrel error handling
    /// \param enable True to enable, false to disable
    static void Enable(bool enable) {
        errorHandling() = enable;

/// Sqrat exception class
/// \remarks
/// Used only when SCRAT_USE_EXCEPTIONS is defined (see Sqrat::Error)
class Exception : public std::exception {

    /// Constructs an exception
    /// \param msg A nice error message
    explicit Exception(const SQChar* msg) : message(msg) {}

    /// Constructs an exception
    /// \param msg A nice error message
    /// \param len Length of the message
    Exception(const SQChar * msg, SQInteger len) : message(msg, static_cast< size_t >(len > 0 ? len : 0)) { }

    /// Constructs an exception
    /// \param msg A nice error message
    explicit Exception(string&& msg) noexcept : message(std::move(msg)) {}

    /// Constructs an exception
    /// \param msg A nice error message
    explicit Exception(const string & msg) : message(msg) {}

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param ex Exception to copy
    Exception(const Exception& ex) noexcept : message(ex.message) { }

    /// Move constructor
    /// \param ex Exception to move
    Exception(Exception&& ex) noexcept = default;

    /// Returns a string identifying the exception
    /// \return A nice error message
    SQMOD_NODISCARD const string& Message() const noexcept {
        return message;

    /// Returns a C string identifying the exception
    /// \return A nice error message
    SQMOD_NODISCARD const SQChar* what() const noexcept override {
        return message.c_str();


    string message;

/// Returns a string that has been formatted to give a nice type error message (for usage with Class::SquirrelFunc)
/// \param vm           VM the error occurred with
/// \param idx          Index on the stack of the argument that had a type error
/// \param expectedType The name of the type that the argument should have been
/// \return String containing a nice type error message
inline string FormatTypeError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx, const string& expectedType) {
    string err = _SC("wrong type (") + expectedType + _SC(" expected");
#if (SQUIRREL_VERSION_NUMBER>= 200) && (SQUIRREL_VERSION_NUMBER < 300) // Squirrel 2.x
    err = err + _SC(")");
#else // Squirrel 3.x
    if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_typeof(vm, idx))) {
        const SQChar* actualType;
        sq_tostring(vm, -1);
        sq_getstring(vm, -1, &actualType);
        sq_pop(vm, 2);
        err = err + _SC(", got ") + actualType + _SC(")");
    } else {
        err = err + _SC(", got unknown)");
    return err;

/// Returns the last error that occurred with a Squirrel VM (not associated with Sqrat errors)
/// \param vm Target VM
/// \return String containing a nice error message
inline string LastErrorString(HSQUIRRELVM vm) {
    const SQChar* sqErr;
    SQInteger size;
    if (sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_NULL) {
        sq_pop(vm, 1);
        return string();
    if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_tostring(vm, -1)))
        sq_getstringandsize(vm, -1, &sqErr, &size);
        sqErr = _SC("unknown error");
        size = strlen(sqErr);
    sq_pop(vm, 2);
    return string(sqErr, static_cast< size_t >(size));
/// Primary template of `SqDefaultAllocator`.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultAllocator {
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Type of value used to store a single element of the given type with the proper alignment.
    using StorageType = typename std::aligned_storage< sizeof(T), alignof(T) >::type;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Allocate memory (possibly uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    template < class... A > static T * New(A&&... a) { return new T(std::forward< A >(a)...); }
    // Allocate memory (preferably uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    static T * NewRaw() { return reinterpret_cast< T * >(new StorageType); }
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Allocate memory (possibly uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    template < class... A > static T * NewN(size_t n, A&&... a) {
        T * p = NewRawN(n);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            new (&p[i]) T(std::forward< A >(a)...); // Invoke constructor
        return p;
    // Allocate memory (preferably uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    static T * NewRawN(size_t n) { return reinterpret_cast< T * >(new StorageType[n]); }
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Deallocate memory (possibly uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    static void Delete(T * p) { delete p; }
    // Deallocate memory (preferably uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    static void DeleteRaw(T * p) { delete reinterpret_cast< StorageType * >(p); }
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Deallocate memory (possibly uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    static void Delete(T * p, size_t SQ_UNUSED_ARG(n)) { delete[] p; }
    // Deallocate memory (preferably uninitialized) for the specialized type.
    static void DeleteRaw(T * p, size_t SQ_UNUSED_ARG(n)) { delete[] reinterpret_cast< StorageType * >(p); }
// ====================================================================================================================
/// Primary template of `SqDefaultDelete`. Will invoke the instance destructor and free the associated memory.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultDelete {
    // The type given via template parameter.
    using ValueType = T;
    // Default constructor.
    constexpr SqDefaultDelete() noexcept = default;
    // Function call operator that forwards the call to delete on the given pointer.
    void operator () (T * p) const {
        static_assert(!std::is_void< T >::value, "Cannot delete pointer to incomplete type.");
        static_assert(sizeof(T), "Cannot delete pointer to incomplete type.");
        delete p;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Specialization of `SqDefaultDelete` for arrays. Will invoke each instance destructor and free the associated memory.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultDelete< T[] > {
    // The type given via template parameter.
    using ValueType = T;
    // Default constructor.
    constexpr SqDefaultDelete() noexcept = default;
    // Function call operator that forwards the call to delete on the given pointer.
    void operator () (T * p, size_t SQ_UNUSED_ARG(n)) const {
        static_assert(sizeof(T), "Cannot delete pointer to incomplete type.");
        delete[] p;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Omit specialization for array objects with a compile time length.
template < class T, unsigned N > struct SqDefaultDelete< T[N] >;
// ====================================================================================================================
/// Primary template of `SqDefaultNoDelete`. Will do absolutely nothing.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultNoDelete {
    // The type given via template parameter.
    using ValueType = T;
    // Default constructor.
    constexpr SqDefaultNoDelete() noexcept = default;
    // Dummy function call operator.
    void operator () (T * SQ_UNUSED_ARG(p)) const { }
// ====================================================================================================================
/// Primary template of `SqDefaultDestructor`. Will only invoke the instance destructor and not free the associated memory.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultDestructor {
    // The type given via template parameter.
    using ValueType = T;
    // Default constructor.
    constexpr SqDefaultDestructor() noexcept = default;
    // Function call operator that forwards the call ro `~T()` on the given pointer.
    void operator () (T * p) const {
        static_assert(!std::is_void< T >::value, "Cannot destroy pointer to incomplete type.");
        static_assert(sizeof(T), "Cannot destroy pointer to incomplete type.");
        assert(p == nullptr);
/// Specialization of `SqDefaultDestructor` for arrays. Will only invoke each instance destructor and not free the associated memory.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultDestructor< T[] > {
    // The type given via template parameter.
    using ValueType = T;
    // Default constructor.
    constexpr SqDefaultDestructor() noexcept = default;
    // Function call operator that forwards the call to `~T()` on the given pointer.
    void operator () (T * p, size_t SQ_UNUSED_ARG(n)) const {
        static_assert(sizeof(T), "Cannot destroy pointer to incomplete type.");
        assert(p == nullptr && n > 0);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) p[i].~T(); // Invoke destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Omit specialization for array objects with a compile time length.
template < class T, unsigned N > struct SqDefaultDestructor< T[N] >;

// ====================================================================================================================
/// Primary template of `SqDefaultNoDestructor`. Will do absolutely nothing.
template < class T > struct SqDefaultNoDestructor {
    // The type given via template parameter.
    using ValueType = T;
    // Default constructor.
    constexpr SqDefaultNoDestructor() noexcept = default;
    // Dummy function call operator.
    void operator () (T * SQ_UNUSED_ARG(p)) const { }
/// Used internally to store the counters of managed pointers.
struct SqReferenceCounter {
    typedef unsigned int ValueType; ///< The type of value that is used to represent a count.

    ValueType mHard; ///< Strong reference count. If equal to zero, the object has been destroyed.
    ValueType mSoft; ///< Weak reference count. If equal to zero, the counter has been destroyed.

    /// Default constructor
        : mHard(0), mSoft(0)
    { }

    /// Construct with specific counts
    SqReferenceCounter(ValueType hard, ValueType soft)
        : mHard(hard), mSoft(soft)
    { }

/// A smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer (see std::shared_ptr)
/// \tparam T Type of pointer
/// \remarks
/// SharedPtr exists to automatically delete an object when all references to it are destroyed.
/// \remarks
/// std::shared_ptr was not used because it is a C++11 feature.
template <class T, class D>
class SharedPtr
    template <class U, class V>
    friend class SharedPtr;

    template <class U, class V>
    friend class WeakPtr;

    typedef SqReferenceCounter Counter;


    T*            m_Ptr;
    Counter*      m_Ref;

    /// Constructs with explicit pointer and counter.
    SharedPtr(T * ptr, Counter * ref)
        : m_Ptr(ptr)
        , m_Ref(ref)
        if (m_Ptr != nullptr)

    /// Assigns a new pointer.
    void Assign(T * ptr)
        if (m_Ptr != ptr)

            if (ptr != nullptr)
                m_Ptr = ptr;
                m_Ref = new Counter(1,1);

    /// Assigns a new pointer and counter.
    void Assign(T * ptr, Counter * ref)
        if (m_Ptr != ptr)

            if (ptr != nullptr)
                m_Ptr = ptr;
                m_Ref = ref;



    /// Constructs a new SharedPtr
        : m_Ptr(nullptr)
        , m_Ref(nullptr)


    /// Constructs a new SharedPtr from an object allocated with the new operator
    /// \param ptr Should be the return value from a call to the new operator
    explicit SharedPtr(T* ptr)
        : m_Ptr(nullptr)
        , m_Ref(nullptr)

    /// Constructs a new SharedPtr from an object allocated with the new operator
    /// \param ptr Should be the return value from a call to the new operator
    /// \tparam U Type of pointer (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    explicit SharedPtr(U* ptr)
        : m_Ptr(nullptr)
        , m_Ref(nullptr)

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    SharedPtr(const SharedPtr<T,D>& copy)
        : SharedPtr(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref)

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    SharedPtr(const SharedPtr<U,D>& copy)
        : SharedPtr(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref)

    /// Move constructor
    /// \param other SharedPtr to move
    SharedPtr(SharedPtr<T,D>&& other) noexcept
        : m_Ptr(other.m_Ptr)
        , m_Ref(other.m_Ref)
        other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
        other.m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Move constructor
    /// \param other SharedPtr to move
    /// \tparam U Type of pointer (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    SharedPtr(SharedPtr<U,D>&& other) noexcept
        : m_Ptr(static_cast<T*>(other.m_Ptr))
        , m_Ref(other.m_Ref)
        other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
        other.m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy WeakPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    SharedPtr(const WeakPtr<T,D>& copy)
        : SharedPtr(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref)

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy WeakPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    SharedPtr(const WeakPtr<U,D>& copy)
        : SharedPtr(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref)

    /// Destructs the owned object if no more SharedPtr link to it

    /// Assigns the SharedPtr
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    /// \return The SharedPtr itself
    SharedPtr<T,D>& operator=(const SharedPtr<T,D>& copy)
        Assign(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref);

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the SharedPtr
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \return The SharedPtr itself
    template <class U>
    SharedPtr<T,D>& operator=(const SharedPtr<U,D>& copy)
        Assign(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref);

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the SharedPtr
    /// \param other SharedPtr to move
    /// \return The SharedPtr itself
    SharedPtr<T,D>& operator=(SharedPtr<T,D>&& other) noexcept
        if (m_Ptr != other.m_Ptr)

            m_Ptr = other.m_Ptr;
            m_Ref = other.m_Ref;

            other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
            other.m_Ref = nullptr;

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the SharedPtr
    /// \param other SharedPtr to move
    /// \tparam U Type of pointer (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \return The SharedPtr itself
    template <class U>
    SharedPtr<T,D>& operator=(SharedPtr<U,D>&& other) noexcept
        if (m_Ptr != static_cast<T*>(other.m_Ptr))

            m_Ptr = static_cast<T*>(other.m_Ptr);
            m_Ref = other.m_Ref;

            other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
            other.m_Ref = nullptr;

        return *this;

    /// Sets up a new object to be managed by the SharedPtr
    /// \param ptr Should be the return value from a call to the new operator
    void Init(T* ptr)

    /// Sets up a new object to be managed by the SharedPtr
    /// \param ptr Should be the return value from a call to the new operator
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    void Init(U* ptr)

    /// Clears the owned object for this SharedPtr and deletes it if no more SharedPtr link to it
    void Reset()
        if (m_Ptr != nullptr)

            if (m_Ref->mHard == 0)


            if (m_Ref->mSoft == 0)
                delete m_Ref;

            m_Ptr = nullptr;
            m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Checks if there is an associated managed object
    operator bool () const // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor,hicpp-explicit-conversions)
        return static_cast< bool >(m_Ptr);

    /// Checks if there is NOT an associated managed object
    bool operator!() const
        return !m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another SharedPtr
    template <typename U>
    bool operator ==(const SharedPtr<U,D>& right) const
        return m_Ptr == right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another SharedPtr
    bool operator ==(const SharedPtr<T,D>& right) const
        return m_Ptr == right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    template <typename U>
    bool friend operator ==(const SharedPtr<T,D>& left, const U* right)
        return left.m_Ptr == right;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    bool friend operator ==(const SharedPtr<T,D>& left, const T* right)
        return left.m_Ptr == right;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    template <typename U>
    bool friend operator ==(const U* left, const SharedPtr<T,D>& right)
        return left == right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    bool friend operator ==(const T* left, const SharedPtr<T,D>& right)
        return left == right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another SharedPtr
    template <typename U>
    bool operator !=(const SharedPtr<U,D>& right) const
        return m_Ptr != right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another SharedPtr
    bool operator !=(const SharedPtr<T,D>& right) const
        return m_Ptr != right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    template <typename U>
    bool friend operator !=(const SharedPtr<T,D>& left, const U* right)
        return left.m_Ptr != right;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    bool friend operator !=(const SharedPtr<T,D>& left, const T* right)
        return left.m_Ptr != right;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    template <typename U>
    bool friend operator !=(const U* left, const SharedPtr<T,D>& right)
        return left != right.m_Ptr;

    /// Compares with another pointer
    bool friend operator !=(const T* left, const SharedPtr<T,D>& right)
        return left != right.m_Ptr;

    /// Dereferences pointer to the managed object
    T& operator*() const
        assert(m_Ptr != nullptr); // fails when dereferencing a null SharedPtr
        return *m_Ptr;

    /// Dereferences pointer to the managed object
    T* operator->() const
        assert(m_Ptr != nullptr); // fails when dereferencing a null SharedPtr
        return m_Ptr;

    /// Gets the underlying pointer
    /// \return Pointer to the managed object
    T* Get() const
        return m_Ptr;

    /// Gets the number of references to the underlying pointer
    /// \return Number of references
    Counter::ValueType Count() const
        return m_Ref ? m_Ref->mHard : 0;

/// A smart pointer that retains a non-owning ("weak") reference to an object that is managed by SharedPtr (see std::weak_ptr)
/// \tparam T Type of pointer
/// \remarks
/// WeakPtr exists for when an object that may be deleted at any time needs to be accessed if it exists.
/// \remarks
/// std::weak_ptr was not used because it is a C++11 feature.
template <class T, class D>
class WeakPtr
    template <class U, class V>
    friend class SharedPtr;

    typedef SqReferenceCounter Counter;


    T*            m_Ptr;
    Counter*      m_Ref;

    /// Constructs with explicit pointer and counter.
    WeakPtr(T * ptr, Counter * ref)
        : m_Ptr(ptr)
        , m_Ref(ref)
        if (m_Ptr != nullptr)

    /// Initializes the pointer and counter.
    void Initialize(T * ptr, Counter * ref)
        if (ptr != nullptr)
            m_Ptr = ptr;
            m_Ref = ref;

            m_Ptr = nullptr;
            m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Assigns a new pointer and counter.
    void Assign(T * ptr, Counter * ref)
        if (m_Ptr != ptr)

            if (ptr != nullptr)
                m_Ptr = ptr;
                m_Ref = ref;



    /// Constructs a new WeakPtr
        : m_Ptr(nullptr)
        , m_Ref(nullptr)


    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy WeakPtr to copy
    WeakPtr(const WeakPtr<T,D>& copy)
        Initialize(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref);

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy WeakPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    WeakPtr(const WeakPtr<U,D>& copy)
        Initialize(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref);

    /// Move constructor
    /// \param other WeakPtr to move
    WeakPtr(WeakPtr<T,D>&& other) noexcept
        : m_Ptr(other.m_Ptr)
        , m_Ref(other.m_Ref)
        other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
        other.m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Move constructor
    /// \param other WeakPtr to move
    /// \tparam U Type of pointer (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    WeakPtr(WeakPtr<U,D>&& other) noexcept
        : m_Ptr(static_cast<T*>(other.m_Ptr))
        , m_Ref(other.m_Ref)
        other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
        other.m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    WeakPtr(const SharedPtr<T,D>& copy)
        Initialize(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref);

    /// Copy constructor
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    template <class U>
    WeakPtr(const SharedPtr<U,D>& copy)
        Initialize(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref);

    /// Destructs the WeakPtr but has no influence on the object that was managed

    /// Assigns the WeakPtr
    /// \param copy WeakPtr to copy
    /// \return The WeakPtr itself
    WeakPtr<T,D>& operator=(const WeakPtr<T,D>& copy)
        Assign(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref);

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the WeakPtr
    /// \param copy WeakPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \return The WeakPtr itself
    template <class U>
    WeakPtr<T,D>& operator=(const WeakPtr<U,D>& copy)
        Assign(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref);

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the WeakPtr
    /// \param other WeakPtr to move
    /// \return The WeakPtr itself
    WeakPtr<T,D>& operator=(WeakPtr<T,D>&& other) noexcept
        if (m_Ptr != other.m_Ptr)

            m_Ptr = other.m_Ptr;
            m_Ref = other.m_Ref;

            other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
            other.m_Ref = nullptr;

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the WeakPtr
    /// \param other WeakPtr to move
    /// \tparam U Type of pointer (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \return The WeakPtr itself
    template <class U>
    WeakPtr<T,D>& operator=(WeakPtr<U,D>&& other) noexcept
        if (m_Ptr != static_cast<T*>(other.m_Ptr))

            m_Ptr = static_cast<T*>(other.m_Ptr);
            m_Ref = other.m_Ref;

            other.m_Ptr = nullptr;
            other.m_Ref = nullptr;

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the SharedPtr
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    /// \return The WeakPtr itself
    WeakPtr<T,D>& operator=(const SharedPtr<T,D>& copy)
        Assign(copy.m_Ptr, copy.m_Ref);

        return *this;

    /// Assigns the SharedPtr
    /// \param copy SharedPtr to copy
    /// \tparam U Type of copy (usually doesnt need to be defined explicitly)
    /// \return The WeakPtr itself
    template <class U>
    WeakPtr<T,D>& operator=(const SharedPtr<U,D>& copy)
        Assign(static_cast<T*>(copy.m_Ptr), copy.m_Ref);

        return *this;

    /// Checks whether the managed object exists
    /// \return True if the managed object does not exist, false otherwise
    bool Expired() const
        return (m_Ptr == nullptr || m_Ref->mHard == 0);

    /// Creates a new SharedPtr that shares ownership of the managed object
    /// \return A SharedPtr which shares ownership of the managed object
    SharedPtr<T,D> Lock() const
        return SharedPtr<T,D>(m_Ptr, m_Ref);

    /// Clears the associated object for this WeakPtr
    void Reset()
        if (m_Ptr != nullptr)

            if (m_Ref->mSoft == 0)
                delete m_Ref;

            m_Ptr = nullptr;
            m_Ref = nullptr;

    /// Gets the number of weak references to the underlying pointer
    /// \return Number of references
    Counter::ValueType Count() const
        return m_Ref ? m_Ref->mSoft : 0;

/// Helper structure for one element from the top of stack.
struct SqPopTopGuard
    HSQUIRRELVM mVM; // The VM from which the elements must be popped.
    /// Base constructor.
    SqPopTopGuard(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
        : mVM(vm)
    /// Destructor. Pops the specified elements from the stack.

/// Helper structure for popping elements from the stack.
struct SqPopGuard
    HSQUIRRELVM mVM; // The VM from which the elements must be popped.
    SQInteger   mNum; // The number of elements to be popped.
    /// Base constructor.
    SqPopGuard(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger num)
        : mVM(vm), mNum(num)
    /// Destructor. Pops the specified elements from the stack.
        sq_pop(mVM, mNum);
    /// Increment the number of elements to be popped.
    SqPopGuard & operator ++ ()
        return *this;
    /// Decrement the number of elements to be popped.
    SqPopGuard & operator -- ()
        return *this;
    /// Increase the number of elements to be popped.
    SqPopGuard & operator += (SQInteger n)
        mNum += n;
        return *this;
    /// Decrease the number of elements to be popped.
    SqPopGuard & operator -= (SQInteger n)
        mNum -= n;
        return *this;

/// Implements RAII to restore the VM stack to it's initial size on function exit.
struct StackGuard
    /// Default constructor.
        : m_VM(SqVM()), m_Top(sq_gettop(m_VM))
        /* ... */

    /// Base constructor.
    StackGuard(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
        : m_VM(vm), m_Top(sq_gettop(vm))
        /* ... */

    /// Copy constructor. (disabled)
    StackGuard(const StackGuard &) = delete;

    /// Move constructor. (disabled)
    StackGuard(StackGuard &&) = delete;

    /// Destructor.

    /// Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
    StackGuard & operator = (const StackGuard &) = delete;

    /// Move assignment operator. (disabled)
    StackGuard & operator = (StackGuard &&) = delete;

    /// Restore the stack to what was known to be.
    void Restore() const
        // Retrieve the new stack top
        const SQInteger top = sq_gettop(m_VM);
        // Did the stack size change?
        if (top > m_Top)
            sq_pop(m_VM, top - m_Top); // Trim the stack


    HSQUIRRELVM m_VM; ///< The VM where the stack should be restored.
    SQInteger   m_Top; ///< The top of the stack when this instance was created.

/// Helper function to transform a negative index into a positive index.
inline SQInteger IndexAbs(SQInteger top, SQInteger idx)
    return (idx <= -1) ? (top + idx + 1) : idx;

// Hashing utilities.
typedef const uint8_t * FnvHashData;

static constexpr uint32_t FnvHashSeed32    = 2166136261u;
static constexpr uint32_t FnvHashPrime32   = 16777619u;
// Hash a single byte.
inline uint32_t Fnv1a32(uint8_t byte, uint32_t hash = FnvHashSeed32)
    return (byte ^ hash) * FnvHashPrime32;
// Hash an array of bytes. 32-bit variant.
inline uint32_t FnvHash32(FnvHashData data, size_t size, uint32_t hash = FnvHashSeed32)
    while (size--)
        hash = Fnv1a32(*(data++), hash);
    return hash;
static constexpr uint64_t FnvHashSeed64    = 14695981039346656037llu;
static constexpr uint64_t FnvHashPrime64   = 1099511628211llu;
// Hash a single byte.
inline uint64_t Fnv1a64(uint8_t byte, uint64_t hash = FnvHashSeed64)
    return (byte ^ hash) * FnvHashPrime64;
// Hash an array of bytes. 64-bit variant.
inline uint64_t FnvHash64(FnvHashData data, size_t size, uint64_t hash = FnvHashSeed64)
    while (size--)
        hash = Fnv1a64(*(data++), hash);
    return hash;
#ifdef _SQ64
    static constexpr size_t FnvHashSeed    = FnvHashSeed64;
    static constexpr size_t FnvHashPrime   = FnvHashPrime64;
    static constexpr size_t FnvHashSeed    = FnvHashSeed32;
    static constexpr size_t FnvHashPrime   = FnvHashPrime32;
#endif // _SQ64
// Hash a single byte.
inline size_t Fnv1a(uint8_t byte, size_t hash = FnvHashSeed)
    return (byte ^ hash) * FnvHashPrime;

// Hash an array of bytes.
inline size_t FnvHash(const uint8_t * data, size_t size, size_t hash = FnvHashSeed) {
    while (size--)
        hash = Fnv1a(*(data++), hash);
    return hash;

/// Helper structure for retrieving a value from the stack as a string or a formatted string.
struct StackStrF
    const SQChar *  mPtr; ///< Pointer to the C string that was retrieved.
    SQInteger       mLen; ///< The string length if it could be retrieved.
    SQRESULT        mRes; ///< The result of the retrieval attempts.
    HSQOBJECT       mObj; ///< Strong reference to the string object.
    HSQUIRRELVM     mVM; ///< The associated virtual machine.
    SQInteger       mIdx; ///< The index where the string should be retrieved from.

    /// Default constructor.
        : mPtr(_SC(""))
        , mLen(0)
        , mRes(SQ_OK)
        , mObj()
        , mVM(nullptr)
        , mIdx(-1)
        sq_resetobject(&mObj); // Reset the converted value object

    /// Compile time string constructor.
    template < size_t N > StackStrF(const SQChar(&str)[N])
        : mPtr(str)
        , mLen(N)
        , mRes(SQ_OK)
        , mObj()
        , mVM(nullptr)
        , mIdx(-1)
        sq_resetobject(&mObj); // Reset the converted value object

    /// Base constructor.
    StackStrF(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx)
        : mPtr(_SC(""))
        , mLen(0)
        , mRes(SQ_OK)
        , mObj()
        , mVM(vm)
        , mIdx(idx)

    /// Object constructor.
    StackStrF(HSQUIRRELVM vm, LightObj & o);

    /// Copy constructor. (disabled)
    StackStrF(const StackStrF & o) = delete;

    /// Move constructor.
    StackStrF(StackStrF && o) noexcept
        : mPtr(o.mPtr)
        , mLen(o.mLen)
        , mRes(o.mRes)
        , mObj(o.mObj)
        , mVM(o.mVM)
        , mIdx(o.mIdx)
        o.mPtr = _SC("");
        o.mLen = 0;
        o.mRes = SQ_OK;
        o.mVM = nullptr;
        o.mIdx = -1;

    /// Destructor.
        if (!sq_isnull(mObj))
            sq_release(mVM ? mVM : SqVM(), &mObj);

    /// Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
    StackStrF & operator = (const StackStrF & o) = delete;

    /// Move assignment operator.
    StackStrF & operator = (StackStrF && o) noexcept
        if (this != &o)
            // Release
            if (!sq_isnull(mObj))
                sq_release(mVM ? mVM : SqVM(), &mObj);
            // Replicate
            mPtr = o.mPtr;
            mLen = o.mLen;
            mRes = o.mRes;
            mObj = o.mObj;
            mVM = o.mVM;
            mIdx = o.mIdx;
            // Own
            o.mPtr = _SC("");
            o.mLen = 0;
            o.mRes = SQ_OK;
            o.mVM = nullptr;
            o.mIdx = -1;
        return *this;

    /// Release any object references and assign a new target if necessary, then return self for chaining.
    StackStrF & Release(HSQUIRRELVM vm = nullptr,  SQInteger idx = -1)
        if (!sq_isnull(mObj))
            sq_release(mVM ? mVM : SqVM(), &mObj);
        mPtr = _SC("");
        mLen = 0;
        mRes = SQ_OK;
        mVM = vm;
        mIdx = idx;
        return *this;

    /// Actual implementation.
    SQRESULT Proc(bool fmt = false, SQInteger top = -1)
        // If there's no virtual machine, just ignore the request
        if (mVM == nullptr)
            return SQ_OK;
        // Release the converted value object
        else if (!sq_isnull(mObj))
            sq_release(mVM, &mObj);
        // Reset the converted value object
        // Grab the top of the stack, if necessary
        if (top < 0)
            top = sq_gettop(mVM);
        // Make the stack index absolute
        mIdx = IndexAbs(top, mIdx);
        // Was the string or value specified?
        if (top <= (mIdx - 1))
            mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Missing string or value");
        // If null was specified then treat it as a dummy
        else if (sq_gettype(mVM, mIdx) == OT_NULL)
            // Default to an empty string and ignore formatting even if possible
            mPtr = _SC("");
            mLen = 0;
            mRes = SQ_OK;
        // Do we have enough values to call the format function and are we allowed to?
        else if (fmt && (top - 1) >= mIdx)
            ::SqMod::ExtendedFormatProcess(*this, top);
        // Is the value on the stack an actual string?
        else if (sq_gettype(mVM, mIdx) == OT_STRING)
            // Obtain a reference to the string object
            mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, mIdx, &mObj);
            // Could we retrieve the object from the stack?
            if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes))
                // Keep a strong reference to the object
                sq_addref(mVM, &mObj);
                // Attempt to retrieve the string value from the stack
                mRes = sq_getstringandsize(mVM, mIdx, &mPtr, &mLen);
            // Did the retrieval succeeded but ended up with a null string pointer?
            if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes) && !mPtr)
                mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Unable to retrieve the string");
        // We have to try and convert it to string
            // Attempt to convert the value from the stack to a string
            mRes = sq_tostring(mVM, mIdx);
            // Could we convert the specified value to string?
            if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes))
                // Obtain a reference to the resulted object
                mRes = sq_getstackobj(mVM, -1, &mObj);
                // Could we retrieve the object from the stack?
                if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes))
                    // Keep a strong reference to the object
                    sq_addref(mVM, &mObj);
                    // Attempt to obtain the string pointer
                    mRes = sq_getstringandsize(mVM, -1, &mPtr, &mLen);
            // Pop a value from the stack regardless of the result
            sq_pop(mVM, 1);
            // Did the retrieval succeeded but ended up with a null string pointer?
            if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(mRes) && !mPtr)
                mRes = sq_throwerror(mVM, "Unable to retrieve the value");
        // Return last known result
        return mRes;
    /// Compute the hash of the managed string using the FNV-1a algorithm.
    size_t ToHash() const
        return mLen ? FnvHash(reinterpret_cast< FnvHashData >(mPtr), static_cast< size_t >(mLen) * sizeof(SQChar)) : FnvHashSeed;
    /// Compute the string hash and cache it into the mRes member.
    StackStrF & CacheHash()
        mRes = static_cast< SQInteger >(ToHash());
        // Allow chaining
        return *this;
    /// Retrieve the cached string hash.
    size_t GetHash() const
        return static_cast< size_t >(mRes);
    /// Compute the hash of the managed string, cashe it then retrieve it.
    size_t HashIt()
        return GetHash();
    /// Retrieve the string length as an unsigned integer.
    size_t GetSize() const
        return static_cast< size_t >(mLen);
    /// Retrieve the string as a std::string container.
    std::string ToStr() const
        return std::string(mPtr, GetSize());
    /// Provide a dummy non constant instance when calling functions that can work with placeholders.
    static StackStrF & Dummy()
        static StackStrF o;
        return o;

/// Throws the current error in a given VM as a program exception.
/// \param vm   Target VM
/// \param keep Whether to clear the error from the VM
inline void ErrorToException(HSQUIRRELVM vm, bool keep = false) {
    // Get the error object on the stack
    // See if there's an actual error
    if (sq_gettype(vm, -1) == OT_NULL) {
        sq_poptop(vm); // Pop the object from the stack
        return; // Done here!
    StackStrF s(vm, -1);
    // Attempt to the the object as a string
    if (SQ_FAILED(s.Proc(false))) {
        sq_poptop(vm); // Pop the object from the stack
        throw ::Sqrat::Exception(_SC("Unidentifiable script object used as error."));
    sq_poptop(vm); // Pop the object from the stack
    // Should the error be kept in the VM?
    if (!keep) {
    // Throw the error message
    throw ::Sqrat::Exception(s.mPtr, s.mLen);

/// RAII approach to make sure an instance is deleted regardless of what exceptions are thrown.
template < typename T > struct DeleteGuard

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    T * m_Ptr; // Pointer to the instance to manage.


    /// Default constructor.
    explicit DeleteGuard(T * ptr)
        : m_Ptr(ptr)
        /* ... */

    /// Instantiating constructor.
    template<class... A>
    explicit DeleteGuard(SqInPlace SQ_UNUSED_ARG(t), A&&... a)
        : m_Ptr(new T(std::forward< A >(a)...))
        /* ... */

    /// Copy constructor. (disabled)
    DeleteGuard(const DeleteGuard & o) = delete;

    /// Move constructor.
    DeleteGuard(DeleteGuard && o) noexcept
        : m_Ptr(o.m_Ptr)
        o.m_Ptr = nullptr;

    /// Destructor.
        if (m_Ptr)
            delete m_Ptr;

    /// Copy assignment operator. (disabled)
    DeleteGuard & operator = (const DeleteGuard & o) = delete;

    /// Move assignment operator. (disabled)
    DeleteGuard & operator = (DeleteGuard && o) = delete;

    /// Implicit conversion the managed instance type.
    operator T * () const
        return m_Ptr;

    /// Retrieve the managed instance.
    T * Get() const
        return m_Ptr;

    /// Release the managed instance.
    void Release()
        m_Ptr = nullptr;

    /// Retrieve and release the managed instance.
    T * Grab()
        T * ptr = m_Ptr;
        m_Ptr = nullptr;
        return ptr;

/// Helper structure used to make it easy to track instances of a certain type.
template < typename T > struct SqChainedInstances
    /// Default constructor.
    SqChainedInstances() noexcept
        : mPrev(nullptr), mNext(nullptr)

    T * mPrev; // Previous instance in the chain.
    T * mNext; // Next instance in the chain.

    static T * sHead; // The head of the instance chain.

    /// Attach the instance to the chain.
    void ChainInstance() noexcept
        // Is there an existing head?
        if (sHead == nullptr)
            // There was no existing head
            mPrev = mNext = nullptr;
            // We're the head
            sHead = static_cast< T * >(this);
        // Is there a preceding instance before the current head?
        else if (sHead->mPrev == nullptr)
            // Grab the current head as the next instance in the chain
            mNext = sHead;
            // Become the new head and the preceding instance of the current head
            mNext->mPrev = sHead = static_cast< T * >(this);
            // Grab the current head as the next instance in the chain
            mNext = sHead;
            // Become the new head and the next instance of the preceding instance of the current head
            mNext->mPrev->mNext = sHead = static_cast< T * >(this);
            // Become the preceding instance of the current head
            mNext->mPrev = static_cast< T * >(this);

    /// Detach the instance from the chain.
    void UnchainInstance() noexcept
        // Is there an instance after us?
        if (mNext != nullptr)
            // Link the next instance with the one before us
            mNext->mPrev = mPrev;
            // Are we the current head?
            if (sHead == static_cast< T * >(this))
                sHead = mNext; // Make the next one the head
        // Is there an instance before us?
        if (mPrev != nullptr)
            // Link the previous instance with the one after us
            mPrev->mNext = mNext;
            // Are we the current head?
            if (sHead == nullptr || sHead == static_cast< T * >(this))
                // If there was no instance after us then make the previous one the head
                sHead = mPrev;
        // Are we the current and the only head?
        else if (sHead == static_cast< T * >(this))
            sHead = nullptr; // No more instances of this type

template < typename T > T * SqChainedInstances< T >::sHead = nullptr;

/// @cond DEV
/// Used internally to get and manipulate the underlying type of variables - retrieved from cppreference.com
template<class T> struct remove_const                                                {typedef T type;};
template<class T> struct remove_const<const T>                                       {typedef T type;};
template<class T> struct remove_volatile                                             {typedef T type;};
template<class T> struct remove_volatile<volatile T>                                 {typedef T type;};
template<class T> struct remove_cv                                                   {typedef typename remove_volatile<typename remove_const<T>::type>::type type;};
template<class T> struct is_pointer_helper                                           {static constexpr bool value = false;};
template<class T> struct is_pointer_helper<T*>                                       {static constexpr bool value = true;};
template<class T,class D> struct is_pointer_helper<SharedPtr<T,D> >                            {static constexpr bool value = true;};
template<class T,class D> struct is_pointer_helper<WeakPtr<T,D> >                              {static constexpr bool value = true;};
template<class T> struct is_pointer : is_pointer_helper<typename remove_cv<T>::type> {};
template<class T> struct is_reference                                                {static constexpr bool value = false;};
template<class T> struct is_reference<T&>                                            {static constexpr bool value = true;};
/// @endcond

/// Fast integer to string implementation to avoid using itoa. See https://github.com/jeaiii/itoa

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 2 chars at a time, little endian only, unaligned 2 byte writes
static constexpr uint16_t S100s[] = {
//  '00',   '10',   '20',   '30',   '40',   '50',   '60',   '70',   '80',   '90',
    0x3030, 0x3130, 0x3230, 0x3330, 0x3430, 0x3530, 0x3630, 0x3730, 0x3830, 0x3930,
//  '01',   '11',   '21',   '31',   '41',   '51',   '61',   '71',   '81',   '91',
    0x3031, 0x3131, 0x3231, 0x3331, 0x3431, 0x3531, 0x3631, 0x3731, 0x3831, 0x3931,
//  '02',   '12',   '22',   '32',   '42',   '52',   '62',   '72',   '82',   '92',
    0x3032, 0x3132, 0x3232, 0x3332, 0x3432, 0x3532, 0x3632, 0x3732, 0x3832, 0x3932,
//  '03',   '13',   '23',   '33',   '43',   '53',   '63',   '73',   '83',   '93',
    0x3033, 0x3133, 0x3233, 0x3333, 0x3433, 0x3533, 0x3633, 0x3733, 0x3833, 0x3933,
//  '04',   '14',   '24',   '34',   '44',   '54',   '64',   '74',   '84',   '94',
    0x3034, 0x3134, 0x3234, 0x3334, 0x3434, 0x3534, 0x3634, 0x3734, 0x3834, 0x3934,
//  '05',   '15',   '25',   '35',   '45',   '55',   '65',   '75',   '85',   '95',
    0x3035, 0x3135, 0x3235, 0x3335, 0x3435, 0x3535, 0x3635, 0x3735, 0x3835, 0x3935,
//  '06',   '16',   '26',   '36',   '46',   '56',   '66',   '76',   '86',   '96',
    0x3036, 0x3136, 0x3236, 0x3336, 0x3436, 0x3536, 0x3636, 0x3736, 0x3836, 0x3936,
//  '07',   '17',   '27',   '37',   '47',   '57',   '67',   '77',   '87',   '97',
    0x3037, 0x3137, 0x3237, 0x3337, 0x3437, 0x3537, 0x3637, 0x3737, 0x3837, 0x3937,
//  '08',   '18',   '28',   '38',   '48',   '58',   '68',   '78',   '88',   '98',
    0x3038, 0x3138, 0x3238, 0x3338, 0x3438, 0x3538, 0x3638, 0x3738, 0x3838, 0x3938,
//  '09',   '19',   '29',   '39',   '49',   '59',   '69',   '79',   '89',   '99',
    0x3039, 0x3139, 0x3239, 0x3339, 0x3439, 0x3539, 0x3639, 0x3739, 0x3839, 0x3939,

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define A(N) t = (1ULL << (32 + N / 5 * N * 53 / 16)) / static_cast< uint32_t >(1e##N) + 1 - N / 9, t *= u, t >>= N / 5 * N * 53 / 16, t += N / 5 * 4

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define W(N, I) *reinterpret_cast< uint16_t * >(&b[N]) = S100s[I]
#define Q(N) b[N] = static_cast< char >((10ULL * static_cast< uint32_t >(t)) >> 32) + '0'
#define D(N) W(N, t >> 32)
#define E t = 100ULL * static_cast< uint32_t >(t)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define L0 b[0] = static_cast< char >(u) + '0'
#define L1 W(0, u)
#define L2 A(1), D(0), Q(2)
#define L3 A(2), D(0), E, D(2)
#define L4 A(3), D(0), E, D(2), Q(4)
#define L5 A(4), D(0), E, D(2), E, D(4)
#define L6 A(5), D(0), E, D(2), E, D(4), Q(6)
#define L7 A(6), D(0), E, D(2), E, D(4), E, D(6)
#define L8 A(7), D(0), E, D(2), E, D(4), E, D(6), Q(8)
#define L9 A(8), D(0), E, D(2), E, D(4), E, D(6), E, D(8)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define LN(N) (L##N, b += N + 1, l += N + 1)
#define LZ(N) (L##N, l += N + 1)
#define LG(F) (u<100 ? u<10 ? F(0) : F(1) : u<1000000U ? u<10000 ? u<1000 ? F(2) : F(3) : u<100000 ? F(4) : F(5) : u<100000000 ? u<10000000 ? F(6) : F(7) : u<1000000000 ? F(8) : F(9))

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Convert a 32-bit binary unsigned integral value to its ASCII string representation.
/// Returns the number of characters written to the given memory buffer.
inline unsigned U32ToA(uint32_t u, char * b) noexcept
    uint32_t l = 0;
    uint64_t t;
    return l;
/// Convert the given value into the given buffer, including the null character.
inline unsigned U32ToA_(uint32_t n, char * b) noexcept
    // Reuse the function the omits the null character and store the result
    unsigned l = U32ToA(n, b);
    // Append the null character and return the previously stored result
    return b[l] = '\0', l;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Convert a 32-bit binary signed integral value to its ASCII string representation.
/// Returns the number of characters written to the given memory buffer.
inline unsigned I32ToA(int32_t n, char * b) noexcept
    // Transform negative signed integers into positive unsigned integers and write the '-' symbol
    uint32_t v = n < 0 ? *(b++) = '-', 0 - static_cast< uint32_t >(n) : n;
    // Append the null character and return the previously stored result
    return U32ToA(v, b);
/// Convert the given value into the given buffer, including the null character.
inline unsigned I32ToA_(int32_t n, char * b) noexcept
    // Reuse the function the omits the null character and store the result
    unsigned l = I32ToA(n, b);
    // Append the null character and return the previously stored result
    return b[l] = '\0', l;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Convert a 64-bit binary unsigned integral value to its ASCII string representation.
/// Returns the number of characters written to the given memory buffer.
inline unsigned U64ToA(uint64_t n, char * b) noexcept
    // https://github.com/jeaiii/itoa

    uint32_t u, l = 0;
    uint64_t t;

    if (static_cast< uint32_t >(n >> 32) == 0)
        u = static_cast< uint32_t >(n), (void)LG(LZ);
        return l;

    uint64_t a = n / 100000000LLU;

    if (static_cast< uint32_t >(a >> 32) == 0)
        u = static_cast< uint32_t >(a);
        u = static_cast< uint32_t >(a / 100000000LLU);
        u = static_cast< uint32_t >(a % 100000000LLU);

    u = static_cast< uint32_t >(n % 100000000LLU);

    return l;
/// Convert the given value into the given buffer, including the null character.
inline unsigned U64ToA_(uint64_t n, char * b) noexcept
    // Reuse the function the omits the null character and store the result
    unsigned l = U64ToA(n, b);
    // Append the null character and return the previously stored result
    return b[l] = '\0', l;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Convert a 64-bit binary signed integral value to its ASCII string representation.
/// Returns the number of characters written to the given memory buffer.
inline unsigned I64ToA(int64_t v, char * b) noexcept
        // Transform negative signed integers into positive unsigned integers and write the '-' symbol
        uint64_t n = v < 0 ? *(b++) = '-', 0 - static_cast< uint64_t >(v) : v;
        // Forward the call to the actual implementation and return the result
        return U64ToA(n, b);
/// Convert the given value into the given buffer, including the null character.
inline unsigned I64ToA_(int64_t n, char * b) noexcept
    // Reuse the function the omits the null character and store the result
    unsigned l = I64ToA(n, b);
    // Append the null character and return the previously stored result
    return b[l] = '\0', l;

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#undef A

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#undef W
#undef Q
#undef D
#undef E

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#undef L0
#undef L1
#undef L2
#undef L3
#undef L4
#undef L5
#undef L6
#undef L7
#undef L8
#undef L9

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#undef LN
#undef LZ
#undef LG
