#!/bin/bash set -e set -x set -u DISTS=( artful zesty xenial trusty precise ) VERSION=$(perl -MFile::Slurp::Tiny=read_file -MDateTime <now->ymd eq \$2; say \$1; EOF ) RESULTS=/tmp/build-libmaxminddb-results/ SRCDIR="$RESULTS/libmaxminddb" mkdir -p "$SRCDIR" # gbp does weird things without a pristine checkout git clone git@github.com:maxmind/libmaxminddb.git -b ubuntu-ppa $SRCDIR pushd "$SRCDIR" git merge "$VERSION" for dist in "${DISTS[@]}"; do dch -v "$VERSION-0+maxmind1~$dist" -D "$dist" -u low "New upstream release." gbp buildpackage -S --git-ignore-new git clean -xfd git reset HEAD --hard done read -e -p "Release to PPA? (y/n)" SHOULD_RELEASE if [ "$SHOULD_RELEASE" != "y" ]; then echo "Aborting" exit 1 fi # Upload to launchpad dput ppa:maxmind/ppa ../*source.changes # Make the changelog up to date in git dch -v "$VERSION-0+maxmind1" -D "${DISTS[0]}" -u low "New upstream release." git add debian/changelog git commit -m "Update debian/changelog for $VERSION" git push