// // RedisTest.cpp // // Copyright (c) 2015, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Exception.h" #include "Poco/Delegate.h" #include "Poco/Thread.h" #include "RedisTest.h" #include "Poco/Redis/AsyncReader.h" #include "Poco/Redis/Command.h" #include "Poco/Redis/PoolableConnectionFactory.h" #include "CppUnit/TestCaller.h" #include "CppUnit/TestSuite.h" #include using namespace Poco::Redis; bool RedisTest::_connected = false; Poco::Redis::Client RedisTest::_redis; RedisTest::RedisTest(const std::string& name): CppUnit::TestCase("Redis"), _host("localhost"), _port(6379) { #if POCO_OS == POCO_OS_ANDROID _host = ""; #endif if (!_connected) { try { Poco::Timespan t(10, 0); // Connect within 10 seconds _redis.connect(_host, _port, t); _connected = true; std::cout << "Connected to [" << _host << ':' << _port << ']' << std::endl; } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { std::cout << "Couldn't connect to [" << _host << ':' << _port << ']' << e.message() << ". " << std::endl; } } } RedisTest::~RedisTest() { if (_connected) { _redis.disconnect(); _connected = false; std::cout << "Disconnected from [" << _host << ':' << _port << ']' << std::endl; } } void RedisTest::setUp() { } void RedisTest::tearDown() { } void RedisTest::testAPPEND() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("mykey"); Command setCommand = Command::set("mykey", "Hello"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(setCommand); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command appendCommand = Command::append("mykey", " World"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(appendCommand); assertTrue (result == 11); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command getCommand = Command::get("mykey"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(getCommand); assertTrue (result.value().compare("Hello World") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testBLPOP() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the lists are not there yet ... std::vector lists; lists.push_back("list1"); lists.push_back("list2"); Command delCommand = Command::del(lists); try { _redis.execute(delCommand); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values; values.push_back("a"); values.push_back("b"); values.push_back("c"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("list1", values); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command blpop = Command::blpop(lists); try { Array result = _redis.execute(blpop); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("list1") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("a") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testBRPOP() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the lists are not there yet ... std::vector lists; lists.push_back("list1"); lists.push_back("list2"); Command delCommand = Command::del(lists); try { _redis.execute(delCommand); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values; values.push_back("a"); values.push_back("b"); values.push_back("c"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("list1", values); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command brpop = Command::brpop(lists); try { Array result = _redis.execute(brpop); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("list1") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("c") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testDECR() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command set = Command::set("mykey", 10); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(set); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command decr = Command::decr("mykey"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(decr); assertTrue (result == 9); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } set = Command::set("mykey", "234293482390480948029348230948"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(set); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(decr); fail("This must fail"); } catch (RedisException& e) { // ERR value is not an integer or out of range } } void RedisTest::testECHO() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Array command; command.add("ECHO") .add("Hello World"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (!result.isNull()); assertTrue (result.value().compare("Hello World") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testError() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Array command; command.add("Wrong Command"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(command); fail("Invalid command must throw RedisException"); } catch (RedisException& e) { // Must fail } } void RedisTest::testEVAL() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command cmd("EVAL"); cmd << "return {1, 2, {3, 'Hello World!'}}" << Poco::NumberFormatter::format(0); try { Array value = _redis.execute(cmd); assertTrue (value.size() == 3); Poco::Int64 i = value.get(0); assertTrue (i == 1); i = value.get(1); assertTrue (i == 2); Array a = value.get(2); assertTrue (a.size() == 2); i = a.get(0); assertTrue (i == 3); BulkString s = a.get(1); assertTrue (s.value().compare("Hello World!") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHDEL() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field1", "foo"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hdel = Command::hdel("myhash", "field1"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(hdel); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hdel = Command::hdel("myhash", "field2"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(hdel); assertTrue (result == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHEXISTS() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field1", "foo"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hexists = Command::hexists("myhash", "field1"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(hexists); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hexists = Command::hexists("myhash", "field2"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(hexists); assertTrue (result == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHGETALL() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field1", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field2", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hgetall = Command::hgetall("myhash"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(hgetall); assertTrue (result.size() == 4); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHINCRBY() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field", 5); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hincrby = Command::hincrby("myhash", "field"); try { Poco::Int64 n = _redis.execute(hincrby); assertTrue (n == 6); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hincrby = Command::hincrby("myhash", "field", -1); try { Poco::Int64 n = _redis.execute(hincrby); assertTrue (n == 5); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hincrby = Command::hincrby("myhash", "field", -10); try { Poco::Int64 n = _redis.execute(hincrby); assertTrue (n == -5); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHKEYS() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field1", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field2", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hlen = Command::hlen("myhash"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hlen); assertTrue (value == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hkeys = Command::hkeys("myhash"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(hkeys); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("field1") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("field2") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHMGET() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field1", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field2", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector fields; fields.push_back("field1"); fields.push_back("field2"); fields.push_back("field3"); Command hmget = Command::hmget("myhash", fields); try { Array result = _redis.execute(hmget); assertTrue (result.size() == 3); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("Hello") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("World") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(2).isNull()); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHSET() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); Command hset = Command::hset("myhash", "field1", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(hset); assertTrue (value == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hget = Command::hget("myhash", "field1"); try { BulkString s = _redis.execute(hget); assertTrue (s.value().compare("Hello") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHMSET() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); std::map fields; fields.insert(std::make_pair("field1", "Hello")); fields.insert(std::make_pair("field2", "World")); Command hmset = Command::hmset("myhash", fields); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(hmset); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hget = Command::hget("myhash", "field1"); try { BulkString s = _redis.execute(hget); assertTrue (s.value().compare("Hello") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hget = Command::hget("myhash", "field2"); try { BulkString s = _redis.execute(hget); assertTrue (s.value().compare("World") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHSTRLEN() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); std::map fields; fields.insert(std::make_pair("f1", "HelloWorld")); fields.insert(std::make_pair("f2", "99")); fields.insert(std::make_pair("f3", "-256")); Command hmset = Command::hmset("myhash", fields); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(hmset); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hstrlen = Command::hstrlen("myhash", "f1"); try { Poco::Int64 len = _redis.execute(hstrlen); assertTrue (len == 10); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hstrlen = Command::hstrlen("myhash", "f2"); try { Poco::Int64 len = _redis.execute(hstrlen); assertTrue (len == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } hstrlen = Command::hstrlen("myhash", "f3"); try { Poco::Int64 len = _redis.execute(hstrlen); assertTrue (len == 4); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testHVALS() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myhash"); std::map fields; fields.insert(std::make_pair("field1", "Hello")); fields.insert(std::make_pair("field2", "World")); Command hmset = Command::hmset("myhash", fields); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(hmset); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command hvals = Command::hvals("myhash"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(hvals); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("Hello") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("World") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testINCR() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command command = Command::set("mykey", "10"); // A set responds with a simple OK string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command = Command::incr("mykey"); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (value == 11); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testINCRBY() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command command = Command::set("mykey", "10"); // A set responds with a simple OK string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command = Command::incr("mykey", 5); try { Poco::Int64 value = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (value == 15); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testPING() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Array command; command.add("PING"); // A PING without a custom strings, responds with a simple "PONG" string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("PONG") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } #ifndef OLD_REDIS_VERSION // A PING with a custom string responds with a bulk string command.add("Hello"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (!result.isNull()); assertTrue (result.value().compare("Hello") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } #endif } void RedisTest::testLPOP() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "one"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "two"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "three"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lpop = Command::lpop("mylist"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(lpop); assertTrue (result.value().compare("one") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("two") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("three") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testLSET() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "one"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "two"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "three"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lset = Command::lset("mylist", 0, "four"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(lset); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } lset = Command::lset("mylist", -2, "five"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(lset); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 3); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("four") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("five") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(2).value().compare("three") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testLINDEX() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command lpush = Command::lpush("mylist", "World"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(lpush); assertTrue (result == 1); lpush = Command::lpush("mylist", "Hello"); result = _redis.execute(lpush); assertTrue (result == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lindex = Command::lindex("mylist", 0); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(lindex); assertTrue (result.value().compare("Hello") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testLINSERT() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "Hello"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "World"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); Command linsert = Command::linsert("mylist", true, "World", "There"); result = _redis.execute(linsert); assertTrue (result == 3); Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist", 0, -1); Array range = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (range.size() == 3); assertTrue (range.get(0).value().compare("Hello") == 0); assertTrue (range.get(1).value().compare("There") == 0); assertTrue (range.get(2).value().compare("World") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testLREM() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { std::vector list; list.push_back("hello"); list.push_back("hello"); list.push_back("foo"); list.push_back("hello"); Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", list); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 4); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrem = Command::lrem("mylist", -2, "hello"); try { Poco::Int64 n = _redis.execute(lrem); assertTrue (n == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("hello") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("foo") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testLTRIM() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "one"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "two"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "three"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command ltrim = Command::ltrim("mylist", 1); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(ltrim); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("two") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("three") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testMSET() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command command("MSET"); command << "key1" << "Hello" << "key2" << "World"; // A MSET responds with a simple OK string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command.clear(); command.add("MGET") .add("key1") .add("key2") .add("nonexisting"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.size() == 3); BulkString value = result.get(0); assertTrue (value.value().compare("Hello") == 0); value = result.get(1); assertTrue (value.value().compare("World") == 0); value = result.get(2); assertTrue (value.isNull()); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testMSETWithMap() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } std::map keyValuePairs; keyValuePairs.insert(std::make_pair("key1", "Hello")); keyValuePairs.insert(std::make_pair("key2", "World")); Command mset = Command::mset(keyValuePairs); // A MSET responds with a simple OK string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(mset); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector keys; keys.push_back("key1"); keys.push_back("key2"); keys.push_back("nonexisting"); Command mget = Command::mget(keys); try { Array result = _redis.execute(mget); assertTrue (result.size() == 3); BulkString value = result.get(0); assertTrue (value.value().compare("Hello") == 0); value = result.get(1); assertTrue (value.value().compare("World") == 0); value = result.get(2); assertTrue (value.isNull()); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testMULTI() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure keys are gone from a previous testrun ... delKey("foo"); delKey("bar"); Array command; command.add("MULTI"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command.clear(); command.add("INCR") .add("foo"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("QUEUED") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command.clear(); command.add("INCR") .add("bar"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("QUEUED") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command.clear(); command.add("EXEC"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); Poco::Int64 v = result.get(0); assertTrue (v == 1); v = result.get(1); assertTrue (v == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testPipeliningWithSendCommands() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } std::vector commands; Array ping; ping.add("PING"); commands.push_back(ping); commands.push_back(ping); Array result = _redis.sendCommands(commands); // We expect 2 results assertTrue (result.size() == 2); // The 2 results must be simple PONG strings for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { try { std::string pong = result.get(i); assertTrue (pong.compare("PONG") == 0); } catch (...) { fail("An exception occurred"); } } } void RedisTest::testPipeliningWithWriteCommand() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Array ping; ping.add("PING"); _redis.execute(ping); _redis.execute(ping); _redis.flush(); // We expect 2 results with simple "PONG" strings for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { std::string pong; try { _redis.readReply(pong); assertTrue (pong.compare("PONG") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } } class RedisSubscriber { public: void onMessage(const void* pSender, RedisEventArgs& args) { if (!args.message().isNull()) { Type* arrayType = dynamic_cast*>(args.message().get()); if (arrayType != NULL) { Array& array = arrayType->value(); if (array.size() == 3) { BulkString type = array.get(0); if (type.value().compare("unsubscribe") == 0) { Poco::Int64 n = array.get(2); // When 0, no subscribers anymore, so stop reading ... if (n == 0) args.stop(); } } else { // Wrong array received. Stop the reader args.stop(); } } else { // Invalid type of message received. Stop the reader ... args.stop(); } } } void onError(const void* pSender, RedisEventArgs& args) { std::cout << args.exception()->className() << std::endl; // No need to call stop, AsyncReader stops automatically when an // exception is received. } }; void RedisTest::testPubSub() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } RedisSubscriber subscriber; Array subscribe; subscribe.add("SUBSCRIBE").add("test"); _redis.execute(subscribe); _redis.flush(); AsyncReader reader(_redis); reader.redisResponse += Poco::delegate(&subscriber, &RedisSubscriber::onMessage); reader.redisException += Poco::delegate(&subscriber, &RedisSubscriber::onError); reader.start(); std::cout << "Sleeping ..." << std::endl; Poco::Thread::sleep(10000); Array unsubscribe; unsubscribe.add("UNSUBSCRIBE"); _redis.execute(unsubscribe); _redis.flush(); } void RedisTest::testSADD() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSCARD() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command scard = Command::scard("myset"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(scard); assertTrue (result == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSDIFF() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("key1"); delKey("key2"); std::vector values1; values1.push_back("a"); values1.push_back("b"); values1.push_back("c"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("key1", values1); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values2; values2.push_back("c"); values2.push_back("d"); values2.push_back("e"); sadd = Command::sadd("key2", values2); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sdiff = Command::sdiff("key1", "key2"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(sdiff); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSDIFFSTORE() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("key"); delKey("key1"); delKey("key2"); std::vector values1; values1.push_back("a"); values1.push_back("b"); values1.push_back("c"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("key1", values1); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values2; values2.push_back("c"); values2.push_back("d"); values2.push_back("e"); sadd = Command::sadd("key2", values2); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sdiffstore = Command::sdiffstore("key", "key1", "key2"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sdiffstore); assertTrue (result == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("key"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSET() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Array command; command.add("SET").add("mykey").add("Hello"); // A set responds with a simple OK string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command.add("NX"); // A set NX responds with a Null bulk string // when the key is already set try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.isNull()); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSINTER() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("key1"); delKey("key2"); std::vector values1; values1.push_back("a"); values1.push_back("b"); values1.push_back("c"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("key1", values1); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values2; values2.push_back("c"); values2.push_back("d"); values2.push_back("e"); sadd = Command::sadd("key2", values2); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sinter = Command::sinter("key1", "key2"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(sinter); assertTrue (result.size() == 1); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("c") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSINTERSTORE() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("key"); delKey("key1"); delKey("key2"); std::vector values1; values1.push_back("a"); values1.push_back("b"); values1.push_back("c"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("key1", values1); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values2; values2.push_back("c"); values2.push_back("d"); values2.push_back("e"); sadd = Command::sadd("key2", values2); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sinterstore = Command::sinterstore("key", "key1", "key2"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sinterstore); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("key"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 1); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("c") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSISMEMBER() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "one"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sismember = Command::sismember("myset", "one"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sismember); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sismember = Command::sismember("myset", "two"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sismember); assertTrue (result == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSMEMBERS() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "Hello"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "World"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("myset"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSMOVE() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); delKey("myotherset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "one"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "two"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myotherset", "three"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smove = Command::smove("myset", "myotherset", "two"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(smove); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("myset"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 1); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("one") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } smembers = Command::smembers("myotherset"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSPOP() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "one"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "two"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "three"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command spop = Command::spop("myset"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(spop); assertTrue (!result.isNull()); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("myset"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "four"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "five"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } // Redis server 3.0.5 doesn't support this yet .. /* spop = Command::spop("myset", 3); try { Array result = _redis.execute(spop); assertTrue (result.size() == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } */ } void RedisTest::testSRANDMEMBER() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); std::vector members; members.push_back("one"); members.push_back("two"); members.push_back("three"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", members); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command srandmember = Command::srandmember("myset"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(srandmember); assertTrue (!result.isNull()); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } srandmember = Command::srandmember("myset", 2); try { Array result = _redis.execute(srandmember); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } srandmember = Command::srandmember("myset", -5); try { Array result = _redis.execute(srandmember); assertTrue (result.size() == 5); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSTRLEN() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Array command; command.add("SET").add("mykey").add("Hello World"); // A set responds with a simple OK string try { std::string result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } command.clear(); command.add("STRLEN") .add("mykey"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(command); assertTrue (result == 11); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSREM() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("myset"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "one"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "two"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } sadd = Command::sadd("myset", "three"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command srem = Command::srem("myset", "one"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(srem); assertTrue (result == 1); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } srem = Command::srem("myset", "four"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(srem); assertTrue (result == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("myset"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSUNION() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("key1"); delKey("key2"); std::vector values1; values1.push_back("a"); values1.push_back("b"); values1.push_back("c"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("key1", values1); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values2; values2.push_back("c"); values2.push_back("d"); values2.push_back("e"); sadd = Command::sadd("key2", values2); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sunion = Command::sunion("key1", "key2"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(sunion); assertTrue (result.size() == 5); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testSUNIONSTORE() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } delKey("key"); delKey("key1"); delKey("key2"); std::vector values1; values1.push_back("a"); values1.push_back("b"); values1.push_back("c"); Command sadd = Command::sadd("key1", values1); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } std::vector values2; values2.push_back("c"); values2.push_back("d"); values2.push_back("e"); sadd = Command::sadd("key2", values2); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sadd); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command sunionstore = Command::sunionstore("key", "key1", "key2"); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(sunionstore); assertTrue (result == 5); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command smembers = Command::smembers("key"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(smembers); assertTrue (result.size() == 5); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testRENAME() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command set = Command::set("mykey", "Hello"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(set); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command rename = Command::rename("mykey", "myotherkey"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(rename); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command get = Command::get("myotherkey"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(get); assertTrue (result.value().compare("Hello") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testRENAMENX() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Command set = Command::set("mykey", "Hello"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(set); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } set = Command::set("myotherkey", "World"); try { std::string result = _redis.execute(set); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command rename = Command::rename("mykey", "myotherkey", false); try { Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rename); assertTrue (result == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command get = Command::get("myotherkey"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(get); assertTrue (result.value().compare("World") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testRPOP() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "one"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "two"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "three"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command rpop = Command::rpop("mylist"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(rpop); assertTrue (result.value().compare("three") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("one") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("two") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testRPOPLPUSH() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the lists are not there yet ... std::vector lists; lists.push_back("mylist"); lists.push_back("myotherlist"); Command delCommand = Command::del(lists); try { _redis.execute(delCommand); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "one"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "two"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "three"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 3); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command rpoplpush = Command::rpoplpush("mylist", "myotherlist"); try { BulkString result = _redis.execute(rpoplpush); assertTrue (result.value().compare("three") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("one") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("two") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } lrange = Command::lrange("myotherlist"); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 1); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("three") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testRPUSH() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } // Make sure the list is not there yet ... delKey("mylist"); try { Command rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "World"); Poco::Int64 result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 1); rpush = Command::rpush("mylist", "Hello"); result = _redis.execute(rpush); assertTrue (result == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command llen = Command::llen("mylist"); try { Poco::Int64 n = _redis.execute(llen); assertTrue (n == 2); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } Command lrange = Command::lrange("mylist", 0, -1); try { Array result = _redis.execute(lrange); assertTrue (result.size() == 2); assertTrue (result.get(0).value().compare("World") == 0); assertTrue (result.get(1).value().compare("Hello") == 0); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::NullValueException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } void RedisTest::testPool() { Poco::Net::SocketAddress sa(_host, _port); Poco::PoolableObjectFactory factory(sa); Poco::ObjectPool pool(factory, 10, 15); delKey("mypoolkey"); PooledConnection pclient1(pool); PooledConnection pclient2(pool); assertTrue (pool.size() == 2); Command set = Command::set("mypoolkey", "Hello"); std::string result = ((Client::Ptr) pclient1)->execute(set); assertTrue (result.compare("OK") == 0); Array get; get << "GET" << "mypoolkey"; BulkString keyValue = ((Client::Ptr) pclient2)->execute(get); assertTrue (keyValue.value().compare("Hello") == 0); } void RedisTest::delKey(const std::string& key) { Command delCommand = Command::del(key); try { _redis.execute(delCommand); } catch (RedisException& e) { fail(e.message()); } catch (Poco::BadCastException& e) { fail(e.message()); } } CppUnit::Test* RedisTest::suite() { CppUnit::TestSuite* pSuite = new CppUnit::TestSuite("RedisTest"); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testAPPEND); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testBLPOP); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testBRPOP); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testDECR); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testDECR); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testECHO); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testError); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testEVAL); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHDEL); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHEXISTS); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHGETALL); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHINCRBY); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHKEYS); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHMGET); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHMSET); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHSET); //CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHSTRLEN); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testHVALS); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testINCR); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testINCRBY); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testLINDEX); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testLINSERT); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testLPOP); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testLREM); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testLSET); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testLTRIM); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testMSET); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testMSETWithMap); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testMULTI); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testPING); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testPipeliningWithSendCommands); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testPipeliningWithWriteCommand); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testPubSub); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSADD); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSCARD); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSDIFF); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSDIFFSTORE); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSET); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSINTER); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSINTERSTORE); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSISMEMBER); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSMEMBERS); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSMOVE); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSPOP); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSRANDMEMBER); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSREM); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSTRLEN); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSUNION); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testSUNIONSTORE); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testRENAME); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testRENAMENX); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testRPOP); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testRPOPLPUSH); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testRPUSH); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, RedisTest, testPool); return pSuite; }