// TextBufferIterator.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Text
// Module:  TextBufferIterator
// Definition of the TextBufferIterator class.
// Copyright (c) 2010, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_TextBufferIterator_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_TextBufferIterator_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include <cstdlib>

namespace Poco {

class TextEncoding;

class Foundation_API TextBufferIterator
	/// An unidirectional iterator for iterating over characters in a buffer.
	/// The TextBufferIterator uses a TextEncoding object to
	/// work with multi-byte character encodings like UTF-8.
	/// Characters are reported in Unicode.
	/// Example: Count the number of UTF-8 characters in a buffer.
	///     UTF8Encoding utf8Encoding;
	///     char buffer[] = "...";
	///     TextBufferIterator it(buffer, utf8Encoding);
	///     TextBufferIterator end(it.end());
	///     int n = 0;
	///     while (it != end) { ++n; ++it; }
	/// NOTE: When an UTF-16 encoding is used, surrogate pairs will be
	/// reported as two separate characters, due to restrictions of
	/// the TextEncoding class.
	/// For iterating over the characters in a std::string, see the
	/// TextIterator class.
		/// Creates an uninitialized TextBufferIterator.
	TextBufferIterator(const char* begin, const TextEncoding& encoding);
		/// Creates a TextBufferIterator for the given buffer, which must be 0-terminated.
		/// The encoding object must not be deleted as long as the iterator
		/// is in use.

	TextBufferIterator(const char* begin, std::size_t size, const TextEncoding& encoding);
		/// Creates a TextBufferIterator for the given buffer with the given size.
		/// The encoding object must not be deleted as long as the iterator
		/// is in use.

	TextBufferIterator(const char* begin, const char* end, const TextEncoding& encoding);
		/// Creates a TextBufferIterator for the given range.
		/// The encoding object must not be deleted as long as the iterator
		/// is in use.

	TextBufferIterator(const char* end);
		/// Creates an end TextBufferIterator for the given buffer.

		/// Destroys the TextBufferIterator.
	TextBufferIterator(const TextBufferIterator& it);
		/// Copy constructor.
	TextBufferIterator& operator = (const TextBufferIterator& it);
		/// Assignment operator.
	void swap(TextBufferIterator& it);
		/// Swaps the iterator with another one.
	int operator * () const;
		/// Returns the Unicode value of the current character.
		/// If there is no valid character at the current position,
		/// -1 is returned.
	TextBufferIterator& operator ++ (); 
		/// Prefix increment operator.

	TextBufferIterator operator ++ (int);		
		/// Postfix increment operator.

	bool operator == (const TextBufferIterator& it) const;
		/// Compares two iterators for equality.
	bool operator != (const TextBufferIterator& it) const;
		/// Compares two iterators for inequality.

	TextBufferIterator end() const;
		/// Returns the end iterator for the range handled
		/// by the iterator.
	const TextEncoding* _pEncoding;
	const char* _it;
	const char* _end;

// inlines
inline bool TextBufferIterator::operator == (const TextBufferIterator& it) const
	return _it == it._it;

inline bool TextBufferIterator::operator != (const TextBufferIterator& it) const
	return _it != it._it;

inline void swap(TextBufferIterator& it1, TextBufferIterator& it2)

inline TextBufferIterator TextBufferIterator::end() const
	return TextBufferIterator(_end);

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_TextBufferIterator_INCLUDED