# Creating a Discord Bot If you are wanting to build a bot using C++, you're in the right place! The fast and easy tutorials below will guide you through how to build a bot using the D++ library on either a UNIX-like (e.g. Linux) system with CMake or with Windows using Visual Studio 2019. Click on a link below for a guide specifically for your system: * \subpage creating-a-bot-application "Creating a Bot Token" * \subpage build-a-discord-bot-windows-visual-studio "Building a discord bot in Windows using Visual Studio" * \subpage build-a-discord-bot-windows-wsl "Building a discord bot in Windows using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)" * \subpage build-a-discord-bot-linux-clion "Building a discord bot in Linux using CLion" * \subpage buildcmake "Building a Discord Bot using CMake/UNIX" * \subpage buildmeson "Building a Discord Bot using Meson" * \subpage building-a-cpp-discord-bot-in-repl "Creating a Discord bot in Repl.it"