// BinaryReader.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Streams
// Module:  BinaryReaderWriter
// Definition of the BinaryReader class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_BinaryReader_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_BinaryReader_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/Buffer.h"
#include "Poco/MemoryStream.h"
#include <vector>
#include <istream>

namespace Poco {

class TextEncoding;
class TextConverter;

class Foundation_API BinaryReader
	/// This class reads basic types (and std::vectors thereof)
	/// in binary form into an input stream.
	/// It provides an extractor-based interface similar to istream.
	/// The reader also supports automatic conversion from big-endian
	/// (network byte order) to little-endian and vice-versa.
	/// Use a BinaryWriter to create a stream suitable for a BinaryReader.
	enum StreamByteOrder
		NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER        = 1,  /// the host's native byte-order
		BIG_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER    = 2,  /// big-endian (network) byte-order
		NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER       = 2,  /// big-endian (network) byte-order
		LITTLE_ENDIAN_BYTE_ORDER = 3,  /// little-endian byte-order
		UNSPECIFIED_BYTE_ORDER   = 4   /// unknown, byte-order will be determined by reading the byte-order mark

	BinaryReader(std::istream& istr, StreamByteOrder byteOrder = NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER);
		/// Creates the BinaryReader.

	BinaryReader(std::istream& istr, TextEncoding& encoding, StreamByteOrder byteOrder = NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER);
		/// Creates the BinaryReader using the given TextEncoding.
		/// Strings will be converted from the specified encoding
		/// to the currently set global encoding (see Poco::TextEncoding::global()).

		/// Destroys the BinaryReader.

	BinaryReader& operator >> (bool& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (char& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (unsigned char& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (signed char& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (short& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (unsigned short& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (int& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (unsigned int& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (long& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (unsigned long& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (float& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (double& value);

#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
	BinaryReader& operator >> (long long& value);
	BinaryReader& operator >> (unsigned long long& value);

	BinaryReader& operator >> (std::string& value);

	template <typename T>
	BinaryReader& operator >> (std::vector<T>& value)
		Poco::UInt32 size(0);
		T elem;

		*this >> size;
		if (!good()) return *this;
		while (this->good() && size-- > 0)
			*this >> elem;
		return *this;

	void read7BitEncoded(UInt32& value);
		/// Reads a 32-bit unsigned integer in compressed format.
		/// See BinaryWriter::write7BitEncoded() for a description
		/// of the compression algorithm.

#if defined(POCO_HAVE_INT64)
	void read7BitEncoded(UInt64& value);
		/// Reads a 64-bit unsigned integer in compressed format.
		/// See BinaryWriter::write7BitEncoded() for a description
		/// of the compression algorithm.

	void readRaw(std::streamsize length, std::string& value);
		/// Reads length bytes of raw data into value.

	void readRaw(char* buffer, std::streamsize length);
		/// Reads length bytes of raw data into buffer.

	void readBOM();
		/// Reads a byte-order mark from the stream and configures
		/// the reader for the encountered byte order.
		/// A byte-order mark is a 16-bit integer with a value of 0xFEFF,
		/// written in host byte order.

	bool good();
		/// Returns _istr.good();

	bool fail();
		/// Returns _istr.fail();

	bool bad();
		/// Returns _istr.bad();

	bool eof();
		/// Returns _istr.eof();

	std::istream& stream() const;
		/// Returns the underlying stream.

	StreamByteOrder byteOrder() const;
		/// Returns the byte-order used by the reader, which is

	void setExceptions(std::ios_base::iostate st = (std::istream::failbit | std::istream::badbit));
		/// Sets the stream to throw exception on specified state (default failbit and badbit);

	std::streamsize available() const;
		/// Returns the number of available bytes in the stream.

	std::istream&  _istr;
	bool           _flipBytes;
	TextConverter* _pTextConverter;

template <typename T>
class BasicMemoryBinaryReader : public BinaryReader
	/// A convenient wrapper for using Buffer and MemoryStream with BinaryReader.
	BasicMemoryBinaryReader(const Buffer<T>& data, StreamByteOrder byteOrder = NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER):
		BinaryReader(_istr, byteOrder),
		_istr(data.begin(), data.capacity())

	BasicMemoryBinaryReader(const Buffer<T>& data, TextEncoding& encoding, StreamByteOrder byteOrder = NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER):
		BinaryReader(_istr, encoding, byteOrder),
		_istr(data.begin(), data.capacity())


	const Buffer<T>& data() const
		return _data;

	const MemoryInputStream& stream() const
		return _istr;

	MemoryInputStream& stream()
		return _istr;

	const Buffer<T>& _data;
	MemoryInputStream _istr;

typedef BasicMemoryBinaryReader<char> MemoryBinaryReader;

// inlines

inline bool BinaryReader::good()
	return _istr.good();

inline bool BinaryReader::fail()
	return _istr.fail();

inline bool BinaryReader::bad()
	return _istr.bad();

inline bool BinaryReader::eof()
	return _istr.eof();

inline std::istream& BinaryReader::stream() const
	return _istr;

inline BinaryReader::StreamByteOrder BinaryReader::byteOrder() const

inline void BinaryReader::setExceptions(std::ios_base::iostate st)

inline std::streamsize BinaryReader::available() const
	return _istr.rdbuf()->in_avail();

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_BinaryReader_INCLUDED