#include <ma_config.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <mariadb_version.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) #include <sys/sysctl.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include <sys/types.h> #endif #include <unistd.h> #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_LIMITS_H #include <linux/limits.h> #endif #include <string.h> #if defined(__APPLE__) #include <mach-o/dyld.h> #endif static char *mariadb_progname; #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif #define INCLUDE "-I%s/@INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR@ -I%s/@INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR@/mysql" #define LIBS "-L%s/@INSTALL_LIBDIR@/ -lmariadb" #define LIBS_SYS "@extra_dynamic_LDFLAGS@" #define CFLAGS INCLUDE #define VERSION "@MARIADB_CLIENT_VERSION@" #define CC_VERSION "@CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION@" #define PLUGIN_DIR "%s/@INSTALL_PLUGINDIR@" #define SOCKET "@MARIADB_UNIX_ADDR@" #define PORT "@MARIADB_PORT@" #ifdef HAVE_TLS #define TLS_LIBRARY_VERSION "@TLS_LIBRARY_VERSION@" #else #define TLS_LIBRARY_VERSION "" #endif #define PKG_INCLUDEDIR "%s/@INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR@" #define PKG_PLUGINDIR "%s/@INSTALL_PLUGINDIR@" #define PKG_LIBDIR "%s/@INSTALL_LIBDIR@" #if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(__sun) #define OPT_STRING_TYPE (char *) #else #define OPT_STRING_TYPE #endif static struct option long_options[]= { {OPT_STRING_TYPE "cflags", no_argument, 0, 'a'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "help", no_argument, 0, 'b'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "include", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "libs", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "libs_r", no_argument, 0, 'e'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "libs_sys", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "version", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "cc_version", no_argument, 0, 'g'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "socket", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "port", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "plugindir", no_argument, 0, 'j'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "tlsinfo", no_argument, 0, 'k'}, {OPT_STRING_TYPE "variable", 2, 0, 'm'}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static struct { const char *variable; const char *value; } variables[] = { {"pkgincludedir", PKG_INCLUDEDIR}, {"pkglibdir", PKG_LIBDIR}, {"pkgplugindir", PKG_PLUGINDIR}, {NULL, NULL} }; char installation_dir[PATH_MAX]; static const char *values[]= { CFLAGS, NULL, INCLUDE, LIBS, LIBS, LIBS_SYS, VERSION, CC_VERSION, SOCKET, PORT, PLUGIN_DIR, TLS_LIBRARY_VERSION, "VAR VAR is one of:" }; void usage(void) { int i=0; puts("Copyright 2011-2020 MariaDB Corporation AB"); puts("Get compiler flags for using the MariaDB Connector/C."); printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", mariadb_progname); printf("Compiler: @CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID@ @CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION@\n"); while (long_options[i].name) { if (!long_options[i].has_arg) { if (values[i]) { printf(" --%-12s [", long_options[i].name); printf(values[i], installation_dir, installation_dir); printf("]\n"); } } else { printf(" --%s=%s\n", long_options[i].name, values[i]); /* Variables */ if (long_options[i].val == 'm') { int i= 0; while (variables[i].variable) { printf(" %-14s [", variables[i].variable); printf(variables[i].value, installation_dir); printf("]\n"); i++; } } } i++; } } /* mariadb_get_install_location() Tries to find the installation location in the following order: 1) check if MARIADB_CONFIG environment variable was set 2) try to determine the installation directory from executable path 3) Fallback if 1 and 2 failed: use CMAKE_SYSROOT/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX */ static void mariadb_get_install_location() { char *p= NULL; struct stat s; /* Check environment variable MARIADB_CONFIG */ if ((p= getenv("MARIADB_CONFIG"))) { if (!stat(p, &s) && S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) { goto end; } } /* Try to determine path of executable */ if (!(p= alloca(PATH_MAX))) goto end; else { #if defined(__APPLE__) unsigned int len= PATH_MAX; if (_NSGetExecutablePath(p, &len) != 0) *p= 0; else { p[len]= 0; if (realpath(p, p) != 0) *p= 0; } #elif defined(__sun) || defined(SOLARIS) if (realpath(getexecname(), p) == NULL) *p= 0; #elif defined(__NetBSD__) ssize_t len= readlink("/proc/curproc/exe", p, PATH_MAX); if (len == -1 || len == PATH_MAX) *p= 0; else p[len]= 0; #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) int mib[4] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -1}; size_t cb = PATH_MAX; if (sysctl(mib, 4, p, &cb, NULL, 0) == -1) *p= 0; else p[cb]= 0; #elif defined(__linux__) ssize_t len= readlink("/proc/self/exe", p, PATH_MAX); if (len == -1 || len == PATH_MAX) *p= 0; else p[len]= 0; #else *p= 0; #endif } end: if (p && p[0]) { char *c, *search= alloca(6 + strlen(mariadb_progname)); sprintf(search, "/bin/%s", mariadb_progname); c= strstr(p, search); if (c) { strncpy(installation_dir, p, c - p); } else *p=0; } if (!p || !p[0]) { strncpy(installation_dir, "@CMAKE_SYSROOT@@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@", PATH_MAX - 1); return; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; char *p = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); mariadb_progname= p ? p + 1 : argv[0]; mariadb_get_install_location(); if (argc <= 1) { usage(); exit(0); } while(1) { int option_index= 0; c= getopt_long(argc, argv, "abcdefghijkl", long_options, &option_index); switch(c) { case 'a': /* CFLAGS and Include directories */ printf(CFLAGS, installation_dir, installation_dir); break; case 'b': /* Usage */ usage(); break; case 'c': /* Include directories */ printf(INCLUDE, installation_dir, installation_dir); break; case 'd': /* Library directories and names */ case 'e': printf(LIBS, installation_dir); break; case 'f': /* Server version */ printf(VERSION); break; case 'g': /* Connector/C version */ printf(CC_VERSION); break; case 'h': /* Unix socket */ printf(SOCKET); break; case 'i': /* default port */ printf(PORT); break; case 'j': /* plugin directory */ printf(PLUGIN_DIR, installation_dir); break; case 'k': /* TLS version */ printf("%s", TLS_LIBRARY_VERSION); break; case 'l': /* System libraries */ printf(LIBS_SYS); break; case 'm': /* variable */ { int i= 0; while (variables[i].variable) { if (!strcmp(optarg, variables[i].variable)) { printf(variables[i].value, installation_dir); break; } i++; } if (!variables[i].variable) { printf("Unknown variable '%s'\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; } default: exit((c != -1)); } printf("\n"); } exit(0); }