// // NetworkInterface.cpp // // Library: Net // Package: NetCore // Module: NetworkInterface // // Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Net/NetworkInterface.h" #ifdef POCO_NET_HAS_INTERFACE #include "Poco/Net/DatagramSocket.h" #include "Poco/Net/NetException.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" #include "Poco/NumberParser.h" #include "Poco/StringTokenizer.h" #include "Poco/RefCountedObject.h" #include "Poco/Format.h" #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) #include "Poco/UnicodeConverter.h" #include "Poco/Error.h" #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include using Poco::NumberFormatter; using Poco::FastMutex; using Poco::format; std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Poco::Net::NetworkInterface::MACAddress& mac) { std::ios state(0); state.copyfmt(os); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mac.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) os << Poco::Net::NetworkInterface::MAC_SEPARATOR; os << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (unsigned) mac[i]; } os.copyfmt(state); return os; } namespace Poco { namespace Net { // // NetworkInterfaceImpl // class NetworkInterfaceImpl: public Poco::RefCountedObject { public: using AddressTuple = NetworkInterface::AddressTuple; using AddressList = NetworkInterface::AddressList; using Type = NetworkInterface::Type; NetworkInterfaceImpl(unsigned index); NetworkInterfaceImpl(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, const IPAddress& address, unsigned index, NetworkInterface::MACAddress* pMACAddress = 0); NetworkInterfaceImpl(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, unsigned index = 0, NetworkInterface::MACAddress* pMACAddress = 0); NetworkInterfaceImpl(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, const IPAddress& address, const IPAddress& subnetMask, const IPAddress& broadcastAddress, unsigned index, NetworkInterface::MACAddress* pMACAddress = 0); unsigned index() const; const std::string& name() const; const std::string& displayName() const; const std::string& adapterName() const; const IPAddress& firstAddress(IPAddress::Family family) const; void addAddress(const AddressTuple& address); const IPAddress& address(unsigned index) const; const NetworkInterface::AddressList& addressList() const; bool hasAddress(const IPAddress& address) const; const IPAddress& subnetMask(unsigned index) const; const IPAddress& broadcastAddress(unsigned index) const; const IPAddress& destAddress(unsigned index) const; const NetworkInterface::MACAddress& macAddress() const; bool supportsIPv4() const; bool supportsIPv6() const; void setName(const std::string& name); void setDisplayName(const std::string& name); void setAdapterName(const std::string& name); void addAddress(const IPAddress& addr); void setMACAddress(const NetworkInterface::MACAddress& addr); void setMACAddress(const void *addr, std::size_t len); unsigned mtu() const; unsigned ifindex() const; Type type() const; bool broadcast() const; bool loopback() const; bool multicast() const; bool pointToPoint() const; bool running() const; bool up() const; #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) void setFlags(DWORD flags, DWORD iftype); void setRunning(bool running); #else void setFlags(short flags); #endif void setUp(bool up); void setMTU(unsigned mtu); void setType(Type type); void setIndex(unsigned index); void setPhyParams(); protected: ~NetworkInterfaceImpl(); private: std::string _name; std::string _displayName; std::string _adapterName; AddressList _addressList; unsigned _index; bool _broadcast; bool _loopback; bool _multicast; bool _pointToPoint; bool _up; bool _running; unsigned _mtu; Type _type; NetworkInterface::MACAddress _macAddress; friend class NetworkInterface; }; NetworkInterfaceImpl::NetworkInterfaceImpl(unsigned index): _index(index), _broadcast(false), _loopback(false), _multicast(false), _pointToPoint(false), _up(false), _running(false), _mtu(0), _type(NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER) { } NetworkInterfaceImpl::NetworkInterfaceImpl(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, const IPAddress& address, unsigned index, NetworkInterface::MACAddress* pMACAddress): _name(name), _displayName(displayName), _adapterName(adapterName), _index(index), _broadcast(false), _loopback(false), _multicast(false), _pointToPoint(false), _up(false), _running(false), _mtu(0), _type(NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER) { _addressList.push_back(AddressTuple(address, IPAddress(), IPAddress())); setPhyParams(); if (pMACAddress) setMACAddress(*pMACAddress); } NetworkInterfaceImpl::NetworkInterfaceImpl(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, unsigned index, NetworkInterface::MACAddress* pMACAddress): _name(name), _displayName(displayName), _adapterName(adapterName), _index(index), _broadcast(false), _loopback(false), _multicast(false), _pointToPoint(false), _up(false), _running(false), _mtu(0), _type(NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER) { setPhyParams(); if (pMACAddress) setMACAddress(*pMACAddress); } NetworkInterfaceImpl::NetworkInterfaceImpl(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, const IPAddress& address, const IPAddress& subnetMask, const IPAddress& broadcastAddress, unsigned index, NetworkInterface::MACAddress* pMACAddress): _name(name), _displayName(displayName), _adapterName(adapterName), _index(index), _broadcast(false), _loopback(false), _multicast(false), _pointToPoint(false), _up(false), _running(false), _mtu(0), _type(NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER) { _addressList.push_back(AddressTuple(address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress)); setPhyParams(); if (pMACAddress) setMACAddress(*pMACAddress); } void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setPhyParams() { #if !defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS) struct ifreq ifr; std::strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, _name.c_str(), IFNAMSIZ); DatagramSocket ds(SocketAddress::IPv4); ds.impl()->ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr); setFlags(ifr.ifr_flags); ds.impl()->ioctl(SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr); setMTU(ifr.ifr_mtu); #endif } NetworkInterfaceImpl::~NetworkInterfaceImpl() { } bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::supportsIPv4() const { AddressList::const_iterator it = _addressList.begin(); AddressList::const_iterator end = _addressList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (IPAddress::IPv4 == it->get().family()) return true; } return false; } bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::supportsIPv6() const { #ifdef POCO_HAVE_IPv6 AddressList::const_iterator it = _addressList.begin(); AddressList::const_iterator end = _addressList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (IPAddress::IPv6 == it->get().family()) return true; } #endif return false; } inline unsigned NetworkInterfaceImpl::index() const { return _index; } inline const std::string& NetworkInterfaceImpl::name() const { return _name; } inline const std::string& NetworkInterfaceImpl::displayName() const { return _displayName; } inline const std::string& NetworkInterfaceImpl::adapterName() const { return _adapterName; } const IPAddress& NetworkInterfaceImpl::firstAddress(IPAddress::Family family) const { AddressList::const_iterator it = _addressList.begin(); AddressList::const_iterator end = _addressList.end(); for (;it != end; ++it) { const IPAddress& addr = it->get(); if (addr.family() == family) return addr; } throw NotFoundException(format("%s family address not found.", (family == IPAddress::IPv4) ? std::string("IPv4") : std::string("IPv6"))); } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::addAddress(const AddressTuple& address) { _addressList.push_back(address); } bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::hasAddress(const IPAddress& address) const { NetworkInterface::ConstAddressIterator it = _addressList.begin(); NetworkInterface::ConstAddressIterator end = _addressList.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->get() == address) return true; } return false; } inline const IPAddress& NetworkInterfaceImpl::address(unsigned index) const { if (index < _addressList.size()) return _addressList[index].get(); else throw NotFoundException(Poco::format("No address with index %u.", index)); } inline const NetworkInterface::AddressList& NetworkInterfaceImpl::addressList() const { return _addressList; } const IPAddress& NetworkInterfaceImpl::subnetMask(unsigned index) const { if (index < _addressList.size()) return _addressList[index].get(); throw NotFoundException(Poco::format("No subnet mask with index %u.", index)); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterfaceImpl::broadcastAddress(unsigned index) const { if (index < _addressList.size()) return _addressList[index].get(); throw NotFoundException(Poco::format("No subnet mask with index %u.", index)); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterfaceImpl::destAddress(unsigned index) const { if (!pointToPoint()) throw InvalidAccessException("Only PPP addresses have destination address."); else if (index < _addressList.size()) return _addressList[index].get(); throw NotFoundException(Poco::format("No address with index %u.", index)); } const NetworkInterface::MACAddress& NetworkInterfaceImpl::macAddress() const { return _macAddress; } inline unsigned NetworkInterfaceImpl::mtu() const { return _mtu; } inline NetworkInterface::Type NetworkInterfaceImpl::type() const { return _type; } inline bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::broadcast() const { return _broadcast; } inline bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::loopback() const { return _loopback; } inline bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::multicast() const { return _multicast; } inline bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::pointToPoint() const { return _pointToPoint; } inline bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::running() const { return _running; } inline bool NetworkInterfaceImpl::up() const { return _up; } #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setFlags(DWORD flags, DWORD iftype) { _running = _up = false; switch (iftype) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: case IF_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING: case IF_TYPE_IEEE80211: _multicast = _broadcast = true; break; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: _loopback = true; break; case IF_TYPE_PPP: case IF_TYPE_ATM: case IF_TYPE_TUNNEL: case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: _pointToPoint = true; break; } if (!(flags & IP_ADAPTER_NO_MULTICAST)) _multicast = true; } void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setRunning(bool running) { _running = running; } #else void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setFlags(short flags) { #ifdef POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX _broadcast = ((flags & IFF_BROADCAST) != 0); _loopback = ((flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) != 0); _multicast = ((flags & IFF_MULTICAST) != 0); _pointToPoint = ((flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) != 0); _running = ((flags & IFF_RUNNING) != 0); _up = ((flags & IFF_UP) != 0); #endif } #endif inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setUp(bool up) { _up = up; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setMTU(unsigned mtu) { _mtu = mtu; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setType(Type type) { _type = type; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setIndex(unsigned index) { _index = index; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setName(const std::string& name) { _name = name; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setDisplayName(const std::string& name) { _displayName = name; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setAdapterName(const std::string& name) { _adapterName = name; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::addAddress(const IPAddress& addr) { _addressList.push_back(addr); } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setMACAddress(const NetworkInterface::MACAddress& addr) { _macAddress = addr; } inline void NetworkInterfaceImpl::setMACAddress(const void *addr, std::size_t len) { _macAddress.clear(); _macAddress.insert(_macAddress.end(), static_cast(addr), static_cast(addr) + len); } // // NetworkInterface // FastMutex NetworkInterface::_mutex; NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(unsigned index): _pImpl(new NetworkInterfaceImpl(index)) { } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const NetworkInterface& interfc): _pImpl(interfc._pImpl) { _pImpl->duplicate(); } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, const IPAddress& address, unsigned index, MACAddress* pMACAddress): _pImpl(new NetworkInterfaceImpl(name, displayName, adapterName, address, index, pMACAddress)) { } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, unsigned index, MACAddress* pMACAddress): _pImpl(new NetworkInterfaceImpl(name, displayName, adapterName, index, pMACAddress)) { } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const std::string& name, const IPAddress& address, unsigned index, MACAddress* pMACAddress): _pImpl(new NetworkInterfaceImpl(name, name, name, address, index, pMACAddress)) { } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const std::string& name, const std::string& displayName, const std::string& adapterName, const IPAddress& address, const IPAddress& subnetMask, const IPAddress& broadcastAddress, unsigned index, MACAddress* pMACAddress): _pImpl(new NetworkInterfaceImpl(name, displayName, adapterName, address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress, index, pMACAddress)) { } NetworkInterface::NetworkInterface(const std::string& name, const IPAddress& address, const IPAddress& subnetMask, const IPAddress& broadcastAddress, unsigned index, MACAddress* pMACAddress): _pImpl(new NetworkInterfaceImpl(name, name, name, address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress, index, pMACAddress)) { } NetworkInterface::~NetworkInterface() { _pImpl->release(); } NetworkInterface& NetworkInterface::operator = (const NetworkInterface& interfc) { NetworkInterface tmp(interfc); swap(tmp); return *this; } void NetworkInterface::swap(NetworkInterface& other) { using std::swap; swap(_pImpl, other._pImpl); } unsigned NetworkInterface::index() const { return _pImpl->index(); } const std::string& NetworkInterface::name() const { return _pImpl->name(); } const std::string& NetworkInterface::displayName() const { return _pImpl->displayName(); } const std::string& NetworkInterface::adapterName() const { return _pImpl->adapterName(); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterface::firstAddress(IPAddress::Family family) const { return _pImpl->firstAddress(family); } void NetworkInterface::firstAddress(IPAddress& addr, IPAddress::Family family) const { try { addr = firstAddress(family); } catch (NotFoundException&) { addr = IPAddress(family); } } void NetworkInterface::addAddress(const IPAddress& address) { _pImpl->addAddress(AddressTuple(address, IPAddress(), IPAddress())); } void NetworkInterface::addAddress(const IPAddress& address, const IPAddress& subnetMask, const IPAddress& broadcastAddress) { _pImpl->addAddress(AddressTuple(address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress)); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterface::address(unsigned index) const { return _pImpl->address(index); } const NetworkInterface::AddressList& NetworkInterface::addressList() const { return _pImpl->addressList(); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterface::subnetMask(unsigned index) const { return _pImpl->subnetMask(index); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterface::broadcastAddress(unsigned index) const { return _pImpl->broadcastAddress(index); } const NetworkInterface::MACAddress& NetworkInterface::macAddress() const { return _pImpl->macAddress(); } const IPAddress& NetworkInterface::destAddress(unsigned index) const { return _pImpl->destAddress(index); } unsigned NetworkInterface::mtu() const { return _pImpl->mtu(); } NetworkInterface::Type NetworkInterface::type() const { return _pImpl->type(); } bool NetworkInterface::supportsIP() const { return _pImpl->supportsIPv4() || _pImpl->supportsIPv6(); } bool NetworkInterface::supportsIPv4() const { return _pImpl->supportsIPv4(); } bool NetworkInterface::supportsIPv6() const { return _pImpl->supportsIPv6(); } bool NetworkInterface::supportsBroadcast() const { return _pImpl->broadcast(); } bool NetworkInterface::supportsMulticast() const { return _pImpl->multicast(); } bool NetworkInterface::isLoopback() const { return _pImpl->loopback(); } bool NetworkInterface::isPointToPoint() const { return _pImpl->pointToPoint(); } bool NetworkInterface::isRunning() const { return _pImpl->running(); } bool NetworkInterface::isUp() const { return _pImpl->up(); } NetworkInterface NetworkInterface::forName(const std::string& name, bool requireIPv6) { if (requireIPv6) return forName(name, IPv6_ONLY); else return forName(name, IPv4_OR_IPv6); } NetworkInterface NetworkInterface::forName(const std::string& name, IPVersion ipVersion) { Map map = NetworkInterface::map(false, false); Map::const_iterator it = map.begin(); Map::const_iterator end = map.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if (it->second.name() == name) { if (ipVersion == IPv4_ONLY && it->second.supportsIPv4()) return it->second; else if (ipVersion == IPv6_ONLY && it->second.supportsIPv6()) return it->second; else if (ipVersion == IPv4_OR_IPv6) return it->second; } } throw InterfaceNotFoundException(name); } NetworkInterface NetworkInterface::forAddress(const IPAddress& addr) { Map map = NetworkInterface::map(true, false); Map::const_iterator it = map.begin(); Map::const_iterator end = map.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { const std::size_t count = it->second.addressList().size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (it->second.address(i) == addr) return it->second; } } throw InterfaceNotFoundException(addr.toString()); } NetworkInterface NetworkInterface::forIndex(unsigned i) { if (i != NetworkInterface::NO_INDEX) { Map map = NetworkInterface::map(false, false); Map::const_iterator it = map.find(i); if (it != map.end()) return it->second; else throw InterfaceNotFoundException("#" + NumberFormatter::format(i)); } throw InterfaceNotFoundException("#" + NumberFormatter::format(i)); } NetworkInterface::List NetworkInterface::list(bool ipOnly, bool upOnly) { List list; Map m = map(ipOnly, upOnly); NetworkInterface::Map::const_iterator it = m.begin(); NetworkInterface::Map::const_iterator end = m.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { int index = it->second.index(); std::string name = it->second.name(); std::string displayName = it->second.displayName(); std::string adapterName = it->second.adapterName(); NetworkInterface::MACAddress mac = it->second.macAddress(); using List = NetworkInterface::AddressList; const List& ipList = it->second.addressList(); if (ipList.size() > 0) { List::const_iterator ipIt = ipList.begin(); List::const_iterator ipEnd = ipList.end(); for(; ipIt != ipEnd; ++ipIt) { IPAddress addr = ipIt->get(); IPAddress mask = ipIt->get(); NetworkInterface ni; if(mask.isWildcard()) { ni = NetworkInterface(name, displayName, adapterName, addr, index, &mac); } else { IPAddress broadcast = ipIt->get(); ni = NetworkInterface(name, displayName, adapterName, addr, mask, broadcast, index, &mac); } ni._pImpl->_broadcast = it->second._pImpl->_broadcast; ni._pImpl->_loopback = it->second._pImpl->_loopback; ni._pImpl->_multicast = it->second._pImpl->_multicast; ni._pImpl->_pointToPoint = it->second._pImpl->_pointToPoint; ni._pImpl->_up = it->second._pImpl->_up; ni._pImpl->_running = it->second._pImpl->_running; ni._pImpl->_mtu = it->second._pImpl->_mtu; ni._pImpl->_type = it->second._pImpl->_type; list.push_back(ni); } } else { list.push_back(NetworkInterface(name, displayName, adapterName, index, &mac)); } } return list; } } } // namespace Poco::Net // // platform-specific code below // #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) // // Windows // #include "Poco/Buffer.h" #include namespace Poco { namespace Net { namespace { IPAddress getBroadcastAddress(PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX pPrefix, const IPAddress& addr, ULONG* pprefix = 0) /// This function relies on (1) subnet prefix being at the position /// immediately preceding and (2) broadcast address being at the position /// immediately succeeding the IPv4 unicast address. /// /// Since there is no explicit guarantee on order, to ensure correctness, /// the above constraints are checked prior to returning the result. /// Additionally, on pre-Vista versions on Windows, the main structure does /// not contain prefix length; for those platforms, this function /// returns prefix through pprefix argument. { PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX pPrev = 0; for (int i = 0; pPrefix; pPrefix = pPrefix->Next, ++i) { ADDRESS_FAMILY family = pPrefix->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family; if ((family == AF_INET) && (addr == IPAddress(pPrefix->Address))) break; pPrev = pPrefix; } if (pPrefix && pPrefix->Next && pPrev) { IPAddress ipPrefix(pPrev->PrefixLength, IPAddress::IPv4); IPAddress mask(pPrefix->Next->Address); if ((ipPrefix & mask) == (ipPrefix & addr)) { if (pprefix) *pprefix = pPrefix->PrefixLength; return IPAddress(pPrefix->Next->Address); } } return IPAddress(IPAddress::IPv4); } NetworkInterface::Type fromNative(DWORD type) { switch (type) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD; case IF_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING; case IF_TYPE_FRAMERELAY: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_FRAMERELAY; case IF_TYPE_PPP: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_PPP; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK; case IF_TYPE_ATM: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ATM; case IF_TYPE_IEEE80211: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_IEEE80211; case IF_TYPE_TUNNEL: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_TUNNEL; case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_IEEE1394; default: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER; } } IPAddress subnetMaskForInterface(const std::string& name, bool isLoopback) { if (isLoopback) { return IPAddress::parse(""); } else { #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) std::string subKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\"); subKey += name; std::string netmask; HKEY hKey; std::wstring usubKey; Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF16(subKey, usubKey); if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, usubKey.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return IPAddress(); wchar_t unetmask[16]; DWORD size = sizeof(unetmask); if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"DhcpSubnetMask", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&unetmask, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SubnetMask", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&unetmask, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return IPAddress(); } } Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(unetmask, netmask); RegCloseKey(hKey); return IPAddress::parse(netmask); #else return IPAddress(); #endif // !defined(_WIN32_WCE) } } } /// namespace NetworkInterface::Map NetworkInterface::map(bool ipOnly, bool upOnly) { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&osvi); FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); Map result; ULONG outBufLen = 16384; Poco::Buffer memory(outBufLen); ULONG flags = (GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_DNS_SERVER | GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX); #ifdef GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_ALL_INTERFACES flags |= GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_ALL_INTERFACES; #endif #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) const unsigned family = AF_UNSPEC; //IPv4 and IPv6 #else const unsigned family = AF_INET; //IPv4 only #endif DWORD dwRetVal = 0; ULONG iterations = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAddress = 0; do { pAddress = reinterpret_cast(memory.begin()); // leave in the loop, begin may change after resize poco_assert (memory.capacity() >= outBufLen); if (ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW == (dwRetVal = GetAdaptersAddresses(family, flags, 0, pAddress, &outBufLen))) memory.resize(outBufLen, false); // adjust size and try again else if (ERROR_NO_DATA == dwRetVal) // no network interfaces found return result; else if (NO_ERROR != dwRetVal) // error occurred throw SystemException(format("An error occurred while trying to obtain list of network interfaces: [%s]", Error::getMessage(dwRetVal))); else break; } while ((ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW == dwRetVal) && (++iterations <= 2)); poco_assert (NO_ERROR == dwRetVal); for (; pAddress; pAddress = pAddress->Next) { IPAddress address; IPAddress subnetMask; IPAddress broadcastAddress; unsigned ifIndex = 0; #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) ifIndex = pAddress->Ipv6IfIndex; #elif (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) && (NTDDI_VERSION >= 0x05010100) // Win XP SP1 #if defined (IP_ADAPTER_IPV6_ENABLED) // Vista if(osvi.dwMajorVersion>=6)//vista { if ((pAddress->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_IPV6_ENABLED) && (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) && (osvi.dwMinorVersion >= 1) && (osvi.dwBuildNumber >=1)) { ifIndex = pAddress->Ipv6IfIndex; } } else { if ((osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) && (osvi.dwMinorVersion >= 1) && (osvi.dwBuildNumber >= 1)) { ifIndex = pAddress->Ipv6IfIndex; } } #else // !defined(IP_ADAPTER_IPV6_ENABLED) if ((osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5) && (osvi.dwMinorVersion >= 1) && (osvi.dwBuildNumber >= 1)) { ifIndex = pAddress->Ipv6IfIndex; } #endif // defined(IP_ADAPTER_IPV6_ENABLED) #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) && (NTDDI_VERSION >= 0x05010100) #endif // POCO_HAVE_IPv6 #if defined (IP_ADAPTER_IPV4_ENABLED) if(osvi.dwMajorVersion>=6) {//vista if (pAddress->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_IPV4_ENABLED) { ifIndex = pAddress->IfIndex; } } else { ifIndex = pAddress->IfIndex; } #else // !IP_ADAPTER_IPV4_ENABLED ifIndex = pAddress->IfIndex; #endif if (ifIndex == 0) continue; std::string name; std::string displayName; std::string adapterName(pAddress->AdapterName); Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(pAddress->FriendlyName, name); Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(pAddress->Description, displayName); bool isUp = (pAddress->OperStatus == IfOperStatusUp); bool isIP = (0 != pAddress->FirstUnicastAddress); if (((ipOnly && isIP) || !ipOnly) && ((upOnly && isUp) || !upOnly)) { NetworkInterface ni(name, displayName, adapterName, ifIndex); // Create interface even if it has an empty list of addresses; also, set // physical attributes which are protocol independent (name, media type, // MAC address, MTU, operational status, etc). Map::iterator ifIt = result.find(ifIndex); if (ifIt == result.end()) ifIt = result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, ni)).first; ifIt->second.impl().setFlags(pAddress->Flags, pAddress->IfType); ifIt->second.impl().setMTU(pAddress->Mtu); ifIt->second.impl().setUp(pAddress->OperStatus == IfOperStatusUp); #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600) // Vista and newer only if ((osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6) && (osvi.dwMinorVersion >= 0) && (osvi.dwBuildNumber >= 0)) { ifIt->second.impl().setRunning(pAddress->ReceiveLinkSpeed > 0 || pAddress->TransmitLinkSpeed > 0); } #endif ifIt->second.impl().setType(fromNative(pAddress->IfType)); if (pAddress->PhysicalAddressLength) ifIt->second.impl().setMACAddress(pAddress->PhysicalAddress, pAddress->PhysicalAddressLength); for (PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS pUniAddr = pAddress->FirstUnicastAddress; pUniAddr; pUniAddr = pUniAddr->Next) { address = IPAddress(pUniAddr->Address); ADDRESS_FAMILY family = pUniAddr->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family; switch (family) { case AF_INET: { // Windows lists broadcast address on localhost bool hasBroadcast = (pAddress->IfType == IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD) || (pAddress->IfType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) || (pAddress->IfType == IF_TYPE_IEEE80211); if (hasBroadcast) { // On Windows, a valid broadcast address will be all 1's (== address | ~subnetMask); additionaly, on pre-Vista versions of // OS, master address structure does not contain member for prefix length; we go an extra mile here in order to make sure // we reflect the actual values held by system and protect against misconfiguration (e.g. bad DHCP config entry) ULONG prefixLength = 0; #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) #if _WIN32_WCE >= 0x0800 prefixLength = pUniAddr->OnLinkPrefixLength; broadcastAddress = getBroadcastAddress(pAddress->FirstPrefix, address); #else broadcastAddress = getBroadcastAddress(pAddress->FirstPrefix, address, &prefixLength); #endif // if previous call did not do it, make last-ditch attempt for prefix and broadcast if (prefixLength == 0 && pAddress->FirstPrefix) prefixLength = pAddress->FirstPrefix->PrefixLength; poco_assert (prefixLength <= 32); if (broadcastAddress.isWildcard()) { IPAddress mask(static_cast(prefixLength), IPAddress::IPv4); IPAddress host(mask & address); broadcastAddress = host | ~mask; } #elif (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) && (NTDDI_VERSION >= 0x05010100) // Win XP SP1 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600) // Vista and newer if (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6) { prefixLength = pUniAddr->OnLinkPrefixLength; broadcastAddress = getBroadcastAddress(pAddress->FirstPrefix, address); } else { broadcastAddress = getBroadcastAddress(pAddress->FirstPrefix, address, &prefixLength); } #else broadcastAddress = getBroadcastAddress(pAddress->FirstPrefix, address, &prefixLength); #endif poco_assert (prefixLength <= 32); if (broadcastAddress.isWildcard()) { IPAddress mask(static_cast(prefixLength), IPAddress::IPv4); IPAddress host(mask & address); broadcastAddress = host | ~mask; } #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) && (NTDDI_VERSION >= 0x05010100) if (prefixLength) { subnetMask = IPAddress(static_cast(prefixLength), IPAddress::IPv4); } else // if all of the above fails, look up the subnet mask in the registry { address = IPAddress(&reinterpret_cast(pUniAddr->Address.lpSockaddr)->sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); subnetMask = subnetMaskForInterface(name, address.isLoopback()); if (!address.isLoopback()) { broadcastAddress = address; broadcastAddress.mask(subnetMask, IPAddress::broadcast()); } } ifIt->second.addAddress(address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress); } else { ifIt->second.addAddress(address); } } break; #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) case AF_INET6: ifIt->second.addAddress(address); break; #endif } // switch family } // for addresses } // if ipOnly/upOnly } // for adapters return result; } } } // namespace Poco::Net #elif defined(POCO_VXWORKS) // // VxWorks // #error TODO /* namespace Poco { namespace Net { NetworkInterface::NetworkInterfaceList NetworkInterface::list() { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); NetworkInterfaceList result; int ifIndex = 1; char ifName[32]; char ifAddr[INET_ADDR_LEN]; for (;;) { if (ifIndexToIfName(ifIndex, ifName) == OK) { std::string name(ifName); IPAddress addr; IPAddress mask; IPAddress bcst; if (ifAddrGet(ifName, ifAddr) == OK) { addr = IPAddress(std::string(ifAddr)); } int ifMask; if (ifMaskGet(ifName, &ifMask) == OK) { mask = IPAddress(&ifMask, sizeof(ifMask)); } if (ifBroadcastGet(ifName, ifAddr) == OK) { bcst = IPAddress(std::string(ifAddr)); } result.push_back(NetworkInterface(name, name, name, addr, mask, bcst)); ifIndex++; } else break; } return result; } } } // namespace Poco::Net */ #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_BSD) || (POCO_OS == POCO_OS_QNX) || (POCO_OS == POCO_OS_SOLARIS) // // BSD variants, QNX(?) and Solaris // #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef POCO_NO_NET_IFTYPES #include #endif namespace Poco { namespace Net { namespace { NetworkInterface::Type fromNative(u_char nativeType) { switch (nativeType) { #ifndef POCO_NO_NET_IFTYPES case IFT_ETHER: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD; case IFT_ISO88025: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING; case IFT_FRELAY: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_FRAMERELAY; case IFT_PPP: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_PPP; case IFT_LOOP: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK; case IFT_ATM: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ATM; #if (POCO_OS != POCO_OS_SOLARIS) case IFT_IEEE1394: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_IEEE1394; #endif #endif default: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER; } } void setInterfaceParams(struct ifaddrs* iface, NetworkInterfaceImpl& impl) { impl.setName(iface->ifa_name); impl.setDisplayName(iface->ifa_name); impl.setAdapterName(iface->ifa_name); impl.setPhyParams(); if (iface->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) { struct sockaddr_dl* sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl*) iface->ifa_addr; impl.setMACAddress(LLADDR(sdl), sdl->sdl_alen); impl.setType(fromNative(sdl->sdl_type)); } } } // namespace NetworkInterface::Map NetworkInterface::map(bool ipOnly, bool upOnly) { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); Map result; unsigned ifIndex = 0; NetworkInterface intf; Map::iterator ifIt; struct ifaddrs* ifaces = 0; struct ifaddrs* currIface = 0; if (getifaddrs(&ifaces) < 0) throw NetException("cannot get network adapter list"); for (currIface = ifaces; currIface != 0; currIface = currIface->ifa_next) { try { if (!currIface->ifa_addr) continue; IPAddress address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress; unsigned family = currIface->ifa_addr->sa_family; switch (family) { #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_BSD) case AF_LINK: { struct sockaddr_dl* sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl*) currIface->ifa_addr; ifIndex = sdl->sdl_index; intf = NetworkInterface(ifIndex); setInterfaceParams(currIface, intf.impl()); if ((result.find(ifIndex) == result.end()) && ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly)) ifIt = result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, intf)).first; break; } #endif case AF_INET: ifIndex = if_nametoindex(currIface->ifa_name); ifIt = result.find(ifIndex); intf = NetworkInterface(ifIndex); setInterfaceParams(currIface, intf.impl()); if ((ifIt == result.end()) && ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly)) ifIt = result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, intf)).first; address = IPAddress(*(currIface->ifa_addr)); if (( currIface->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK ) == 0 && currIface->ifa_netmask) subnetMask = IPAddress(*(currIface->ifa_netmask)); if (currIface->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST && currIface->ifa_broadaddr) broadcastAddress = IPAddress(*(currIface->ifa_broadaddr)); else if (currIface->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT && currIface->ifa_dstaddr) broadcastAddress = IPAddress(*(currIface->ifa_dstaddr)); else broadcastAddress = IPAddress(); break; #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) case AF_INET6: ifIndex = if_nametoindex(currIface->ifa_name); ifIt = result.find(ifIndex); intf = NetworkInterface(ifIndex); setInterfaceParams(currIface, intf.impl()); if ((ifIt == result.end()) && ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly)) ifIt = result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, intf)).first; address = IPAddress(&reinterpret_cast(currIface->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr), ifIndex); subnetMask = IPAddress(*(currIface->ifa_netmask)); broadcastAddress = IPAddress(); break; #endif default: continue; } if (family == AF_INET #ifdef POCO_HAVE_IPv6 || family == AF_INET6 #endif ) { if ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly) { if ((ifIt = result.find(ifIndex)) != result.end()) ifIt->second.addAddress(address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress); } } } catch (Poco::Exception&) { } catch (...) { if (ifaces) freeifaddrs(ifaces); throw; } } if (ifaces) freeifaddrs(ifaces); if (ipOnly) { Map::iterator it = result.begin(); Map::iterator end = result.end(); for (; it != end;) { if (!it->second.supportsIPv4() && !it->second.supportsIPv6()) result.erase(it++); else ++it; } } return result; } } } // namespace Poco::Net #elif POCO_OS == POCO_OS_LINUX || POCO_OS == POCO_OS_ANDROID // // Linux // #include #if POCO_OS != POCO_OS_ANDROID // Android doesn't have #include #endif #include #ifndef POCO_NO_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H #include #endif #include #include namespace Poco { namespace Net { namespace { static NetworkInterface::Type fromNative(unsigned arphrd) { switch (arphrd) { case ARPHRD_ETHER: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD; case ARPHRD_IEEE802: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING; case ARPHRD_DLCI: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_FRAMERELAY; case ARPHRD_PPP: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_PPP; case ARPHRD_LOOPBACK: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK; case ARPHRD_ATM: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_ATM; case ARPHRD_IEEE80211: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_IEEE80211; case ARPHRD_TUNNEL: case ARPHRD_TUNNEL6: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_TUNNEL; case ARPHRD_IEEE1394: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_IEEE1394; default: return NetworkInterface::NI_TYPE_OTHER; } } #if POCO_OS != POCO_OS_ANDROID void setInterfaceParams(struct ifaddrs* iface, NetworkInterfaceImpl& impl) { impl.setName(iface->ifa_name); impl.setDisplayName(iface->ifa_name); impl.setAdapterName(iface->ifa_name); impl.setPhyParams(); #ifndef POCO_NO_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H if (iface->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_PACKET) { struct sockaddr_ll* sdl = (struct sockaddr_ll*) iface->ifa_addr; impl.setMACAddress(sdl->sll_addr, sdl->sll_halen); impl.setType(fromNative(sdl->sll_hatype)); } #else std::string ifPath("/sys/class/net/"); ifPath += iface->ifa_name; std::string addrPath(ifPath); addrPath += "/address"; std::ifstream addrStream(addrPath.c_str()); if (addrStream.good()) { std::string addr; std::getline(addrStream, addr); Poco::StringTokenizer tok(addr, ":"); std::vector mac; for (Poco::StringTokenizer::Iterator it = tok.begin(); it != tok.end(); ++it) { mac.push_back(static_cast(Poco::NumberParser::parseHex(*it))); } impl.setMACAddress(&mac[0], mac.size()); addrStream.close(); } std::string typePath(ifPath); typePath += "/type"; std::ifstream typeStream(typePath.c_str()); if (typeStream.good()) { int type; typeStream >> type; impl.setType(fromNative(type)); typeStream.close(); } #endif // POCO_NO_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H } #endif } NetworkInterface::Map NetworkInterface::map(bool ipOnly, bool upOnly) { #if POCO_OS != POCO_OS_ANDROID FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); Map result; unsigned ifIndex = 0; NetworkInterface intf; Map::iterator ifIt; struct ifaddrs* ifaces = 0; struct ifaddrs* iface = 0; if (getifaddrs(&ifaces) < 0) throw NetException("cannot get network adapter list"); for (iface = ifaces; iface; iface = iface->ifa_next) { try { if (!iface->ifa_addr) continue; IPAddress address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress; unsigned family = iface->ifa_addr->sa_family; switch (family) { #ifndef POCO_NO_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H case AF_PACKET: { struct sockaddr_ll* sll = (struct sockaddr_ll*)iface->ifa_addr; ifIndex = sll->sll_ifindex; intf = NetworkInterface(ifIndex); setInterfaceParams(iface, intf.impl()); if ((result.find(ifIndex) == result.end()) && ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly)) ifIt = result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, intf)).first; break; } #endif // POCO_NO_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H case AF_INET: ifIndex = if_nametoindex(iface->ifa_name); ifIt = result.find(ifIndex); intf = NetworkInterface(ifIndex); setInterfaceParams(iface, intf.impl()); if ((ifIt == result.end()) && ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly)) ifIt = result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, intf)).first; address = IPAddress(*(iface->ifa_addr)); subnetMask = IPAddress(*(iface->ifa_netmask)); if (iface->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST && iface->ifa_broadaddr) broadcastAddress = IPAddress(*(iface->ifa_broadaddr)); else if (iface->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT && iface->ifa_dstaddr) broadcastAddress = IPAddress(*(iface->ifa_dstaddr)); else broadcastAddress = IPAddress(); break; #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) case AF_INET6: ifIndex = if_nametoindex(iface->ifa_name); ifIt = result.find(ifIndex); intf = NetworkInterface(ifIndex); setInterfaceParams(iface, intf.impl()); if ((ifIt == result.end()) && ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly)) result.insert(Map::value_type(ifIndex, intf)); address = IPAddress(&reinterpret_cast(iface->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr), ifIndex); subnetMask = IPAddress(*(iface->ifa_netmask)); broadcastAddress = IPAddress(); break; #endif default: continue; } if (family == AF_INET #ifdef POCO_HAVE_IPv6 || family == AF_INET6 #endif ) { intf = NetworkInterface(std::string(iface->ifa_name), address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress, ifIndex); if ((upOnly && intf.isUp()) || !upOnly) { if ((ifIt = result.find(ifIndex)) != result.end()) ifIt->second.addAddress(address, subnetMask, broadcastAddress); } } } catch (Poco::Exception&) { } catch (...) { if (ifaces) freeifaddrs(ifaces); throw; } } // for interface if (ifaces) freeifaddrs(ifaces); if (ipOnly) { Map::iterator it = result.begin(); Map::iterator end = result.end(); for (; it != end;) { if (!it->second.supportsIPv4() && !it->second.supportsIPv6()) result.erase(it++); else ++it; } } return result; #else throw Poco::NotImplementedException("Not implemented in Android"); #endif } } } // namespace Poco::Net #else // // Non-BSD Unix variants // #error TODO /* NetworkInterface::NetworkInterfaceList NetworkInterface::list() { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); NetworkInterfaceList result; DatagramSocket socket; // the following code is loosely based // on W. Richard Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, pp 434ff. int lastlen = 0; int len = 100*sizeof(struct ifreq); char* buf = 0; try { struct ifconf ifc; for (;;) { buf = new char[len]; ifc.ifc_len = len; ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if (::ioctl(socket.impl()->sockfd(), SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { if (errno != EINVAL || lastlen != 0) throw NetException("cannot get network adapter list"); } else { if (ifc.ifc_len == lastlen) break; lastlen = ifc.ifc_len; } len += 10*sizeof(struct ifreq); delete [] buf; } for (const char* ptr = buf; ptr < buf + ifc.ifc_len;) { const struct ifreq* ifr = reinterpret_cast(ptr); #if defined(POCO_HAVE_SALEN) len = ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len; if (sizeof(struct sockaddr) > len) len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #else len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #endif IPAddress addr; bool haveAddr = false; int ifIndex(-1); switch (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family) { #if defined(POCO_HAVE_IPv6) case AF_INET6: ifIndex = if_nametoindex(ifr->ifr_name); if (len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); addr = IPAddress(&reinterpret_cast(&ifr->ifr_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr), ifIndex); haveAddr = true; break; #endif case AF_INET: if (len < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); addr = IPAddress(ifr->ifr_addr); haveAddr = true; break; default: break; } if (haveAddr) { std::string name(ifr->ifr_name); result.push_back(NetworkInterface(name, name, name, addr, ifIndex)); } len += sizeof(ifr->ifr_name); ptr += len; } } catch (...) { delete [] buf; throw; } delete [] buf; return result; } */ } } // namespace Poco::Net #endif #endif // POCO_NET_HAS_INTERFACE