// LRUStrategy.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Cache
// Module:  LRUStrategy
// Definition of the LRUStrategy class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_LRUStrategy_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_LRUStrategy_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/KeyValueArgs.h"
#include "Poco/ValidArgs.h"
#include "Poco/AbstractStrategy.h"
#include "Poco/EventArgs.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <cstddef>

namespace Poco {

template <class TKey, class TValue>
class LRUStrategy: public AbstractStrategy<TKey, TValue>
	/// An LRUStrategy implements least recently used cache replacement.
	typedef std::list<TKey>                   Keys;
	typedef typename Keys::iterator           Iterator;
	typedef typename Keys::const_iterator     ConstIterator;
	typedef std::map<TKey, Iterator>          KeyIndex;
	typedef typename KeyIndex::iterator       IndexIterator;
	typedef typename KeyIndex::const_iterator ConstIndexIterator;

	LRUStrategy(std::size_t size): 
		if (_size < 1) throw InvalidArgumentException("size must be > 0");


	void onAdd(const void*, const KeyValueArgs <TKey, TValue>& args)
		std::pair<IndexIterator, bool> stat = _keyIndex.insert(std::make_pair(args.key(), _keys.begin()));
		if (!stat.second)
			stat.first->second = _keys.begin();

	void onRemove(const void*, const TKey& key)
		IndexIterator it = _keyIndex.find(key);

		if (it != _keyIndex.end())

	void onGet(const void*, const TKey& key)
		// LRU: in case of an hit, move to begin
		IndexIterator it = _keyIndex.find(key);

		if (it != _keyIndex.end())
			_keys.splice(_keys.begin(), _keys, it->second); //_keys.erase(it->second)+_keys.push_front(key);
			it->second = _keys.begin();

	void onClear(const void*, const EventArgs& args)

	void onIsValid(const void*, ValidArgs<TKey>& args)
		if (_keyIndex.find(args.key()) == _keyIndex.end())

	void onReplace(const void*, std::set<TKey>& elemsToRemove)
		// Note: replace only informs the cache which elements
		// it would like to remove!
		// it does not remove them on its own!
		std::size_t curSize = _keyIndex.size();

		if (curSize < _size)

		std::size_t diff = curSize - _size;
		Iterator it = --_keys.end(); //--keys can never be invoked on an empty list due to the minSize==1 requirement of LRU
		std::size_t i = 0;

		while (i++ < diff) 
			if (it != _keys.begin())

	std::size_t _size;     /// Number of keys the cache can store.
	Keys        _keys;
	KeyIndex    _keyIndex; /// For faster access to _keys

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_LRUStrategy_INCLUDED