/* * << Haru Free PDF Library >> -- hpdf_font_tt.c * * URL: http://libharu.org * * Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Takeshi Kanno * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Antony Dovgal * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. * It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * */ #include "hpdf_conf.h" #include "hpdf_utils.h" #include "hpdf_font.h" static HPDF_STATUS OnWrite (HPDF_Dict obj, HPDF_Stream stream); static HPDF_STATUS BeforeWrite (HPDF_Dict obj); static void OnFree (HPDF_Dict obj); static HPDF_INT CharWidth (HPDF_Font font, HPDF_BYTE code); static HPDF_TextWidth TextWidth (HPDF_Font font, const HPDF_BYTE *text, HPDF_UINT len); static HPDF_STATUS CreateDescriptor (HPDF_Font font); static HPDF_UINT MeasureText (HPDF_Font font, const HPDF_BYTE *text, HPDF_UINT len, HPDF_REAL width, HPDF_REAL font_size, HPDF_REAL char_space, HPDF_REAL word_space, HPDF_BOOL wordwrap, HPDF_REAL *real_width); HPDF_Font HPDF_TTFont_New (HPDF_MMgr mmgr, HPDF_FontDef fontdef, HPDF_Encoder encoder, HPDF_Xref xref) { HPDF_Dict font; HPDF_FontAttr attr; HPDF_TTFontDefAttr fontdef_attr; HPDF_BasicEncoderAttr encoder_attr; HPDF_STATUS ret = 0; HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_TTFont_New\n")); font = HPDF_Dict_New (mmgr); if (!font) return NULL; font->header.obj_class |= HPDF_OSUBCLASS_FONT; /* check whether the fontdef object and the encoder object is valid. */ if (encoder->type != HPDF_ENCODER_TYPE_SINGLE_BYTE) { HPDF_SetError(font->error, HPDF_INVALID_ENCODER_TYPE, 0); return NULL; } if (fontdef->type != HPDF_FONTDEF_TYPE_TRUETYPE) { HPDF_SetError(font->error, HPDF_INVALID_FONTDEF_TYPE, 0); return NULL; } attr = HPDF_GetMem (mmgr, sizeof(HPDF_FontAttr_Rec)); if (!attr) { HPDF_Dict_Free (font); return NULL; } HPDF_MemSet (attr, 0, sizeof(HPDF_FontAttr_Rec)); font->header.obj_class |= HPDF_OSUBCLASS_FONT; font->write_fn = OnWrite; font->before_write_fn = BeforeWrite; font->free_fn = OnFree; font->attr = attr; attr->type = HPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE; attr->writing_mode = HPDF_WMODE_HORIZONTAL; attr->text_width_fn = TextWidth; attr->measure_text_fn = MeasureText; attr->fontdef = fontdef; attr->encoder = encoder; attr->xref = xref; /* singlebyte-font has a widths-array which is an array of 256 signed * short integer. * in the case of type1-font, widths-array for all letters is made in * constructer. but in the case of true-type-font, the array is * initialized at 0, and set when the corresponding character was used * for the first time. */ attr->widths = HPDF_GetMem (mmgr, sizeof(HPDF_INT16) * 256); if (!attr->widths) { HPDF_Dict_Free (font); return NULL; } HPDF_MemSet (attr->widths, 0, sizeof(HPDF_INT16) * 256); attr->used = HPDF_GetMem (mmgr, sizeof(HPDF_BYTE) * 256); if (!attr->used) { HPDF_Dict_Free (font); return NULL; } HPDF_MemSet (attr->used, 0, sizeof(HPDF_BYTE) * 256); fontdef_attr = (HPDF_TTFontDefAttr)fontdef->attr; ret += HPDF_Dict_AddName (font, "Type", "Font"); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddName (font, "BaseFont", fontdef_attr->base_font); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddName (font, "Subtype", "TrueType"); encoder_attr = (HPDF_BasicEncoderAttr)encoder->attr; ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (font, "FirstChar", encoder_attr->first_char); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (font, "LastChar", encoder_attr->last_char); if (fontdef->missing_width != 0) ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (font, "MissingWidth", fontdef->missing_width); if (ret != HPDF_OK) { HPDF_Dict_Free (font); return NULL; } if (HPDF_Xref_Add (xref, font) != HPDF_OK) return NULL; return font; } static HPDF_STATUS CreateDescriptor (HPDF_Font font) { HPDF_FontAttr font_attr = (HPDF_FontAttr)font->attr; HPDF_FontDef def = font_attr->fontdef; HPDF_TTFontDefAttr def_attr = (HPDF_TTFontDefAttr)def->attr; HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_TTFont_CreateDescriptor\n")); if (!font_attr->fontdef->descriptor) { HPDF_Dict descriptor = HPDF_Dict_New (font->mmgr); HPDF_STATUS ret = 0; HPDF_Array array; if (!descriptor) return HPDF_Error_GetCode (font->error); ret += HPDF_Xref_Add (font_attr->xref, descriptor); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddName (descriptor, "Type", "FontDescriptor"); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "Ascent", def->ascent); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "Descent", def->descent); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "CapHeight", def->cap_height); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "Flags", def->flags); array = HPDF_Box_Array_New (font->mmgr, def->font_bbox); ret += HPDF_Dict_Add (descriptor, "FontBBox", array); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddName (descriptor, "FontName", def_attr->base_font); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "ItalicAngle", def->italic_angle); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "StemV", def->stemv); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (descriptor, "XHeight", def->x_height); if (def_attr->char_set) ret += HPDF_Dict_AddName (descriptor, "CharSet", def_attr->char_set); if (ret != HPDF_OK) return HPDF_Error_GetCode (font->error); if (def_attr->embedding) { HPDF_Dict font_data = HPDF_DictStream_New (font->mmgr, font_attr->xref); if (!font_data) return HPDF_Error_GetCode (font->error); if (HPDF_TTFontDef_SaveFontData (font_attr->fontdef, font_data->stream) != HPDF_OK) return HPDF_Error_GetCode (font->error); ret += HPDF_Dict_Add (descriptor, "FontFile2", font_data); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (font_data, "Length1", def_attr->length1); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (font_data, "Length2", 0); ret += HPDF_Dict_AddNumber (font_data, "Length3", 0); font_data->filter = font->filter; } if (ret != HPDF_OK) return HPDF_Error_GetCode (font->error); font_attr->fontdef->descriptor = descriptor; } return HPDF_Dict_Add (font, "FontDescriptor", font_attr->fontdef->descriptor); } static HPDF_INT CharWidth (HPDF_Font font, HPDF_BYTE code) { HPDF_FontAttr attr = (HPDF_FontAttr)font->attr; if (attr->used[code] == 0) { HPDF_UNICODE unicode = HPDF_Encoder_ToUnicode (attr->encoder, code); attr->used[code] = 1; attr->widths[code] = HPDF_TTFontDef_GetCharWidth(attr->fontdef, unicode); } return attr->widths[code]; } static HPDF_TextWidth TextWidth (HPDF_Font font, const HPDF_BYTE *text, HPDF_UINT len) { HPDF_FontAttr attr = (HPDF_FontAttr)font->attr; HPDF_TextWidth ret = {0, 0, 0, 0}; HPDF_UINT i; HPDF_BYTE b = 0; HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_TTFont_TextWidth\n")); if (attr->widths) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { b = text[i]; ret.numchars++; ret.width += CharWidth (font, b); if (HPDF_IS_WHITE_SPACE(b)) { ret.numspace++; ret.numwords++; } } } else HPDF_SetError (font->error, HPDF_FONT_INVALID_WIDTHS_TABLE, 0); /* 2006.08.19 add. */ if (HPDF_IS_WHITE_SPACE(b)) ; /* do nothing. */ else ret.numwords++; return ret; } static HPDF_UINT MeasureText (HPDF_Font font, const HPDF_BYTE *text, HPDF_UINT len, HPDF_REAL width, HPDF_REAL font_size, HPDF_REAL char_space, HPDF_REAL word_space, HPDF_BOOL wordwrap, HPDF_REAL *real_width) { HPDF_DOUBLE w = 0; HPDF_UINT tmp_len = 0; HPDF_UINT i; HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_TTFont_MeasureText\n")); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { HPDF_BYTE b = text[i]; if (HPDF_IS_WHITE_SPACE(b)) { tmp_len = i + 1; if (real_width) *real_width = (HPDF_REAL)w; w += word_space; } else if (!wordwrap) { tmp_len = i; if (real_width) *real_width = (HPDF_REAL)w; } w += (HPDF_DOUBLE)CharWidth (font, b) * font_size / 1000; /* 2006.08.04 break when it encountered line feed */ if (w > width || b == 0x0A) return tmp_len; if (i > 0) w += char_space; } /* all of text can be put in the specified width */ if (real_width) *real_width = (HPDF_REAL)w; return len; } static HPDF_STATUS OnWrite (HPDF_Dict obj, HPDF_Stream stream) { HPDF_FontAttr attr = (HPDF_FontAttr)obj->attr; HPDF_BasicEncoderAttr encoder_attr = (HPDF_BasicEncoderAttr)attr->encoder->attr; HPDF_UINT i; HPDF_STATUS ret; char buf[128]; char *pbuf = buf; char *eptr = buf + 127; HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_Font_OnWrite\n")); /* Widths entry */ if ((ret = HPDF_Stream_WriteEscapeName (stream, "Widths")) != HPDF_OK) return ret; if ((ret = HPDF_Stream_WriteStr (stream, " [\012")) != HPDF_OK) return ret; for (i = encoder_attr->first_char; i <= encoder_attr->last_char; i++) { pbuf = HPDF_IToA (pbuf, attr->widths[i], eptr); *pbuf++ = ' '; if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { HPDF_StrCpy(pbuf, "\012", eptr); if ((ret = HPDF_Stream_WriteStr (stream, buf)) != HPDF_OK) return ret; pbuf = buf; } } HPDF_StrCpy (pbuf, "]\012", eptr); if ((ret = HPDF_Stream_WriteStr (stream, buf)) != HPDF_OK) return ret; return attr->encoder->write_fn (attr->encoder, stream); } static HPDF_STATUS BeforeWrite (HPDF_Dict obj) { HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_TTFont_BeforeWrite\n")); return CreateDescriptor (obj); } static void OnFree (HPDF_Dict obj) { HPDF_FontAttr attr = (HPDF_FontAttr)obj->attr; HPDF_PTRACE ((" HPDF_TTFont_OnFree\n")); if (attr) { if (attr->widths) { HPDF_FreeMem (obj->mmgr, attr->widths); } if (attr->used) { HPDF_FreeMem (obj->mmgr, attr->used); } HPDF_FreeMem (obj->mmgr, attr); } }