// // ApacheServerRequest.h // // Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef ApacheConnector_ApacheServerRequest_INCLUDED #define ApacheConnector_ApacheServerRequest_INCLUDED #include "ApacheConnector.h" #include "ApacheStream.h" #include "Poco/Net/HTTPServerRequest.h" #include <set> class ApacheServerResponse; class ApacheServerRequest: public Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest { public: ApacheServerRequest( ApacheRequestRec* pApacheRequest, const char* serverName, int serverPort, const char* clientName, int clientPort); /// Creates a new ApacheServerRequest. ~ApacheServerRequest(); /// Destroys the ApacheServerRequest. std::istream& stream(); /// Returns the input stream for reading /// the request body. /// /// The stream is valid until the HTTPServerRequest /// object is destroyed. bool expectContinue() const; /// Returns true if the client expects a /// 100 Continue response. const Poco::Net::SocketAddress& clientAddress() const; /// Returns the client's address. const Poco::Net::SocketAddress& serverAddress() const; /// Returns the server's address. const Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams& serverParams() const; /// Returns a reference to the server parameters. Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse& response() const; /// Returns a reference to the associated response bool secure() const; /// Returns true if the request is using a secure /// connection. Returns false if no secure connection /// is used, or if it is not known whether a secure /// connection is used. protected: void setResponse(ApacheServerResponse* pResponse); private: ApacheRequestRec* _pApacheRequest; ApacheServerResponse* _pResponse; ApacheInputStream* _pStream; Poco::Net::SocketAddress _serverAddress; Poco::Net::SocketAddress _clientAddress; friend class ApacheServerResponse; }; // // inlines // inline std::istream& ApacheServerRequest::stream() { poco_check_ptr (_pStream); return *_pStream; } inline const Poco::Net::SocketAddress& ApacheServerRequest::clientAddress() const { return _clientAddress; } inline const Poco::Net::SocketAddress& ApacheServerRequest::serverAddress() const { return _serverAddress; } #endif // ApacheConnector_ApacheServerRequest_INCLUDED