// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Misc/Player.hpp" #include "Base/Color3.hpp" #include "Core.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static String CS_Skin_Names[] = { /* 0 */ "Tommy Vercetti", /* 1 */ "Cop", /* 2 */ "SWAT", /* 3 */ "FBI", /* 4 */ "Army", /* 5 */ "Paramedic", /* 6 */ "Firefighter", /* 7 */ "Golf Guy #1", /* 8 */ "", /* 9 */ "Bum Lady #1", /* 10 */ "Bum Lady #2", /* 11 */ "Punk #1", /* 12 */ "Lawyer", /* 13 */ "Spanish Lady #1", /* 14 */ "Spanish Lady #2", /* 15 */ "Cool Guy #1", /* 16 */ "Arabic Guy", /* 17 */ "Beach Lady #1", /* 18 */ "Beach Lady #2", /* 19 */ "Beach Guy #1", /* 20 */ "Beach Guy #2", /* 21 */ "Office Lady #1", /* 22 */ "Waitress #1", /* 23 */ "Food Lady", /* 24 */ "Prostitute #1", /* 25 */ "Bum Lady #3", /* 26 */ "Bum Guy #1", /* 27 */ "Garbageman #1", /* 28 */ "Taxi Driver #1", /* 29 */ "Haitian #1", /* 30 */ "Criminal #1", /* 31 */ "Hood Lady", /* 32 */ "Granny #1", /* 33 */ "Businessman #1", /* 34 */ "Church Guy", /* 35 */ "Club Lady", /* 36 */ "Church Lady", /* 37 */ "Pimp", /* 38 */ "Beach Lady #3", /* 39 */ "Beach Guy #3", /* 40 */ "Beach Lady #4", /* 41 */ "Beach Guy #4", /* 42 */ "Businessman #2", /* 43 */ "Prostitute #2", /* 44 */ "Bum Lady #4", /* 45 */ "Bum Guy #2", /* 46 */ "Haitian #2", /* 47 */ "Construction Worker #1", /* 48 */ "Punk #2", /* 49 */ "Prostitute #3", /* 50 */ "Granny #2", /* 51 */ "Punk #3", /* 52 */ "Businessman #3", /* 53 */ "Spanish Lady #3", /* 54 */ "Spanish Lady #4", /* 55 */ "Cool Guy #2", /* 56 */ "Businessman #4", /* 57 */ "Beach Lady #5", /* 58 */ "Beach Guy #5", /* 59 */ "Beach Lady #6", /* 60 */ "Beach Guy #6", /* 61 */ "Construction Worker #2", /* 62 */ "Golf Guy #2", /* 63 */ "Golf Lady", /* 64 */ "Golf Guy #3", /* 65 */ "Beach Lady #7", /* 66 */ "Beach Guy #7", /* 67 */ "Office Lady #2", /* 68 */ "Businessman #5", /* 69 */ "Businessman #6", /* 70 */ "Prostitute #2", /* 71 */ "Bum Lady #4", /* 72 */ "Bum Guy #3", /* 73 */ "Spanish Guy", /* 74 */ "Taxi Driver #2", /* 75 */ "Gym Lady", /* 76 */ "Gym Guy", /* 77 */ "Skate Lady", /* 78 */ "Skate Guy", /* 79 */ "Shopper #1", /* 80 */ "Shopper #2", /* 81 */ "Tourist #1", /* 82 */ "Tourist #2", /* 83 */ "Cuban #1", /* 84 */ "Cuban #2", /* 85 */ "Haitian #3", /* 86 */ "Haitian #4", /* 87 */ "Shark #1", /* 88 */ "Shark #2", /* 89 */ "Diaz Guy #1", /* 90 */ "Diaz Guy #2", /* 91 */ "DBP Security #1", /* 92 */ "DBP Security #2", /* 93 */ "Biker #1", /* 94 */ "Biker #2", /* 95 */ "Vercetti Guy #1", /* 96 */ "Vercetti Guy #2", /* 97 */ "Undercover Cop #1", /* 98 */ "Undercover Cop #2", /* 99 */ "Undercover Cop #3", /* 100 */ "Undercover Cop #4", /* 101 */ "Undercover Cop #5", /* 102 */ "Undercover Cop #6", /* 103 */ "Rich Guy", /* 104 */ "Cool Guy #3", /* 105 */ "Prostitute #3", /* 106 */ "Prostitute #4", /* 107 */ "Love Fist #1", /* 108 */ "Ken Rosenburg", /* 109 */ "Candy Suxx", /* 110 */ "Hilary", /* 111 */ "Love Fist #2", /* 112 */ "Phil", /* 113 */ "Rockstar Guy", /* 114 */ "Sonny", /* 115 */ "Lance", /* 116 */ "Mercedes", /* 117 */ "Love Fist #3", /* 118 */ "Alex Shrub", /* 119 */ "Lance (Cop)", /* 120 */ "Lance", /* 121 */ "Cortez", /* 122 */ "Love Fist #4", /* 123 */ "Columbian Guy #1", /* 124 */ "Hilary (Robber)", /* 125 */ "Mercedes", /* 126 */ "Cam", /* 127 */ "Cam (Robber)", /* 128 */ "Phil (One Arm)", /* 129 */ "Phil (Robber)", /* 130 */ "Cool Guy #4", /* 131 */ "Pizza Man", /* 132 */ "Taxi Driver #1", /* 133 */ "Taxi Driver #2", /* 134 */ "Sailor #1", /* 135 */ "Sailor #2", /* 136 */ "Sailor #3", /* 137 */ "Chef", /* 138 */ "Criminal #2", /* 139 */ "French Guy", /* 140 */ "Garbageman #2", /* 141 */ "Haitian #5", /* 142 */ "Waitress #2", /* 143 */ "Sonny Guy #1", /* 144 */ "Sonny Guy #2", /* 145 */ "Sonny Guy #3", /* 146 */ "Columbian Guy #2", /* 147 */ "Haitian #6", /* 148 */ "Beach Guy #8", /* 149 */ "Garbageman #3", /* 150 */ "Garbageman #4", /* 151 */ "Garbageman #5", /* 152 */ "Tranny", /* 153 */ "Thug #5", /* 154 */ "SpandEx Guy #1", /* 155 */ "SpandEx Guy #2", /* 156 */ "Stripper #1", /* 157 */ "Stripper #2", /* 158 */ "Stripper #3", /* 159 */ "Store Clerk", /* 160 */ "" }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCStr GetSkinName(Uint32 id) { return (id > 159) ? _SC("") : CS_Skin_Names[id].c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SetSkinName(Uint32 id, const StackStrF & name) { if (id <= 159) { CS_Skin_Names[id].assign(name.mPtr); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 GetSkinID(const StackStrF & name) { // Clone the string into an editable version String str(name.mPtr, name.mLen); // Strip non alphanumeric characters from the name str.erase(std::remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(::isalnum))), str.end()); // Convert the string to lowercase std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower); // See if we still have a valid name after the cleanup if(str.empty()) { return SQMOD_UNKNOWN; } // Grab the actual length of the string const Uint32 len = ConvTo< Uint32 >::From(str.length()); // Get the most significant characters used to identify a skin CharT a = str[0], b = 0, c = 0, d = str[len-1]; // Look for deeper specifiers if (len > 2) { b = str[1]; c = str[2]; } else if (len > 1) { b = str[1]; } // Search for a pattern in the name switch (a) { // [A]lex Srub, [A]rabic guy, [A]rmy case 'a': switch (b) { // [Al]ex [S]rub case 'l': case 's': return SQMOD_SKIN_ALEX_SRUB; // [A]rabic [g]uy case 'g': return SQMOD_SKIN_ARABIC_GUY; // [Ara]bic guy, [Arm]y case 'r': if (c == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_ARABIC_GUY; else if (c == 'm') return SQMOD_SKIN_ARMY; } // [B]each guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F)/(#7|G)/(#8|H) // [B]each lady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F)/(#7|G) // [B]iker (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [B]um guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) // [B]um lady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#2|C)/(#3|D)/(#4|E) // [B]usiness man (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F) case 'b': // [Be]ach [g]uy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F)/(#7|G)/(#8|H) if (b == 'e' && (c == 'g' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'g'))) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_D; case '5': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_E; case '6': case 'f': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_F; case '7': case 'g': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_G; case '8': case 'h': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_GUY_H; } } // [Be]ach [l]ady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F)/(#7|G) else if (b == 'e' && (c == 'l' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'l'))) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_D; case '5': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_E; case '6': case 'f': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_F; case '7': case 'g': return SQMOD_SKIN_BEACH_LADY_G; } } // [Bi]ker (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'i' && (d == '1' || d == 'a')) return SQMOD_SKIN_BIKER_A; else if (b == 'i' && (d == '2' || d == 'b')) return SQMOD_SKIN_BIKER_B; // [Bum] [g]uy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) // [Bum] [l]ady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#2|C)/(#3|D)/(#4|E) else if (b == 'u' && (c && (c == 'm' || c == 'g' || c == 'l'))) { // [Bum] [g]uy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) if (c == 'g' || (len > 3 && str[3] == 'g')) { if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_GUY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_GUY_B; else if (d == '3' || d == 'c') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_GUY_C; } // [Bum] [l]ady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#2|C)/(#3|D)/(#4|E) else if (c == 'l' || (len > 3 && str[3] == 'l')) { if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_LADY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_LADY_B; else if (d == '2' || d == 'c') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_LADY_C; else if (d == '3' || d == 'd') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_LADY_D; else if (d == '4' || d == 'e') return SQMOD_SKIN_BUM_LADY_E; } } // [Bus]iness [m]an (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F) else if (b == 'u' && (c == 's' || (len > 9 && str[9] == 'm'))) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_BUSINESS_MAN_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_BUSINESS_MAN_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_BUSINESS_MAN_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_BUSINESS_MAN_D; case '5': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_BUSINESS_MAN_E; case '6': case 'f': return SQMOD_SKIN_BUSINESS_MAN_F; } } // [C]am, [C]am (Robber), [C]andy Suxx, [C]hef // [C]hurch guy, [C]hurch lady, [C]lub lady // [C]olumbian guy (#1|A)/(#2|B), // [C]onstruction worker (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [C]ool guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D) // [C]op, [C]ortez // [C]riminal (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [C]uban (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'c': // [Ca]m, [Ca]m (Robber), [Ca]ndy Suxx if (b == 'a') { // [Cam] ([R]obbe[r]) if (c && (c == 'm' || c == 'r') && d == 'r') return SQMOD_SKIN_CAM_ROBBER; // [Cam] else if (c == 'm') return SQMOD_SKIN_CAM; // [Can]dy [S]ux[x] else if (c && (c == 'n' || c == 's' || d == 'x')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CANDY_SUXX; } // [Ch]ef, [Ch]urch guy, [Ch]urch lady else if (b == 'h') { // [Che][f] if (c && (c == 'e' || d == 'f')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CHEF; // [Chu]rch [g]uy else if (c && ((c == 'u' && len > 6 && str[6] == 'g') || (c == 'g'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_CHURCH_GUY; // [Chu]rch [l]ady else if (c && ((c == 'u' && len > 6 && str[6] == 'l') || (c == 'l'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_CHURCH_LADY; } // [Cl]ub [l]ady else if (b == 'l') return SQMOD_SKIN_CLUB_LADY; // [Co]lumbian guy (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [Co]nstruction worker (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [Co]ol guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D) // [Co]p, [Co]rtez else if (b == 'o') { // [Col]umbian [g]uy (#1|A)/(#2|B) if (c && ((c == 'l' && len > 9 && str[9] == 'g') || (c == 'g'))) { if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_COLUMBIAN_GUY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_COLUMBIAN_GUY_B; } // [Con]struction [w]orker (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (c && (c == 'n' || (len > 12 && str[12] == 'g'))) { if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_CONSTRUCTION_WORKER_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_CONSTRUCTION_WORKER_B; } // [Coo]l guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D) else if (c == 'o') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_COOL_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_COOL_GUY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_COOL_GUY_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_COOL_GUY_D; } } // [Cop] else if (c == 'p') return SQMOD_SKIN_COP; // [Cor]te[z] else if (c && (c == 'r' || c == 'z' || d == 'z')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CORTEZ; } // [Cr]iminal (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'r' && (d == '1' || d == 'a')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CRIMINAL_A; else if (b == 'r' && (d == '2' || d == 'b')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CRIMINAL_B; // [Cu]ban (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'u' && (d == '1' || d == 'a')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CUBAN_A; else if (b == 'u' && (d == '2' || d == 'b')) return SQMOD_SKIN_CUBAN_B; // [D]BP security (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [D]iaz guy (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'd': switch (b) { // [DB]P [s]ecurity (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'b': case 's': if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_DBP_SECURITY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_DBP_SECURITY_B; // [Di]a[z] [g]uy (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'i': case 'z': case 'g': if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_DIAZ_GUY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_DIAZ_GUY_B; } // [F]BI, [F]ireman, [F]ood lady, [F]rench guy case 'f': switch (b) { // [FB]I case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_FBI; // [Fi]re[m]an case 'i': case 'm': return SQMOD_SKIN_FIREMAN; // [Fo]od [l]ady case 'o': case 'l': return SQMOD_SKIN_FOOD_LADY; // [Fr]ench [g]uy case 'r': case 'g': return SQMOD_SKIN_FRENCH_GUY; } // [G]arbageman (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E) // [G]olf guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) // [G]olf lady // [G]ranny (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [G]ym guy, [G]ym lady case 'g': // [Ga]rbage[m]an (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E) if (b && (b == 'a' || b == 'm')) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_GARBAGEMAN_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_GARBAGEMAN_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_GARBAGEMAN_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_GARBAGEMAN_D; case '5': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_GARBAGEMAN_E; } } // [Go]lf [g]uy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) else if (b == 'o' && ((c == 'g') || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'g'))) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_GOLF_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_GOLF_GUY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_GOLF_GUY_C; } } // [Go]lf [l]ady else if (b == 'o' && ((c == 'l') || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'l'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_GOLF_LADY; // [Gr]anny (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'r') { if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_GRANNY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_GRANNY_B; } // [Gy]m [g]uy else if (b && (b == 'g' || (b == 'y' && len > 3 && str[3] == 'g'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_GYM_GUY; // [Gy]m [l]ady else if (b && (b == 'l' || (b == 'y' && len > 3 && str[3] == 'l'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_GYM_LADY; // [H]atian (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E) // [H]ilary, [H]ilary (Robber), [H]ood lady case 'h': // [H]atian (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E) if (b == 'a') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_HATIAN_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_HATIAN_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_HATIAN_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_HATIAN_D; case '5': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_HATIAN_E; } } // [Hi]lary ([R]obbe[r]) else if (b && (b == 'i' || b == 'r') && d == 'r') return SQMOD_SKIN_HILARY_ROBBER; // [Hi]lary else if (b == 'i') return SQMOD_SKIN_HILARY; // [Ho]od [l]ady if (b && (b == 'o' || b == 'l')) return SQMOD_SKIN_HOOD_LADY; // [K]en Rosenburg case 'k': return SQMOD_SKIN_KEN_ROSENBURG; // [L]ance (#1|A)/(#1|B) // [L]ance (Cop) // [L]awyer // [L]ove Fist (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#3|D) case 'l': //[Lan]ce ([C]o[p]) if ((b == 'a') && (c == 'n') && ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'c') || d == 'p')) return SQMOD_SKIN_LANCE_COP; else if (b && (b == 'c' || (b == 'a' && (c == 'n')))) return SQMOD_SKIN_LANCE_COP; // [La]nce (#1|A)/(#1|B) else if (b == 'a' && c == 'n') { if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_LANCE_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_LANCE_B; } // [Law]yer else if (b && (b == 'w' || (b == 'a' && c == 'w'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_LAWYER; // [Lo]ve [F]ist (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#3|D) else if (b && (b == 'o' || b == 'f')) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_LOVE_FIST_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_LOVE_FIST_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_LOVE_FIST_C; case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_LOVE_FIST_D; } } // [M]ercades case 'm': if (d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_MERCADES_B; else return SQMOD_SKIN_MERCADES_A; // [O]ffice lady (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'o': if (d == '1' || d == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_OFFICE_LADY_A; else if (d == '2' || d == 'b') return SQMOD_SKIN_OFFICE_LADY_B; // [P]aramedic, [P]hil, [P]hil (One arm), [P]hil (Robber) // [P]imp, [P]izzaman // [P]rostitute (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#2|C)/(#2|D)/(#3|D)/(#4|D) // [P]unk (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) case 'p': // [Pa]ramedic if (b == 'a') return SQMOD_SKIN_PARAMEDIC; // [Ph]il (One arm), [Ph]il (Robber) else if (b == 'h') { // [Ph]il ([O]ne ar[m]) if (b == 'o' || (c == 'o') || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') || d == 'm') return SQMOD_SKIN_PHIL_ONE_ARM; // [Ph]il ([R]obbe[r]) else if (c && (c == 'r' || d == 'r' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'r'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_PHIL_ROBBER; // [Phi]l else if (c == 'i') return SQMOD_SKIN_PHIL; } // [Pim][p] else if (b == 'i' && ((c == 'm') || d == 'p')) return SQMOD_SKIN_PIMP; // [Piz]zama[n] else if (b == 'i' && ((c == 'z') || d == 'n')) return SQMOD_SKIN_PIZZAMAN; // [Pr]ostitute (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#2|C)/(#2|D)/(#3|D)/(#4|D) else if (b == 'r') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_PROSTITUTE_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_PROSTITUTE_B; case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_PROSTITUTE_C; case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_PROSTITUTE_D; case '3': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_PROSTITUTE_E; case '4': case 'f': return SQMOD_SKIN_PROSTITUTE_F; } } // [Pu]nk (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) else if (b == 'u') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_PUNK_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_PUNK_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_PUNK_C; } } // [R]ich guy, [R]ockstar guy case 'r': // [Ri]ch guy if (b == 'i') return SQMOD_SKIN_RICH_GUY; // [Ro]ckstar guy else if (b == 'o') return SQMOD_SKIN_ROCKSTAR_GUY; // [S]ailor (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) // [S]hark (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [S]hopper (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [S]kate guy, [S]kate lady, [S]onny // [S]onny guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) // [S]pandEx (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [S]panish guy // [S]panish lady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D) // [S]tore clerk // [S]tripper (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) // [S]wat case 's': // [Sa]ilor (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) if (b == 'a') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SAILOR_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SAILOR_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_SAILOR_C; } } // [S]hark (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'h' && c == 'a') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SHARK_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SHARK_B; } } // [S]hopper (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'h' && c == 'o') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SHOPPER_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SHOPPER_B; } } // [Sk]ate [g]uy else if (b == 'k' && ((c == 'g') || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'g'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_SKATE_GUY; // [Sk]ate [l]ady else if (b == 'k' && ((c == 'l') || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'l'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_SKATE_LADY; // [So]nny // [So]nny guy (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) else if (b == 'o') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SONNY_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SONNY_GUY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_SONNY_GUY_C; } } else if (b == 'g') { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SONNY_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SONNY_GUY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_SONNY_GUY_C; } } // [Sp]andE[x] (#1|A)/(#2|B) else if (b == 'p' && ((c == 'x') || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'x'))) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANDEX_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANDEX_GUY_B; } } // [Sp]anish [g]uy else if (b == 'p' && ((c == 'g') || (len > 7 && str[7] == 'g'))) return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANISH_GUY; // [Sp]anish [l]ady (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D) else if (b == 'p' && ((c == 'l') || (len > 7 && str[7] == 'l'))) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANISH_LADY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANISH_LADY_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANISH_LADY_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_SPANISH_LADY_D; } } // [Sto]re clerk else if ((b == 't') && (c == 'o')) return SQMOD_SKIN_STORE_CLERK; // [Str]ipper (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C) else if ((b == 't') && (c == 'r')) { switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_STRIPPER_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_STRIPPER_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_STRIPPER_C; } } // [Sw]at else if (b == 'w') return SQMOD_SKIN_SWAT; // [T]axi driver (#1|A)/(#1|B)/(#2|C)/(#2|D) // [T]hug (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [T]ommy Vercetti // [T]ourist (#1|A)/(#2|B) // [T]ranny case 't': switch (b) { // [Ta]xi driver (#1|A)/(#1|B)/(#2|C)/(#2|D) case 'a': switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_TAXI_DRIVER_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_TAXI_DRIVER_B; case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_TAXI_DRIVER_C; case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_TAXI_DRIVER_D; } // [Th]ug (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'h': switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_THUG_A; case '5': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_THUG_B; } // [To]mmy [V]ercetti // [To]urist (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'v': return SQMOD_SKIN_TOMMY_VERCETTI; case 'o': if (c == 'm') return SQMOD_SKIN_TOMMY_VERCETTI; else if (c == 'u' && (d == '1' || d == 'a')) return SQMOD_SKIN_TOURIST_A; else if (c == 'u' && (d == '2' || d == 'b')) return SQMOD_SKIN_TOURIST_B; case 'r': return SQMOD_SKIN_TRANNY; } // [U]ndercover cop (#1|A)/(#2|B)/(#3|C)/(#4|D)/(#5|E)/(#6|F) case 'u': switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_UNDERCOVER_COP_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_UNDERCOVER_COP_B; case '3': case 'c': return SQMOD_SKIN_UNDERCOVER_COP_C; case '4': case 'd': return SQMOD_SKIN_UNDERCOVER_COP_D; case '5': case 'e': return SQMOD_SKIN_UNDERCOVER_COP_E; case '6': case 'f': return SQMOD_SKIN_UNDERCOVER_COP_F; } // [V]ercetti guy (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'v': switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_VERCETTI_GUY_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_VERCETTI_GUY_B; } // [W]aitress (#1|A)/(#2|B) case 'w': switch (d) { case '1': case 'a': return SQMOD_SKIN_WAITRESS_A; case '2': case 'b': return SQMOD_SKIN_WAITRESS_B; } // Default to unknown default: return SQMOD_UNKNOWN; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool IsSkinValid(Int32 id) { CSStr name = GetSkinName(id); return (name && *name != '\0'); } } // Namespace:: SqMod