// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Sphere.hpp" #include "Base/Shared.hpp" #include "Base/DynArg.hpp" #include "Base/Buffer.hpp" #include "Library/Numeric/Random.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQMODE_DECL_TYPENAME(Typename, _SC("Sphere")) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Sphere Sphere::NIL = Sphere(); const Sphere Sphere::MIN = Sphere(0.0); const Sphere Sphere::MAX = Sphere(std::numeric_limits< Sphere::Value >::max()); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQChar Sphere::Delim = ','; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere::Sphere() noexcept : pos(0.0), rad(0.0) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere::Sphere(Value rv) noexcept : pos(0.0), rad(rv) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere::Sphere(const Vector3 & pv, Value rv) noexcept : pos(pv), rad(rv) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere::Sphere(Value xv, Value yv, Value zv, Value rv) noexcept : pos(xv, yv, zv), rad(rv) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator = (Value r) { rad = r; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator = (const Vector3 & p) { pos = p; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator += (const Sphere & s) { pos += s.pos; rad += s.rad; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator -= (const Sphere & s) { pos -= s.pos; rad -= s.rad; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator *= (const Sphere & s) { pos *= s.pos; rad *= s.rad; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator /= (const Sphere & s) { pos /= s.pos; rad /= s.rad; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator %= (const Sphere & s) { pos %= s.pos; rad = std::fmod(rad, s.rad); return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator += (Value r) { rad += r; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator -= (Value r) { rad -= r; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator *= (Value r) { rad *= r; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator /= (Value r) { rad /= r; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator %= (Value r) { rad = std::fmod(rad, r); return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator += (const Vector3 & p) { pos += p; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator -= (const Vector3 & p) { pos -= p; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator *= (const Vector3 & p) { pos *= p; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator /= (const Vector3 & p) { pos /= p; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator %= (const Vector3 & p) { pos %= p; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator ++ () { ++pos; ++rad; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere & Sphere::operator -- () { --pos; --rad; return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator ++ (int) // NOLINT(cert-dcl21-cpp) { Sphere state(*this); ++pos; ++rad; return state; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator -- (int) // NOLINT(cert-dcl21-cpp) { Sphere state(*this); --pos; --rad; return state; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator + (const Sphere & s) const { return {pos + s.pos, rad + s.rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator - (const Sphere & s) const { return {pos - s.pos, rad - s.rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator * (const Sphere & s) const { return {pos * s.pos, rad * s.rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator / (const Sphere & s) const { return {pos / s.pos, rad / s.rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator % (const Sphere & s) const { return {pos % s.pos, std::fmod(rad, s.rad)}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator + (Value r) const { return {rad + r}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator - (Value r) const { return {rad - r}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator * (Value r) const { return {rad * r}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator / (Value r) const { return {rad / r}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator % (Value r) const { return {std::fmod(rad, r)}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator + (const Vector3 & p) const { return {pos + p, rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator - (const Vector3 & p) const { return {pos - p, rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator * (const Vector3 & p) const { return {pos * p, rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator / (const Vector3 & p) const { return {pos / p, rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator % (const Vector3 & p) const { return {pos % p, rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator + () const { return {pos.Abs(), std::fabs(rad)}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::operator - () const { return {-pos, -rad}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Sphere::operator == (const Sphere & s) const { return EpsEq(rad, s.rad) && (pos == s.pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Sphere::operator != (const Sphere & s) const { return !EpsEq(rad, s.rad) || (pos != s.pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Sphere::operator < (const Sphere & s) const { return EpsLt(rad, s.rad) && (pos < s.pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Sphere::operator > (const Sphere & s) const { return EpsGt(rad, s.rad) && (pos > s.pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Sphere::operator <= (const Sphere & s) const { return EpsLtEq(rad, s.rad) && (pos <= s.pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Sphere::operator >= (const Sphere & s) const { return EpsGtEq(rad, s.rad) && (pos >= s.pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 Sphere::Cmp(const Sphere & o) const { if (*this == o) { return 0; } else if (*this > o) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSStr Sphere::ToString() const { return ToStrF("%f,%f,%f,%f", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rad); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetRadius(Value nr) { rad = nr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetSphere(const Sphere & ns) { pos = ns.pos; rad = ns.rad; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetSphereEx(Value nx, Value ny, Value nz, Value nr) { pos.SetVector3Ex(nx, ny, nz); rad = nr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetValues(const Vector3 & np, Value nr) { pos = np; rad = nr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetPosition(const Vector3 & np) { pos = np; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetPositionEx(Value nx, Value ny, Value nz) { pos.SetVector3Ex(nx, ny, nz); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::SetStr(SQChar delim, StackStrF & values) { SetSphere(Sphere::GetEx(delim, values)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::Generate() { pos.Generate(); rad = GetRandomFloat32(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::Generate(Value min, Value max, bool r) { if (EpsLt(max, min)) { STHROWF("max value is lower than min value"); } else if (r) { rad = GetRandomFloat32(min, max); } else { pos.Generate(min, max); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::Generate(Value xmin, Value xmax, Value ymin, Value ymax, Value zmin, Value zmax) { if (EpsLt(xmax, xmin) || EpsLt(ymax, ymin) || EpsLt(zmax, zmin)) { STHROWF("max value is lower than min value"); } pos.Generate(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Sphere::Generate(Value xmin, Value xmax, Value ymin, Value ymax, Value zmin, Value zmax, Value rmin, Value rmax) { if (EpsLt(xmax, xmin) || EpsLt(ymax, ymin) || EpsLt(zmax, zmin) || EpsLt(rmax, rmin)) { STHROWF("max value is lower than min value"); } pos.Generate(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax); rad = GetRandomFloat32(rmin, rmax); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sphere Sphere::Abs() const { return {pos.Abs(), std::fabs(rad)}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightObj Sphere::Format(const String & spec, StackStrF & fmt) const { String out; // Attempt to build the format string if (!BuildFormatString(out, fmt, 4, spec)) { return LightObj{}; // Default to null } // Empty string is unacceptable else if (out.empty()) { STHROWF("Unable to build a valid format string."); } // Grab a temporary buffer Buffer buff(out.size()); // Generate the string Buffer::SzType n = buff.WriteF(0, out.c_str(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, rad); // Did the format failed? if (!n && !out.empty()) { STHROWF("Format failed. Please check format specifier and parameter count."); } // Return the resulted string return LightObj{buff.Begin< SQChar >(), static_cast< SQInteger >(n)}; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Sphere & Sphere::Get(StackStrF & str) { return Sphere::GetEx(Sphere::Delim, str); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Sphere & Sphere::GetEx(SQChar delim, StackStrF & str) { static Sphere sphere; // Clear previous values, if any sphere.Clear(); // Is the specified string empty? if (str.mLen <= 0) { return sphere; // Return the value as is! } // The format specifications that will be used to scan the string SQChar fs[] = _SC(" %f , %f , %f , %f "); // Assign the specified delimiter fs[4] = delim; fs[9] = delim; fs[14] = delim; // Attempt to extract the component values from the specified string std::sscanf(str.mPtr, fs, &sphere.pos.x, &sphere.pos.y, &sphere.pos.z, &sphere.rad); // Return the resulted value return sphere; } // ================================================================================================ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" void Register_Sphere(HSQUIRRELVM vm) #pragma clang diagnostic pop { typedef Sphere::Value Val; RootTable(vm).Bind(Typename::Str, Class< Sphere >(vm, Typename::Str) // Constructors .Ctor() .Ctor< Val >() .Ctor< const Vector3 &, Val >() .Ctor< Val, Val, Val, Val >() // Member Variables .Var(_SC("pos"), &Sphere::pos) .Var(_SC("rad"), &Sphere::rad) .Var(_SC("Pos"), &Sphere::pos) .Var(_SC("Rad"), &Sphere::rad) // Core Meta-methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("cmp"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgCmpFn< Sphere >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Sphere >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &Typename::Fn) .Func(_SC("_tostring"), &Sphere::ToString) // Meta-methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_add"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgAddFn< Sphere >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Sphere >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_sub"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgSubFn< Sphere >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Sphere >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_mul"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgMulFn< Sphere >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Sphere >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_div"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgDivFn< Sphere >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Sphere >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_modulo"), &SqDynArgFwd< SqDynArgModFn< Sphere >, SQFloat, SQInteger, bool, std::nullptr_t, Sphere >) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(void) const >(_SC("_unm"), &Sphere::operator -) // Properties .Prop(_SC("Abs"), &Sphere::Abs) // Member Methods .Func(_SC("SetRadius"), &Sphere::SetRadius) .Func(_SC("SetSphere"), &Sphere::SetSphere) .Func(_SC("SetSphereEx"), &Sphere::SetSphereEx) .Func(_SC("SetValues"), &Sphere::SetValues) .Func(_SC("SetPosition"), &Sphere::SetPosition) .Func(_SC("SetPositionEx"), &Sphere::SetPositionEx) .FmtFunc(_SC("SetStr"), &Sphere::SetStr) .Func(_SC("Clear"), &Sphere::Clear) .FmtFunc(_SC("Format"), &Sphere::Format) // Member Overloads .Overload< void (Sphere::*)(void) >(_SC("Generate"), &Sphere::Generate) .Overload< void (Sphere::*)(Val, Val, bool) >(_SC("Generate"), &Sphere::Generate) .Overload< void (Sphere::*)(Val, Val, Val, Val, Val, Val) >(_SC("Generate"), &Sphere::Generate) .Overload< void (Sphere::*)(Val, Val, Val, Val, Val, Val, Val, Val) >(_SC("Generate"), &Sphere::Generate) // Static Functions .StaticFunc(_SC("GetDelimiter"), &SqGetDelimiter< Sphere >) .StaticFunc(_SC("SetDelimiter"), &SqSetDelimiter< Sphere >) .StaticFmtFunc(_SC("FromStr"), &Sphere::Get) .StaticFmtFunc(_SC("FromStrEx"), &Sphere::GetEx) // Operator Exposure .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) >(_SC("opAddAssign"), &Sphere::operator +=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) >(_SC("opSubAssign"), &Sphere::operator -=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) >(_SC("opMulAssign"), &Sphere::operator *=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) >(_SC("opDivAssign"), &Sphere::operator /=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) >(_SC("opModAssign"), &Sphere::operator %=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) >(_SC("opAddAssignR"), &Sphere::operator +=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) >(_SC("opSubAssignR"), &Sphere::operator -=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) >(_SC("opMulAssignR"), &Sphere::operator *=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) >(_SC("opDivAssignR"), &Sphere::operator /=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) >(_SC("opModAssignR"), &Sphere::operator %=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) >(_SC("opAddAssignP"), &Sphere::operator +=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) >(_SC("opSubAssignP"), &Sphere::operator -=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) >(_SC("opMulAssignP"), &Sphere::operator *=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) >(_SC("opDivAssignP"), &Sphere::operator /=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) >(_SC("opModAssignP"), &Sphere::operator %=) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(void) >(_SC("opPreInc"), &Sphere::operator ++) .Func< Sphere & (Sphere::*)(void) >(_SC("opPreDec"), &Sphere::operator --) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(int) >(_SC("opPostInc"), &Sphere::operator ++) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(int) >(_SC("opPostDec"), &Sphere::operator --) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opAdd"), &Sphere::operator +) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opSub"), &Sphere::operator -) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opMul"), &Sphere::operator *) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opDiv"), &Sphere::operator /) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opMod"), &Sphere::operator %) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) const >(_SC("opAddR"), &Sphere::operator +) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) const >(_SC("opSubR"), &Sphere::operator -) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) const >(_SC("opMulR"), &Sphere::operator *) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) const >(_SC("opDivR"), &Sphere::operator /) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(Sphere::Value) const >(_SC("opModR"), &Sphere::operator %) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) const >(_SC("opAddP"), &Sphere::operator +) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) const >(_SC("opSubP"), &Sphere::operator -) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) const >(_SC("opMulP"), &Sphere::operator *) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) const >(_SC("opDivP"), &Sphere::operator /) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(const Vector3 &) const >(_SC("opModP"), &Sphere::operator %) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(void) const >(_SC("opUnPlus"), &Sphere::operator +) .Func< Sphere (Sphere::*)(void) const >(_SC("opUnMinus"), &Sphere::operator -) .Func< bool (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opEqual"), &Sphere::operator ==) .Func< bool (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opNotEqual"), &Sphere::operator !=) .Func< bool (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opLessThan"), &Sphere::operator <) .Func< bool (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opGreaterThan"), &Sphere::operator >) .Func< bool (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opLessEqual"), &Sphere::operator <=) .Func< bool (Sphere::*)(const Sphere &) const >(_SC("opGreaterEqual"), &Sphere::operator >=) ); } } // Namespace:: SqMod