#ifndef _BASE_BUFFER_HPP_ #define _BASE_BUFFER_HPP_ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Memory; class Buffer; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * A counted reference to a memory manager instance. */ class MemRef { private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static MemRef s_Mem; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef unsigned int Counter; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory* m_Ptr; /* The memory manager instance. */ Counter* m_Ref; /* Reference count to the managed instance. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Grab a strong reference to a memory manager. */ void Grab(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Drop a strong reference to a memory manager. */ void Drop(); public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Get a reference to the global memory manager instance. */ static const MemRef & Get(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor (null). */ MemRef() : m_Ptr(s_Mem.m_Ptr), m_Ref(s_Mem.m_Ref) { Grab(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. */ MemRef(const MemRef & o) : m_Ptr(o.m_Ptr), m_Ref(o.m_Ref) { Grab(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ MemRef(MemRef && o) : m_Ptr(o.m_Ptr), m_Ref(o.m_Ref) { o.m_Ptr = nullptr; o.m_Ref = nullptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~MemRef() { Drop(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. */ MemRef & operator = (const MemRef & o) { if (m_Ptr != o.m_Ptr) { Drop(); m_Ptr = o.m_Ptr; m_Ref = o.m_Ref; Grab(); } return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. */ MemRef & operator = (MemRef && o) { if (m_Ptr != o.m_Ptr) { Drop(); m_Ptr = o.m_Ptr; m_Ref = o.m_Ref; o.m_Ptr = nullptr; o.m_Ref = nullptr; } return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Perform an equality comparison between two memory managers. */ bool operator == (const MemRef & o) const { return (m_Ptr == o.m_Ptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Perform an inequality comparison between two memory managers. */ bool operator != (const MemRef & o) const { return (m_Ptr != o.m_Ptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implicit conversion to boolean for use in boolean operations. */ operator bool () const { return m_Ptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Member operator for dereferencing the managed pointer. */ Memory * operator -> () const { assert(m_Ptr); return m_Ptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Indirection operator for obtaining a reference of the managed pointer. */ Memory & operator * () const { assert(m_Ptr); return *m_Ptr; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ThrowMemExcept(const char * msg, ...); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Reusable and re-scalable buffer memory for quick memory allocations. */ class Buffer { public: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef char Value; // The type of value used to represent a byte. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef Value & Reference; // A reference to the stored value type. typedef const Value & ConstRef; // A const reference to the stored value type. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef Value * Pointer; // A pointer to the stored value type. typedef const Value * ConstPtr; // A const pointer to the stored value type. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef unsigned int SzType; // The type used to represent size in general. private: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Construct and take ownership of the specified buffer. */ Buffer(Pointer & ptr, SzType & cap, const MemRef & mem) : m_Ptr(ptr) , m_Cap(cap) , m_Mem(mem) { ptr = nullptr; cap = 0; } public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor (null). Not null of a previous buffer was marked as movable. */ Buffer() : m_Ptr(nullptr) , m_Cap(0) , m_Mem(MemRef::Get()) { /* ... */ } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit size constructor. */ Buffer(SzType n) : m_Ptr(nullptr) , m_Cap(0) , m_Mem(MemRef::Get()) { Request(n < 8 ? 8 : n); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. */ Buffer(const Buffer & o); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ Buffer(Buffer && o) : m_Ptr(o.m_Ptr), m_Cap(o.m_Cap), m_Mem(o.m_Mem) { o.m_Ptr = nullptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~Buffer(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. */ Buffer & operator = (const Buffer & o); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. */ Buffer & operator = (Buffer && o) { if (m_Ptr != o.m_Ptr) { if (m_Ptr) Release(); m_Ptr = o.m_Ptr; m_Cap = o.m_Cap; m_Mem = o.m_Mem; o.m_Ptr = nullptr; } return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Equality comparison operator. */ bool operator == (const Buffer & o) const { return (m_Cap == o.m_Cap); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Inequality comparison operator. */ bool operator != (const Buffer & o) const { return (m_Cap != o.m_Cap); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Less than comparison operator. */ bool operator < (const Buffer & o) const { return (m_Cap < o.m_Cap); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Greater than comparison operator. */ bool operator > (const Buffer & o) const { return (m_Cap > o.m_Cap); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Less than or equal comparison operator. */ bool operator <= (const Buffer & o) const { return (m_Cap <= o.m_Cap); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Greater than or equal comparison operator. */ bool operator >= (const Buffer & o) const { return (m_Cap >= o.m_Cap); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implicit conversion to boolean. */ operator bool () const { return m_Ptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer casted as a different type. */ template < typename T = Value> T * Get() { return reinterpret_cast< T * >(m_Ptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer casted as a different type. */ template < typename T = Value> const T * Get() const { return reinterpret_cast< const T * >(m_Ptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the a certain element. */ template < typename T = Value> T & At(SzType n) { assert(n < m_Cap); return reinterpret_cast< T * >(m_Ptr)[n]; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the a certain element. */ template < typename T = Value> const T & At(SzType n) const { assert(n < m_Cap); return reinterpret_cast< const T * >(m_Ptr)[n]; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer casted as a different type. */ template < typename T = Value> T * Begin() { return reinterpret_cast< T * >(m_Ptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer casted as a different type. */ template < typename T = Value> const T * Begin() const { return reinterpret_cast< const T * >(m_Ptr); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer casted as a different type. */ template < typename T = Value> T * End() { return reinterpret_cast< T * >(m_Ptr) + (m_Cap / sizeof(T)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer casted as a different type. */ template < typename T = Value> const T * End() const { return reinterpret_cast< const T * >(m_Ptr) + (m_Cap / sizeof(T)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer. */ Pointer Data() { return m_Ptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the internal buffer. */ ConstPtr Data() const { return m_Ptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve maximum elements it can hold for a certain type. */ template < typename T = Value> static SzType Max() { return (0xFFFFFFFF / sizeof(T)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the current buffer capacity in element count. */ template < typename T = Value> SzType Size() const { return (m_Cap / sizeof(T)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the current buffer capacity in byte count. */ SzType Capacity() const { return m_Cap; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Makes sure there is enough capacity to hold the specified element count. */ template < typename T = Value> Buffer Adjust(SzType n) { // Do we meet the minimum size? if (n < 8) n = 8; // Adjust to minimum size // See if the requested capacity doesn't exceed the limit if (n > Max< T >()) ThrowMemExcept("Requested buffer of (%u) elements exceeds the (%u) limit", n, Max< T >()); // Is there an existing buffer? else if (n && !m_Cap) Request(n * sizeof(T)); // Request the memory // Should the size be increased? else if (n > m_Cap) { // Backup the current memory Buffer bkp(m_Ptr, m_Cap, m_Mem); // Request the memory Request(n * sizeof(T)); // Return the backup return std::move(bkp); } // Return an empty buffer return Buffer(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release the managed memory. */ void Reset() { if (m_Ptr) Release(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swap the contents of two buffers. */ void Swap(Buffer & o) { Pointer p = m_Ptr; SzType n = m_Cap; m_Ptr = o.m_Ptr; m_Cap = o.m_Cap; o.m_Ptr = p; o.m_Cap = n; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write a portion of a buffet to the internal buffer. */ SzType Write(SzType pos, ConstPtr data, SzType size); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write a formatted string to the internal buffer. */ SzType WriteF(SzType pos, const char * fmt, ...); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write a formatted string to the internal buffer. */ SzType WriteF(SzType pos, const char * fmt, va_list args); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Request the memory specified in the capacity. */ void Request(SzType n); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release the managed memory buffer. */ void Release(); private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pointer m_Ptr; /* Pointer to the memory buffer. */ SzType m_Cap; /* The total size of the buffer. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MemRef m_Mem; }; } // Namespace:: SqMod #endif // _BASE_BUFFER_HPP_