// File_VX.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Filesystem
// Module:  File
// Definition of the FileImpl class for VxWorks.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2011, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_File_VX_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_File_VX_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"

namespace Poco {

class FileImpl

	enum Options {

	typedef UInt64 FileSizeImpl;

	FileImpl(const std::string& path);
	virtual ~FileImpl();
	void swapImpl(FileImpl& file);
	void setPathImpl(const std::string& path);
	const std::string& getPathImpl() const;
	bool existsImpl() const;
	bool canReadImpl() const;
	bool canWriteImpl() const;
	bool canExecuteImpl() const;
	bool isFileImpl() const;
	bool isDirectoryImpl() const;
	bool isLinkImpl() const;
	bool isDeviceImpl() const;
	bool isHiddenImpl() const;
	Timestamp createdImpl() const;
	Timestamp getLastModifiedImpl() const;
	void setLastModifiedImpl(const Timestamp& ts);
	FileSizeImpl getSizeImpl() const;
	void setSizeImpl(FileSizeImpl size);
	void setWriteableImpl(bool flag = true);
	void setExecutableImpl(bool flag = true);
	void copyToImpl(const std::string& path, int options = 0) const;
	void renameToImpl(const std::string& path, int options = 0);
	void linkToImpl(const std::string& path, int type) const;
	void removeImpl();
	bool createFileImpl();
	bool createDirectoryImpl();
	FileSizeImpl totalSpaceImpl() const;
	FileSizeImpl usableSpaceImpl() const;
	FileSizeImpl freeSpaceImpl() const;
	static void handleLastErrorImpl(const std::string& path);

	std::string _path;

	friend class DirectoryIteratorImpl;

// inlines
inline const std::string& FileImpl::getPathImpl() const
	return _path;

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_File_VX_INCLUDED