// ApacheStream.h
// Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef ApacheConnector_ApacheStream_INCLUDED
#define ApacheConnector_ApacheStream_INCLUDED

#include "ApacheConnector.h"
#include "Poco/BufferedStreamBuf.h"
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>

class ApacheStreamBuf: public Poco::BufferedStreamBuf
	/// This is the streambuf class used for reading from and writing to a socket.
	ApacheStreamBuf(ApacheRequestRec* pApacheRequest, bool haveData = false);
		/// Creates a ApacheStreamBuf with the given socket.

		/// Destroys the SocketStreamBuf.

	int readFromDevice(char* buffer, std::streamsize length);
	int writeToDevice(const char* buffer, std::streamsize length);


	ApacheRequestRec* _pApacheRequest;
	bool  _haveData;

class ApacheIOS: public virtual std::ios
	/// The base class for ApacheStream, ApacheInputStream and
	/// ApacheOutputStream.
	/// This class is needed to ensure the correct initialization
	/// order of the stream buffer and base classes.
	ApacheIOS(ApacheRequestRec* pApacheRequest, bool haveData = false);
		/// Creates the ApacheIOS with the given socket.
		/// Destroys the ApacheIOS.
		/// Flushes the buffer, but does not close the socket.
	ApacheStreamBuf* rdbuf();
		/// Returns a pointer to the internal ApacheStreamBuf.
	void close();
		/// Flushes the stream.

	ApacheStreamBuf _buf;

class ApacheOutputStream: public ApacheIOS, public std::ostream
	/// An output stream for writing to an Apache response.
	ApacheOutputStream(ApacheRequestRec* pApacheRequest);
		/// Creates the ApacheOutputStream with the given socket.

		/// Destroys the ApacheOutputStream.
		/// Flushes the buffer.

class ApacheInputStream: public ApacheIOS, public std::istream
	/// An input stream for reading from an Apache request.
	/// Using formatted input from a ApacheInputStream
	/// is not recommended, due to the read-ahead behavior of
	/// istream with formatted reads.
	ApacheInputStream(ApacheRequestRec* pApacheRequest);
		/// Creates the ApacheInputStream with the given socket.

		/// Destroys the ApacheInputStream.

#endif // ApacheConnector_ApacheStream_INCLUDED