#include "Command.hpp" #include "Register.hpp" #include "Core.hpp" #include "Entity.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const CmdManager::Pointer _Cmd = CmdManager::Inst(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::_Finalizer(CmdManager * ptr) { delete ptr; /* Assuming 'delete' checks for NULL */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdManager::Pointer CmdManager::Inst() { if (!_Cmd) { return Pointer(new CmdManager(), &CmdManager::_Finalizer); } return Pointer(nullptr, &CmdManager::_Finalizer); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdManager::CmdManager() : m_Commands(), m_Invoker(SQMOD_UNKNOWN), m_Argv() { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdManager::~CmdManager() { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::VMClose() { // Release the reference to the specified callbacks m_OnError.Release2(); // We must not keep arguments m_Argv.fill(CmdArgs::value_type(CMDARG_ANY, NullData())); // Reset the argument counter m_Argc = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::Bind(const String & name, CmdListener * cmd) { // If it doesn't exist then it will be created m_Commands[name] = cmd; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::Unbind(const String & name) { m_Commands.erase(name); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function & CmdManager::GetOnError() { return m_OnError; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::SetOnError(Function & func) { m_OnError = func; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function & CmdManager::GetOnAuth() { return m_OnAuth; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::SetOnAuth(Function & func) { m_OnAuth = func; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdManager::GetName() { return m_Name.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdManager::GetText() { return m_Text.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::Execute(SQInt32 invoker, const String & str) { // Save the invoker identifier m_Invoker = invoker; // Find where the command name ends String::size_type split_pos = str.find_first_of(' '); // Attempt to separate the command name from arguments if (split_pos != String::npos) { m_Name = str.substr(0, split_pos); m_Text = str.substr(split_pos+1); } // No arguments specified else { m_Name = str; m_Text = _SC(""); } // Attempt to find a command with this name CmdPool::iterator itr = m_Commands.find(m_Name); // See if a command with this name could be found if (itr != m_Commands.end()) { // Place a lock on the command itr->second->m_Lock = true; // Attempt to execute the command Exec(*itr->second); // Take the lock from the command itr->second->m_Lock = false; } else { Error(CMDERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, _SC("No such command exists: %s"), m_Name.c_str()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdManager::Exec(CmdListener & cmd) { // See if the invoker has enough authority to execute this command if (!cmd.AuthCheck(m_Invoker)) { Error(CMDERR_INSUFFICIENT_AUTH, _SC("Insufficient authority to execute command")); // Command failed return; } // See if an executer was specified if (cmd.GetOnExec().IsNull()) { Error(CMDERR_MISSING_EXECUTER, _SC("No executer was specified for this command")); // Command failed return; } // See if there are any arguments to parse if (!m_Text.empty() && !Parse(cmd.GetMaxArgC())) { // The error message was reported while parsing return; } // See if we have enough arguments specified if (cmd.GetMinArgC() > m_Argc) { Error(CMDERR_INCOMPLETE_ARGS, _SC("Incomplete command arguments: %u < %u"), m_Argc, cmd.GetMinArgC()); // Command failed return; } // Check argument types agains the command specifiers for (Uint32 arg = 0; arg < m_Argc; ++arg) { if (!cmd.ArgCheck(arg, m_Argv[arg].first)) { Error(CMDERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARG, _SC("Unsupported command argument: %u -> %s"), arg, CmdArgSpecToStr(m_Argv[arg].first)); // Command failed return; } } // Reserve an array for the extracted arguments Array args(DefaultVM::Get(), m_Argc); // Copy the arguments into the array for (SQUint32 arg = 0; arg < m_Argc; ++arg) { args.Bind(arg, m_Argv[arg].second); } // Attempt to execute the command with the specified arguments bool result = cmd.Execute(m_Invoker, args); // See if an error occured if (Error::Occurred(DefaultVM::Get())) { Error(CMDERR_EXECUTION_FAILED, _SC("Command execution failed: %s"), Error::Message(DefaultVM::Get()).c_str()); } // See if the command failed else if (!result) { Error(CMDERR_EXECUTION_FAILED, _SC("Command execution failed")); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdManager::Parse(SQUint32 max) { // Clear previous arguments m_Argv.fill(CmdArgs::value_type(CMDARG_ANY, NullData())); // Reset the argument counter m_Argc = 0; // Request a temporary buffer Buffer buffer = _Core->PullBuffer(128); // Internal start and end of the temporary buffer SQChar * cur = nullptr, * end = nullptr; // The pointer to the currently processed character const SQChar * str = m_Text.c_str(); // Currently and previously processed character SQChar ch = 0, pr = 0; // When parsing may continue bool good = true; // Process the specified command text while (good) { // Extract the current character before advancing ch = *(str++); // See if there's anything left to parse if (ch == 0) { // Finished parsing break; } else if (m_Argc > max) { Error(CMDERR_EXTRANEOUS_ARGS, _SC("Extraneous command arguments: %u > %u"), m_Argc, max); // Parsing failed good = false; // Stop parsing break; } // See if we have to extract a string argument else if ((ch == '\'' || ch == '"') && pr != '\\') { // Obtain the internal beginning and ending of the temporary buffer cur = buffer.Begin(), end = (buffer.End()-1); /* + null */ // Attempt to consume the string argument while (good) { // Extract the current character before advancing ch = *(str++); // See if there's anything left to parse if (ch == 0) { Error(CMDERR_SYNTAX_ERROR, _SC("String not closed properly near command argument: %u"), m_Argc); // Parsing failed good = false; // Stop parsing break; } // First un-escaped single or double quote character ends argument if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') { // Was this not escaped? if (pr != '\\') { // Terminate the string value in the temporary buffer *cur = 0; // Stop parsing break; } else { // Overwrite last character when replicating --cur; } } // See if the temporary buffer needs to scale else if (cur == end) { // Attempt to increase the size of the temporary buffer buffer.Increase(512); // Obtain the internal beginning and ending of the temporary buffer again cur = (buffer.Begin() + (buffer.Size()-512)), end = (buffer.End()-1); /* + null */ } // Simply replicate the character to the temporary buffer *(cur++) = ch; // Save current argument as the previous one pr = ch; } // See if the argument was valid if (!good) { // Propagate failure break; } // Transform it into a squirrel object sq_pushstring(DefaultVM::Get(), buffer.Data(), cur - buffer.Begin()); // Get the object from the squirrel VM Var< SqObj > var(DefaultVM::Get(), -1); // Pop the created object from the stack if (!var.value.IsNull()) { sq_pop(DefaultVM::Get(), 1); } // Add it to the argument list along with it's type m_Argv[m_Argc].first = CMDARG_STRING; m_Argv[m_Argc].second = var.value; // Move to the next argument ++m_Argc; } // Ignore space until another valid argument is found else if (ch != ' ' && (pr == ' ' || pr == 0)) { // Obtain the internal beginning and ending of the temporary buffer cur = buffer.Begin(), end = (buffer.End()-1); /* + null */ // Move back to the previous character before extracting --str; // Attempt to consume the argument value while (good) { // Extract the current character before advancing ch = *(str++); // See if there's anything left to parse if (ch == 0) { // Move to the previous character so the main loop can stop --str; // Argument ended break; } else if (ch == ' ') { // Argument ended break; } // See if the buffer needs to scale else if (cur == end) { // Attempt to increase the size of the temporary buffer buffer.Increase(512); // Obtain the internal beginning and ending of the temporary buffer again cur = buffer.Begin() + (buffer.Size()-512), end = (buffer.End()-1); /* + null */ } // Simply replicate the character to the temporary buffer *(cur++) = ch; // Save current argument as the previous one pr = ch; } // Terminate the string value in the temporary buffer *cur = 0; // Used to exclude all other checks when a valid type was found bool found = false; // Attempt to treat the value as an integer number if (!found) { SQChar * next = NULL; // Attempt to extract the integer value Int64 value = strtol(buffer.Data(), &next, 10); // See if this whole string was an integer if (next == cur) { // Transform it into a squirrel object Var< SQInteger >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), _SCSQI(value)); // Get the object from the squirrel VM Var< SqObj > var(DefaultVM::Get(), -1); // Pop the created object from the stack if (!var.value.IsNull()) { sq_pop(DefaultVM::Get(), 1); } // Add it to the argument list along with it's type m_Argv[m_Argc].first = CMDARG_INTEGER; m_Argv[m_Argc].second = var.value; // Move to the next argument ++m_Argc; // We've found the correct value found = true; } } // Attempt to treat the value as a float number if (!found) { SQChar * next = 0; // Attempt to extract the floating point value Float64 value = strtod(buffer.Data(), &next); // See if this whole string was a float value if (next == cur) { // Transform it into a squirrel object Var< SQFloat >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), _SCSQF(value)); // Get the object from the squirrel VM Var< SqObj > var(DefaultVM::Get(), -1); // Pop the created object from the stack if (!var.value.IsNull()) { sq_pop(DefaultVM::Get(), 1); } // Add it to the argument list along with it's type m_Argv[m_Argc].first = CMDARG_FLOAT; m_Argv[m_Argc].second = var.value; // Move to the next argument ++m_Argc; // We've found the correct value found = true; } } // Attempt to treat the value as a boolean if (!found) { if (strcmp(buffer.Data(), "true") == 0 || strcmp(buffer.Data(), "on") == 0) { // Transform it into a squirrel object Var< bool >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), true); // Get the object from the squirrel VM Var< SqObj > var(DefaultVM::Get(), -1); // Pop the created object from the stack if (!var.value.IsNull()) { sq_pop(DefaultVM::Get(), 1); } // Add it to the argument list along with it's type m_Argv[m_Argc].first = CMDARG_BOOLEAN; m_Argv[m_Argc].second = var.value; // Move to the next argument ++m_Argc; // We've found the correct value found = true; } else if (strcmp(buffer.Data(), "false") == 0 || strcmp(buffer.Data(), "off") == 0) { // Transform it into a squirrel object Var< bool >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), false); // Get the object from the squirrel VM Var< SqObj > var(DefaultVM::Get(), -1); // Pop the created object from the stack if (!var.value.IsNull()) { sq_pop(DefaultVM::Get(), 1); } // Add it to the argument list along with it's type m_Argv[m_Argc].first = CMDARG_BOOLEAN; m_Argv[m_Argc].second = var.value; // Move to the next argument ++m_Argc; // We've found the correct value found = true; } } // If everything else failed then simply treat the value as a string if (!found) { // Transform it into a squirrel object Var< const SQChar * >::push(DefaultVM::Get(), buffer.Data(), (cur - buffer.Begin())); // Get the object from the squirrel VM Var< SqObj > var(DefaultVM::Get(), -1); // Pop the created object from the stack if (!var.value.IsNull()) { sq_pop(DefaultVM::Get(), 1); } // Add it to the argument list along with it's type m_Argv[m_Argc].first = CMDARG_STRING; m_Argv[m_Argc].second = var.value; // Move to the next argument ++m_Argc; } } // Save current argument as the previous one pr = ch; } // Return the borrowed buffer _Core->PushBuffer(std::move(buffer)); // Return whether the parsing was successful return good; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdListener::CmdListener() : CmdListener(_SC(""), _SC("")) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdListener::CmdListener(const SQChar * name) : CmdListener(name, _SC("")) { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdListener::CmdListener(const SQChar * name, const SQChar * spec) : m_Args({{0}}) , m_MinArgc(0) , m_MaxArgc(MAX_CMD_ARGS) , m_Name() , m_Spec() , m_Help() , m_Info() , m_OnAuth(_Cmd->GetOnAuth()) , m_OnExec() , m_Tag() , m_Data() , m_Level(SQMOD_UNKNOWN) , m_Suspended(false) , m_Authority(false) , m_Lock(false) { // Bind to the specified command name SetName(name); // Apply the specified argument rules SetSpec(spec); // Receive notification when the VM is about to be closed to release object references _Core->VMClose.Connect< CmdListener, &CmdListener::VMClose >(this); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdListener::~CmdListener() { // Stop receiving notification when the VM is about to be closed _Core->VMClose.Disconnect< CmdListener, &CmdListener::VMClose >(this); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::VMClose() { // Release the reference to the specified callbacks m_OnAuth.Release2(); m_OnExec.Release2(); // Release the reference to the specified user data m_Data.Release(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInt32 CmdListener::Cmp(const CmdListener & o) const { if (m_Name == o.m_Name) { return 0; } else if (m_Name.size() > o.m_Name.size()) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdListener::ToString() const { return m_Name.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdListener::GetTag() const { return m_Tag.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetTag(const SQChar * tag) { m_Tag.assign(tag); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SqObj & CmdListener::GetData() { return m_Data; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetData(SqObj & data) { m_Data = data; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdListener::GetName() const { return m_Name.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetName(const SQChar * name) { if (!m_Lock) { // If there's a name then we're already binded if (!m_Name.empty()) { _Cmd->Unbind(name); } // Assign the new name m_Name.assign(name); // If the new name is valid then bind to it if (!m_Name.empty()) { _Cmd->Bind(name, this); } } else { LogWrn("Attempting to while command is under active lock: %s", m_Name.c_str()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdListener::GetSpec() const { return m_Spec.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetSpec(const SQChar * spec) { if (ProcSpec(spec)) { m_Spec.assign(spec); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdListener::GetHelp() const { return m_Help.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetHelp(const SQChar * help) { m_Help.assign(help); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdListener::GetInfo() const { return m_Info.c_str(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetInfo(const SQChar * info) { m_Info.assign(info); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function & CmdListener::GetOnAuth() { return m_OnAuth; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetOnAuth(Function & func) { m_OnAuth = func; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function & CmdListener::GetOnExec() { return m_OnExec; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetOnExec(Function & func) { m_OnExec = func; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInt32 CmdListener::GetLevel() const { return m_Level; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetLevel(SQInt32 level) { m_Level = level; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdListener::GetSuspended() const { return m_Suspended; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetSuspended(bool toggle) { m_Suspended = toggle; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdListener::GetAuthority() const { return m_Authority; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetAuthority(bool toggle) { m_Authority = toggle; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUint32 CmdListener::GetMinArgC() const { return m_MinArgc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetMinArgC(SQUint32 val) { if (val < MAX_CMD_ARGS && val <= m_MaxArgc) { m_MinArgc = val; } else if (val > m_MaxArgc) { LogWrn("Attempting to using a value bigger then maximum: %u > %u", val, m_MaxArgc); } else { LogWrn("Attempting to using an out of bounds value %u > %u", val, MAX_CMD_ARGS); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQUint32 CmdListener::GetMaxArgC() const { return m_MaxArgc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CmdListener::SetMaxArgC(SQUint32 val) { if (val < MAX_CMD_ARGS && val >= m_MinArgc) { m_MaxArgc = val; } else if (val < m_MinArgc) { LogWrn("Attempting to using a value smaller then minimum: %u < %u", val, m_MinArgc); } else { LogWrn("Attempting to using an out of bounds value: %u > %d", val, MAX_CMD_ARGS); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdListener::ArgCheck(SQUint32 arg, Uint8 mask) const { if (arg < MAX_CMD_ARGS) { return (m_Args[arg] & mask) || m_Args[arg] == CMDARG_ANY; } else { LogErr("Unable to because : argument is out of bounds %u > %u", arg, MAX_CMD_ARGS); } // Argument failed inspection return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdListener::AuthCheck(SQInt32 id) { // Allow execution by default bool allow = true; // Do we need explicit authority verification? if (m_Authority) { // Was there a custom authority inspector specified? if (!m_OnAuth.IsNull()) { // Ask the specified authority inspector if this execution should be allowed SharedPtr< bool > ret = m_OnAuth.Evaluate< bool, SQInt32 >(id); // See what the custom authority inspector said or default to disallow allow = !ret ? false : *ret; } // Can we use the default authority system? else if (m_Level >= 0) { allow = (Reference< CPlayer >::Get(id).Level >= m_Level); } } // Return result return allow; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdListener::Execute(SQInt32 invoker, Array & args) { bool result = false; // Was there an executer specified? if (!m_OnExec.IsNull()) { // Attempt to evaluate the specified executer SharedPtr< bool > ret = m_OnExec.Evaluate< bool, SQInt32, Array & >(invoker, args); // See if the executer succeded or default to failed result = !ret ? false : *ret; } // Return result return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CmdListener::ProcSpec(const SQChar * str) { // Currently processed character SQChar ch = 0; // When parsing may continue bool good = true; // Currently processed argument SQUint32 idx = 0; // Process each character in the specified command while (good) { // Extract the current character before advancing ch = *(str++); // See if there are still things left to parse if (ch == 0) { // Finished parsing successfully break; } // See if we need to move to the next argument else if (ch == '|') { if (idx > MAX_CMD_ARGS) { LogErr("Unable to because : argument is out of bounds %u > %u", idx, MAX_CMD_ARGS); // Parsing failed good = false; // Stop parsing break; } // Move to the next argument ++idx; } // Simply ignore a type specifier delimiter else if (ch != ',') { // Consume space when found if (ch == ' ') { while (good) { ch = *(str++); // Stop when the text ends or on the first non-space character if (ch == 0 || ch != ' ') { break; } } } // See if there is a specifier left if (!good) { // Propagate stop break; } // Apply the type specifier switch(ch) { // Enable the integer type case 'i': m_Args[idx] |= CMDARG_INTEGER; break; // Enable the float type case 'f': m_Args[idx] |= CMDARG_FLOAT; break; // Enable the boolean type case 'b': m_Args[idx] |= CMDARG_BOOLEAN; break; // Enable the string type case 's': m_Args[idx] |= CMDARG_STRING; break; // Unknown type! default: { LogErr("Unable to because : unknown type specifier %u -> %c", idx, ch); // Parsing failed good = false; } break; } } } // Reset all argument specifiers if failed if (!good) { m_Args.fill(CMDARG_ANY); } // Return whether the parsing was successful return good; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * CmdArgSpecToStr(Uint8 spec) { switch (spec) { case CMDARG_ANY: return _SC("any"); case CMDARG_INTEGER: return _SC("integer"); case CMDARG_FLOAT: return _SC("float"); case CMDARG_BOOLEAN: return _SC("boolean"); case CMDARG_STRING: return _SC("string"); default: return _SC("unknown"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function & Cmd_GetOnError() { return _Cmd->GetOnError(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Cmd_SetOnError(Function & func) { _Cmd->SetOnError(func); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function & Cmd_GetOnAuth() { return _Cmd->GetOnAuth(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Cmd_SetOnAuth(Function & func) { _Cmd->SetOnAuth(func); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * Cmd_GetName() { return _Cmd->GetName(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SQChar * Cmd_GetText() { return _Cmd->GetText(); } // ================================================================================================ bool Register_Cmd(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // // Attempt to create the Cmd namespace Sqrat::Table cmdns(vm); // Output debugging information LogDbg("Beginning registration of type"); // Attempt to register the specified type cmdns.Bind(_SC("Listener"), Sqrat::Class< CmdListener, NoCopy< CmdListener > >(vm, _SC("Listener")) /* Constructors */ .Ctor() .Ctor< const SQChar * >() .Ctor< const SQChar *, const SQChar * >() /* Metamethods */ .Func(_SC("_cmp"), &CmdListener::Cmp) .Func(_SC("_tostring"), &CmdListener::ToString) /* Properties */ .Prop(_SC("ltag"), &CmdListener::GetTag, &CmdListener::SetTag) .Prop(_SC("ldata"), &CmdListener::GetData, &CmdListener::SetData) .Prop(_SC("name"), &CmdListener::GetName, &CmdListener::SetName) .Prop(_SC("spec"), &CmdListener::GetSpec, &CmdListener::SetSpec) .Prop(_SC("help"), &CmdListener::GetHelp, &CmdListener::SetHelp) .Prop(_SC("info"), &CmdListener::GetInfo, &CmdListener::SetInfo) .Prop(_SC("on_auth"), &CmdListener::GetOnAuth, &CmdListener::SetOnAuth) .Prop(_SC("on_exec"), &CmdListener::GetOnExec, &CmdListener::SetOnExec) .Prop(_SC("level"), &CmdListener::GetLevel, &CmdListener::SetLevel) .Prop(_SC("suspended"), &CmdListener::GetSuspended, &CmdListener::SetSuspended) .Prop(_SC("auth"), &CmdListener::GetAuthority, &CmdListener::SetAuthority) .Prop(_SC("authority"), &CmdListener::GetAuthority, &CmdListener::SetAuthority) .Prop(_SC("min_args"), &CmdListener::GetMinArgC, &CmdListener::SetMinArgC) .Prop(_SC("max_args"), &CmdListener::GetMaxArgC, &CmdListener::SetMaxArgC) /* Functions */ ); // Output debugging information LogDbg("Registration of type was successful"); // Output debugging information LogDbg("Beginning registration of type"); // Attempt to register the free functions cmdns.Func(_SC("get_on_error"), &Cmd_GetOnError); cmdns.Func(_SC("set_on_error"), &Cmd_SetOnError); cmdns.Func(_SC("get_on_auth"), &Cmd_GetOnAuth); cmdns.Func(_SC("set_on_auth"), &Cmd_SetOnAuth); cmdns.Func(_SC("get_name"), &Cmd_GetName); cmdns.Func(_SC("get_text"), &Cmd_GetText); // Output debugging information LogDbg("Registration of type was successful"); // Attempt to bind the namespace to the root table Sqrat::RootTable(vm).Bind(_SC("Cmd"), cmdns); // Registration succeeded return true; } } // Namespace:: SqMod