/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA */ /* Note that we can't have assertion on file descriptors; The reason for this is that during mysql shutdown, another thread can close a file we are working on. In this case we should just return read errors from the file descriptior. */ #ifndef HAVE_VIO /* is Vio suppored by the Vio lib ? */ #include <my_global.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #include <violite.h> #include <my_sys.h> #include <my_net.h> #include <m_string.h> #ifdef HAVE_POLL #include <sys/poll.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H #include <sys/ioctl.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include <fcntl.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL #include <ma_secure.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define socklen_t int #pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32") #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_NETINET_INCLUDES) #include <netinet/in_systm.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #if !defined(alpha_linux_port) #include <netinet/tcp.h> #endif #endif #if defined(__EMX__) || defined(OS2) #define ioctlsocket ioctl #endif /* defined(__EMX__) */ #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(_WIN32) #define O_NONBLOCK 1 /* For emulation of fcntl() */ #endif #ifndef EWOULDBLOCK #define SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK SOCKET_EAGAIN #endif #include <mysql_async.h> #include <my_context.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #define ma_get_error() WSAGetLastError() #else #define ma_get_error() errno #endif typedef void *vio_ptr; typedef char *vio_cstring; /* * Helper to fill most of the Vio* with defaults. */ void vio_reset(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type, my_socket sd, HANDLE hPipe, my_bool localhost) { uchar *save_cache= vio->cache; int save_timeouts[2]= {vio->read_timeout, vio->write_timeout}; bzero((char*) vio, sizeof(*vio)); vio->type= type; vio->sd= sd; vio->hPipe= hPipe; vio->localhost= localhost; /* do not clear cache */ vio->cache= vio->cache_pos= save_cache; vio->cache_size= 0; vio->read_timeout= save_timeouts[0]; vio->write_timeout= save_timeouts[1]; } void vio_timeout(Vio *vio, int type, uint timeval) { #ifdef _WIN32 uint timeout= timeval; /* milli secs */ #else struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec= timeval / 1000; timeout.tv_usec= (timeval % 1000) * 1000; #endif if (setsockopt(vio->sd, SOL_SOCKET, type, #ifdef _WIN32 (const char *)&timeout, #else (const void *)&timeout, #endif sizeof(timeout))) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("setsockopt failed. Errno: %d", errno)); } } void vio_read_timeout(Vio *vio, uint timeout) { vio->read_timeout= timeout * 1000; vio_timeout(vio, SO_RCVTIMEO, vio->read_timeout); } void vio_write_timeout(Vio *vio, uint timeout) { vio->write_timeout= timeout * 1000; vio_timeout(vio, SO_SNDTIMEO, vio->write_timeout); } /* Open the socket or TCP/IP connection and read the fnctl() status */ Vio *vio_new(my_socket sd, enum enum_vio_type type, my_bool localhost) { Vio *vio; DBUG_ENTER("vio_new"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sd=%d", sd)); if ((vio = (Vio*) my_malloc(sizeof(*vio),MYF(MY_WME)))) { vio_reset(vio, type, sd, 0, localhost); sprintf(vio->desc, (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_SOCKET ? "socket (%d)" : "TCP/IP (%d)"), vio->sd); #if !defined(__WIN32) && !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(OS2) #if !defined(NO_FCNTL_NONBLOCK) vio->fcntl_mode = fcntl(sd, F_GETFL); #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H) /* hpux */ /* Non blocking sockets doesn't work good on HPUX 11.0 */ (void) ioctl(sd,FIOSNBIO,0); #endif #else /* !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__EMX__) */ { /* set to blocking mode by default */ ulong arg=0, r; r = ioctlsocket(vio->sd,FIONBIO,(void*) &arg/*, sizeof(arg)*/); } #endif } if (!(vio->cache= my_malloc(VIO_CACHE_SIZE, MYF(MY_ZEROFILL)))) { my_free(vio); vio= NULL; } vio->cache_size= 0; vio->cache_pos= vio->cache; DBUG_RETURN(vio); } #ifdef _WIN32 Vio *vio_new_win32pipe(HANDLE hPipe) { Vio *vio; DBUG_ENTER("vio_new_handle"); if ((vio = (Vio*) my_malloc(sizeof(Vio),MYF(MY_ZEROFILL)))) { vio_reset(vio, VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE, 0, hPipe, TRUE); strmov(vio->desc, "named pipe"); } DBUG_RETURN(vio); } #endif void vio_delete(Vio * vio) { /* It must be safe to delete null pointers. */ /* This matches the semantics of C++'s delete operator. */ if (vio) { if (vio->type != VIO_CLOSED) vio_close(vio); my_free(vio->cache); my_free(vio); } } int vio_errno(Vio *vio __attribute__((unused))) { return socket_errno; /* On Win32 this mapped to WSAGetLastError() */ } int vio_wait_or_timeout(Vio *vio, my_bool is_read, int timeout) { int rc; #ifndef _WIN32 struct pollfd p_fd; #else struct timeval tv= {0,0}; fd_set fds, exc_fds; #endif if (!timeout) timeout= -1; /* we don't support it via named pipes yet. * maybe this could be handled via PeekNamedPipe somehow !? */ if (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE) return 1; /* Note that if zero timeout, then we will not block, so we do not need to yield to calling application in the async case. */ if (timeout != 0 && vio->async_context && vio->async_context->active) { rc= my_io_wait_async(vio->async_context, (is_read) ? VIO_IO_EVENT_READ : VIO_IO_EVENT_WRITE, timeout); return(rc); } else { #ifndef _WIN32 memset(&p_fd, 0, sizeof(p_fd)); p_fd.fd= vio->sd; p_fd.events= (is_read) ? POLLIN : POLLOUT; do { rc= poll(&p_fd, 1, timeout); } while (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (rc == 0) errno= ETIMEDOUT; #else FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_ZERO(&exc_fds); FD_SET(vio->sd, &fds); FD_SET(vio->sd, &exc_fds); if (timeout >= 0) { tv.tv_sec= timeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec= (timeout % 1000) * 1000; } rc= select(0, (is_read) ? &fds : NULL, (is_read) ? NULL : &fds, &exc_fds, (timeout >= 0) ? &tv : NULL); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) errno= WSAGetLastError(); if (rc == 0) errno= ETIMEDOUT; #endif } return rc; } size_t vio_real_read(Vio *vio, gptr buf, size_t size) { size_t r; switch(vio->type) { #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL case VIO_TYPE_SSL: return my_ssl_read(vio, (char *)buf, size); break; #endif #ifdef _WIN32 case VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE: { DWORD length= 0; if (!ReadFile(vio->hPipe, buf, (DWORD)size, &length, NULL)) return -1; return length; } break; #endif default: if (vio->async_context && vio->async_context->active) r= my_recv_async(vio->async_context, vio->sd, buf, size, vio->read_timeout); else { if (vio->async_context) { /* If switching from non-blocking to blocking API usage, set the socket back to blocking mode. */ my_bool old_mode; vio_blocking(vio, TRUE, &old_mode); } #ifndef _WIN32 if (vio_wait_or_timeout(vio, TRUE, vio->read_timeout) < 1) { return -1; } do { r= recv(vio->sd, buf, size, 0); } while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR); #else { WSABUF wsaData; DWORD dwBytes = 0; DWORD flags = 0; wsaData.len= size; wsaData.buf= buf; if (WSARecv(vio->sd, &wsaData, 1, &dwBytes, &flags, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { errno= WSAGetLastError(); return 0; } r= (size_t)dwBytes; } #endif } break; } return r; } size_t vio_read(Vio * vio, gptr buf, size_t size) { size_t r; DBUG_ENTER("vio_read"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sd=%d size=%d", vio->sd, size)); if (!vio->cache) DBUG_RETURN(vio_real_read(vio, buf, size)); if (vio->cache + vio->cache_size > vio->cache_pos) { r= MIN(size, (size_t)(vio->cache + vio->cache_size - vio->cache_pos)); memcpy(buf, vio->cache_pos, r); vio->cache_pos+= r; } else if (size >= VIO_CACHE_MIN_SIZE) { r= vio_real_read(vio, buf, size); } else { r= vio_real_read(vio, vio->cache, VIO_CACHE_SIZE); if ((ssize_t)r > 0) { if (size < r) { vio->cache_size= r; /* might be < VIO_CACHE_SIZE */ vio->cache_pos= vio->cache + size; r= size; } memcpy(buf, vio->cache, r); } } #ifndef DBUG_OFF if ((ssize_t)r == -1) { DBUG_PRINT("vio_error", ("Got error %d during read",socket_errno)); } #endif /* DBUG_OFF */ DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("%u", (uint)r)); DBUG_RETURN(r); } /* Return data from the beginning of the receive queue without removing that data from the queue. A subsequent receive call will return the same data. */ my_bool vio_read_peek(Vio *vio, size_t *bytes) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (ioctlsocket(vio->sd, FIONREAD, (unsigned long*)bytes)) return TRUE; #else char buffer[1024]; ssize_t length; vio_blocking(vio, 0, 0); length= recv(vio->sd, &buffer, sizeof(buffer), MSG_PEEK); if (length < 0) return TRUE; *bytes= length; #endif return FALSE; } size_t vio_write(Vio * vio, const gptr buf, size_t size) { size_t r; DBUG_ENTER("vio_write"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sd=%d size=%d", vio->sd, size)); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_SSL) { r= my_ssl_write(vio, (uchar *)buf, size); DBUG_RETURN(r); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if ( vio->type == VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE) { DWORD length; if (!WriteFile(vio->hPipe, (char*) buf, (DWORD)size, &length, NULL)) DBUG_RETURN(-1); DBUG_RETURN(length); } #endif if (vio->async_context && vio->async_context->active) r= my_send_async(vio->async_context, vio->sd, buf, size, vio->write_timeout); else { if (vio->async_context) { /* If switching from non-blocking to blocking API usage, set the socket back to blocking mode. */ my_bool old_mode; vio_blocking(vio, TRUE, &old_mode); } #ifndef _WIN32 do { r= send(vio->sd, buf, size, vio->write_timeout ? MSG_DONTWAIT : MSG_WAITALL); } while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR); while (r == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) && vio->write_timeout > 0) { if (vio_wait_or_timeout(vio, FALSE, vio->write_timeout) < 1) return 0; do { r= send(vio->sd, buf, size, vio->write_timeout ? MSG_DONTWAIT : MSG_WAITALL); } while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR); } #else { WSABUF wsaData; DWORD dwBytes = 0; wsaData.len= size; wsaData.buf= (char *)buf; if (WSASend(vio->sd, &wsaData, 1, &dwBytes, 0, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { errno= WSAGetLastError(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } r= (size_t)dwBytes; } #endif } #ifndef DBUG_OFF if ((size_t)r == -1) { DBUG_PRINT("vio_error", ("Got error on write: %d",socket_errno)); } #endif /* DBUG_OFF */ DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("%u", (uint)r)); DBUG_RETURN(r); } int vio_blocking(Vio *vio, my_bool block, my_bool *previous_mode) { int *sd_flags= &vio->fcntl_mode; int save_flags= vio->fcntl_mode; my_bool tmp; my_socket sock= vio->sd; if (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE) return 0; if (!previous_mode) previous_mode= &tmp; #ifdef _WIN32 *previous_mode= (*sd_flags & O_NONBLOCK) != 0; *sd_flags = (block) ? *sd_flags & ~O_NONBLOCK : *sd_flags | O_NONBLOCK; { ulong arg= 1 - block; if (ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, (void *)&arg)) { vio->fcntl_mode= save_flags; return(WSAGetLastError()); } } #else #if defined(O_NONBLOCK) *previous_mode= (*sd_flags & O_NONBLOCK) != 0; *sd_flags = (block) ? *sd_flags & ~O_NONBLOCK : *sd_flags | O_NONBLOCK; #elif defined(O_NDELAY) *previous_mode= (*sd_flags & O_NODELAY) != 0; *sd_flags = (block) ? *sd_flags & ~O_NODELAY : *sd_flags | O_NODELAY; #elif defined(FNDELAY) *previous_mode= (*sd_flags & O_FNDELAY) != 0; *sd_flags = (block) ? *sd_flags & ~O_FNDELAY : *sd_flags | O_FNDELAY; #else #error socket blocking is not supported on this platform #endif if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, *sd_flags) == -1) { vio->fcntl_mode= save_flags; return errno; } #endif return 0; } my_bool vio_is_blocking(Vio * vio) { my_bool r; DBUG_ENTER("vio_is_blocking"); r = !(vio->fcntl_mode & O_NONBLOCK); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("%d", (int) r)); DBUG_RETURN(r); } int vio_fastsend(Vio * vio __attribute__((unused))) { int r=0; DBUG_ENTER("vio_fastsend"); { #ifdef IPTOS_THROUGHPUT int tos = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; if (!setsockopt(vio->sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (void *) &tos, sizeof(tos))) #endif /* IPTOS_THROUGHPUT */ { int nodelay = 1; if (setsockopt(vio->sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *) &nodelay, sizeof(nodelay))) { DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Couldn't set socket option for fast send")); r= -1; } } } DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("%d", r)); DBUG_RETURN(r); } int vio_keepalive(Vio* vio, my_bool set_keep_alive) { int r=0; uint opt = 0; DBUG_ENTER("vio_keepalive"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sd=%d set_keep_alive=%d", vio->sd, (int) set_keep_alive)); if (vio->type != VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE) { if (set_keep_alive) opt = 1; r = setsockopt(vio->sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &opt, sizeof(opt)); } DBUG_RETURN(r); } my_bool vio_should_retry(Vio * vio __attribute__((unused))) { int en = socket_errno; return en == SOCKET_EAGAIN || en == SOCKET_EINTR || en == SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK; } int vio_close(Vio * vio) { int r; DBUG_ENTER("vio_close"); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_SSL) { r = my_ssl_close(vio); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE) { r=CloseHandle(vio->hPipe); } else if (vio->type != VIO_CLOSED) #endif /* _WIN32 */ { r=0; if (shutdown(vio->sd,2)) r= -1; if (closesocket(vio->sd)) r= -1; } if (r) { DBUG_PRINT("vio_error", ("close() failed, error: %d",socket_errno)); /* FIXME: error handling (not critical for MySQL) */ } vio->type= VIO_CLOSED; vio->sd= -1; DBUG_RETURN(r); } const char *vio_description(Vio * vio) { return vio->desc; } enum enum_vio_type vio_type(Vio* vio) { return vio->type; } my_socket vio_fd(Vio* vio) { return vio->sd; } my_bool vio_peer_addr(Vio * vio, char *buf) { DBUG_ENTER("vio_peer_addr"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sd=%d", vio->sd)); if (vio->localhost) { strmov(buf,""); } else { socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); if (getpeername(vio->sd, (struct sockaddr *) (& (vio->remote)), &addrLen) != 0) { DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("getpeername, error: %d", socket_errno)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } my_inet_ntoa(vio->remote.sin_addr,buf); } DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("addr=%s", buf)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } void vio_in_addr(Vio *vio, struct in_addr *in) { DBUG_ENTER("vio_in_addr"); if (vio->localhost) bzero((char*) in, sizeof(*in)); /* This should never be executed */ else *in=vio->remote.sin_addr; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Return 0 if there is data to be read */ /* my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio,uint timeout) { #ifndef HAVE_POLL return 0; #else struct pollfd fds; int res; DBUG_ENTER("vio_poll"); fds.fd=vio->sd; fds.events=POLLIN; fds.revents=0; if ((res=poll(&fds,1,(int) timeout*1000)) <= 0) { DBUG_RETURN(res < 0 ? 0 : 1); } DBUG_RETURN(fds.revents & POLLIN ? 0 : 1); #endif } */ #endif /* HAVE_VIO */