#pragma once // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Utility.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Helper constants used by the bas types. */ constexpr Float32 SQMOD_PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288f; constexpr Float64 SQMOD_PI64 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751d; constexpr Float32 SQMOD_RECIPROCAL_PI = (1.0f / SQMOD_PI); constexpr Float64 SQMOD_RECIPROCAL_PI64 = 1.0 / SQMOD_PI64; constexpr Float32 SQMOD_HALF_PI = (SQMOD_PI * 0.5f); constexpr Float32 SQMOD_HALF_PI64 = (SQMOD_PI64 * 0.5); constexpr Float32 SQMOD_DEGTORAD = SQMOD_PI / 180.0f; constexpr Float64 SQMOD_DEGTORAD64 = SQMOD_PI64 / 180.0; constexpr Float32 SQMOD_DEGTORAD_2 = SQMOD_PI / 360.0f; // M_DEGTORAD / 2.f constexpr Float64 SQMOD_DEGTORAD64_2 = SQMOD_PI64 / 360.0; // M_DEGTORAD / 2.f constexpr Float32 SQMOD_RADTODEG = 1.0f / SQMOD_DEGTORAD; constexpr Float64 SQMOD_RADTODEG64 = 1.0 / SQMOD_DEGTORAD64; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Intersection test result. */ enum Intersection { SQMODI_OUTSIDE = 0, SQMODI_INTERSECTS, SQMODI_INSIDE, }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Helper used to reference and keep track of signal instances. */ typedef std::pair< Signal *, LightObj > SignalPair; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward declarations of the logging functions to avoid including the logger everywhere. * Primary logging functions. */ extern void LogDbg(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogUsr(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogScs(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogInf(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogWrn(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogErr(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogFtl(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward declarations of the logging functions to avoid including the logger everywhere. * Secondary logging functions. */ extern void LogSDbg(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogSUsr(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogSScs(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogSInf(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogSWrn(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogSErr(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); extern void LogSFtl(CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 1, 2); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward declarations of the logging functions to avoid including the logger everywhere. * Primary conditional logging functions. */ extern bool cLogDbg(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogUsr(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogScs(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogInf(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogWrn(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogErr(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogFtl(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forward declarations of the logging functions to avoid including the logger everywhere. * Secondary conditional logging functions. */ extern bool cLogSDbg(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogSUsr(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogSScs(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogSInf(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogSWrn(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogSErr(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); extern bool cLogSFtl(bool exp, CCStr fmt, ...) SQMOD_FORMAT_ATTR(printf, 2, 3); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent AABB instance with the given values. */ extern const AABB & GetAABB(); extern const AABB & GetAABB(Float32 mins, Float32 maxs); extern const AABB & GetAABB(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv); extern const AABB & GetAABB(Float32 xmin, Float32 ymin, Float32 zmin, Float32 xmax, Float32 ymax, Float32 zmax); extern const AABB & GetAABB(const Vector3 & vmin, const Vector3 & vmax); extern const AABB & GetAABB(const AABB & o); extern const AABB & GetAABB(AABB && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Circle instance with the given values. */ extern const Circle & GetCircle(); extern const Circle & GetCircle(Float32 rv); extern const Circle & GetCircle(const Vector2 & pv, Float32 rv); extern const Circle & GetCircle(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 rv); extern const Circle & GetCircle(const Circle & o); extern const Circle & GetCircle(Circle && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Color3 instance with the given values. */ extern const Color3 & GetColor3(); extern const Color3 & GetColor3(Uint8 sv); extern const Color3 & GetColor3(Uint8 rv, Uint8 gv, Uint8 bv); extern const Color3 & GetColor3(const Color3 & o); extern const Color3 & GetColor3(Color3 && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Color4 instance with the given values. */ extern const Color4 & GetColor4(); extern const Color4 & GetColor4(Uint8 sv); extern const Color4 & GetColor4(Uint8 rv, Uint8 gv, Uint8 bv); extern const Color4 & GetColor4(Uint8 rv, Uint8 gv, Uint8 bv, Uint8 av); extern const Color4 & GetColor4(const Color4 & o); extern const Color4 & GetColor4(Color4 && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Quaternion instance with the given values. */ extern const Quaternion & GetQuaternion(); extern const Quaternion & GetQuaternion(Float32 sv); extern const Quaternion & GetQuaternion(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv); extern const Quaternion & GetQuaternion(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv, Float32 wv); extern const Quaternion & GetQuaternion(const Quaternion & o); extern const Quaternion & GetQuaternion(Quaternion && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Sphere instance with the given values. */ extern const Sphere & GetSphere(); extern const Sphere & GetSphere(Float32 rv); extern const Sphere & GetSphere(const Vector3 & pv, Float32 rv); extern const Sphere & GetSphere(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv, Float32 rv); extern const Sphere & GetSphere(const Sphere & o); extern const Sphere & GetSphere(Sphere && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Vector2 instance with the given values. */ extern const Vector2 & GetVector2(); extern const Vector2 & GetVector2(Float32 sv); extern const Vector2 & GetVector2(Float32 xv, Float32 yv); extern const Vector2 & GetVector2(const Vector2 & o); extern const Vector2 & GetVector2(Vector2 && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Vector2i instance with the given values. */ extern const Vector2i & GetVector2i(); extern const Vector2i & GetVector2i(Int32 sv); extern const Vector2i & GetVector2i(Int32 xv, Int32 yv); extern const Vector2i & GetVector2i(const Vector2i & o); extern const Vector2i & GetVector2i(Vector2i && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Vector3 instance with the given values. */ extern const Vector3 & GetVector3(); extern const Vector3 & GetVector3(Float32 sv); extern const Vector3 & GetVector3(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv); extern const Vector3 & GetVector3(const Vector3 & o); extern const Vector3 & GetVector3(Vector3 && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent Vector4 instance with the given values. */ extern const Vector4 & GetVector4(); extern const Vector4 & GetVector4(Float32 sv); extern const Vector4 & GetVector4(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv); extern const Vector4 & GetVector4(Float32 xv, Float32 yv, Float32 zv, Float32 wv); extern const Vector4 & GetVector4(const Vector4 & o); extern const Vector4 & GetVector4(Vector4 && o); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Get a persistent LongInt instance with the given values. */ const SLongInt & GetSLongInt(); const SLongInt & GetSLongInt(Int64 n); const SLongInt & GetSLongInt(CSStr s); const ULongInt & GetULongInt(); const ULongInt & GetULongInt(Uint64 n); const ULongInt & GetULongInt(CSStr s); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Initialize a signal instance into the specified pair. */ extern void InitSignalPair(SignalPair & sp, LightObj & et, const char * name); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Reset/release the specified signal pair. */ extern void ResetSignalPair(SignalPair & sp, bool clear = true); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * A simple implementation of name filtering. */ bool NameFilterCheck(CSStr filter, CSStr name); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * A simple implementation of name filtering without case sensitivity. */ bool NameFilterCheckInsensitive(CSStr filter, CSStr name); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Obtain a randomly chosen color from a list of known colors. */ const Color3 & GetRandomColor(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Attempt to identify the color in the specified name and return it. */ Color3 GetColorStr(CSStr name); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Attempt to identify the color in the specified name and return it. */ Color3 GetColor(StackStrF & name); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Throw the last system error as an exception. */ void SqThrowLastF(CSStr msg, ...); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Retrieve the string delimiter of a base type. */ template < typename T > inline SQInteger SqGetDelimiter() { return T::Delim; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Modify the string delimiter of a base type. */ template < typename T > inline void SqSetDelimiter(SQInteger c) { T::Delim = ConvTo< SQChar >::From(c); } } // Namespace:: SqMod