// MetaProgramming.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module:  MetaProgramming
// Common definitions useful for Meta Template Programming
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_MetaProgramming_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_MetaProgramming_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"

namespace Poco {

template <typename T>
struct IsReference
	/// Use this struct to determine if a template type is a reference.
		VALUE = 0

template <typename T>
struct IsReference<T&>
		VALUE = 1

template <typename T>
struct IsReference<const T&>
		VALUE = 1

template <typename T>
struct IsConst
	/// Use this struct to determine if a template type is a const type.
		VALUE = 0

template <typename T>
struct IsConst<const T&>
		VALUE = 1

template <typename T>
struct IsConst<const T>
		VALUE = 1

template <typename T, int i>
struct IsConst<const T[i]>
	/// Specialization for const char arrays
		VALUE = 1

template <typename T>
struct TypeWrapper
	/// Use the type wrapper if you want to decouple constness and references from template types.
	typedef T TYPE;
	typedef const T CONSTTYPE;
	typedef T& REFTYPE;
	typedef const T& CONSTREFTYPE;

template <typename T>
struct TypeWrapper<const T>
	typedef T TYPE;
	typedef const T CONSTTYPE;
	typedef T& REFTYPE;
	typedef const T& CONSTREFTYPE;

template <typename T>
struct TypeWrapper<const T&>
	typedef T TYPE;
	typedef const T CONSTTYPE;
	typedef T& REFTYPE;
	typedef const T& CONSTREFTYPE;

template <typename T>
struct TypeWrapper<T&>
	typedef T TYPE;
	typedef const T CONSTTYPE;
	typedef T& REFTYPE;
	typedef const T& CONSTREFTYPE;

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_MetaProgramming_INCLUDED