// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Shared.hpp" #include "Base/Color3.hpp" #include "Core/Utility.hpp" #include "Library/String.hpp" #include "Library/Numeric/Random.hpp" #include "Core.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static const Color3 SQ_Color_List[] = { Color3(240, 248, 255), Color3(250, 235, 215), Color3(0, 255, 255), Color3(127, 255, 212), Color3(240, 255, 255), Color3(245, 245, 220), Color3(255, 228, 196), Color3(0, 0, 0), Color3(255, 235, 205), Color3(0, 0, 255), Color3(138, 43, 226), Color3(165, 42, 42), Color3(222, 184, 135), Color3(95, 158, 160), Color3(127, 255, 0), Color3(210, 105, 30), Color3(255, 127, 80), Color3(100, 149, 237), Color3(255, 248, 220), Color3(220, 20, 60), Color3(0, 255, 255), Color3(0, 0, 139), Color3(0, 139, 139), Color3(184, 134, 11), Color3(169, 169, 169), Color3(0, 100, 0), Color3(189, 183, 107), Color3(139, 0, 139), Color3(85, 107, 47), Color3(255, 140, 0), Color3(153, 50, 204), Color3(139, 0, 0), Color3(233, 150, 122), Color3(143, 188, 143), Color3(72, 61, 139), Color3(47, 79, 79), Color3(0, 206, 209), Color3(148, 0, 211), Color3(255, 20, 147), Color3(0, 191, 255), Color3(105, 105, 105), Color3(30, 144, 255), Color3(178, 34, 34), Color3(255, 250, 240), Color3(34, 139, 34), Color3(255, 0, 255), Color3(220, 220, 220), Color3(248, 248, 255), Color3(255, 215, 0), Color3(218, 165, 32), Color3(128, 128, 128), Color3(0, 128, 0), Color3(173, 255, 47), Color3(240, 255, 240), Color3(255, 105, 180), Color3(205, 92, 92), Color3(75, 0, 130), Color3(255, 255, 240), Color3(240, 230, 140), Color3(230, 230, 250), Color3(255, 240, 245), Color3(124, 252, 0), Color3(255, 250, 205), Color3(173, 216, 230), Color3(240, 128, 128), Color3(224, 255, 255), Color3(250, 250, 210), Color3(211, 211, 211), Color3(144, 238, 144), Color3(255, 182, 193), Color3(255, 160, 122), Color3(32, 178, 170), Color3(135, 206, 250), Color3(119, 136, 153), Color3(176, 196, 222), Color3(255, 255, 224), Color3(0, 255, 0), Color3(50, 205, 50), Color3(250, 240, 230), Color3(255, 0, 255), Color3(128, 0, 0), Color3(102, 205, 170), Color3(0, 0, 205), Color3(186, 85, 211), Color3(147, 112, 219), Color3(60, 179, 113), Color3(123, 104, 238), Color3(0, 250, 154), Color3(72, 209, 204), Color3(199, 21, 133), Color3(25, 25, 112), Color3(245, 255, 250), Color3(255, 228, 225), Color3(255, 228, 181), Color3(255, 222, 173), Color3(0, 0, 128), Color3(253, 245, 230), Color3(128, 128, 0), Color3(107, 142, 35), Color3(255, 165, 0), Color3(255, 69, 0), Color3(218, 112, 214), Color3(238, 232, 170), Color3(152, 251, 152), Color3(175, 238, 238), Color3(219, 112, 147), Color3(255, 239, 213), Color3(255, 218, 185), Color3(205, 133, 63), Color3(255, 192, 203), Color3(221, 160, 221), Color3(176, 224, 230), Color3(128, 0, 128), Color3(255, 0, 0), Color3(188, 143, 143), Color3(65, 105, 225), Color3(139, 69, 19), Color3(250, 128, 114), Color3(244, 164, 96), Color3(46, 139, 87), Color3(255, 245, 238), Color3(160, 82, 45), Color3(192, 192, 192), Color3(135, 206, 235), Color3(106, 90, 205), Color3(112, 128, 144), Color3(255, 250, 250), Color3(0, 255, 127), Color3(70, 130, 180), Color3(210, 180, 140), Color3(0, 128, 128), Color3(216, 191, 216), Color3(255, 99, 71), Color3(64, 224, 208), Color3(238, 130, 238), Color3(245, 222, 179), Color3(255, 255, 255), Color3(245, 245, 245), Color3(255, 255, 0), Color3(154, 205, 50) }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Color3 & GetRandomColor() { return SQ_Color_List[GetRandomUint8(0, (sizeof(SQ_Color_List) / sizeof(Color3)) - 1)]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Color3 GetColor(StackStrF & name) { return name.mLen <= 0 ? Color3() : GetColorStr(name.mPtr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Color3 GetColorStr(const SQChar * name) { // See if we actually have something to search for if(!name || *name == '\0') { return Color3::NIL; // Use default color } // Clone the string into an editable version const SQChar * str = StrJustAlphaNum(name); str = StrToLowercase(str); // See if we still have a valid name after the cleanup if(!str || *str == '\0') { return Color3::NIL; // Use default color } // Calculate the name length const size_t len = std::strlen(str); // Get the most significant characters used to identify a weapon SQChar a = str[0], b = 0, c = 0, d = str[len-1]; // Look for deeper specifiers if(len >= 3) { c = str[2]; b = str[1]; } else if(len >= 2) { b = str[1]; } // Search for a pattern in the name switch(a) { // [A]liceBlue // [A]ntiqueWhite // [A]qua // [A]quamarine // [A]zure case 'a': switch (b) { // [Al]iceBlue case 'l': return {240, 248, 255}; // [Aq]ua[m]arine case 'm': return {127, 255, 212}; // [An]tiqueWhite case 'n': return {250, 235, 215}; // [Aq]ua // [Aq]uamarine case 'q': // [Aq]u[a] if (d == 'a') return {0, 255, 255}; // [Aq]ua[m]arin[e] else if (d == 'e' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'm')) return {127, 255, 212}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [Az]ure case 'z': return {240, 255, 255}; // Default to blank default: return Color3::NIL; } // [B]eige // [B]isque // [B]lack // [B]lanchedAlmond // [B]lue // [B]lueViolet // [B]rown // [B]urlyWood case 'b': switch (b) { // [B]lanched[A]lmond case 'a': return {255, 235, 205}; // [Be]ige case 'e': return {245, 245, 220}; // [Bi]sque case 'i': return {255, 228, 196}; // [Bl]ack // [Bl]anchedAlmond // [Bl]ue // [Bl]ueViolet case 'l': // [Bl]a[ck] if (d == 'k' || d == 'c') return {0, 0, 0}; // [Bl]anched[A]lmon[d] else if (d == 'd' || (len > 8 && str[8] == 'a')) return {255, 235, 205}; // [Bl]u[e] else if (d == 'e') return {0, 0, 255}; // [Bl]ue[V]iole[t] else if (d == 't' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'v')) return {138, 43, 226}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [Br]own case 'r': return {165, 42, 42}; // [Bu]rlyWood case 'u': return {222, 184, 135}; // [B]lue[V]iolet case 'v': return {138, 43, 226}; // Default to blank default: return Color3::NIL; } // [C]adetBlue // [C]hartreuse // [C]hocolate // [C]oral // [C]ornflowerBlue // [C]ornsilk // [C]rimson // [C]yan case 'c': switch (b) { // [Ca]detBlue case 'a': return {95, 158, 160}; // [Ch]artreuse // [Ch]ocolate case 'h': // [Ch]artreuse if (c == 'a') return {127, 255, 0}; // [Ch]ocolate else if (c == 'o') return {210, 105, 30}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [Co]ral // [Co]rnflowerBlue // [Co]rnsilk case 'o': // [Co]ra[l] if (d == 'l') return {255, 127, 80}; // [Co]rnflower[B]lu[e] else if (d == 'e' || (len > 10 && str[10] == 'b')) return {100, 149, 237}; // [Co]rnsil[k] else if (d == 'k') return {255, 248, 220}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [Cr]imson case 'r': return {220, 20, 60}; // [Cy]an case 'y': return {0, 255, 255}; // Default to blank default: return Color3::NIL; } // [D]arkBlue // [D]arkCyan // [D]arkGoldenRod // [D]arkGray // [D]arkGreen // [D]arkKhaki // [D]arkMagenta // [D]arkOliveGreen // [D]arkOrange // [D]arkOrchid // [D]arkRed // [D]arkSalmon // [D]arkSeaGreen // [D]arkSlateBlue // [D]arkSlateGray // [D]arkTurquoise // [D]arkViolet // [D]eepPink // [D]eepSkyBlue // [D]imGray // [D]odgerBlue case 'd': // [Di]mGray if (b == 'i' || b == 'g') return {105, 105, 105}; // [Do]dgerBlue else if (b == 'o' || b == 'b') return {30, 144, 255}; // [De]ep[P]in[k] else if (b == 'e' && (d == 'k' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'p'))) return {255, 20, 147}; // [De]ep[S]kyBlu[e] else if (b == 'e' && (d == 'e' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 's'))) return {0, 191, 255}; // [Da]rkBlue // [Da]rkCyan // [Da]rkGoldenRod // [Da]rkGray // [Da]rkGreen // [Da]rkKhaki // [Da]rkMagenta // [Da]rkOliveGreen // [Da]rkOrange // [Da]rkOrchid // [Da]rkRed // [Da]rkSalmon // [Da]rkSeaGreen // [Da]rkSlateBlue // [Da]rkSlateGray // [Da]rkTurquoise // [Da]rkViolet else if (b == 'a') { // [Da]rk[B]lue if (c == 'b' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'b')) return {0, 0, 139}; // [Da]rk[C]yan else if (c == 'c' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'c')) return {0, 139, 139}; // [Da]rk[Go]ldenRo[d] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'g') && (d == 'd' || d == 'o')) return {184, 134, 11}; // [Da]rk[G]r[ay] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'g') && (d == 'y' || d == 'a')) return {169, 169, 169}; // [Da]rk[G]r[een] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'g') && (d == 'n' || d == 'e')) return {0, 100, 0}; // [Da]rk[K]hak[i] else if (d == 'i' || c == 'k' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'k')) return {189, 183, 107}; // [Da]rk[M]agent[a] else if (d == 'a' || c == 'm' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'm')) return {139, 0, 139}; // [Da]rk[O]liveGr[een] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') && (d == 'n' || d == 'e')) return {85, 107, 47}; // [Da]rk[O]r[a]ng[e] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') && (d == 'e' || d == 'a')) return {255, 140, 0}; // [Da]rk[O]r[c]hi[d] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 'o') && (d == 'd' || d == 'c')) return {153, 50, 204}; // [Da]rk[R]ed else if (len > 4 && str[4] == 'r') return {139, 0, 0}; // [Da]rk[Sa]lmon else if (len > 5 && str[4] == 's' && str[5] == 'a') return {233, 150, 122}; // [Da]rk[Se]aGreen else if (len > 5 && str[4] == 's' && str[5] == 'e') return {143, 188, 143}; // [Da]rk[S]lateBlu[e] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 's') && (d == 'e' || d == 'b')) return {72, 61, 139}; // [Da]rk[S]lateGra[y] else if ((len > 4 && str[4] == 's') && (d == 'y' || d == 'g')) return {47, 79, 79}; // [Da]rk[T]urquoise else if (c == 't' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 't')) return {0, 206, 209}; // [Da]rk[V]iolet else if (c == 'v' || (len > 4 && str[4] == 'v')) return {148, 0, 211}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // Default to blank } else return Color3::NIL; // [F]ireBrick // [F]loralWhite // [F]orestGreen // [F]uchsia case 'f': switch (b) { // [Fi]re[B]rick case 'i': case 'b': return {178, 34, 34}; // [Fl]oral[W]hite case 'l': case 'w': return {255, 250, 240}; // [Fo]rest[G]reen case 'o': case 'g': return {34, 139, 34}; // [Fu]chsia case 'u': return {255, 0, 255}; // Default to blank default: return Color3::NIL; } // [G]ainsboro // [G]hostWhite // [G]old // [G]oldenRod // [G]ray // [G]reen // [G]reenYellow case 'g': // [Ga]insboro if (b == 'a') return {220, 220, 220}; // [Gh]ost[W]hite else if (b == 'h' || b == 'w') return {248, 248, 255}; // [Go]ld[e]n[R]od else if (len > 4 && (str[4] == 'e' || str[4] == 'r')) return {218, 165, 32}; // [Go]l[d] else if (b == 'o' && d == 'd') return {255, 215, 0}; // [Gray] else if (b == 'r' && (d == 'y' || d == 'a')) return {128, 128, 128}; // [Gr]een else if (b == 'r' && d == 'n') return {0, 128, 0}; // [Gr]eenYellow else if (b == 'r' && (d == 'w' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'y'))) return {173, 255, 47}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [H]oneyDew // [H]otPink case 'h': // [H]o[n]ey[D]e[w] if (d == 'w' || c == 'n' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'd')) return {240, 255, 240}; // [H]o[tP]in[k] else if (d == 'k' || c == 't' || (len > 3 && str[3] == 'p')) return {255, 105, 180}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [I]ndianRed // [I]ndigo // [I]vory case 'i': // [In]dian[R]e[d] if (b == 'n' && (d == 'd' || d == 'r')) return {205, 92, 92}; // [In]di[go] else if (b == 'n' && (d == 'o' || d == 'g')) return {75, 0, 130}; // [I]vory else if (b == 'v') return {255, 255, 240}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [K]haki case 'k': return {240, 230, 140}; // [L]avender // [L]avenderBlush // [L]awnGreen // [L]emonChiffon // [L]ightBlue // [L]ightCoral // [L]ightCyan // [L]ightGoldenRodYellow // [L]ightGray // [L]ightGreen // [L]ightPink // [L]ightSalmon // [L]ightSeaGreen // [L]ightSkyBlue // [L]ightSlateGray // [L]ightSteelBlue // [L]ightYellow // [L]ime // [L]imeGreen // [L]inen case 'l': // [La]vende[r] if (b == 'a' && d == 'r') return {230, 230, 250}; // [La]vender[B]lus[h] else if (b == 'a' && (d == 'h' || d == 'b')) return {255, 240, 245}; // [Law]n[G]ree[n] else if (b == 'g' || (b == 'a' && (c == 'w' || d == 'n'))) return {124, 252, 0}; // [Le]mon[C]hiffon else if (b == 'e' || b == 'c') return {255, 250, 205}; // [Li]me[G]reen else if (b == 'g' || (b == 'i' && (len > 4 && str[4] == 'g'))) return {50, 205, 50}; // [Lime] else if (b == 'i' && c == 'm' && d == 'e') return {0, 255, 0}; // [Lin]e[n] else if (b == 'i' && (c == 'n' || d == 'n')) return {250, 240, 230}; // [Li]ghtBlue // [Li]ghtCoral // [Li]ghtCyan // [Li]ghtGoldenRodYellow // [Li]ghtGray // [Li]ghtGreen // [Li]ghtPink // [Li]ghtSalmon // [Li]ghtSeaGreen // [Li]ghtSkyBlue // [Li]ghtSlateGray // [Li]ghtSteelBlue // [Li]ghtYellow else if (b == 'i') { // [Li]ght[B]lue if (len > 5 && str[5] == 'b') return {173, 216, 230}; // [Li]ght[Co]ra[l] else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'c') && (d == 'l' || d == 'o')) return {240, 128, 128}; // [Li]ght[Cy]a[n] else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'c') && (d == 'n' || d == 'y')) return {224, 255, 255}; // [Li]ght[Go]ldenRodYello[w] else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'g') && (d == 'w' || d == 'o')) return {250, 250, 210}; // [Li]ght[G]r[ay] else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'g') && (d == 'y' || d == 'a')) return {211, 211, 211}; // [Li]ght[G]r[een] else if ((len > 5 && str[5] == 'g') && (d == 'n' || d == 'e')) return {144, 238, 144}; // [Li]ght[P]ink else if (len > 5 && str[5] == 'p') return {255, 182, 193}; // [Li]ght[Sa]lmon else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'a') return {255, 160, 122}; // [Li]ght[Se]aGreen else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'e') return {32, 178, 170}; // [Li]ght[Sk]yBlue else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'k') return {135, 206, 250}; // [Li]ght[Sl]ateGray else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 'l') return {119, 136, 153}; // [Li]ght[St]eelBlue else if (len > 6 && str[5] == 's' && str[5] == 't') return {176, 196, 222}; // [Li]ght[Y]ellow else if (len > 5 && str[5] == 'y') return {255, 255, 224}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // Default to blank } else return Color3::NIL; // [M]agenta // [M]aroon // [M]ediumAquaMarine // [M]ediumBlue // [M]ediumOrchid // [M]ediumPurple // [M]ediumSeaGreen // [M]ediumSlateBlue // [M]ediumSpringGreen // [M]ediumTurquoise // [M]ediumVioletRed // [M]idnightBlue // [M]intCream // [M]istyRose // [M]occasin case 'm': // [Ma]genta if (b == 'a' && (c == 'a' || d == 'a')) return {255, 0, 255}; // [Ma]roon else if (b == 'a' && (c == 'r' || d == 'n' || d == 'o')) return {128, 0, 0}; // [Me]diumAquaMarine // [Me]diumBlue // [Me]diumOrchid // [Me]diumPurple // [Me]diumSeaGreen // [Me]diumSlateBlue // [Me]diumSpringGreen // [Me]diumTurquoise // [Me]diumVioletRed else if (b == 'e') { // [Me]dium[A]quaMarine if (c == 'a' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'a')) return {102, 205, 170}; // [Me]dium[B]lue else if (c == 'b' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'b')) return {0, 0, 205}; // [Me]dium[O]rchid else if (c == 'o' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'o')) return {186, 85, 211}; // [Me]dium[P]urple else if (c == 'p' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'p')) return {147, 112, 219}; // [Me]dium[T]urquoise else if (c == 't' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 't')) return {72, 209, 204}; // [Me]dium[V]ioletRed else if (c == 'v' || (len > 6 && str[6] == 'v')) return {199, 21, 133}; // [Me]dium[Se]aGreen else if (len > 7 && str[6] == 's' && str[7] == 'e') return {60, 179, 113}; // [Me]dium[Sl]ateBlue else if (len > 7 && str[6] == 's' && str[7] == 'l') return {123, 104, 238}; // [Me]dium[Sp]ringGreen else if (len > 7 && str[6] == 's' && str[7] == 'p') return {0, 250, 154}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; } // [Mi]dnightBlue else if (b == 'i' && c == 'd') return {25, 25, 112}; // [Mi]ntCream else if (b == 'i' && c == 'n') return {245, 255, 250}; // [Mi]styRose else if (b == 'i' && c == 's') return {255, 228, 225}; // [Mo]ccasin else if (b == 'o') return {255, 228, 181}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [N]avajoWhite // [N]avy case 'n': // [Na]vajo[W]hite if (c == 'v' || c == 'w') return {255, 222, 173}; // [Na]v[y] else if (c == 'a' || d == 'y') return {0, 0, 128}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [O]ldLace // [O]live // [O]liveDrab // [O]range // [O]rangeRed // [O]rchid case 'o': // [Old]Lace if (b == 'l' && c == 'd') return {253, 245, 230}; // [Ol]ive[D]ra[b] else if (b == 'l' && (d == 'b' || d == 'd')) return {107, 142, 35}; // [Ol]iv[e] else if (b == 'l' && d == 'e') return {128, 128, 0}; // [Or]ange[R]e[d] else if (b == 'r' && (d == 'd' || d == 'r')) return {255, 69, 0}; // [Or]ang[e] else if (b == 'r' && d == 'e') return {255, 165, 0}; // [Orc]hid else if (d == 'c') return {218, 112, 214}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [P]aleGoldenRod // [P]aleGreen // [P]aleTurquoise // [P]aleVioletRed // [P]apayaWhip // [P]eachPuff // [P]eru // [P]ink // [P]lum // [P]owderBlue // [P]urple case 'p': // [Pu]rple if (b == 'u') return {128, 0, 128}; // [Po]wderBlue else if (b == 'o') return {176, 224, 230}; // [Pi]nk else if (b == 'i') return {255, 192, 203}; // [Pl]um else if (b == 'l') return {221, 160, 221}; // [Pea]chPuff else if (b == 'e' && c == 'a') return {255, 218, 185}; // [Per]u else if (b == 'e' && c == 'r') return {205, 133, 63}; // [Pa]payaWhip else if (b == 'a' && c == 'p') return {255, 239, 213}; // [Pa]le[Go]ldenRod else if (b == 'a' && (len > 5 && str[4] == 'g' && str[5] == 'o')) return {238, 232, 170}; // [Pa]le[Gr]een else if (b == 'a' && (len > 5 && str[4] == 'g' && str[5] == 'r')) return {152, 251, 152}; // [Pa]le[T]urquoise else if (b == 'a' && (len > 4 && str[4] == 't')) return {175, 238, 238}; // [Pa]le[V]ioletRed else if (b == 'a' && (len > 4 && str[4] == 'v')) return {219, 112, 147}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [R]ed // [R]osyBrown // [R]oyalBlue case 'r': // [Re]d if (b == 'e') return {255, 0, 0}; // [Ros]yBrown else if (b == 'o' && c == 's') return {188, 143, 143}; // [Roy]alBlue else if (b == 'o' && c == 'y') return {65, 105, 225}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [S]addleBrown // [S]almon // [S]andyBrown // [S]eaGreen // [S]eaShell // [S]ienna // [S]ilver // [S]kyBlue // [S]lateBlue // [S]lateGray // [S]now // [S]pringGreen // [S]teelBlue case 's': // [Sad]dleBrown if (b == 'a' && c == 'd') return {139, 69, 19}; // [Sal]mon else if (b == 'a' && c == 'l') return {250, 128, 114}; // [San]dyBrown else if (b == 'a' && c == 'n') return {244, 164, 96}; // [Se]a[G]reen else if (b == 'e' && d == 'g') return {46, 139, 87}; // [Se]a[S]hell else if (b == 'e' && d == 's') return {255, 245, 238}; // [Sie]nna else if (b == 'i' && c == 'e') return {160, 82, 45}; // [Sil]ver else if (b == 'i' && c == 'l') return {192, 192, 192}; // [Sk]yBlue else if (b == 'k') return {135, 206, 235}; // [Sl]ateBlue else if (b == 'l' && (d == 'e' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'b'))) return {106, 90, 205}; // [Sl]ateGray else if (b == 'l' && (d == 'y' || (len > 5 && str[5] == 'g'))) return {112, 128, 144}; // [Sn]ow else if (b == 'n') return {255, 250, 250}; // [Sp]ringGreen else if (b == 'p') return {0, 255, 127}; // [St]eelBlue else if (b == 't') return {70, 130, 180}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [T]an // [T]eal // [T]histle // [T]omato // [T]urquoise case 't': switch(b) { // [Ta]n case 'a': return {210, 180, 140}; // [Te]al case 'e': return {0, 128, 128}; // [Th]istle case 'h': return {216, 191, 216}; // [To]mato case 'o': return {255, 99, 71}; // [Tu]rquoise case 'u': return {64, 224, 208}; // Default to blank default: return Color3::NIL; } // [V]iolet case 'v': return {238, 130, 238}; // [W]heat // [W]hite // [W]hiteSmoke case 'w': // [Wh]eat if (b == 'h' && c == 'e') return {245, 222, 179}; // [Wh]ite[S]moke else if (b == 'h' && (len > 5 && str[5] == 's')) return {245, 245, 245}; // [Whi]te else if (b == 'h' && c == 'i') return {255, 255, 255}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // [Y]ellow // [Y]ellowGreen case 'y': // [Ye]llow[G]reen if (b == 'e' && (len > 6 && str[6] == 'g')) return {154, 205, 50}; // [Yel]low else if (b == 'e' && c == 'l') return {255, 255, 0}; // Default to blank else return Color3::NIL; // Default to blank default: return Color3::NIL; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQInteger SqPackRGB(SQInteger r, SQInteger g, SQInteger b) { return static_cast< int32_t >(SQMOD_PACK_RGB( ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(r), // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise) ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(g), ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(b) )); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQInteger SqPackRGBA(SQInteger r, SQInteger g, SQInteger b, SQInteger a) { return static_cast< int32_t >(SQMOD_PACK_RGBA( ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(r), // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise) ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(g), ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(b), ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(a) )); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQInteger SqPackARGB(SQInteger r, SQInteger g, SQInteger b, SQInteger a) { return static_cast< int32_t >(SQMOD_PACK_ARGB( ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(a), // NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise) ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(r), ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(g), ConvTo< uint8_t >::From(b) )); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQInteger SqNameFilterCheck(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const int32_t top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the filter string specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing filter string"); } // Was the name string specified? else if (top <= 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing name string"); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF filter(vm, 2); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(filter.Proc(false))) { return filter.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF name(vm, 3); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(name.Proc(true))) { return name.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Make the comparison and push the result on the stack sq_pushbool(vm, static_cast< SQBool >(NameFilterCheck(filter.mPtr, name.mPtr))); // Specify that we have a return value on the stack return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQMOD_DECL_TYPENAME(SqAssertRes, _SC("SqAssertResult")) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct SqAssertResult { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * First assert argument. */ String mA{}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Second assert argument. */ String mB{}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assert source file. */ String mSource{}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assert location. */ SQInteger mLine{0}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Second assert argument. */ const String & mFStr{}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assert location. */ SQInteger mResult{SQ_OK}; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const String FSTR; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. */ SqAssertResult(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger top, const String & fstr = FSTR) : mA(), mB(), mSource(), mLine(0), mFStr(fstr), mResult(SQ_OK) { // Used to acquire stack information SQStackInfos si; // Obtain information about the current stack level mResult = sq_stackinfos(vm, 1, &si); // Validate result if (SQ_FAILED(mResult)) { return; // Abort } // Store the source mSource.assign(si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown")); // Store the line mLine = si.line; // First argument StackStrF a(vm, 2); // Get the first value as string if (SQ_FAILED(a.Proc(false))) { mResult = a.mRes; return; // Abort } // Store the first argument mA.assign(a.mPtr, a.GetSize()); // Has second parameter? if (top > 2) { // Second argument StackStrF b(vm, 3); // Get the second value as string if (SQ_FAILED(b.Proc(false))) { mResult = a.mRes; return; // Abort } // Store the first argument mB.assign(b.mPtr, b.GetSize()); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor (disabled). */ SqAssertResult(const SqAssertResult &) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor (disabled). */ SqAssertResult(SqAssertResult &&) noexcept = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~SqAssertResult() = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assignment operator (disabled). */ SqAssertResult & operator = (const SqAssertResult &) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment (disabled). */ SqAssertResult & operator = (SqAssertResult &&) noexcept = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Log what happened. Can be custom or default message. */ SqAssertResult & What(StackStrF & s) { // Default? if (s.mLen <= 0) { LogScs(fmt::format(mFStr, mA, mB).c_str()); } else { LogScs(fmt::format(s.ToStr(), mA, mB).c_str()); } // Allow chaining return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Log where it happened. */ SqAssertResult & Where() { LogSInf("=>In: %s : %d", mSource.c_str(), static_cast< int >(mLine)); // Allow chaining return *this; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String SqAssertResult::FSTR("Assertion passed ({0})."); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct CmpEQ { static const String FSTR; static const String FSTRV; inline bool operator() (SQInteger r) const noexcept { return (r == 0); } }; struct CmpNE { static const String FSTR; static const String FSTRT; static const String FSTRV; inline bool operator() (SQInteger r) const noexcept { return (r != 0); } }; struct CmpLT { static const String FSTR; static const String FSTRV; inline bool operator() (SQInteger r) const noexcept { return (r < 0); } }; struct CmpGT { static const String FSTR; static const String FSTRV; inline bool operator() (SQInteger r) const noexcept { return (r > 0); } }; struct CmpLE { static const String FSTR; static const String FSTRV; inline bool operator() (SQInteger r) const noexcept { return (r <= 0); } }; struct CmpGE { static const String FSTR; static const String FSTRV; inline bool operator() (SQInteger r) const noexcept { return (r >= 0); } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String CmpEQ::FSTR("Assertion passed: {0} == {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpNE::FSTR("Assertion passed: {0} != {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpLT::FSTR("Assertion passed: {0} < {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpGT::FSTR("Assertion passed: {0} > {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpLE::FSTR("Assertion passed: {0} <= {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpGE::FSTR("Assertion passed: {0} >= {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String CmpEQ::FSTRV("Assertion failed. Value mismatch: {0} == {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpNE::FSTRV("Assertion failed. Value mismatch: {0} != {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpLT::FSTRV("Assertion failed. Value mismatch: {0} < {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpGT::FSTRV("Assertion failed. Value mismatch: {0} > {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpLE::FSTRV("Assertion failed. Value mismatch: {0} <= {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) const String CmpGE::FSTRV("Assertion failed. Value mismatch: {0} >= {1}"); // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQInteger SqNameFilterCheckInsensitive(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const int32_t top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the filter string specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing filter string"); } // Was the name string specified? else if (top <= 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing name string"); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF filter(vm, 2); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(filter.Proc(false))) { return filter.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF name(vm, 3); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(name.Proc(true))) { return name.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Make the comparison and push the result on the stack sq_pushbool(vm, static_cast< SQBool >(NameFilterCheckInsensitive(filter.mPtr, name.mPtr))); // Specify that we have a return value on the stack return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQInteger SqAssert(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // Get the number of arguments SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm); // Make sure we have enough if (top < 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Not enough parameters."); } // We only validate boolean values SQBool b = SQFalse; // Retrieve the argument as boolean sq_tobool(vm, 2, &b); // Check assertion result if (b != SQTrue) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Assertion failed."); } // Try to return assert result try { // Create the instance and guard it to make sure it gets deleted in case of exceptions DeleteGuard< SqAssertResult > instance(new SqAssertResult(vm, top)); // Push the instance on the stack ClassType< SqAssertResult >::PushInstance(vm, instance); // Stop guarding the instance instance.Release(); // Specify that we returned a value return 1; } catch (const std::exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } SQ_UNREACHABLE // Unreachable return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class C > static SQInteger SqAssertValue(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // Get the number of arguments SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm); // Make sure we have enough if (top < 3) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Not enough parameters."); } // Create the instance and guard it to make sure it gets deleted in case of exceptions DeleteGuard< SqAssertResult > ar(new SqAssertResult(vm, top, C::FSTR)); // Compare values SQInteger r = sq_cmpr(vm); // Validate result if (C{}(r) == false) { // Throw the error return sq_throwerrorf(vm, fmt::format(C::FSTRV, ar.Get()->mA, ar.Get()->mB).c_str()); } // Try to return assert result try { // Push the instance on the stack ClassType< SqAssertResult >::PushInstance(vm, ar); // Stop guarding the instance ar.Release(); // Specify that we returned a value return 1; } catch (const std::exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } SQ_UNREACHABLE // Unreachable return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class C > static SQInteger SqAssertSame(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // Get the number of arguments SQInteger top = sq_gettop(vm); // Make sure we have enough if (top < 3) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Not enough parameters."); } // Validate types if (sq_gettype(vm, 2) != sq_gettype(vm, 3)) { return sq_throwerrorf(vm, "Assertion failed. Type mismatch: %s != %s", SqTypeName(vm, 2).c_str(), SqTypeName(vm, 3).c_str()); } // Create the instance and guard it to make sure it gets deleted in case of exceptions DeleteGuard< SqAssertResult > ar(new SqAssertResult(vm, top, C::FSTR)); // Compare values SQInteger r = sq_cmpr(vm); // Validate result if (C{}(r) == false) { // Throw the error return sq_throwerrorf(vm, fmt::format(C::FSTRV, ar.Get()->mA, ar.Get()->mB).c_str()); } // Try to return assert result try { // Push the instance on the stack ClassType< SqAssertResult >::PushInstance(vm, ar); // Stop guarding the instance ar.Release(); // Specify that we returned a value return 1; } catch (const std::exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.what()); } SQ_UNREACHABLE // Unreachable return 0; } // ================================================================================================ void Register_Base(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RootTable(vm).Bind(SqAssertRes::Str, Class< SqAssertResult, NoCopy< SqAssertResult > >(vm, SqAssertRes::Str) // Meta-methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &SqAssertRes::Fn) // Member Methods .Func(_SC("What"), &SqAssertResult::What) .Func(_SC("Where"), &SqAssertResult::Where) ); RootTable(vm) .Func(_SC("EpsEq"), &EpsEq< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("EpsLt"), &EpsLt< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("EpsGt"), &EpsGt< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("EpsLtEq"), &EpsLtEq< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("EpsGtEq"), &EpsGtEq< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("ClampI"), &Clamp< SQInteger, SQInteger, SQInteger >) .Func(_SC("ClampF"), &Clamp< SQFloat, SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("ClampMinI"), &ClampMin< SQInteger, SQInteger >) .Func(_SC("ClampMinF"), &ClampMin< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("ClampMaxI"), &ClampMax< SQInteger, SQInteger >) .Func(_SC("ClampMaxF"), &ClampMax< SQFloat, SQFloat >) .Func(_SC("NextPow2"), &NextPow2) .Func(_SC("SToB"), &SToB) .Func(_SC("PackRGB"), &SqPackRGB) .Func(_SC("PackRGBA"), &SqPackRGBA) .Func(_SC("PackARGB"), &SqPackARGB) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("NameFilterCheck"), &SqNameFilterCheck) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("NameFilterCheckInsensitive"), &SqNameFilterCheckInsensitive) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssert"), &SqAssert) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertEQ"), &SqAssertValue< CmpEQ >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertNE"), &SqAssertValue< CmpNE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertLT"), &SqAssertValue< CmpLT >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertGT"), &SqAssertValue< CmpGT >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertLE"), &SqAssertValue< CmpLE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertGE"), &SqAssertValue< CmpGE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertEQ_"), &SqAssertSame< CmpEQ >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertNE_"), &SqAssertSame< CmpNE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertLT_"), &SqAssertSame< CmpLT >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertGT_"), &SqAssertSame< CmpGT >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertLE_"), &SqAssertSame< CmpLE >) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("SqAssertGE_"), &SqAssertSame< CmpGE >); } } // Namespace:: SqMod