// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Core.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Library/Numeric.hpp" #include "Library/Time.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQAPI g_SqAPI; static SQEXPORTS g_SqExports; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static HSQAPI GetSquirrelAPI() { return &g_SqAPI; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static HSQUIRRELVM GetSquirrelVM() { if (_Core) return _Core->GetVM(); return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQRESULT SqEx_GetSLongValue(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx, Int64 * num) { // Validate the specified number pointer and value type if (!num) return SQ_ERROR; /* Nowhere to save */ else if (sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_INSTANCE) { // Attempt to obtain the long instance from the stack Var< SLongInt * > inst(vm, idx); // Validate the instance if (!inst.value) return SQ_ERROR; /* Invalid instance */ else *num = (Int64)inst.value->GetNum(); } // Is this a pure integer value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_INTEGER) { SQInteger val = 0; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getinteger(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Int64)val; } // Is this a pure floating point value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_FLOAT) { SQFloat val = 0.0; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getfloat(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Int64)val; } // Is this a pure boolean value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_BOOL) { SQBool val = SQFalse; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getbool(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Int64)val; } // Unrecognized value else return SQ_ERROR; // Value retrieved return SQ_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void SqEx_PushSLongObject(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Int64 num) { Var< const SLongInt & >::push(vm, SLongInt(num)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQRESULT SqEx_GetULongValue(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx, Uint64 * num) { // Validate the specified number pointer and value type if (!num) return SQ_ERROR; /* Nowhere to save */ else if (sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_INSTANCE) { // Attempt to obtain the long instance from the stack Var< ULongInt * > inst(vm, idx); // Validate the instance if (!inst.value) return SQ_ERROR; /* Invalid instance */ else *num = (Uint64)inst.value->GetNum(); } // Is this a pure integer value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_INTEGER) { SQInteger val = 0; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getinteger(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = val < 0 ? 0L : (Uint64)val; } // Is this a pure floating point value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_FLOAT) { SQFloat val = 0.0; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getfloat(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = EpsLt(val, SQFloat(0.0)) ? 0L : (Uint64)val; } // Is this a pure boolean value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_BOOL) { SQBool val = SQFalse; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getbool(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Uint64)val; } // Unrecognized value else return SQ_ERROR; // Value retrieved return SQ_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void SqEx_PushULongObject(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Uint64 num) { Var< const ULongInt & >::push(vm, ULongInt(num)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static SQRESULT SqEx_GetTimestamp(HSQUIRRELVM vm, SQInteger idx, Int64 * num) { // Validate the specified number pointer and value type if (!num) return SQ_ERROR; /* Nowhere to save */ else if (sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_INSTANCE) { // Attempt to obtain the long instance from the stack Var< Timestamp * > inst(vm, idx); // Validate the instance if (!inst.value) return SQ_ERROR; /* Invalid instance */ else *num = (Int64)inst.value->GetNum(); } // Is this a pure integer value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_INTEGER) { SQInteger val = 0; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getinteger(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Int64)val; } // Is this a pure floating point value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_FLOAT) { SQFloat val = 0.0; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getfloat(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Int64)val; } // Is this a pure boolean value? else if(sq_gettype(vm, idx) == OT_BOOL) { SQBool val = SQFalse; // Attempt to get the value from the stack sq_getbool(vm, idx, &val); // Save it into the specified memory location *num = (Int64)val; } // Unrecognized value else return SQ_ERROR; // Value retrieved return SQ_OK; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void SqEx_PushTimestamp(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Int64 num) { Var< const Timestamp & >::push(vm, Timestamp(num)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InitExports() { static HSQEXPORTS sqexports = &g_SqExports; // Assign the functions that should be exported g_SqExports.uStructSize = sizeof(SQEXPORTS); g_SqExports.GetSquirrelAPI = GetSquirrelAPI; g_SqExports.GetSquirrelVM = GetSquirrelVM; /*logging utilities*/ g_SqExports.LogDbg = LogDbg; g_SqExports.LogUsr = LogUsr; g_SqExports.LogScs = LogScs; g_SqExports.LogInf = LogInf; g_SqExports.LogWrn = LogWrn; g_SqExports.LogErr = LogErr; g_SqExports.LogFtl = LogFtl; g_SqExports.LogSDbg = LogSDbg; g_SqExports.LogSUsr = LogSUsr; g_SqExports.LogSScs = LogSScs; g_SqExports.LogSInf = LogSInf; g_SqExports.LogSWrn = LogSWrn; g_SqExports.LogSErr = LogSErr; g_SqExports.LogSFtl = LogSFtl; g_SqExports.SqThrow = SqThrow; /*long numbers*/ g_SqExports.GetSLongValue = SqEx_GetSLongValue; g_SqExports.PushSLongObject = SqEx_PushSLongObject; g_SqExports.GetULongValue = SqEx_GetULongValue; g_SqExports.PushULongObject = SqEx_PushULongObject; /*time utilities*/ g_SqExports.GetCurrentSysTime = GetCurrentSysTime; g_SqExports.GetEpochTimeMicro = GetEpochTimeMicro; g_SqExports.GetEpochTimeMilli = GetEpochTimeMilli; g_SqExports.GetTimestamp = SqEx_GetTimestamp; g_SqExports.PushTimestamp = SqEx_PushTimestamp; // Export them to the server _Func->ExportFunctions(_Info->nPluginId, (void **)(&sqexports), sizeof(SQEXPORTS)); /*vm*/ g_SqAPI.open = sq_open; g_SqAPI.newthread = sq_newthread; g_SqAPI.seterrorhandler = sq_seterrorhandler; g_SqAPI.close = sq_close; g_SqAPI.setforeignptr = sq_setforeignptr; g_SqAPI.getforeignptr = sq_getforeignptr; g_SqAPI.setsharedforeignptr = sq_setsharedforeignptr; g_SqAPI.getsharedforeignptr = sq_getsharedforeignptr; g_SqAPI.setvmreleasehook = sq_setvmreleasehook; g_SqAPI.getvmreleasehook = sq_getvmreleasehook; g_SqAPI.setsharedreleasehook = sq_setsharedreleasehook; g_SqAPI.getsharedreleasehook = sq_getsharedreleasehook; g_SqAPI.setprintfunc = sq_setprintfunc; g_SqAPI.getprintfunc = sq_getprintfunc; g_SqAPI.geterrorfunc = sq_geterrorfunc; g_SqAPI.suspendvm = sq_suspendvm; g_SqAPI.wakeupvm = sq_wakeupvm; g_SqAPI.getvmstate = sq_getvmstate; g_SqAPI.getversion = sq_getversion; /*compiler*/ g_SqAPI.compile = sq_compile; g_SqAPI.compilebuffer = sq_compilebuffer; g_SqAPI.enabledebuginfo = sq_enabledebuginfo; g_SqAPI.notifyallexceptions = sq_notifyallexceptions; g_SqAPI.setcompilererrorhandler = sq_setcompilererrorhandler; /*stack operations*/ g_SqAPI.push = sq_push; g_SqAPI.pop = sq_pop; g_SqAPI.poptop = sq_poptop; g_SqAPI.remove = sq_remove; g_SqAPI.gettop = sq_gettop; g_SqAPI.settop = sq_settop; g_SqAPI.reservestack = sq_reservestack; g_SqAPI.cmp = sq_cmp; g_SqAPI.move = sq_move; /*object creation handling*/ g_SqAPI.newuserdata = sq_newuserdata; g_SqAPI.newtable = sq_newtable; g_SqAPI.newtableex = sq_newtableex; g_SqAPI.newarray = sq_newarray; g_SqAPI.newclosure = sq_newclosure; g_SqAPI.setparamscheck = sq_setparamscheck; g_SqAPI.bindenv = sq_bindenv; g_SqAPI.setclosureroot = sq_setclosureroot; g_SqAPI.getclosureroot = sq_getclosureroot; g_SqAPI.pushstring = sq_pushstring; g_SqAPI.pushfloat = sq_pushfloat; g_SqAPI.pushinteger = sq_pushinteger; g_SqAPI.pushbool = sq_pushbool; g_SqAPI.pushuserpointer = sq_pushuserpointer; g_SqAPI.pushnull = sq_pushnull; g_SqAPI.pushthread = sq_pushthread; g_SqAPI.gettype = sq_gettype; g_SqAPI.typeof_ = sq_typeof; g_SqAPI.getsize = sq_getsize; g_SqAPI.gethash = sq_gethash; g_SqAPI.getbase = sq_getbase; g_SqAPI.instanceof = sq_instanceof; g_SqAPI.tostring = sq_tostring; g_SqAPI.tobool = sq_tobool; g_SqAPI.getstring = sq_getstring; g_SqAPI.getinteger = sq_getinteger; g_SqAPI.getfloat = sq_getfloat; g_SqAPI.getbool = sq_getbool; g_SqAPI.getthread = sq_getthread; g_SqAPI.getuserpointer = sq_getuserpointer; g_SqAPI.getuserdata = sq_getuserdata; g_SqAPI.settypetag = sq_settypetag; g_SqAPI.gettypetag = sq_gettypetag; g_SqAPI.setreleasehook = sq_setreleasehook; g_SqAPI.getreleasehook = sq_getreleasehook; g_SqAPI.getscratchpad = sq_getscratchpad; g_SqAPI.getfunctioninfo = sq_getfunctioninfo; g_SqAPI.getclosureinfo = sq_getclosureinfo; g_SqAPI.getclosurename = sq_getclosurename; g_SqAPI.setnativeclosurename = sq_setnativeclosurename; g_SqAPI.setinstanceup = sq_setinstanceup; g_SqAPI.getinstanceup = sq_getinstanceup; g_SqAPI.setclassudsize = sq_setclassudsize; g_SqAPI.newclass = sq_newclass; g_SqAPI.createinstance = sq_createinstance; g_SqAPI.setattributes = sq_setattributes; g_SqAPI.getattributes = sq_getattributes; g_SqAPI.getclass = sq_getclass; g_SqAPI.weakref = sq_weakref; g_SqAPI.getdefaultdelegate = sq_getdefaultdelegate; g_SqAPI.getmemberhandle = sq_getmemberhandle; g_SqAPI.getbyhandle = sq_getbyhandle; g_SqAPI.setbyhandle = sq_setbyhandle; /*object manipulation*/ g_SqAPI.pushroottable = sq_pushroottable; g_SqAPI.pushregistrytable = sq_pushregistrytable; g_SqAPI.pushconsttable = sq_pushconsttable; g_SqAPI.setroottable = sq_setroottable; g_SqAPI.setconsttable = sq_setconsttable; g_SqAPI.newslot = sq_newslot; g_SqAPI.deleteslot = sq_deleteslot; g_SqAPI.set = sq_set; g_SqAPI.get = sq_get; g_SqAPI.rawget = sq_rawget; g_SqAPI.rawset = sq_rawset; g_SqAPI.rawdeleteslot = sq_rawdeleteslot; g_SqAPI.newmember = sq_newmember; g_SqAPI.rawnewmember = sq_rawnewmember; g_SqAPI.arrayappend = sq_arrayappend; g_SqAPI.arraypop = sq_arraypop; g_SqAPI.arrayresize = sq_arrayresize; g_SqAPI.arrayreverse = sq_arrayreverse; g_SqAPI.arrayremove = sq_arrayremove; g_SqAPI.arrayinsert = sq_arrayinsert; g_SqAPI.setdelegate = sq_setdelegate; g_SqAPI.getdelegate = sq_getdelegate; g_SqAPI.clone = sq_clone; g_SqAPI.setfreevariable = sq_setfreevariable; g_SqAPI.next = sq_next; g_SqAPI.getweakrefval = sq_getweakrefval; g_SqAPI.clear = sq_clear; /*calls*/ g_SqAPI.call = sq_call; g_SqAPI.resume = sq_resume; g_SqAPI.getlocal = sq_getlocal; g_SqAPI.getcallee = sq_getcallee; g_SqAPI.getfreevariable = sq_getfreevariable; g_SqAPI.throwerror = sq_throwerror; g_SqAPI.throwobject = sq_throwobject; g_SqAPI.reseterror = sq_reseterror; g_SqAPI.getlasterror = sq_getlasterror; /*raw object handling*/ g_SqAPI.getstackobj = sq_getstackobj; g_SqAPI.pushobject = sq_pushobject; g_SqAPI.addref = sq_addref; g_SqAPI.release = sq_release; g_SqAPI.getrefcount = sq_getrefcount; g_SqAPI.resetobject = sq_resetobject; g_SqAPI.objtostring = sq_objtostring; g_SqAPI.objtobool = sq_objtobool; g_SqAPI.objtointeger = sq_objtointeger; g_SqAPI.objtofloat = sq_objtofloat; g_SqAPI.objtouserpointer = sq_objtouserpointer; g_SqAPI.getobjtypetag = sq_getobjtypetag; g_SqAPI.getvmrefcount = sq_getvmrefcount; /*GC*/ g_SqAPI.collectgarbage = sq_collectgarbage; g_SqAPI.resurrectunreachable = sq_resurrectunreachable; /*serialization*/ g_SqAPI.writeclosure = sq_writeclosure; g_SqAPI.readclosure = sq_readclosure; /*mem allocation*/ g_SqAPI.malloc = sq_malloc; g_SqAPI.realloc = sq_realloc; g_SqAPI.free = sq_free; /*debug*/ g_SqAPI.stackinfos = sq_stackinfos; g_SqAPI.setdebughook = sq_setdebughook; g_SqAPI.setnativedebughook = sq_setnativedebughook; /*compiler helpers*/ g_SqAPI.loadfile = sqstd_loadfile; g_SqAPI.dofile = sqstd_dofile; g_SqAPI.writeclosuretofile = sqstd_writeclosuretofile; /*blob*/ g_SqAPI.createblob = sqstd_createblob; g_SqAPI.getblob = sqstd_getblob; g_SqAPI.getblobsize = sqstd_getblobsize; /*string*/ g_SqAPI.format = sqstd_format; } } // Namespace:: SqMod