// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Module.hpp" #include "Common.hpp" // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) #include #endif namespace SqMod { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PluginFuncs* _Func = NULL; PluginCallbacks* _Clbk = NULL; PluginInfo* _Info = NULL; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HSQAPI _SqAPI = NULL; HSQEXPORTS _SqMod = NULL; HSQUIRRELVM _SqVM = NULL; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Bind speciffic functions to certain server events. */ void BindCallbacks(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Undo changes made with BindCallbacks(). */ void UnbindCallbacks(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Register the module API under the specified virtual machine. */ void RegisterAPI(HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize the plugin by obtaining the API provided by the host plugin. */ void OnSquirrelInitialize() { // Attempt to import the plugin API exported by the host plugin _SqMod = sq_api_import(_Func); // Did we failed to obtain the plugin exports? if(!_SqMod) OutputError("Failed to attach [%s] on host plugin.", SQSAMPLE_NAME); else { // Obtain the Squirrel API _SqAPI = _SqMod->GetSquirrelAPI(); // Expand the Squirrel API into global functions sq_api_expand(_SqAPI); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Load the module on the virtual machine provided by the host module. */ void OnSquirrelLoad() { // Make sure that we have a valid plugin API if (!_SqMod) return; /* Unable to proceed. */ // Obtain the Squirrel API and VM _SqVM = _SqMod->GetSquirrelVM(); // Make sure that a valid virtual machine exists if (!_SqVM) return; /* Unable to proceed. */ // Set this as the default database DefaultVM::Set(_SqVM); // Register the module API RegisterAPI(_SqVM); // Notify about the current status OutputMessage("Registered: %s", SQSAMPLE_NAME); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The virtual machine is about to be terminated and script resources should be released. */ void OnSquirrelTerminate() { OutputMessage("Terminating: %s", SQSAMPLE_NAME); // Release the current database (if any) DefaultVM::Set(NULL); // Release script resources... } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Validate the module API to make sure we don't run into issues. */ bool CheckAPIVer(CCStr ver) { // Obtain the numeric representation of the API version long vernum = strtol(ver, NULL, 10); // Check against version mismatch if (vernum == SQMOD_API_VER) return true; // Log the incident OutputError("API version mismatch on %s", SQSAMPLE_NAME); OutputMessage("=> Requested: %ld Have: %ld", vernum, SQMOD_API_VER); // Invoker should not attempt to communicate through the module API return false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * React to command sent by other plugins. */ static int OnInternalCommand(unsigned int type, const char * text) { switch(type) { case SQMOD_INITIALIZE_CMD: if (CheckAPIVer(text)) OnSquirrelInitialize(); break; case SQMOD_LOAD_CMD: OnSquirrelLoad(); break; case SQMOD_TERMINATE_CMD: OnSquirrelTerminate(); break; default: break; } return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The server was initialized and this plugin was loaded successfully. */ static int OnInitServer() { return 1; } static void OnShutdownServer(void) { // The server may still send callbacks UnbindCallbacks(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void BindCallbacks() { _Clbk->OnInitServer = OnInitServer; _Clbk->OnInternalCommand = OnInternalCommand; _Clbk->OnShutdownServer = OnShutdownServer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void UnbindCallbacks() { _Clbk->OnInitServer = NULL; _Clbk->OnInternalCommand = NULL; _Clbk->OnShutdownServer = NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RegisterAPI(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { RootTable(vm).Bind(_SC("SampleType"), Class< SampleType >(vm, _SC("SampleType")) .Ctor() .Ctor< int >() .Var(_SC("MyNum"), &SampleType::mMyNum) .Prop(_SC("MyVal"), &SampleType::GetMyVal, &SampleType::SetMyVal) .Func(_SC("SampleMethod"), &SampleType::SampleMethod) ); RootTable(vm).Func(_SC("SampleFunction"), &SampleFunction); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OutputMessageImpl(const char * msg, va_list args) { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) HANDLE hstdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csb_before; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hstdout, &csb_before); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, FOREGROUND_GREEN); printf("[SQMOD] "); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); vprintf(msg, args); puts(""); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, csb_before.wAttributes); #else printf("%c[0;32m[SQMOD]%c[0;37m", 27, 27); vprintf(msg, args); puts(""); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OutputErrorImpl(const char * msg, va_list args) { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) HANDLE hstdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csb_before; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hstdout, &csb_before); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); printf("[SQMOD] "); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); vprintf(msg, args); puts(""); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hstdout, csb_before.wAttributes); #else printf("%c[0;32m[SQMOD]%c[0;37m", 27, 27); vprintf(msg, args); puts(""); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OutputDebug(const char * msg, ...) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Initialize the arguments list va_list args; va_start(args, msg); // Call the output function OutputMessageImpl(msg, args); // Finalize the arguments list va_end(args); #else SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(msg); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OutputMessage(const char * msg, ...) { // Initialize the arguments list va_list args; va_start(args, msg); // Call the output function OutputMessageImpl(msg, args); // Finalize the arguments list va_end(args); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OutputError(const char * msg, ...) { // Initialize the arguments list va_list args; va_start(args, msg); // Call the output function OutputErrorImpl(msg, args); // Finalize the arguments list va_end(args); } } // Namespace:: SqMod // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQMOD_API_EXPORT unsigned int VcmpPluginInit(PluginFuncs* functions, PluginCallbacks* callbacks, PluginInfo* info) { using namespace SqMod; // Output plugin header puts(""); OutputMessage("--------------------------------------------------------------------"); OutputMessage("Plugin: %s", SQSAMPLE_NAME); OutputMessage("Author: %s", SQSAMPLE_AUTHOR); OutputMessage("Legal: %s", SQSAMPLE_COPYRIGHT); OutputMessage("--------------------------------------------------------------------"); puts(""); // Attempt to find the host plugin ID int host_plugin_id = functions->FindPlugin((char *)(SQMOD_HOST_NAME)); // See if our plugin was loaded after the host plugin if (host_plugin_id < 0) { OutputError("%s could find the host plugin", SQSAMPLE_NAME); // Don't load! return SQMOD_FAILURE; } // Should never reach this point but just in case else if (host_plugin_id > (info->nPluginId)) { OutputError("%s loaded after the host plugin", SQSAMPLE_NAME); // Don't load! return SQMOD_FAILURE; } // Store server proxies _Func = functions; _Clbk = callbacks; _Info = info; // Assign plugin information _Info->uPluginVer = SQSAMPLE_VERSION; strcpy(_Info->szName, SQSAMPLE_HOST_NAME); // Bind callbacks BindCallbacks(); // Notify that the plugin was successfully loaded OutputMessage("Successfully loaded %s", SQSAMPLE_NAME); // Dummy spacing puts(""); // Done! return SQMOD_SUCCESS; }