// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Library/System.hpp"
#include "Core/Buffer.hpp"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void Register_SysDir(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
extern void Register_SysEnv(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
extern void Register_SysPath(HSQUIRRELVM vm);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static SQInteger SqSysExec(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    // Attempt to retrieve the value from the stack as a string
    StackStrF val(vm, 2);
    // Have we failed to retrieve the string?
    if (SQ_FAILED(val.Proc(true)))
        return val.mRes; // Propagate the error!
    // Allocate a temp buffer to retrieve chunks from output
    char buffer[128];
    // Allocate a buffer which will contain the final output
    Buffer b(128);
    // Attempt to open the specified process
    FILE * pipe = popen(val.mPtr, "r");
    // The process return status
    int32_t status;
    // Did we fail to open the process?
    if (!pipe)
        return sq_throwerrorf(vm, "Unable to open process [%s]", val.mPtr);
    // Attempt to read process output
        while (!std::feof(pipe))
            if (std::fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != nullptr)
    catch (...)
        // Close the process
        status = pclose(pipe);
        // Now throw the error
        return sq_throwerrorf(vm, "Unable read process output [%d]", status);
    // Close the process and obtain the exit status
    status = pclose(pipe);
    // Remember the top of the stack
    const int32_t top = sq_gettop(vm);
    // Create a new table on the stack
    // Push the element name
    sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("Status"), -1);
    // Push the element value
    sq_pushinteger(vm, status);
    // Create the element in the table
    SQRESULT res = sq_rawset(vm, -3);
    // Check the result
    if (SQ_FAILED(res))
        // Clean the stack
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        // Return the error
        return res;
    // Push the element name
    sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("Output"), -1);
    // Push the element value
    sq_pushstring(vm, b.Get< SQChar >(), b.Position());
    // Create the element in the table
    res = sq_rawset(vm, -3);
    // Check the result
    if (SQ_FAILED(res))
        // Clean the stack
        sq_settop(vm, top);
        // Return the error
        return res;
    // Specify that we want to return the table we created
    return 1;

// ================================================================================================
void Register_System(HSQUIRRELVM vm)

    RootTable(vm).SquirrelFunc(_SC("SysExec"), &SqSysExec);

} // Namespace:: SqMod