#ifndef _LIBRARY_IRC_HPP_ #define _LIBRARY_IRC_HPP_ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Shared.hpp" #include "Library/Time.hpp" #include "Library/Numeric.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { namespace IRC { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Manages a single connection to an IRC network. */ class Session { public: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::vector< Session* > Sessions; /* The type of container to store sessions. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Process all sessions. */ static void Process(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Terminate all sessions and release their resources. */ static void Terminate(); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Structure that tells the IRC library what functions to call on which events. */ static irc_callbacks_t s_Callbacks; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Whether the callbacks structure was initialized or not. */ static bool s_Initialized; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The primary session if only a single session was created. */ static Session* s_Session; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * All the sessions if more than a session was created. */ static Sessions s_Sessions; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a pre-configured callbacks structure to be assigned to a session. */ static irc_callbacks_t * GetCallbacks(); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pool for events on the managed session. */ void Update(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Release session resources. */ void Release(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ bool Validate() const { if (m_Session) return true; SqThrow("Invalid IRC session (%s)", m_Tag.c_str()); return false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ bool Connected() const { return (m_Session && irc_is_connected(m_Session)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ void Destroy(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ bool ConnectedThrow() const { if (!m_Session) SqThrow("Invalid IRC session (%s)", m_Tag.c_str()); else if (!irc_is_connected(m_Session)) SqThrow("Session is not connected (%s)", m_Tag.c_str()); else return true; return false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ bool NotConnected() const { if (!m_Session || !irc_is_connected(m_Session) || !m_Reconnect) return true; SqThrow("Already connected or trying connect to IRC server (%s)", m_Tag.c_str()); return !m_Session; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ static bool ValidateEventSession(Session * ptr) { if (ptr) return true; LogErr("Cannot forward IRC event without a session container"); return false; } private: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ Session(const Session &); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ Session & operator = (const Session &); private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- irc_session_t* m_Session; /* The managed IRC session structure. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- String m_Server; /* Server address. */ String m_Passwd; /* Account password. */ String m_Nick; /* Nickname. */ String m_User; /* User name. */ String m_Name; /* Real name. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 m_Port; /* Server port. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 m_LastCode; /* Last error code that could not be returned directly. */ Uint32 m_PoolTime; /* How much time to wait when pooling for session events. */ Uint32 m_Tries; /* How many times to retry connection. */ Uint32 m_Wait; /* How many milliseconds to wait between each try. */ Uint32 m_LeftTries; /* How many tries are left. */ Int64 m_NextTry; /* When should the session attempt to connect again. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int64 m_SessionTime; /* The time when the session was created. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool m_Reconnect; /* Whether the session should try to reconnect. */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool m_IPv6; /* Whether the session was connected to an ipv6 address. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Script callbacks. */ Function m_OnConnect; Function m_OnNick; Function m_OnQuit; Function m_OnJoin; Function m_OnPart; Function m_OnMode; Function m_OnUmode; Function m_OnTopic; Function m_OnKick; Function m_OnChannel; Function m_OnPrivMsg; Function m_OnNotice; Function m_OnChannelNotice; Function m_OnInvite; Function m_OnCtcpReq; Function m_OnCtcpRep; Function m_OnCtcpAction; Function m_OnUnknown; Function m_OnNumeric; Function m_OnDccChatReq; Function m_OnDccSendReq; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- String m_Tag; /* User tag. */ Object m_Data; /* User data. */ public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ Session(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~Session(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to compare two instances of this type. */ Int32 Cmp(const Session & o) const { if (m_Session == o.m_Session) return 0; else if (m_Session > o.m_Session) return 1; else return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used by the script engine to convert an instance of this type to a string. */ CSStr ToString() const { return m_Server.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether this session is valid. */ bool IsValid() const { return m_Session; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the user tag. */ CSStr GetTag() const { return m_Tag.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the user tag. */ void SetTag(CSStr tag) { m_Tag.assign(tag); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the user data. */ Object & GetData() { return m_Data; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the user data. */ void SetData(Object & data) { if (Validate()) m_Data = data; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the server address. */ CSStr GetServer() const { return m_Server.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the server address. */ void SetServer(CSStr server) { if (Validate() && NotConnected()) m_Server.assign(server); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the account password. */ CSStr GetPassword() const { return m_Passwd.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the account password. */ void SetPassword(CSStr passwd) { if (Validate() && NotConnected()) m_Passwd.assign(passwd); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the nickname. */ CSStr GetNick() const { return m_Nick.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the nickname. */ void SetNick(CSStr nick) { if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0) SqThrow("Invalid IRC nickname"); else if (Connected()) irc_cmd_nick(m_Session, nick); else if (Validate()) m_Nick.assign(nick); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the user name. */ CSStr GetUser() const { return m_User.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the user name. */ void SetUser(CSStr user) { if (Validate() && NotConnected()) m_User.assign(user); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the real name. */ CSStr GetName() const { return m_Name.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the real name. */ void SetName(CSStr name) { if (Validate() && NotConnected()) m_Name.c_str(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the server port number. */ Uint32 GetPort() const { return m_Port; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the server port number. */ void SetPort(Uint32 num) { if (num > NumLimit< Uint16 >::Max) SqThrow("Port number is out of range: %u > %u", num, NumLimit< Uint16 >::Max); else if (Validate() && NotConnected()) m_Port = num; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the amount of time to pool for session events. */ Uint32 GetPoolTime() const { return m_PoolTime; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the amount of time to pool for session events. */ void SetPoolTime(Uint32 num) { m_PoolTime = num; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the last error code that could not be returned directly. */ Int32 GetLastCode() const { return m_LastCode; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the amount of connection attempts. */ Uint32 GetTries() const { return m_Tries; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the amount of connection attempts. */ void SetTries(Uint32 num) { m_Tries = num; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the amount of time in milliseconds to wait between connection attempts. */ Uint32 GetWait() const { return m_Wait; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the amount of time in milliseconds to wait between connection attempts. */ void SetWait(Uint32 ms) { m_Wait = ms; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve how many times are left to try to connect. */ Uint32 GetLeftTries() const { return m_LeftTries; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify how many times are left to try to connect. */ void SetLeftTries(Uint32 num) { m_LeftTries = num; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve when the next connection retry should be performed. */ Timestamp GetNextTry() const { return Timestamp(m_NextTry); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify when the next connection retry should be performed. */ void SetNextTry(const Timestamp & tm) { m_NextTry = tm.GetMicroseconds().GetNum(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the session uptime. */ Timestamp GetSessionTime() const { if (m_SessionTime) return Timestamp(GetEpochTimeMicro() - m_SessionTime); return Timestamp(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether the session is currently trying to reconnect. */ bool GetReconnect() const { return m_Reconnect; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether the session is connected to an ipv6 address. */ bool GetIPv6() const { return m_IPv6; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv4 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv4 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick) { return Connect(server, port, nick, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv4 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd) { return Connect(server, port, nick, passwd, NULL, NULL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv4 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user) { return Connect(server, port, nick, passwd, user, NULL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv4 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user, CSStr name); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv6 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect6(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv6 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect6(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick) { return Connect(server, port, nick, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv6 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect6(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd) { return Connect(server, port, nick, passwd, NULL, NULL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv6 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect6(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user) { return Connect(server, port, nick, passwd, user, NULL); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initiates the connection to the IPv6 IRC server. */ Int32 Connect6(CSStr server, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr passwd, CSStr user, CSStr name); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Disconnect from the currently connected server. */ void Disconnect(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether the session is connected to a server. */ bool IsConnected() { return Connected(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Joins a channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdJoin(CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_join(m_Session, channel, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Joins a channel on the connected server using a secret key. */ Int32 CmdJoin(CSStr channel, CSStr key) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_join(m_Session, channel, key); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Leave from a certain channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdPart(CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_part(m_Session, channel); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Invite someone into a channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdInvite(CSStr nick, CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_invite(m_Session, nick, channel); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ask the IRC server for the list of the users who are joined the specified channel. */ Int32 CmdNames(CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_names(m_Session, channel); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ask the IRC server for the active (existing) channels list. */ Int32 CmdList() { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_list(m_Session, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ask the IRC server for the active (existing) channels from a specific list. */ Int32 CmdList(CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_list(m_Session, channel); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the topic (title) of the specified channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdTopic(CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_topic(m_Session, channel, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the topic (title) of the specified channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdTopic(CSStr channel, CSStr topic) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_topic(m_Session, channel, topic); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the modes of the specified channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdChannelMode(CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_channel_mode(m_Session, channel, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the modes of the specified channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdChannelMode(CSStr channel, CSStr mode) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_channel_mode(m_Session, channel, mode); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the modes on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdUserMode() { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_user_mode(m_Session, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the modes on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdUserMode(CSStr mode) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_user_mode(m_Session, mode); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Kick the specified user from the specified channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdKick(CSStr nick, CSStr channel) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_kick(m_Session, nick, channel, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Kick the specified user from the specified channel on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdKick(CSStr nick, CSStr channel, CSStr reason) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_kick(m_Session, nick, channel, reason); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a message to a specific channel or privately to another nick. */ Int32 CmdMsg(CSStr nch, CSStr text) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_msg(m_Session, nch, text); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a /me message (CTCP ACTION) to a specific channel or privately to another nick. */ Int32 CmdMe(CSStr nch, CSStr text) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_me(m_Session, nch, text); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a notice to a specific channel or privately to another nick. */ Int32 CmdNotice(CSStr nch, CSStr text) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_notice(m_Session, nch, text); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a CTCP request to the specified user on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdCtcpRequest(CSStr nick, CSStr request) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_ctcp_request(m_Session, nick, request); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a CTCP reply to the specified user on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdCtcpReply(CSStr nick, CSStr reply) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_ctcp_reply(m_Session, nick, reply); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Change the currently used nick on the connected server. */ Int32 CmdNick(CSStr nick) { if (!nick || strlen(nick) <= 0) SqThrow("Invalid IRC nickname"); else if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_nick(m_Session, nick); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Query various information about the specified user. */ Int32 CmdWhois(CSStr nick) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_whois(m_Session, nick); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Quit from the connected server and close the connection. */ Int32 CmdQuit() { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_quit(m_Session, NULL); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Quit from the connected server and close the connection. */ Int32 CmdQuit(CSStr reason) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_cmd_quit(m_Session, reason); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sends the specified raw data as-is to the connected IRC server. */ Int32 SendRaw(CSStr str) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_send_raw(m_Session, str); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Close the specified DCC connection (if available), and destroys the DCC session, * freeing the used resources. */ Int32 DestroyDcc(Uint32 dccid) { if (ConnectedThrow()) return irc_dcc_destroy(m_Session, dccid); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set the internal CTCP VERSION. */ void SetCtcpVersion(CSStr version) { if (ConnectedThrow()) irc_set_ctcp_version(m_Session, version); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the last error code associated with last operation of this IRC session. */ Int32 GetErrNo() { if (Validate()) return irc_errno(m_Session); return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the last error code associated with last operation of this IRC session as a string. */ CSStr GetErrStr() { if (Validate()) return irc_strerror(irc_errno(m_Session)); return _SC(""); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set the specified option for the managed session to change its behavior. */ void SetOption(Uint32 option) { if (Validate()) return irc_option_set(m_Session, option); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset the specified option for the managed session to restore its behavior. */ void ResetOption(Uint32 option) { if (Validate()) return irc_option_set(m_Session, option); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a message to a specific channel or privately to another nick. */ static SQInteger CmdMsgF(HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a /me message (CTCP ACTION) to a specific channel or privately to another nick. */ static SQInteger CmdMeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send a notice to a specific channel or privately to another nick. */ static SQInteger CmdNoticeF(HSQUIRRELVM vm); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forward session events to a script callback. */ static void ForwardEvent(Session * session, Function & listener, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forward session events to a script callback. */ static void ForwardEvent(Session * session, Function & listener, Uint32 event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forward session events to a script callback. */ static void ForwardEvent(Session * session, Function & listener, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, irc_dcc_t dccid); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Forward session events to a script callback. */ static void ForwardEvent(Session * session, Function & listener, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, CCStr filename, Ulong size, irc_dcc_t dccid); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnConnect(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnNick(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnQuit(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnJoin(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnPart(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnMode(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnUmode(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnTopic(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnKick(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnChannel(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnPrivMsg(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnNotice(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnChannelNotice(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnInvite(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnCtcpReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnCtcpRep(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnCtcpAction(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnUnknown(irc_session_t * session, CCStr event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnNumeric(irc_session_t * session, Uint32 event, CCStr origin, CCStr * params, Uint32 count); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnDccChatReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, irc_dcc_t dccid); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ static void OnDccSendReq(irc_session_t * session, CCStr nick, CCStr addr, CCStr filename, Ulong size, irc_dcc_t dccid); public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnConnect() { return m_OnConnect; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnConnect(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnConnect.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnConnect = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnNick() { return m_OnNick; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnNick(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnNick.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnNick = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnQuit() { return m_OnQuit; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnQuit(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnQuit.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnQuit = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnJoin() { return m_OnJoin; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnJoin(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnJoin.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnJoin = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnPart() { return m_OnPart; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnPart(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnPart.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnPart = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnMode() { return m_OnMode; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnMode(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnMode.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnMode = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnUmode() { return m_OnUmode; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnUmode(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnUmode.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnUmode = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnTopic() { return m_OnTopic; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnTopic(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnTopic.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnTopic = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnKick() { return m_OnKick; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnKick(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnKick.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnKick = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnChannel() { return m_OnChannel; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnChannel(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnChannel.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnChannel = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnPrivMsg() { return m_OnPrivMsg; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnPrivMsg(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnPrivMsg.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnPrivMsg = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnNotice() { return m_OnNotice; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnNotice(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnNotice.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnNotice = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnChannelNotice() { return m_OnChannelNotice; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnChannelNotice(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnChannelNotice.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnChannelNotice = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnInvite() { return m_OnInvite; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnInvite(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnInvite.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnInvite = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnCtcpReq() { return m_OnCtcpReq; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnCtcpReq(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnCtcpReq.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnCtcpReq = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnCtcpRep() { return m_OnCtcpRep; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnCtcpRep(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnCtcpRep.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnCtcpRep = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnCtcpAction() { return m_OnCtcpAction; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnCtcpAction(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnCtcpAction.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnCtcpAction = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnUnknown() { return m_OnUnknown; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnUnknown(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnUnknown.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnUnknown = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnNumeric() { return m_OnNumeric; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnNumeric(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnNumeric.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnNumeric = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnDccChatReq() { return m_OnDccChatReq; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnDccChatReq(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnDccChatReq.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnDccChatReq = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ Function & GetOnDccSendReq() { return m_OnDccSendReq; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ... */ void BindOnDccSendReq(Object & env, Function & func) { if (func.IsNull()) m_OnDccSendReq.ReleaseGently(); else m_OnDccSendReq = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } }; } // Namespace:: IRC } // Namespace:: SqMod #endif // _LIBRARY_IRC_HPP_