#pragma once // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Core/Utility.hpp" #include "Library/Utils/Vector.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace std { // NOLINT(cert-dcl58-cpp) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Allows the StackStrF to write its data into a std::ostream type. */ inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, const ::Sqrat::StackStrF & str) { if (str.mLen) { out.write(str.mPtr, str.mLen); } return out; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Allows the StackStrF to write its data into a std::ostringstream type. */ inline std::ostringstream & operator << (std::ostringstream & out, const ::Sqrat::StackStrF & str) { if (str.mLen) { out.write(str.mPtr, str.mLen); } return out; } } // Namespace:: std // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Poco { // NOLINT(modernize-concat-nested-namespaces) namespace Data { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Implementation of AbstractBinding for shared ownership binding of values. * Because we cannot take references to script variables, we use this as a proxy. */ template struct ReferenceBinding : public AbstractBinding { using ValType = T; using ValPtr = SharedPtr; using Type = ReferenceBinding; using Ptr = SharedPtr; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ explicit ReferenceBinding(const ValPtr& val, const std::string& name = "", Direction direction = PD_IN) : AbstractBinding(name, direction), m_Value(val), m_Bound(false) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~ReferenceBinding() override = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve columns occupied. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfColumnsHandled() const override { return TypeHandler::size(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve rows occupied. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfRowsHandled() const override { return 1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if binding is available. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool canBind() const override { return !m_Bound; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind the value. */ void bind(std::size_t pos) override { poco_assert_dbg(!getBinder().isNull()); TypeHandler::bind(pos, *m_Value, getBinder(), getDirection()); m_Bound = true; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset the binding. */ void reset() override { m_Bound = false; AbstractBinder::Ptr pBinder = getBinder(); poco_assert_dbg (!pBinder.isNull()); pBinder->reset(); } private: ValPtr m_Value; bool m_Bound; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Implementation of AbstractBinding for shared ownership binding of values. * Because we cannot take references to script variables, we use this as a proxy. */ template struct ReferenceBinding> : public AbstractBinding { using ValType = std::vector; using ValPtr = SharedPtr; using Ptr = SharedPtr>; using Iterator = typename ValType::const_iterator; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Base constructor. */ explicit ReferenceBinding(const ValPtr& val, const std::string& name = "", Direction direction = PD_IN) : AbstractBinding(name, direction), m_Value(val), m_Begin(), m_End() { if (PD_IN == direction && m_Value->size() == 0) { throw BindingException("It is illegal to bind to an empty data collection"); } m_Begin = m_Value->begin(); m_End = m_Value->end(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~ReferenceBinding() override = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve columns occupied. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfColumnsHandled() const override { return TypeHandler::size(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve rows occupied. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfRowsHandled() const override { return m_Value->size(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if binding is available. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool canBind() const override { return (m_Begin != m_End); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind the value. */ void bind(std::size_t pos) override { poco_assert_dbg(!getBinder().isNull()); poco_assert_dbg(canBind()); TypeHandler::bind(pos, *m_Begin, getBinder(), getDirection()); ++m_Begin; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset the binding. */ void reset() override { m_Begin = m_Value->begin(); m_End = m_Value->end(); } private: ValPtr m_Value; Iterator m_Begin; Iterator m_End; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Implementation of AbstractExtraction for shared ownership binding of values. * Because we cannot take references to script variables, we use this as a proxy. */ template class ReferenceExtraction: public AbstractExtraction { public: using ValType = T; using Result = SharedPtr; using ValPtr = SharedPtr; using Type = Extraction; using Ptr = SharedPtr; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates an Extraction object at specified position. Uses an empty object T as default value. */ explicit ReferenceExtraction(const Result& result, const Position& pos = Position(0)) : AbstractExtraction(Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED, pos.value()) , m_Result(result),m_Default(),m_Extracted(false),m_Null(false) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates an Extraction object at specified position. Uses the provided def object as default value. */ ReferenceExtraction(const Result& result, const T& def, const Position& pos = Position(0)) : AbstractExtraction(Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED, pos.value()) , m_Result(result), m_Default(def), m_Extracted(false), m_Null(false) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates an Extraction object at specified position. Uses the provided def object as default value. */ ReferenceExtraction(const Result& result, T&& def, const Position& pos = Position(0)) : AbstractExtraction(Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED, pos.value()) , m_Result(result), m_Default(std::move(def)), m_Extracted(false), m_Null(false) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroys the Extraction object. */ ~ReferenceExtraction() override = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of columns handled. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfColumnsHandled() const override { return TypeHandler::size(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of rows handled. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfRowsHandled() const override { return m_Extracted ? 1u : 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of rows allowed. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfRowsAllowed() const override { return 1u; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if null. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool isNull(std::size_t /*row*/) const override { return m_Null; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extract the value. */ std::size_t extract(std::size_t pos) override { if (m_Extracted) { throw ExtractException("value already extracted"); } m_Extracted = true; AbstractExtractor::Ptr pExt = getExtractor(); TypeHandler::extract(pos, *m_Result, m_Default, pExt); m_Null = isValueNull(*m_Result, pExt->isNull(pos)); return 1u; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset state. */ void reset() override { m_Extracted = false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if a value was extracted. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool canExtract() const override { return !m_Extracted; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create a preparation instance for this type. */ AbstractPreparation::Ptr createPreparation(AbstractPreparator::Ptr& pPrep, std::size_t pos) override { return new Preparation(pPrep, pos, *m_Result); } private: Result m_Result; T m_Default; bool m_Extracted; bool m_Null; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Implementation of AbstractExtraction for shared ownership binding of values. * Because we cannot take references to script variables, we use this as a proxy. */ template class ReferenceExtraction>: public AbstractExtraction { public: using ValType = std::vector; using Result = SharedPtr>; using ValPtr = SharedPtr; using Type = Extraction; using Ptr = SharedPtr; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates an Extraction object at specified position. Uses an empty object T as default value. */ explicit ReferenceExtraction(const Result& result, const Position& pos = Position(0)) : AbstractExtraction(Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED, pos.value()) , m_Result(result), m_Default(), m_Nulls() { m_Result->clear(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates an Extraction object at specified position. Uses the provided def object as default value. */ ReferenceExtraction(const Result& result, const T& def, const Position& pos = Position(0)) : AbstractExtraction(Limit::LIMIT_UNLIMITED, pos.value()) , m_Result(result), m_Default(def), m_Nulls() { m_Result->clear(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroys the Extraction object. */ ~ReferenceExtraction() override = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of columns handled. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfColumnsHandled() const override { return TypeHandler::size(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of rows handled. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfRowsHandled() const override { return static_cast(m_Result->size()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the number of rows allowed. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::size_t numOfRowsAllowed() const override { return getLimit(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check if null. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool isNull(std::size_t row) const override { try { return m_Nulls.at(row); } catch (std::out_of_range& ex) { throw RangeException(ex.what()); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extract the value. */ std::size_t extract(std::size_t pos) override { AbstractExtractor::Ptr ext = getExtractor(); m_Result->push_back(m_Default); TypeHandler::extract(pos, m_Result->back(), m_Default, ext); m_Nulls.push_back(isValueNull(m_Result->back(), ext->isNull(pos))); return 1u; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create a preparation instance for this type. */ AbstractPreparation::Ptr createPreparation(AbstractPreparator::Ptr& pPrep, std::size_t pos) override { return new Preparation(pPrep, pos, m_Default); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset state. */ void reset() override { m_Nulls.clear(); } protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the container with the extracted values. */ const std::vector& result() const { return *m_Result; } private: Result m_Result; T m_Default; std::deque< bool > m_Nulls; }; } // Namespace:: Data } // Namespace:: Poco // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using namespace Poco::Data::Keywords; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using Poco::Data::Session; using Poco::Data::Statement; using Poco::Data::RecordSet; using Poco::Data::ReferenceBinding; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct SqDataSession; struct SqDataStatement; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Utility used to transform optimal argument type to stored type. */ template < class T > struct SqDataBindingOpt { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Optimal argument type. Unchanged when not specialized. */ using Type = T; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Convert the optimal type to the stored type. Does nothing special in this case. */ inline static Type & Get(Type & v) { return v; } inline static const Type & Get(const Type & v) { return v; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline static void Put(T & o, Type & v) { o = v; } inline static void Put(T & o, const Type & v) { o = v; } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Specialization of SqDataBindingOpt for std::string type. */ template < > struct SqDataBindingOpt< String > { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Optimal argument type. */ using Type = StackStrF; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Convert the optimal type to the stored type. */ inline static String Get(Type & v) { return v.ToStr(); } inline static String Get(const Type & v) { return v.ToStr(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline static void Put(String & o, Type & v) { o.assign(v.mPtr, v.GetSize()); } inline static void Put(String & o, const Type & v) { o.assign(v.mPtr, v.GetSize()); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Wrapper around values that must be passed as reference. Manual lifetime management! */ template < class T > struct SqDataBinding { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reference binding type. */ using Binding = ReferenceBinding< T >; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Optimal type to receive a value of this type as function argument. Mainly for strings. */ using OptimalType = typename SqDataBindingOpt< T >::Type; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Same as OptimalType but preferably with a reference qualifier to avoid copies. */ using OptimalArg = typename std::conditional< std::is_same< T, OptimalType >::value, T, OptimalType & >::type; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reference value. */ typename Binding::ValPtr mV{}; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. Initializes to a default value. */ SqDataBinding() : mV(new T()) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Explicit constructor. Initializes to a specific value. */ explicit SqDataBinding(OptimalArg v) : mV(new T()) { SqDataBindingOpt< T >::Put(*mV, v); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. */ SqDataBinding(const SqDataBinding &) = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ SqDataBinding(SqDataBinding &&) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroys the Statement. */ ~SqDataBinding() = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assignment operator. */ SqDataBinding & operator = (const SqDataBinding &) = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment. */ SqDataBinding & operator = (SqDataBinding &&) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve a value from the instance. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD const T & Get() const { return *mV; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify a value from the instance. */ void Set(OptimalArg v) { SqDataBindingOpt< T >::Put(*mV, v); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify a value from the instance. */ SqDataBinding & SetEx(OptimalArg v) { SqDataBindingOpt< T >::Put(*mV, v); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use the value to a statement. */ SqDataBinding & Use(SqDataStatement & stmt); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use the value to a statement with a specific name. */ SqDataBinding & UseAs(SqDataStatement & stmt, StackStrF & name); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind the value to a statement. */ SqDataBinding & Bind(SqDataStatement & stmt); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind the value to a statement with a specific name. */ SqDataBinding & BindAs(SqDataStatement & stmt, StackStrF & name); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * A Session holds a connection to a Database and creates Statement objects. */ struct SqDataSession : public Session { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates a new session, using the given connection (must be in "connection:///info" format). */ SqDataSession(StackStrF & conn, SQInteger timeout) : Session(conn.ToStr(), ConvTo< size_t >::From(timeout)) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates a new session, using the given connector, and connection information. */ SqDataSession(StackStrF & conn, StackStrF & info, SQInteger timeout) : Session(conn.ToStr(), info.ToStr(), ConvTo< size_t >::From(timeout)) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates a session by copying another one. */ SqDataSession(const SqDataSession &) = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates a session by moving another one. */ SqDataSession(SqDataSession &&) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroys the Session. */ ~SqDataSession() = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assignment operator. */ SqDataSession & operator = (const SqDataSession &) = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment. */ SqDataSession & operator = (SqDataSession &&) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Opens the session using the supplied string. * Can also be used with default empty string to reconnect a disconnected session. */ void Open(StackStrF & connect) { open(connect.ToStr()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Closes the session. */ void Close() { close(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if session is connected, false otherwise. */ bool IsConnected() { return isConnected(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Closes the session and opens it. */ void Reconnect() { return reconnect(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if the session is good and can be used, false otherwise. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsGood() { return isGood(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets the session login timeout value. */ void SetLoginTimeout(SQInteger timeout) { setLoginTimeout(ConvTo< size_t >::From(timeout)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the session login timeout value. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetLoginTimeout() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(getLoginTimeout()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets the session connection timeout value. */ void SetConnectionTimeout(SQInteger timeout) { setConnectionTimeout(ConvTo< size_t >::From(timeout)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the session connection timeout value. */ SQInteger GetConnectionTimeout() { return static_cast< SQInteger >(getConnectionTimeout()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Starts a transaction. */ void Begin() { begin(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Commits and ends a transaction. */ void Commit() { commit(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Rolls back and ends a transaction. */ void Rollback() { rollback(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if session has transaction capabilities. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool CanTransact() { return canTransact(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if a transaction is in progress, false otherwise. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool IsTransaction() { return isTransaction(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets the transaction isolation level. */ void SetTransactionIsolation(SQInteger ti) { setTransactionIsolation(static_cast< uint32_t >(ti)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the transaction isolation level. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SQInteger GetTransactionIsolation() { return static_cast< SQInteger >(getTransactionIsolation()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if the transaction isolation level corresponding to the supplied bitmask is supported. */ bool HasTransactionIsolation(SQInteger ti) { return hasTransactionIsolation(static_cast< uint32_t >(ti)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if the transaction isolation level corresponds to the supplied bitmask. */ bool IsTransactionIsolation(SQInteger ti) { return isTransactionIsolation(static_cast< uint32_t >(ti)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the connector name for this session. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::string GetConnector() const { return connector(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the URI for this session. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD std::string GetURI() const { return uri(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Utility function that teturns the URI formatted from supplied arguments as "connector:///info". */ SQMOD_NODISCARD static std::string BuildURI(StackStrF & connector, StackStrF & info) { return uri(connector.ToStr(), info.ToStr()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set the state of a feature. */ void SetFeature(bool state, StackStrF & name) { setFeature(name.ToStr(), state); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Look up the state of a feature. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD bool GetFeature(StackStrF & name) const { return getFeature(name.ToStr()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set the value of a property. */ void SetProperty(const LightObj & value, StackStrF & name); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Look up the value of a property. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD LightObj GetProperty(StackStrF & name) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Look up the value of a property. */ SQMOD_NODISCARD SqDataStatement GetStatement(StackStrF & data); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create a statement and execute the given query immediately. */ SqDataSession & Execute(StackStrF & query); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create a statement and execute the given query whenever possible. */ SqDataSession & ExecuteAsync(StackStrF & query); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Statement is used to execute SQL statements. */ struct SqDataStatement : public Statement { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates the Statement for the given Session. */ explicit SqDataStatement(SqDataSession & session) : Statement(session) { } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Creates the Statement for the given Session and adds initial SQL code. */ explicit SqDataStatement(SqDataSession & session, StackStrF & data) : Statement(session) { Add(data); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. If the statement has been executed asynchronously and has not been * synchronized prior to copy operation (i.e. is copied while executing), this constructor shall synchronize it. */ SqDataStatement(const SqDataStatement &) = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. */ SqDataStatement(SqDataStatement &&) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroys the Statement. */ ~SqDataStatement() = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Assignment operator. */ SqDataStatement & operator = (const SqDataStatement &) = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment. */ SqDataStatement & operator = (SqDataStatement &&) noexcept = default; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Concatenates data with the SQL statement string. */ SqDataStatement & Add(StackStrF & data) { Statement::operator<<(data); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if statement was marked for asynchronous execution. */ bool GetAsync() { return isAsync(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets the asynchronous flag. This setting does not affect the statement's capability * to be executed synchronously by directly calling Execute(). */ SqDataStatement & SetAsync(bool async) { setAsync(async); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if the statement was initialized (i.e. not executed yet). */ bool Initialized() { return initialized(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if the statement was paused (a range limit stopped it and there is more work to do). */ bool Paused() { return paused(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if the statement was completely executed or false if a range limit stopped it * and there is more work to do. When no limit is set, it will always return true after calling execute(). */ bool Done() { return done(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns true if statement is in a state that allows the internal storage to be modified. */ bool CanModifyStorage() { return canModifyStorage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the internal storage type for the statement. */ SQInteger Storage() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(storage()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the internal storage type for the statement. */ const std::string & GetStorage() const { return getStorage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets the internal storage type for the statement. */ void SetStorage(StackStrF & storage) { setStorage(storage.ToStr()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the number of columns returned for current data set. * Default value indicates current data set (if any). */ SQInteger GetColumnsExtracted(int data_set) const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(columnsExtracted(data_set)); } SQInteger ColumnsExtracted() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(columnsExtracted()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the number of rows returned for current data set during last statement execution. * Default value indicates current data set (if any). */ SQInteger GetRowsExtracted(int data_set) const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(rowsExtracted(data_set)); } SQInteger RowsExtracted() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(rowsExtracted()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the number of rows extracted so far for the data set. * Default value indicates current data set (if any). */ SQInteger GetSubTotalRowCount(int data_set) const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(subTotalRowCount(data_set)); } SQInteger SubTotalRowCount() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(subTotalRowCount()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the number of extraction storage buffers associated with the current data set. */ SQInteger ExtractionCount() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(extractionCount()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the number of data sets associated with the statement. */ SQInteger DataSetCount() const { return static_cast< SQInteger >(dataSetCount()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the index of the next data set. */ SQInteger NextDataSet() { return static_cast< SQInteger >(nextDataSet()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the index of the previous data set. */ SQInteger PreviousDataSet() { return static_cast< SQInteger >(previousDataSet()); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns false if the current data set index points to the last data set. Otherwise, it returns true. */ bool HasMoreDataSets() const { return hasMoreDataSets(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Executes the statement synchronously or asynchronously. */ SQInteger Execute() { return static_cast< SQInteger >(execute(true)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Executes the statement synchronously or asynchronously. */ SQInteger Execute_(bool reset) { return static_cast< SQInteger >(execute(reset)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Executes the statement asynchronously. */ SqDataStatement & ExecuteAsync() { executeAsync(true); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Executes the statement asynchronously. */ SqDataStatement & ExecuteAsync_(bool reset) { executeAsync(reset); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Waits for the execution completion for asynchronous statements or returns immediately for synchronous ones. */ SQInteger Wait(SQInteger milliseconds) { return static_cast< SQInteger >(wait(static_cast< long >(milliseconds))); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Resets the Statement so that it can be filled with a new SQL command. */ SqDataStatement & Reset(SqDataSession & session) { reset(session); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swaps the statement with another one. */ void Swap(SqDataStatement & stmt) { swap(stmt); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a reference to the statement. */ SqDataStatement & Use(LightObj & obj) { UseEx(obj, String(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a named reference to the statement. */ SqDataStatement & UseAs(LightObj & obj, StackStrF & name) { UseEx(obj, String(name.mPtr, name.GetSize()), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Internal function used internally to bind a reference to the statement. */ void UseEx(LightObj & obj, const std::string & name, Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::Direction dir); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Internal function used internally to bind a instance reference to the statement. */ void UseInst_(LightObj & obj, const std::string & name, Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::Direction dir); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a value to the statement and mark it as input (i.e alias of Use). */ SqDataStatement & In(LightObj & obj) { return Use(obj); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a named value to the statement mark it as input (i.e alias of UseAs). */ SqDataStatement & InAs(LightObj & obj, StackStrF & name) { return UseAs(obj, name); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a reference to the statement and mark it as output. */ SqDataStatement & Out(LightObj & obj) { UseEx(obj, String(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_OUT); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a named reference to the statement and mark it as output. */ SqDataStatement & OutAs(LightObj & obj, StackStrF & name) { UseEx(obj, String(name.mPtr, name.GetSize()), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_OUT); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a value to the statement. */ SqDataStatement & Bind(LightObj & obj) { BindEx(obj, String(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a named value to the statement. */ SqDataStatement & BindAs(LightObj & obj, StackStrF & name) { BindEx(obj, String(name.mPtr, name.GetSize()), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Internal function used internally to bind a value to the statement. */ void BindEx(LightObj & obj, const std::string & name, Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::Direction dir); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Internal function used internally to bind a instance value to the statement. */ void BindInst_(LightObj & obj, const std::string & name, Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::Direction dir); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bind a value to the statement and mark it as input/output. */ SqDataStatement & Io(LightObj & obj) { if (obj.GetType() == OT_INSTANCE) { UseInst_(obj, String(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN_OUT); } else { Bind(obj); } return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Register a single extraction with the statement. */ SqDataStatement & Into(LightObj & obj); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Register a single extraction with the statement with a default value. */ SqDataStatement & Into_(LightObj & obj, LightObj & def); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets a limit on the maximum number of rows a select is allowed to return. */ SqDataStatement & Limit1(SQInteger limit) { return Limit3(limit, false, false); } SqDataStatement & Limit2(SQInteger limit, bool hard) { return Limit3(limit, hard, false); } SqDataStatement & Limit3(SQInteger limit, bool hard, bool lower) { (*this), Poco::Data::Limit(static_cast< Poco::Data::Limit::SizeT >(limit), hard, lower); return *this; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sets a an extraction range for the maximum number of rows a select is allowed to return. */ SqDataStatement & Range(SQInteger lower, SQInteger upper) { return RangeEx(lower, upper, false); } SqDataStatement & RangeEx(SQInteger lower, SQInteger upper, bool hard) { (*this), Poco::Data::Range(static_cast< Poco::Data::Limit::SizeT >(lower), static_cast< Poco::Data::Limit::SizeT >(upper), hard); return *this; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class T > inline SqDataBinding< T > & SqDataBinding< T >::Use(SqDataStatement & stmt) { stmt.addBind(new Poco::Data::ReferenceBinding< T >(mV, String(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN)); return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class T > inline SqDataBinding< T > & SqDataBinding< T >::UseAs(SqDataStatement & stmt, StackStrF & name) { stmt.addBind(new Poco::Data::ReferenceBinding< T >(mV, name.ToStr(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN)); return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class T > inline SqDataBinding< T > & SqDataBinding< T >::Bind(SqDataStatement & stmt) { stmt.addBind(new Poco::Data::CopyBinding< T >(*mV, String(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN)); return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class T > inline SqDataBinding< T > & SqDataBinding< T >::BindAs(SqDataStatement & stmt, StackStrF & name) { stmt.addBind(new Poco::Data::CopyBinding< T >(*mV, name.ToStr(), Poco::Data::AbstractBinding::PD_IN)); return *this; } } // Namespace:: SqMod