#include "cpr/util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace cpr { namespace util { Cookies parseCookies(curl_slist* raw_cookies) { Cookies cookies; for (curl_slist* nc = raw_cookies; nc; nc = nc->next) { std::vector tokens = cpr::util::split(nc->data, '\t'); std::string value = tokens.back(); tokens.pop_back(); cookies[tokens.back()] = value; } return cookies; } Header parseHeader(const std::string& headers, std::string* status_line, std::string* reason) { Header header; std::vector lines; std::istringstream stream(headers); { std::string line; while (std::getline(stream, line, '\n')) { lines.push_back(line); } } for (std::string& line : lines) { // NOLINTNEXTLINE (cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers) if (line.substr(0, 5) == "HTTP/") { // set the status_line if it was given if ((status_line != nullptr) || (reason != nullptr)) { line.resize(std::min(line.size(), line.find_last_not_of("\t\n\r ") + 1)); if (status_line != nullptr) { *status_line = line; } // set the reason if it was given if (reason != nullptr) { size_t pos1 = line.find_first_of("\t "); size_t pos2 = std::string::npos; if (pos1 != std::string::npos) { pos2 = line.find_first_of("\t ", pos1 + 1); } if (pos2 != std::string::npos) { line.erase(0, pos2 + 1); *reason = line; } } } header.clear(); } if (line.length() > 0) { size_t found = line.find(':'); if (found != std::string::npos) { std::string value = line.substr(found + 1); value.erase(0, value.find_first_not_of("\t ")); value.resize(std::min(value.size(), value.find_last_not_of("\t\n\r ") + 1)); header[line.substr(0, found)] = value; } } } return header; } std::vector split(const std::string& to_split, char delimiter) { std::vector tokens; std::stringstream stream(to_split); std::string item; while (std::getline(stream, item, delimiter)) { tokens.push_back(item); } return tokens; } size_t readUserFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, const ReadCallback* read) { size *= nitems; return read->callback(ptr, size) ? size : CURL_READFUNC_ABORT; } size_t headerUserFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, const HeaderCallback* header) { size *= nmemb; return header->callback({ptr, size}) ? size : 0; } size_t writeFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, std::string* data) { size *= nmemb; data->append(ptr, size); return size; } size_t writeFileFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, std::ofstream* file) { size *= nmemb; file->write(ptr, size); return size; } size_t writeUserFunction(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, const WriteCallback* write) { size *= nmemb; return write->callback({ptr, size}) ? size : 0; } #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM < 0x072000 int progressUserFunction(const ProgressCallback* progress, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow) { #else int progressUserFunction(const ProgressCallback* progress, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow) { #endif return progress->callback(dltotal, dlnow, ultotal, ulnow) ? 0 : 1; } int debugUserFunction(CURL* /*handle*/, curl_infotype type, char* data, size_t size, const DebugCallback* debug) { debug->callback(DebugCallback::InfoType(type), std::string(data, size)); return 0; } /** * Creates a temporary CurlHolder object and uses it to escape the given string. * If you plan to use this methode on a regular basis think about creating a CurlHolder * object and calling urlEncode(std::string) on it. * * Example: * CurlHolder holder; * std::string input = "Hello World!"; * std::string result = holder.urlEncode(input); **/ std::string urlEncode(const std::string& s) { CurlHolder holder; // Create a temporary new holder for URL encoding return holder.urlEncode(s); } /** * Creates a temporary CurlHolder object and uses it to unescape the given string. * If you plan to use this methode on a regular basis think about creating a CurlHolder * object and calling urlDecode(std::string) on it. * * Example: * CurlHolder holder; * std::string input = "Hello%20World%21"; * std::string result = holder.urlDecode(input); **/ std::string urlDecode(const std::string& s) { CurlHolder holder; // Create a temporary new holder for URL decoding return holder.urlDecode(s); } } // namespace util } // namespace cpr