// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Entity/Player.hpp" #include "Entity/Vehicle.hpp" #include "Base/Color3.hpp" #include "Base/Color4.hpp" #include "Base/Vector3.hpp" #include "Library/Utils/BufferWrapper.hpp" #include "Core.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <cstring> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <sqstdstring.h> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ extern SQRESULT SqGrabPlayerMessageColor(HSQUIRRELVM vm, Int32 idx, Uint32 & color, Int32 & msgidx); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Color3 CPlayer::s_Color3; Vector3 CPlayer::s_Vector3; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQChar CPlayer::s_Buffer[SQMOD_PLAYER_TMP_BUFFER]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Int32 CPlayer::Max = SQMOD_PLAYER_POOL; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::Typename(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { static const SQChar name[] = _SC("SqPlayer"); sq_pushstring(vm, name, sizeof(name)); return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPlayer::CPlayer(Int32 id) : m_ID(VALID_ENTITYGETEX(id, SQMOD_PLAYER_POOL)) , m_Tag(ToStrF("%d", id)), m_Data(), m_Buffer(256), m_CircularLocks(0) , mBufferInitSize(256) , mMessageColor(0x6599FFFF) , mAnnounceStyle(1) , mDefaultAmmo(0) , mMessagePrefix(_SC("")) , mMessagePostfix(_SC("")) , mAnnouncePrefix(_SC("")) , mAnnouncePostfix(_SC("")) , mMessagePrefixes() , mLimitPrefixPostfixMessage(true) { // Reset message prefixes for (unsigned n = 0; n < SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES; ++n) { mMessagePrefixes[n].assign(_SC("")); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPlayer::~CPlayer() { /* ... */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::Cmp(const CPlayer & o) const { if (m_ID == o.m_ID) { return 0; } else if (m_ID > o.m_ID) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String & CPlayer::ToString() const { return m_Tag; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String & CPlayer::GetTag() const { return m_Tag; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetTag(CSStr tag) { m_Tag.assign(tag); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::GetData() { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return m_Data; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetData(Object & data) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Apply the specified value m_Data = data; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::BindEvent(Int32 evid, Object & env, Function & func) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Obtain the function instance called for this event Function & event = Core::Get().GetPlayerEvent(m_ID, evid); // Is the specified callback function null? if (func.IsNull()) { event.ReleaseGently(); // Then release the current callback } // Does this function need a custom environment? else if (env.IsNull()) { event = func; } // Assign the specified environment and function else { event = Function(env.GetVM(), env, func.GetFunc()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsConnected() const { return _Func->IsPlayerConnected(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsStreamedFor(CPlayer & player) const { // Is the specified player even valid? if (!player.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid player argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerStreamedForPlayer(m_ID, player.GetID()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::GetAdmin() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerAdmin(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetAdmin(bool toggle) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerAdmin(m_ID, toggle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSStr CPlayer::GetIP() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear any previous string (just in case) s_Buffer[0] = '\0'; // Query the server for the IP of the managed player if (_Func->GetPlayerIP(m_ID, s_Buffer, sizeof(s_Buffer)) == vcmpErrorBufferTooSmall) { STHROWF("The available buffer was too small to contain the IP address"); } // Return the requested information return s_Buffer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSStr CPlayer::GetUID() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear any previous string (just in case) s_Buffer[0] = '\0'; // Query the server for the UID of the managed player if (_Func->GetPlayerUID(m_ID, s_Buffer, sizeof(s_Buffer)) == vcmpErrorBufferTooSmall) { STHROWF("The available buffer was too small to contain the unique id"); } // Return the requested information return s_Buffer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSStr CPlayer::GetUID2() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear any previous string (just in case) s_Buffer[0] = '\0'; // Query the server for the UID2 of the managed player if (_Func->GetPlayerUID2(m_ID, s_Buffer, sizeof(s_Buffer)) == vcmpErrorBufferTooSmall) { STHROWF("The available buffer was too small to contain the unique id v2"); } // Return the requested information return s_Buffer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::Kick() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->KickPlayer(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::Ban() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->BanPlayer(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uint32 CPlayer::GetKey() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerKey(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSStr CPlayer::GetName() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear any previous string (just in case) s_Buffer[0] = '\0'; // Query the server for the name of the managed player if (_Func->GetPlayerName(m_ID, s_Buffer, sizeof(s_Buffer)) == vcmpErrorBufferTooSmall) { STHROWF("The available buffer was too small to contain the nickname"); } // Return the requested information return s_Buffer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetName(CSStr name) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->SetPlayerName(m_ID, name) == vcmpErrorInvalidName) { STHROWF("The specified name is invalid"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetState() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerState(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetOption(Int32 option_id) const { // Attempt to obtain the current value of the specified option const bool value = _Func->GetPlayerOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpPlayerOption >(option_id)); // Check for errors if (_Func->GetLastError() == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid option identifier: %d", option_id); } // Return the requested value return value; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetOption(Int32 option_id, bool toggle) { // Attempt to obtain the current value of the specified option const bool value = _Func->GetPlayerOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpPlayerOption >(option_id)); // Do we even have to modify the specified option? if (value == toggle) { return; // Nothing to change! } // Attempt to modify the current value of the specified option else if (_Func->SetPlayerOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpPlayerOption >(option_id), toggle) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid option identifier: %d", option_id); } else if (!(m_CircularLocks & PCL_EMIT_PLAYER_OPTION)) { Core::Get().EmitPlayerOption(m_ID, option_id, value, 0, NullObject()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetOptionEx(Int32 option_id, bool toggle, Int32 header, Object & payload) { // Attempt to obtain the current value of the specified option const bool value = _Func->GetPlayerOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpPlayerOption >(option_id)); // Do we even have to modify the specified option? if (value == toggle) { return; // Nothing to change! } // Attempt to modify the current value of the specified option else if (_Func->SetPlayerOption(m_ID, static_cast< vcmpPlayerOption >(option_id), toggle) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid option identifier: %d", option_id); } else if (!(m_CircularLocks & PCL_EMIT_PLAYER_OPTION)) { // Prevent this event from triggering while executed BitGuardU32 bg(m_CircularLocks, PCL_EMIT_PLAYER_OPTION); // Now forward the event call Core::Get().EmitPlayerOption(m_ID, option_id, value, header, payload); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetWorld() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerWorld(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetWorld(Int32 world) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerWorld(m_ID, world); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetSecondaryWorld() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerSecondaryWorld(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetSecondaryWorld(Int32 world) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerSecondaryWorld(m_ID, world); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetUniqueWorld() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerUniqueWorld(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsWorldCompatible(Int32 world) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerWorldCompatible(m_ID, world); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetClass() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerClass(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetTeam() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerTeam(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetTeam(Int32 team) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->SetPlayerTeam(m_ID, team) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid team identifier: %d", team); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetSkin() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerSkin(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetSkin(Int32 skin) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->SetPlayerSkin(m_ID, skin) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid skin identifier: %d", skin); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Color3 & CPlayer::GetColor() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous color information, if any s_Color3.Clear(); // Query the server for the color values s_Color3.SetRGB(_Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID)); // Return the requested information return s_Color3; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetColor(const Color3 & color) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerColour(m_ID, color.GetRGB()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetColorEx(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerColour(m_ID, SQMOD_PACK_RGB(r, g, b)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsSpawned() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerSpawned(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::ForceSpawn() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->ForcePlayerSpawn(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::ForceSelect() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->ForcePlayerSelect(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsTyping() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerTyping(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetMoney() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerMoney(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetMoney(Int32 amount) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerMoney(m_ID, amount); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::GiveMoney(Int32 amount) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->GivePlayerMoney(m_ID, amount); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetScore() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerScore(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetScore(Int32 score) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerScore(m_ID, score); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetWantedLevel() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerWantedLevel(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetWantedLevel(Int32 level) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerWantedLevel(m_ID, level); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetPing() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerPing(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetFPS() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerFPS(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetHealth() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerHealth(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetHealth(Float32 amount) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerHealth(m_ID, amount); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetArmor() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerArmour(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetArmor(Float32 amount) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerArmour(m_ID, amount); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetImmunity() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerImmunityFlags(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetImmunity(Int32 flags) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerImmunityFlags(m_ID, flags); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Vector3 & CPlayer::GetPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any s_Vector3.Clear(); // Query the server for the values _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, &s_Vector3.y, &s_Vector3.z); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetPosition(const Vector3 & pos) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerPosition(m_ID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetPositionEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerPosition(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Vector3 & CPlayer::GetSpeed() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous speed information, if any s_Vector3.Clear(); // Query the server for the speed values _Func->GetPlayerSpeed(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, &s_Vector3.y, &s_Vector3.z); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::AddSpeed(const Vector3 & vel) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->AddPlayerSpeed(m_ID, vel.x, vel.y, vel.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::AddSpeedEx(Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->AddPlayerSpeed(m_ID, x, y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetHeading() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerHeading(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetHeading(Float32 angle) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerHeading(m_ID, angle); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetAlpha() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerAlpha(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetAlpha(Int32 alpha) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerAlpha(m_ID, alpha, 0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetAlphaEx(Int32 alpha, Int32 fade) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerAlpha(m_ID, alpha, fade); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Vector3 & CPlayer::GetAimPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any s_Vector3.Clear(); // Query the server for the values _Func->GetPlayerAimPosition(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, &s_Vector3.y, &s_Vector3.z); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Vector3 & CPlayer::GetAimDirection() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous direction information, if any s_Vector3.Clear(); // Query the server for the direction values _Func->GetPlayerAimDirection(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, &s_Vector3.y, &s_Vector3.z); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsBurning() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerOnFire(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsCrouched() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerCrouching(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetAction() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerAction(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetGameKeys() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerGameKeys(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::Embark(CVehicle & vehicle) const { // Is the specified vehicle even valid? if (!vehicle.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid vehicle argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return (_Func->PutPlayerInVehicle(m_ID, vehicle.GetID(), 0, true, true) != vcmpErrorRequestDenied); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::Embark(CVehicle & vehicle, Int32 slot, bool allocate, bool warp) const { // Is the specified vehicle even valid? if (!vehicle.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid vehicle argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return (_Func->PutPlayerInVehicle(m_ID, vehicle.GetID(), slot, allocate, warp) != vcmpErrorRequestDenied); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::Disembark() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->RemovePlayerFromVehicle(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetVehicleStatus() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerInVehicleStatus(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetVehicleSlot() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerInVehicleSlot(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::GetVehicle() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the identifier of the vehicle const Int32 id = _Func->GetPlayerVehicleId(m_ID); // Validate the obtained identifier if (VALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_VEHICLE_POOL)) { // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(id).mObj; } // Default to a null object return NullObject(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetVehicleID() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerVehicleId(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetWeapon() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerWeapon(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetWeapon(Int32 wep) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->SetPlayerWeapon(m_ID, wep, mDefaultAmmo) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid weapon identifier: %d", wep); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetWeaponEx(Int32 wep, Int32 ammo) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->SetPlayerWeapon(m_ID, wep, ammo) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid weapon ammo: %d", ammo); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::GiveWeapon(Int32 wep, Int32 ammo) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->GivePlayerWeapon(m_ID, wep, ammo) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid weapon ammo: %d", ammo); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetAmmo() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerWeaponAmmo(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetWeaponSlot() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->GetPlayerWeaponSlot(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetWeaponSlot(Int32 slot) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation if (_Func->SetPlayerWeaponSlot(m_ID, slot) == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid weapon slot: %d", slot); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetWeaponAtSlot(Int32 slot) const { // Attempt to obtain the weapon identifier of the specified slot const Int32 id = _Func->GetPlayerWeaponAtSlot(m_ID, slot); // Check for errors if (_Func->GetLastError() == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid weapon slot: %d", slot); } // Return the requested information return id; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetAmmoAtSlot(Int32 slot) const { // Attempt to obtain the weapon ammo of the specified slot const Int32 ammo = _Func->GetPlayerAmmoAtSlot(m_ID, slot); // Check for errors if (_Func->GetLastError() == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { STHROWF("Invalid weapon slot: %d", slot); } // Return the requested information return ammo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::RemoveWeapon(Int32 wep) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->RemovePlayerWeapon(m_ID, wep); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StripWeapons() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->RemoveAllWeapons(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetCameraPosition(const Vector3 & pos, const Vector3 & aim) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetCameraPosition(m_ID, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, aim.x, aim.y, aim.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetCameraPosition(Float32 xp, Float32 yp, Float32 zp, Float32 xa, Float32 ya, Float32 za) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetCameraPosition(m_ID, xp, yp, zp, xa, ya, za); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::RestoreCamera() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->RestoreCamera(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsCameraLocked() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsCameraLocked(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetAnimation(Int32 anim) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerAnimation(m_ID, 0, anim); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetAnimation(Int32 anim, Int32 group) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerAnimation(m_ID, group, anim); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::StandingOnVehicle() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the identifier of the vehicle const Int32 id = _Func->GetPlayerStandingOnVehicle(m_ID); // Validate the obtained identifier if (VALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_VEHICLE_POOL)) { // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetVehicle(id).mObj; } // Default to a null object return NullObject(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::StandingOnObject() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the identifier of the object const Int32 id = _Func->GetPlayerStandingOnObject(m_ID); // Validate the obtained identifier if (VALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_OBJECT_POOL)) { // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetObject(id).mObj; } // Default to a null object return NullObject(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CPlayer::IsAway() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return _Func->IsPlayerAway(m_ID); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::GetSpectator() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the identifier of the player const Int32 id = _Func->GetPlayerSpectateTarget(m_ID); // Validated the obtained identifier if (_Func->GetLastError() != vcmpErrorNoSuchEntity && VALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_PLAYER_POOL)) { // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(id).mObj; } // Default to a null object return NullObject(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetSpectator(CPlayer & target) const { // Is the specified player even valid? if (!target.IsActive()) { STHROWF("Invalid player argument: null"); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerSpectateTarget(m_ID, target.GetID()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::Redirect(CSStr ip, Uint32 port, CSStr nick, CSStr server_pass, CSStr user_pass) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information if (_Func->RedirectPlayerToServer(m_ID, ip, port, nick, server_pass, user_pass) == vcmpErrorNullArgument) { STHROWF("Invalid arguments encountered"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::PlaySound(Int32 sound_id) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->PlaySound(_Func->GetPlayerUniqueWorld(m_ID), sound_id, NAN, NAN, NAN); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::CreateCheckpointEx(Int32 world, bool sphere, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a, Float32 radius) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return Core::Get().NewCheckpoint(m_ID, world, sphere, x, y, z, r, g, b, a, radius, SQMOD_CREATE_DEFAULT, NullObject()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::CreateCheckpointEx(Int32 world, bool sphere, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a, Float32 radius, Int32 header, Object & payload) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return Core::Get().NewCheckpoint(m_ID, world, sphere, x, y, z, r, g, b, a, radius, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::CreateCheckpoint(Int32 world, bool sphere, const Vector3 & pos, const Color4 & color, Float32 radius) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return Core::Get().NewCheckpoint(m_ID, world, sphere, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, radius, SQMOD_CREATE_DEFAULT, NullObject()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object & CPlayer::CreateCheckpoint(Int32 world, bool sphere, const Vector3 & pos, const Color4 & color, Float32 radius, Int32 header, Object & payload) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation return Core::Get().NewCheckpoint(m_ID, world, sphere, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, radius, header, payload); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetAuthority() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mAuthority; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetAuthority(Int32 level) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mAuthority = level; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String & CPlayer::GetMessagePrefix(Uint32 index) const { // Perform a range check on the specified prefix index if (index >= SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES) { STHROWF("Prefix index is out of range: %u >= %d", index, SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return mMessagePrefixes[index]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetMessagePrefix(Uint32 index, CSStr prefix) { // Perform a range check on the specified prefix index if (index >= SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES) { STHROWF("Prefix index is out of range: %u >= %d", index, SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES); } // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation mMessagePrefixes[index].assign(prefix); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::GetTrackPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mTrackPosition; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetTrackPosition(SQInteger num) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Assign the requested information Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mTrackPosition = num; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetLastWeapon() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mLastWeapon; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetLastHealth() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mLastHealth; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetLastArmour() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mLastArmour; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetLastHeading() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mLastHeading; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Vector3 & CPlayer::GetLastPosition() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return Core::Get().GetPlayer(m_ID).mLastPosition; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StartStream() { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Initialize the stream buffer m_Buffer.Adjust(mBufferInitSize); m_Buffer.Move(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StartStream(Uint32 size) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Initialize the stream buffer m_Buffer.Adjust(size); m_Buffer.Move(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetBufferCursor() const { return m_Buffer.Position(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetBufferCursor(Int32 pos) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation m_Buffer.Move(pos); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StreamByte(SQInteger val) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation m_Buffer.Push< Uint8 >(ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(val)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StreamShort(SQInteger val) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation m_Buffer.Push< Int16 >(ConvTo< Int16 >::From(val)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StreamInt(SQInteger val) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation m_Buffer.Push< Int32 >(ConvTo< Int32 >::From(val)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StreamFloat(SQFloat val) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation m_Buffer.Push< Float32 >(ConvTo< Float32 >::From(val)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StreamString(CSStr val) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Is the given string value even valid? if (!val) { STHROWF("Invalid string argument: null"); } // Calculate the string length Uint16 length = ConvTo< Uint16 >::From(std::strlen(val)); // Change the size endianness to big endian Uint16 size = ((length >> 8) & 0xFF) | ((length & 0xFF) << 8); // Write the size and then the string contents m_Buffer.Push< Uint16 >(size); m_Buffer.AppendS(val, length); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::StreamRawString(CSStr val) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Is the given string value even valid? if (!val) { STHROWF("Invalid string argument: null"); } // Calculate the string length Uint16 length = ConvTo< Uint16 >::From(std::strlen(val)); // Write the the string contents m_Buffer.AppendS(val, length); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::FlushStream(bool reset) { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Do we even have what to send? if (!m_Buffer) { STHROWF("Cannot send uninitialized stream buffer"); } else if (!m_Buffer.Position()) { STHROWF("Cannot send empty stream buffer"); } // Attempt to send the stream buffer contents const vcmpError result = _Func->SendClientScriptData(m_ID, m_Buffer.Data(), m_Buffer.Position()); // Should we reset the buffer cursor? if (reset) { m_Buffer.Move(0); } // Check for errors if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { STHROWF("Stream buffer is too big"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uint32 CPlayer::GetBufferCapacity() const { return m_Buffer.Capacity(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SendBuffer(const BufferWrapper & buffer) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Validate the specified buffer buffer.ValidateDeeper(); // Validate the buffer cursor if (!buffer.GetRef()->Position()) { STHROWF("Cannot send empty stream buffer"); } // Attempt to send the stream buffer contents const vcmpError result = _Func->SendClientScriptData(m_ID, buffer.GetRef()->Data(), buffer.GetRef()->Position()); // Check for errors if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { STHROWF("Stream buffer is too big"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetPositionX() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any s_Vector3.x = 0; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, nullptr, nullptr); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3.x; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetPositionY() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any s_Vector3.y = 0; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, nullptr, &s_Vector3.y, nullptr); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3.y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float32 CPlayer::GetPositionZ() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Clear previous information, if any s_Vector3.z = 0; // Query the server for the requested component value _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, nullptr, nullptr, &s_Vector3.z); // Return the requested information return s_Vector3.z; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetPositionX(Float32 x) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, nullptr, &s_Vector3.y, &s_Vector3.z); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerPosition(m_ID, x, s_Vector3.y, s_Vector3.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetPositionY(Float32 y) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, nullptr, &s_Vector3.z); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerPosition(m_ID, s_Vector3.x, y, s_Vector3.z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetPositionZ(Float32 z) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Retrieve the current values for unchanged components _Func->GetPlayerPosition(m_ID, &s_Vector3.x, &s_Vector3.y, nullptr); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerPosition(m_ID, s_Vector3.z, s_Vector3.y, z); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetColorR() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return static_cast< Int32 >((_Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID) >> 16) & 0xFF); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetColorG() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return static_cast< Int32 >((_Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID) >> 8) & 0xFF); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int32 CPlayer::GetColorB() const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Return the requested information return static_cast< Int32 >(_Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID) & 0xFF); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetColorR(Int32 r) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerColour(m_ID, (ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(r) << 16) | (~(0xFF << 16) & _Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetColorG(Int32 g) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerColour(m_ID, (ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(g) << 8) | (~(0xFF << 8) & _Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CPlayer::SetColorB(Int32 g) const { // Validate the managed identifier Validate(); // Perform the requested operation _Func->SetPlayerColour(m_ID, (ConvTo< Uint8 >::From(g)) | (~(0xFF) & _Func->GetPlayerColour(m_ID))); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::Msg(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { // The function needs at least 2 arguments const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the message color specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing message color"); } // Was the message value specified? else if (top <= 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing message value"); } // The player instance CPlayer * player; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { player = Var< CPlayer * >(vm, 1).value; } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { // Propagate the error return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Do we have a valid player instance? if (!player) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid player instance "); } // Do we have a valid player identifier? else if (!player->IsActive()) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid player reference [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // The index where the message should start Int32 msgidx = 2; // The message color Uint32 color = 0; // Attempt to identify and extract the color const SQRESULT res = SqGrabPlayerMessageColor(vm, 2, color, msgidx); // Did we fail to identify a color? if (SQ_FAILED(res)) { return res; // Propagate the error! } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF val(vm, msgidx); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(val.mRes)) { return val.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Send the resulted message string const vcmpError result = _Func->SendClientMessage(player->GetID(), color, "%s%s%s", player->mMessagePrefix.c_str(), val.mPtr, player->mMessagePostfix.c_str()); // Check the result if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Client message too big [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // This function does not return a value return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::MsgP(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the index of the message prefix specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing prefix index"); } // Was the message value specified? else if (top <= 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing message value"); } // The player instance CPlayer * player = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { player = Var< CPlayer * >(vm, 1).value; } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Do we have a valid player instance? if (!player) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid player instance"); } // Do we have a valid player identifier? else if (!player->IsActive()) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid player reference [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // The prefix index Uint32 index = 0; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { index = ConvTo< Uint32 >::From(Var< SQInteger >(vm, 2).value); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Perform a range check on the specified prefix index if (index >= SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Prefix index is out of range: %u >= %u", index, SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES)); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF val(vm, 3); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(val.mRes)) { return val.mRes; // Propagate the error! } vcmpError result = vcmpErrorNone; // Send the resulted message string if (player->mLimitPrefixPostfixMessage) { result = _Func->SendClientMessage(player->GetID(), player->mMessageColor, "%s%s", player->mMessagePrefixes[index].c_str(), val.mPtr); } else { result = _Func->SendClientMessage(player->GetID(), player->mMessageColor, "%s%s%s%s", player->mMessagePrefix.c_str(), player->mMessagePrefixes[index].c_str(), val.mPtr, player->mMessagePostfix.c_str()); } // Check the result if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Client message too big [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // This function does not return a value return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::MsgEx(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the index of the message prefix specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing prefix index"); } // Was the message color specified? else if (top <= 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing message color"); } // Was the message value specified? else if (top <= 3) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing message value"); } // The player instance CPlayer * player = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { player = Var< CPlayer * >(vm, 1).value; } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Do we have a valid player instance? if (!player) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid player instance"); } // Do we have a valid player identifier? else if (!player->IsActive()) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid player reference [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // The prefix index Uint32 index = 0; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { index = ConvTo< Uint32 >::From(Var< SQInteger >(vm, 2).value); } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Perform a range check on the specified prefix index if (index >= SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Prefix index is out of range: %u >= %u", index, SQMOD_PLAYER_MSG_PREFIXES)); } // The index where the message should start Int32 msgidx = 3; // The message color Uint32 color = 0; // Attempt to identify and extract the color const SQRESULT res = SqGrabPlayerMessageColor(vm, 3, color, msgidx); // Did we fail to identify a color? if (SQ_FAILED(res)) { return res; // Propagate the error! } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF val(vm, msgidx); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(val.mRes)) { return val.mRes; // Propagate the error! } vcmpError result = vcmpErrorNone; // Send the resulted message string if (player->mLimitPrefixPostfixMessage) { result = _Func->SendClientMessage(player->GetID(), color, "%s%s", player->mMessagePrefixes[index].c_str(), val.mPtr); } else { result = _Func->SendClientMessage(player->GetID(), color, "%s%s%s%s", player->mMessagePrefix.c_str(), player->mMessagePrefixes[index].c_str(), val.mPtr, player->mMessagePostfix.c_str()); } // Check the result if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Client message too big [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // This function does not return a value return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::Message(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the message value specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing message value"); } // The player instance CPlayer * player = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { player = Var< CPlayer * >(vm, 1).value; } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Do we have a valid player instance? if (!player) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid player instance"); } // Do we have a valid player identifier? else if (!player->IsActive()) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid player reference [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF val(vm, 2); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(val.mRes)) { return val.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Send the resulted message string const vcmpError result = _Func->SendClientMessage(player->GetID(), player->mMessageColor, "%s%s%s", player->mMessagePrefix.c_str(), val.mPtr, player->mMessagePostfix.c_str()); // Check the result if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Client message too big [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // This function does not return a value return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::Announce(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the announcement value specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing announcement value"); } // The player instance CPlayer * player = nullptr; // Attempt to extract the argument values try { player = Var< CPlayer * >(vm, 1).value; } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Do we have a valid player instance? if (!player) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid player instance"); } // Do we have a valid player identifier? else if (!player->IsActive()) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid player reference [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF val(vm, 2); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(val.mRes)) { return val.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Send the resulted announcement string const vcmpError result = _Func->SendGameMessage(player->GetID(), player->mAnnounceStyle, "%s%s%s", player->mAnnouncePrefix.c_str(), val.mPtr, player->mAnnouncePostfix.c_str()); // Validate the result if (result == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid announcement style %d [%s]", player->mAnnounceStyle, player->GetTag().c_str())); } else if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Game message too big [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // This function does not return a value return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SQInteger CPlayer::AnnounceEx(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { const Int32 top = sq_gettop(vm); // Was the announcement style specified? if (top <= 1) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing announcement style"); } // Was the announcement value specified? else if (top <= 2) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Missing announcement value"); } // The player instance CPlayer * player = nullptr; // The announcement style Int32 style; // style to extract the argument values try { player = Var< CPlayer * >(vm, 1).value; style = Var< Int32 >(vm, 2).value; } catch (const Sqrat::Exception & e) { return sq_throwerror(vm, e.Message().c_str()); } // Do we have a valid player instance? if (!player) { return sq_throwerror(vm, "Invalid player instance"); } // Do we have a valid player identifier? else if (!player->IsActive()) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid player reference [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // Attempt to generate the string value StackStrF val(vm, 3); // Have we failed to retrieve the string? if (SQ_FAILED(val.mRes)) { return val.mRes; // Propagate the error! } // Send the resulted announcement string const vcmpError result = _Func->SendGameMessage(player->GetID(), style, "%s%s%s", player->mAnnouncePrefix.c_str(), val.mPtr, player->mAnnouncePostfix.c_str()); // Validate the result if (result == vcmpErrorArgumentOutOfBounds) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ""); return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Invalid announcement style %d [%s]", style, player->GetTag().c_str())); } else if (result == vcmpErrorTooLargeInput) { return sq_throwerror(vm, ToStrF("Game message too big [%s]", player->GetTag().c_str())); } // This function does not return a value return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static const Object & Player_FindAuto(Object & by) { switch (by.GetType()) { case OT_INTEGER: { return Core::Get().GetPlayer(by.Cast< Int32 >()).mObj; } break; case OT_FLOAT: { return Core::Get().GetPlayer(std::round(by.Cast< Float32 >())).mObj; } break; case OT_STRING: { // Obtain the argument as a string String str(by.Cast< String >()); // Attempt to locate the player with this name Int32 id = _Func->GetPlayerIdFromName(&str[0]); // Was there a player with this name? if (VALID_ENTITYEX(id, SQMOD_PLAYER_POOL)) { Core::Get().GetPlayer(id).mObj; } } break; default: STHROWF("Unsupported search identifier"); } // Default to a null object return NullObject(); } // ================================================================================================ void Register_CPlayer(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { RootTable(vm).Bind(_SC("SqPlayer"), Class< CPlayer, NoConstructor< CPlayer > >(vm, _SC("SqPlayer")) // Meta-methods .Func(_SC("_cmp"), &CPlayer::Cmp) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("_typename"), &CPlayer::Typename) .Func(_SC("_tostring"), &CPlayer::ToString) // Static Values .SetStaticValue(_SC("MaxID"), CPlayer::Max) // Member Variables .Var(_SC("BufferInitSize"), &CPlayer::mBufferInitSize) .Var(_SC("MessageColor"), &CPlayer::mMessageColor) .Var(_SC("AnnounceStyle"), &CPlayer::mAnnounceStyle) .Var(_SC("DefaultAmmo"), &CPlayer::mDefaultAmmo) .Var(_SC("MessagePrefix"), &CPlayer::mMessagePrefix) .Var(_SC("MessagePostfix"), &CPlayer::mMessagePostfix) .Var(_SC("AnnouncePrefix"), &CPlayer::mAnnouncePrefix) .Var(_SC("AnnouncePostfix"), &CPlayer::mAnnouncePostfix) .Var(_SC("LimitPrefixPostfixMessage"), &CPlayer::mLimitPrefixPostfixMessage) // Core Properties .Prop(_SC("ID"), &CPlayer::GetID) .Prop(_SC("Tag"), &CPlayer::GetTag, &CPlayer::SetTag) .Prop(_SC("Data"), &CPlayer::GetData, &CPlayer::SetData) .Prop(_SC("Active"), &CPlayer::IsActive) // Core Methods .Func(_SC("Bind"), &CPlayer::BindEvent) // Properties .Prop(_SC("Connected"), &CPlayer::IsConnected) .Prop(_SC("Admin"), &CPlayer::GetAdmin, &CPlayer::SetAdmin) .Prop(_SC("IP"), &CPlayer::GetIP) .Prop(_SC("UID"), &CPlayer::GetUID) .Prop(_SC("UID2"), &CPlayer::GetUID2) .Prop(_SC("Key"), &CPlayer::GetKey) .Prop(_SC("Name"), &CPlayer::GetName, &CPlayer::SetName) .Prop(_SC("State"), &CPlayer::GetState) .Prop(_SC("World"), &CPlayer::GetWorld, &CPlayer::SetWorld) .Prop(_SC("SecWorld"), &CPlayer::GetSecondaryWorld, &CPlayer::SetSecondaryWorld) .Prop(_SC("SecondaryWorld"), &CPlayer::GetSecondaryWorld, &CPlayer::SetSecondaryWorld) .Prop(_SC("UniqueWorld"), &CPlayer::GetUniqueWorld) .Prop(_SC("Class"), &CPlayer::GetClass) .Prop(_SC("Team"), &CPlayer::GetTeam, &CPlayer::SetTeam) .Prop(_SC("Skin"), &CPlayer::GetSkin, &CPlayer::SetSkin) .Prop(_SC("Color"), &CPlayer::GetColor, &CPlayer::SetColor) .Prop(_SC("Colour"), &CPlayer::GetColor, &CPlayer::SetColor) .Prop(_SC("Spawned"), &CPlayer::IsSpawned) .Prop(_SC("Typing"), &CPlayer::IsTyping) .Prop(_SC("Money"), &CPlayer::GetMoney, &CPlayer::SetMoney) .Prop(_SC("Score"), &CPlayer::GetScore, &CPlayer::SetScore) .Prop(_SC("WantedLevel"), &CPlayer::GetWantedLevel, &CPlayer::SetWantedLevel) .Prop(_SC("Ping"), &CPlayer::GetPing) .Prop(_SC("FPS"), &CPlayer::GetFPS) .Prop(_SC("Health"), &CPlayer::GetHealth, &CPlayer::SetHealth) .Prop(_SC("Armor"), &CPlayer::GetArmor, &CPlayer::SetArmor) .Prop(_SC("Armour"), &CPlayer::GetArmor, &CPlayer::SetArmor) .Prop(_SC("Immunity"), &CPlayer::GetImmunity, &CPlayer::SetImmunity) .Prop(_SC("Pos"), &CPlayer::GetPosition, &CPlayer::SetPosition) .Prop(_SC("Position"), &CPlayer::GetPosition, &CPlayer::SetPosition) .Prop(_SC("Speed"), &CPlayer::GetSpeed, &CPlayer::SetSpeed) .Prop(_SC("Angle"), &CPlayer::GetHeading, &CPlayer::SetHeading) .Prop(_SC("Heading"), &CPlayer::GetHeading, &CPlayer::SetHeading) .Prop(_SC("Alpha"), &CPlayer::GetAlpha, &CPlayer::SetAlpha) .Prop(_SC("AimPos"), &CPlayer::GetAimPosition) .Prop(_SC("AimPosition"), &CPlayer::GetAimPosition) .Prop(_SC("AimDir"), &CPlayer::GetAimDirection) .Prop(_SC("AimDirection"), &CPlayer::GetAimDirection) .Prop(_SC("Burning"), &CPlayer::IsBurning) .Prop(_SC("Crouched"), &CPlayer::IsCrouched) .Prop(_SC("Action"), &CPlayer::GetAction) .Prop(_SC("GameKeys"), &CPlayer::GetGameKeys) .Prop(_SC("VehicleStatus"), &CPlayer::GetVehicleStatus) .Prop(_SC("VehicleSlot"), &CPlayer::GetVehicleSlot) .Prop(_SC("Vehicle"), &CPlayer::GetVehicle) .Prop(_SC("VehicleID"), &CPlayer::GetVehicleID) .Prop(_SC("Weapon"), &CPlayer::GetWeapon, &CPlayer::SetWeapon) .Prop(_SC("Ammo"), &CPlayer::GetAmmo) .Prop(_SC("WeaponSlot"), &CPlayer::GetWeaponSlot, &CPlayer::SetWeaponSlot) .Prop(_SC("CameraLocked"), &CPlayer::IsCameraLocked) .Prop(_SC("TouchedVehicle"), &CPlayer::StandingOnVehicle) .Prop(_SC("TouchedObject"), &CPlayer::StandingOnObject) .Prop(_SC("Away"), &CPlayer::IsAway) .Prop(_SC("Spec"), &CPlayer::GetSpectator, &CPlayer::SetSpectator) .Prop(_SC("Authority"), &CPlayer::GetAuthority, &CPlayer::SetAuthority) .Prop(_SC("TrackPosition"), &CPlayer::GetTrackPosition, &CPlayer::SetTrackPosition) .Prop(_SC("LastWeapon"), &CPlayer::GetLastWeapon) .Prop(_SC("LastHealth"), &CPlayer::GetLastHealth) .Prop(_SC("LastArmor"), &CPlayer::GetLastArmour) .Prop(_SC("LastArmour"), &CPlayer::GetLastArmour) .Prop(_SC("LastHeading"), &CPlayer::GetLastHeading) .Prop(_SC("LastPosition"), &CPlayer::GetLastPosition) .Prop(_SC("BufferCursor"), &CPlayer::GetBufferCursor, &CPlayer::SetBufferCursor) .Prop(_SC("BufferCapacity"), &CPlayer::GetBufferCapacity) .Prop(_SC("PosX"), &CPlayer::GetPositionX, &CPlayer::SetPositionX) .Prop(_SC("PosY"), &CPlayer::GetPositionY, &CPlayer::SetPositionY) .Prop(_SC("PosZ"), &CPlayer::GetPositionZ, &CPlayer::SetPositionZ) .Prop(_SC("Red"), &CPlayer::GetColorR, &CPlayer::SetColorR) .Prop(_SC("Green"), &CPlayer::GetColorG, &CPlayer::SetColorG) .Prop(_SC("Blue"), &CPlayer::GetColorB, &CPlayer::SetColorB) // Member Methods .Func(_SC("StreamedFor"), &CPlayer::IsStreamedFor) .Func(_SC("Kick"), &CPlayer::Kick) .Func(_SC("Ban"), &CPlayer::Ban) .Func(_SC("GetOption"), &CPlayer::GetOption) .Func(_SC("SetOption"), &CPlayer::SetOption) .Func(_SC("SetOptionEx"), &CPlayer::SetOptionEx) .Func(_SC("WorldCompatible"), &CPlayer::IsWorldCompatible) .Func(_SC("SetColor"), &CPlayer::SetColorEx) .Func(_SC("SetColour"), &CPlayer::SetColorEx) .Func(_SC("Spawn"), &CPlayer::ForceSpawn) .Func(_SC("Select"), &CPlayer::ForceSelect) .Func(_SC("GiveMoney"), &CPlayer::GiveMoney) .Func(_SC("SetPos"), &CPlayer::SetPositionEx) .Func(_SC("SetPosition"), &CPlayer::SetPositionEx) .Func(_SC("SetSpeed"), &CPlayer::SetSpeedEx) .Func(_SC("SetAlpha"), &CPlayer::SetAlphaEx) .Func(_SC("Disembark"), &CPlayer::Disembark) .Func(_SC("SetWeapon"), &CPlayer::SetWeaponEx) .Func(_SC("GiveWeapon"), &CPlayer::GiveWeapon) .Func(_SC("WeaponAtSlot"), &CPlayer::GetWeaponAtSlot) .Func(_SC("AmmoAtSlot"), &CPlayer::GetAmmoAtSlot) .Func(_SC("RemoveWeapon"), &CPlayer::RemoveWeapon) .Func(_SC("StripWeapons"), &CPlayer::StripWeapons) .Func(_SC("RestoreCamera"), &CPlayer::RestoreCamera) .Func(_SC("Spectating"), &CPlayer::GetSpectator) .Func(_SC("Spectate"), &CPlayer::SetSpectator) .Func(_SC("Redirect"), &CPlayer::Redirect) .Func(_SC("PlaySound"), &CPlayer::PlaySound) .Func(_SC("GetMsgPrefix"), &CPlayer::GetMessagePrefix) .Func(_SC("SetMsgPrefix"), &CPlayer::SetMessagePrefix) .Func(_SC("StreamByte"), &CPlayer::StreamByte) .Func(_SC("StreamShort"), &CPlayer::StreamShort) .Func(_SC("StreamInt"), &CPlayer::StreamInt) .Func(_SC("StreamFloat"), &CPlayer::StreamFloat) .Func(_SC("StreamString"), &CPlayer::StreamString) .Func(_SC("StreamRawString"), &CPlayer::StreamRawString) .Func(_SC("FlushStream"), &CPlayer::FlushStream) .Func(_SC("SendBuffer"), &CPlayer::SendBuffer) // Member Overloads .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(const Vector3 &) const > (_SC("AddSpeed"), &CPlayer::AddSpeed) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("AddSpeed"), &CPlayer::AddSpeedEx) .Overload< bool (CPlayer::*)(CVehicle &) const > (_SC("Embark"), &CPlayer::Embark) .Overload< bool (CPlayer::*)(CVehicle &, SQInt32, bool, bool) const > (_SC("Embark"), &CPlayer::Embark) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(const Vector3 &, const Vector3 &) const > (_SC("CameraPosition"), &CPlayer::SetCameraPosition) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32, Float32) const > (_SC("CameraPosition"), &CPlayer::SetCameraPosition) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(void) > (_SC("StartStream"), &CPlayer::StartStream) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(Uint32) > (_SC("StartStream"), &CPlayer::StartStream) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(Int32) const > (_SC("SetAnimation"), &CPlayer::SetAnimation) .Overload< void (CPlayer::*)(Int32, Int32) const > (_SC("SetAnimation"), &CPlayer::SetAnimation) .Overload< Object & (CPlayer::*)(Int32, bool, Float32, Float32, Float32, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Float32) const > (_SC("CreateCheckpointEx"), &CPlayer::CreateCheckpointEx) .Overload< Object & (CPlayer::*)(Int32, bool, Float32, Float32, Float32, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Uint8, Float32, Int32, Object &) const > (_SC("CreateCheckpointEx"), &CPlayer::CreateCheckpointEx) .Overload< Object & (CPlayer::*)(Int32, bool, const Vector3 &, const Color4 &, Float32) const > (_SC("CreateCheckpoint"), &CPlayer::CreateCheckpoint) .Overload< Object & (CPlayer::*)(Int32, bool, const Vector3 &, const Color4 &, Float32, Int32, Object &) const > (_SC("CreateCheckpoint"), &CPlayer::CreateCheckpoint) // Static Functions .StaticFunc(_SC("Find"), &Player_FindAuto) // Raw Squirrel Methods .SquirrelFunc(_SC("Msg"), &CPlayer::Msg) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("MsgP"), &CPlayer::MsgP) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("MsgEx"), &CPlayer::MsgEx) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("Message"), &CPlayer::Message) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("Announce"), &CPlayer::Announce) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("AnnounceEx"), &CPlayer::AnnounceEx) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("Text"), &CPlayer::Announce) .SquirrelFunc(_SC("TextEx"), &CPlayer::AnnounceEx) ); } } // Namespace:: SqMod