// // Thread_VX.h // // Library: Foundation // Package: Threading // Module: Thread // // Definition of the ThreadImpl class for VxWorks tasks. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2011, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_Thread_VX_INCLUDED #define Foundation_Thread_VX_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include "Poco/Runnable.h" #include "Poco/SignalHandler.h" #include "Poco/Event.h" #include "Poco/RefCountedObject.h" #include "Poco/AutoPtr.h" #include <taskLib.h> #include <taskVarLib.h> namespace Poco { class Foundation_API ThreadImpl { public: typedef int TIDImpl; typedef void (*Callable)(void*); enum Priority { PRIO_LOWEST_IMPL, PRIO_LOW_IMPL, PRIO_NORMAL_IMPL, PRIO_HIGH_IMPL, PRIO_HIGHEST_IMPL }; enum Policy { POLICY_DEFAULT_IMPL = 0 }; enum { DEFAULT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE = 65536 }; struct CallbackData: public RefCountedObject { CallbackData(): callback(0), pData(0) { } Callable callback; void* pData; }; ThreadImpl(); ~ThreadImpl(); TIDImpl tidImpl() const; void setPriorityImpl(int prio); int getPriorityImpl() const; void setOSPriorityImpl(int prio, int policy = 0); int getOSPriorityImpl() const; static int getMinOSPriorityImpl(int policy); static int getMaxOSPriorityImpl(int policy); void setStackSizeImpl(int size); int getStackSizeImpl() const; void startImpl(Runnable& target); void startImpl(Callable target, void* pData = 0); void joinImpl(); bool joinImpl(long milliseconds); bool isRunningImpl() const; static void sleepImpl(long milliseconds); static void yieldImpl(); static ThreadImpl* currentImpl(); static TIDImpl currentTidImpl(); protected: static void runnableEntry(void* pThread, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int); static void callableEntry(void* pThread, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int); static int mapPrio(int prio); static int reverseMapPrio(int osPrio); struct ThreadData: public RefCountedObject { ThreadData(): pRunnableTarget(0), pCallbackTarget(0), task(0), prio(PRIO_NORMAL_IMPL), osPrio(127), done(false), stackSize(POCO_THREAD_STACK_SIZE) { } Runnable* pRunnableTarget; AutoPtr<CallbackData> pCallbackTarget; int task; int prio; int osPrio; Event done; int stackSize; }; private: AutoPtr<ThreadData> _pData; static ThreadImpl* _pCurrent; }; // // inlines // inline int ThreadImpl::getPriorityImpl() const { return _pData->prio; } inline int ThreadImpl::getOSPriorityImpl() const { return _pData->osPrio; } inline bool ThreadImpl::isRunningImpl() const { return _pData->pRunnableTarget != 0 || (_pData->pCallbackTarget.get() != 0 && _pData->pCallbackTarget->callback != 0); } inline void ThreadImpl::yieldImpl() { taskDelay(0); } inline int ThreadImpl::getStackSizeImpl() const { return _pData->stackSize; } inline ThreadImpl::TIDImpl ThreadImpl::tidImpl() const { return _pData->task; } } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_Thread_VX_INCLUDED