// Manifest.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: SharedLibrary
// Module:  ClassLoader
// Definition of the Manifest class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_Manifest_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_Manifest_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/MetaObject.h"
#include <map>
#include <typeinfo>

namespace Poco {

class Foundation_API ManifestBase
	/// ManifestBase is a common base class for
	/// all instantiations of Manifest.
	virtual ~ManifestBase();

	virtual const char* className() const = 0;
		/// Returns the type name of the manifest's class.

template <class B>
class Manifest: public ManifestBase
	/// A Manifest maintains a list of all classes
	/// contained in a dynamically loadable class
	/// library.
	/// Internally, the information is held
	/// in a map. An iterator is provided to
	/// iterate over all the classes in a Manifest.
	typedef AbstractMetaObject<B> Meta;
	typedef std::map<std::string, const Meta*> MetaMap;

	class Iterator
		/// The Manifest's very own iterator class.
		Iterator(const typename MetaMap::const_iterator& it)
			_it = it;
		Iterator(const Iterator& it)
			_it = it._it;
		Iterator& operator = (const Iterator& it)
			_it = it._it;
			return *this;
		inline bool operator == (const Iterator& it) const
			return _it == it._it;
		inline bool operator != (const Iterator& it) const
			return _it != it._it;
		Iterator& operator ++ () // prefix
			return *this;
		Iterator operator ++ (int) // postfix
			Iterator result(_it);
			return result;
		inline const Meta* operator * () const
			return _it->second;
		inline const Meta* operator -> () const
			return _it->second;
		typename MetaMap::const_iterator _it;

		/// Creates an empty Manifest.

	virtual ~Manifest()
		/// Destroys the Manifest.

	Iterator find(const std::string& className) const
		/// Returns an iterator pointing to the MetaObject
		/// for the given class. If the MetaObject cannot
		/// be found, the iterator points to end().
		return Iterator(_metaMap.find(className));

	Iterator begin() const
		return Iterator(_metaMap.begin());

	Iterator end() const
		return Iterator(_metaMap.end());

	bool insert(const Meta* pMeta)
		/// Inserts a MetaObject. Returns true if insertion
		/// was successful, false if a class with the same
		/// name already exists.
		return _metaMap.insert(typename MetaMap::value_type(pMeta->name(), pMeta)).second;

	void clear()
		/// Removes all MetaObjects from the manifest.
		for (auto& p: _metaMap)
			delete p.second;

	int size() const
		/// Returns the number of MetaObjects in the Manifest.
		return int(_metaMap.size());

	bool empty() const
		/// Returns true iff the Manifest does not contain any MetaObjects.
		return _metaMap.empty();

	const char* className() const
		return typeid(*this).name();

	MetaMap _metaMap;

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_Manifest_INCLUDED