// Attr.h
// Library: XML
// Package: DOM
// Module:  DOM
// Definition of the DOM Attr class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef DOM_Attr_INCLUDED
#define DOM_Attr_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/XML/XML.h"
#include "Poco/DOM/AbstractNode.h"
#include "Poco/DOM/Element.h"
#include "Poco/XML/Name.h"

namespace Poco {
namespace XML {

class XML_API Attr: public AbstractNode
	/// The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object. Typically
	/// the allowable values for the attribute are defined in a document type definition.
	/// Attr objects inherit the Node interface, but since they are not actually
	/// child nodes of the element they describe, the DOM does not consider them
	/// part of the document tree. Thus, the Node attributes parentNode, previousSibling,
	/// and nextSibling have a null value for Attr objects. The DOM takes the view
	/// that attributes are properties of elements rather than having a separate
	/// identity from the elements they are associated with; this should make it
	/// more efficient to implement such features as default attributes associated
	/// with all elements of a given type. Furthermore, Attr nodes may not be immediate
	/// children of a DocumentFragment. However, they can be associated with Element
	/// nodes contained within a DocumentFragment. In short, users and implementors
	/// of the DOM need to be aware that Attr nodes have some things in common with
	/// other objects inheriting the Node interface, but they also are quite distinct.
	/// The attribute's effective value is determined as follows: if this attribute
	/// has been explicitly assigned any value, that value is the attribute's effective
	/// value; otherwise, if there is a declaration for this attribute, and that
	/// declaration includes a default value, then that default value is the attribute's
	/// effective value; otherwise, the attribute does not exist on this element
	/// in the structure model until it has been explicitly added. Note that the
	/// nodeValue attribute on the Attr instance can also be used to retrieve the
	/// string version of the attribute's value(s).
	/// In XML, where the value of an attribute can contain entity references, the
	/// child nodes of the Attr node provide a representation in which entity references
	/// are not expanded. These child nodes may be either Text or EntityReference
	/// nodes. Because the attribute type may be unknown, there are no tokenized
	/// attribute values.
	const XMLString& name() const;
		/// Returns the name of this attribute.

	bool specified() const;
		/// If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document,
		/// this is true; otherwise, it is false. Note that the implementation is in
		/// charge of this attribute, not the user. If the user changes the value of
		/// the attribute (even if it ends up having the same value as the default value)
		/// then the specified flag is automatically flipped to true. To re-specify
		/// the attribute as the default value from the DTD, the user must delete the
		/// attribute. The implementation will then make a new attribute available with
		/// specified set to false and the default value (if one exists).
		/// In summary:
		///     * If the attribute has an assigned value in the document then specified
		///       is true, and the value is the assigned value.
		///     * If the attribute has no assigned value in the document and has a default
		///       value in the DTD, then specified is false, and the value is the default
		///       value in the DTD.
		///     * If the attribute has no assigned value in the document and has a value
		///       of #IMPLIED in the DTD, then the attribute does not appear in the structure
		///       model of the document.
		///     * If the attribute is not associated to any element (i.e. because it
		///       was just created or was obtained from some removal or cloning operation)
		///       specified is true.

	const XMLString& value() const;
		/// Returns the value of the attribute as a string. Character
		/// and general entity references are replaced with their values. See also the
		/// method getAttribute on the Element interface.

	const XMLString& getValue() const;
		/// Returns the value of the attribute as a string. Character
		/// and general entity references are replaced with their values. See also the
		/// method getAttribute on the Element interface.

	void setValue(const XMLString& value);
		/// Sets the value of the attribute as a string.
		/// This creates a Text node with the unparsed contents of the string.
		/// I.e. any characters that an XML processor would recognize as markup are
		/// instead treated as literal text. See also the method setAttribute on the
		/// Element interface.

	// DOM Level 2
	Element* ownerElement() const;
		/// The Element node this attribute is attached to or null 
		/// if this attribute is not in use.

	// Node
	Node* parentNode() const;
	const XMLString& nodeName() const;
	const XMLString& getNodeValue() const;
	void setNodeValue(const XMLString& value);
	unsigned short nodeType() const;
	Node* previousSibling() const;
	const XMLString& namespaceURI() const;
	XMLString prefix() const;
	const XMLString& localName() const;

	// Non-standard extensions
	XMLString innerText() const;

	Attr(Document* pOwnerDocument, Element* pOwnerElement, const XMLString& namespaceURI, const XMLString& localName, const XMLString& qname, const XMLString& value, bool specified = true);
	Attr(Document* pOwnerDocument, const Attr& attr);
	Node* copyNode(bool deep, Document* pOwnerDocument) const;

	const Name& _name;
	XMLString   _value;
	bool        _specified;

	friend class Document;
	friend class Element;
	friend class DOMBuilder;

// inlines
inline const XMLString& Attr::name() const
	return _name.qname();

inline const XMLString& Attr::value() const
	return _value;

inline const XMLString& Attr::getValue() const
	return _value;

inline bool Attr::specified() const
	return _specified;

inline Element* Attr::ownerElement() const
	return static_cast<Element*>(_pParent);

} } // namespace Poco::XML

#endif // DOM_Attr_INCLUDED