// // UTF8StringTest.cpp // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "UTF8StringTest.h" #include "CppUnit/TestCaller.h" #include "CppUnit/TestSuite.h" #include "Poco/UTF8String.h" using Poco::UTF8; UTF8StringTest::UTF8StringTest(const std::string& name): CppUnit::TestCase(name) { } UTF8StringTest::~UTF8StringTest() { } void UTF8StringTest::testCompare() { std::string a1("aaaaa"); std::string b1("bbbbb"); assertTrue (UTF8::icompare(a1, b1) < 0); std::string a2("aaaaa"); std::string b2("BBBBB"); assertTrue (UTF8::icompare(a2, b2) < 0); std::string a3("AAAAA"); std::string b3("bbbbb"); assertTrue (UTF8::icompare(a3, b3) < 0); std::string a4("aaaaa"); std::string b4("AAAAA"); assertTrue (UTF8::icompare(a4, b4) == 0); std::string a5("AAAAA"); std::string b5("bbbbb"); assertTrue (UTF8::icompare(a5, b5) < 0); std::string a6("\303\274\303\266\303\244"); // "u"o"a std::string b6("\303\234\303\226\303\204"); // "U"O"A assertTrue (UTF8::icompare(a6, b6) == 0); } void UTF8StringTest::testTransform() { std::string s1("abcde"); UTF8::toUpperInPlace(s1); assertTrue (s1 == "ABCDE"); std::string s2("aBcDe123"); UTF8::toUpperInPlace(s2); assertTrue (s2 == "ABCDE123"); std::string s3("\303\274\303\266\303\244"); // "u"o"a UTF8::toUpperInPlace(s3); assertTrue (s3 == "\303\234\303\226\303\204"); // "U"O"A UTF8::toLowerInPlace(s3); assertTrue (s3 == "\303\274\303\266\303\244"); // "u"o"a // a mix of invalid sequences std::string str = "\xC2\xE5\xF0\xF8\xE8\xED\xFB+-++"; assertTrue ("???+-++" == UTF8::toLower(str)); } void UTF8StringTest::testEscape() { std::string s1("A \t, a \v, and an \a walk into a |, and the barman says \xD0\x82"); assertTrue (UTF8::escape(s1) == "A \\t, a \\v, and an \\a walk into a |, and the barman says \\u0402"); assertTrue (UTF8::escape(s1, true) == "A \\t, a \\u000B, and an \\u0007 walk into a |, and the barman says \\u0402"); } void UTF8StringTest::testUnescape() { std::string s1("A \\t, a \\u000B, and an \\u0007 walk into a |, and the barman says \\u0402"); std::string s2("A \\t, a \\v, and an \\a walk into a |, and the barman says \\u0402"); std::string s3("\\\\"); assertTrue (UTF8::unescape(s1) == "A \t, a \v, and an \a walk into a |, and the barman says \xD0\x82"); assertTrue (UTF8::unescape(s2) == "A \t, a \v, and an \a walk into a |, and the barman says \xD0\x82"); assertTrue (UTF8::unescape(s3) == "\\"); } void UTF8StringTest::setUp() { } void UTF8StringTest::tearDown() { } CppUnit::Test* UTF8StringTest::suite() { CppUnit::TestSuite* pSuite = new CppUnit::TestSuite("UTF8StringTest"); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, UTF8StringTest, testCompare); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, UTF8StringTest, testTransform); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, UTF8StringTest, testEscape); CppUnit_addTest(pSuite, UTF8StringTest, testUnescape); return pSuite; }