/************************************************************************************ * * D++, A Lightweight C++ library for Discord * * Copyright 2021 Craig Edwards and D++ contributors * (https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP/graphs/contributors) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ************************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include <dpp/export.h> #include <cerrno> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <csignal> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <dpp/json_fwd.h> #include <dpp/wsclient.h> #include <dpp/dispatcher.h> #include <dpp/cluster.h> #include <dpp/discordevents.h> #include <dpp/socket.h> #include <queue> #include <thread> #include <deque> #include <mutex> #include <shared_mutex> #include <memory> #include <future> #include <functional> #include <chrono> using json = nlohmann::json; struct OpusDecoder; struct OpusEncoder; struct OpusRepacketizer; namespace dpp { // Forward declaration class cluster; /** * @brief An opus-encoded RTP packet to be sent out to a voice channel */ struct DPP_EXPORT voice_out_packet { /** * @brief Each string is a UDP packet. * Generally these will be RTP. */ std::string packet; /** * @brief Duration of packet */ uint64_t duration; }; #define AUDIO_TRACK_MARKER (uint16_t)0xFFFF #define AUDIO_OVERLAP_SLEEP_SAMPLES 30 /** @brief Implements a discord voice connection. * Each discord_voice_client connects to one voice channel and derives from a websocket client. */ class DPP_EXPORT discord_voice_client : public websocket_client { /** * @brief Clean up resources */ void cleanup(); /** * @brief Mutex for outbound packet stream */ std::mutex stream_mutex; /** * @brief Mutex for message queue */ std::shared_mutex queue_mutex; /** * @brief Queue of outbound messages */ std::deque<std::string> message_queue; /** * @brief Thread this connection is executing on */ std::thread* runner; /** * @brief Run shard loop under a thread */ void thread_run(); /** * @brief Last connect time of voice session */ time_t connect_time; /** * @brief IP of UDP/RTP endpoint */ std::string ip; /** * @brief Port number of UDP/RTP endpoint */ uint16_t port; /** * @brief SSRC value */ uint64_t ssrc; /** * @brief List of supported audio encoding modes */ std::vector<std::string> modes; /** * @brief Timescale in nanoseconds */ uint64_t timescale; /** * @brief Output buffer */ std::vector<voice_out_packet> outbuf; /** * @brief Data type of RTP packet sequence number field. */ using rtp_seq_t = uint16_t; using rtp_timestamp_t = uint32_t; /** * @brief Keeps track of the voice payload to deliver to voice handlers. */ struct voice_payload { /** * @brief The sequence number of the RTP packet that generated this * voice payload. */ rtp_seq_t seq; /** * @brief The timestamp of the RTP packet that generated this voice * payload. * * The timestamp is used to detect the order around where sequence * number wraps around. */ rtp_timestamp_t timestamp; /** * @brief The event payload that voice handlers receive. */ std::unique_ptr<voice_receive_t> vr; /** * @brief For priority_queue sorting. * @return true if "this" has lower priority that "other", * i.e. appears later in the queue; false otherwise. */ bool operator<(const voice_payload& other) const; }; struct voice_payload_parking_lot { /** * @brief The range of RTP packet sequence number and timestamp in the lot. * * The minimum is used to drop packets that arrive too late. Packets * less than the minimum have been delivered to voice handlers and * there is no going back. Unfortunately we just have to drop them. * * The maximum is used, at flush time, to calculate the minimum for * the next batch. The maximum is also updated every time we receive an * RTP packet with a larger value. */ struct seq_range_t { rtp_seq_t min_seq, max_seq; rtp_timestamp_t min_timestamp, max_timestamp; } range; /** * @brief The queue of parked voice payloads. * * We group payloads and deliver them to handlers periodically as the * handling of out-of-order RTP packets. Payloads in between flushes * are parked and sorted in this queue. */ std::priority_queue<voice_payload> parked_payloads; /** * @brief The decoder ctls to be set on the decoder. */ std::vector<std::function<void(OpusDecoder&)>> pending_decoder_ctls; /** * @brief libopus decoder * * Shared with the voice courier thread that does the decoding. * This is not protected by a mutex because only the courier thread * uses the decoder. */ std::shared_ptr<OpusDecoder> decoder; }; /** * @brief Thread used to deliver incoming voice data to handlers. */ std::thread voice_courier; /** * @brief Shared state between this voice client and the courier thread. */ struct courier_shared_state_t { /** * @brief Protects all following members. */ std::mutex mtx; /** * @brief Signaled when there is a new payload to deliver or terminating state has changed. */ std::condition_variable signal_iteration; /** * @brief Voice buffers to be reported to handler, grouped by speaker. * * Buffers are parked here and flushed every 500ms. */ std::map<snowflake, voice_payload_parking_lot> parked_voice_payloads; /** * @brief Used to signal termination. * * @note Pending payloads are delivered first before termination. */ bool terminating = false; } voice_courier_shared_state; /** * @brief The run loop of the voice courier thread. */ static void voice_courier_loop(discord_voice_client&, courier_shared_state_t&); /** * @brief If true, audio packet sending is paused */ bool paused; #ifdef HAVE_VOICE /** * @brief libopus encoder */ OpusEncoder* encoder; /** * @brief libopus repacketizer * (merges frames into one packet) */ OpusRepacketizer* repacketizer; #else /** * @brief libopus encoder */ void* encoder; /** * @brief libopus repacketizer * (merges frames into one packet) */ void* repacketizer; #endif /** * @brief File descriptor for UDP connection */ dpp::socket fd; /** * @brief Secret key for encrypting voice. * If it has been sent, this is non-null and points to a * sequence of exactly 32 bytes. */ uint8_t* secret_key; /** * @brief Sequence number of outbound audio. This is incremented * once per frame sent. */ uint16_t sequence; /** * @brief Timestamp value used in outbound audio. Each packet * has the timestamp value which is incremented to match * how many frames are sent. */ uint32_t timestamp; /** * @brief Last sent packet high-resolution timestamp */ std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point last_timestamp; /** * @brief Fraction of the sleep that was not executed after the last audio packet was sent */ std::chrono::nanoseconds last_sleep_remainder; /** * @brief Maps receiving ssrc to user id */ std::unordered_map<uint32_t, snowflake> ssrc_map; /** * @brief This is set to true if we have started sending audio. * When this moves from false to true, this causes the * client to send the 'talking' notification to the websocket. */ bool sending; /** * @brief Number of track markers in the buffer. For example if there * are two track markers in the buffer there are 3 tracks. * * **Special case:** * * If the buffer is empty, there are zero tracks in the * buffer. */ uint32_t tracks; /** * @brief Meta data associated with each track. * Arbitrary string that the user can set via * dpp::discord_voice_client::add_marker */ std::vector<std::string> track_meta; /** * @brief Encoding buffer for opus repacketizer and encode */ uint8_t encode_buffer[65536]; /** * @brief Send data to UDP socket immediately. * * @param data data to send * @param length length of data to send * @return int bytes sent. Will return -1 if we cannot send */ int udp_send(const char* data, size_t length); /** * @brief Receive data from UDP socket immediately. * * @param data data to receive * @param max_length size of data receiving buffer * @return int bytes received. -1 if there is an error * (e.g. EAGAIN) */ int udp_recv(char* data, size_t max_length); /** * @brief This hooks the ssl_client, returning the file * descriptor if we want to send buffered data, or * -1 if there is nothing to send * * @return int file descriptor or -1 */ dpp::socket want_write(); /** * @brief This hooks the ssl_client, returning the file * descriptor if we want to receive buffered data, or * -1 if we are not wanting to receive * * @return int file descriptor or -1 */ dpp::socket want_read(); /** * @brief Called by ssl_client when the socket is ready * for writing, at this point we pick the head item off * the buffer and send it. So long as it doesn't error * completely, we pop it off the head of the queue. */ void write_ready(); /** * @brief Called by ssl_client when there is data to be * read. At this point we insert that data into the * input queue. */ void read_ready(); /** * @brief Send data to the UDP socket, using the buffer. * * @param packet packet data * @param len length of packet * @param duration duration of opus packet */ void send(const char* packet, size_t len, uint64_t duration); /** * @brief Queue a message to be sent via the websocket * * @param j The JSON data of the message to be sent * @param to_front If set to true, will place the message at the front of the queue not the back * (this is for urgent messages such as heartbeat, presence, so they can take precedence over * chunk requests etc) */ void queue_message(const std::string &j, bool to_front = false); /** * @brief Clear the outbound message queue * */ void clear_queue(); /** * @brief Get the size of the outbound message queue * * @return The size of the queue */ size_t get_queue_size(); /** * @brief Encode a byte buffer using opus codec. * Multiple opus frames (2880 bytes each) will be encoded into one packet for sending. * * @param input Input data as raw bytes of PCM data * @param inDataSize Input data length * @param output Output data as an opus encoded packet * @param outDataSize Output data length, should be at least equal to the input size. * Will be adjusted on return to the actual compressed data size. * @return size_t The compressed data size that was encoded. * @throw dpp::voice_exception If data length to encode is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++ */ size_t encode(uint8_t *input, size_t inDataSize, uint8_t *output, size_t &outDataSize); public: /** * @brief Owning cluster */ class dpp::cluster* creator; /** * @brief This needs to be static, we only initialise libsodium once per program start, * so initialising it on first use in a voice connection is best. */ static bool sodium_initialised; /** * @brief True when the thread is shutting down */ bool terminating; /** * @brief Heartbeat interval for sending heartbeat keepalive */ uint32_t heartbeat_interval; /** * @brief Last voice channel websocket heartbeat */ time_t last_heartbeat; /** * @brief Thread ID */ std::thread::native_handle_type thread_id; /** * @brief Discord voice session token */ std::string token; /** * @brief Discord voice session id */ std::string sessionid; /** * @brief Server ID */ snowflake server_id; /** * @brief Channel ID */ snowflake channel_id; /** * @brief The audio type to be sent. The default type is recorded audio. * * If the audio is recorded, the sending of audio packets is throttled. * Otherwise, if the audio is live, the sending is not throttled. * * Discord voice engine is expecting audio data as if they were from * some audio device, e.g. microphone, where the data become available * as they get captured from the audio device. * * In case of recorded audio, unlike from a device, the audio data are * usually instantly available in large chunks. Throttling is needed to * simulate audio data coming from an audio device. In case of live audio, * the throttling is by nature, so no extra throttling is needed. * * Using live audio mode for recorded audio can cause Discord to skip * audio data because Discord does not expect to receive, say, 3 minutes' * worth of audio data in 1 second. * * There are some inaccuracies in the throttling method used by the recorded * audio mode on some systems (mainly Windows) which causes gaps and stutters * in the resulting audio stream. The overlap audio mode provides a different * implementation that fixes the issue. This method is slightly more CPU * intensive, and should only be used if you encounter issues with recorded audio * on your system. * * Use discord_voice_client::set_send_audio_type to change this value as * it ensures thread safety. */ enum send_audio_type_t { satype_recorded_audio, satype_live_audio, satype_overlap_audio } send_audio_type = satype_recorded_audio; /** * @brief Sets the gain for the specified user. * * Similar to the User Volume slider, controls the listening volume per user. * Uses native Opus gain control, so clients don't have to perform extra * audio processing. * * The gain setting will affect the both individual and combined voice audio. * * The gain value can also be set even before the user connects to the voice * channel. * * @param user_id The ID of the user where the gain is to be controlled. * @param factor Nonnegative factor to scale the amplitude by, where 1.f reverts * to the default volume. */ void set_user_gain(snowflake user_id, float factor); /** * @brief Log a message to whatever log the user is using. * The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever * it wants to do with it. * @param severity The log level from dpp::loglevel * @param msg The log message to output */ virtual void log(dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const; /** * @brief Fires every second from the underlying socket I/O loop, used for sending heartbeats * @throw dpp::exception if the socket needs to disconnect */ virtual void one_second_timer(); /** * @brief voice client is ready to stream audio. * The voice client is considered ready if it has a secret key. * * @return true if ready to stream audio */ bool is_ready(); /** * @brief Returns true if the voice client is connected to the websocket * * @return True if connected */ bool is_connected(); /** * @brief Returns the connection time of the voice client * * @return dpp::utility::uptime Detail of how long the voice client has been connected for */ dpp::utility::uptime get_uptime(); /** Constructor takes shard id, max shards and token. * @param _cluster The cluster which owns this voice connection, for related logging, REST requests etc * @param _channel_id The channel id to identify the voice connection as * @param _server_id The server id (guild id) to identify the voice connection as * @param _token The voice session token to use for identifying to the websocket * @param _session_id The voice session id to identify with * @param _host The voice server hostname to connect to (hostname:port format) * @throw dpp::voice_exception Sodium or Opus failed to initialise, or D++ is not compiled with voice support */ discord_voice_client(dpp::cluster* _cluster, snowflake _channel_id, snowflake _server_id, const std::string &_token, const std::string &_session_id, const std::string &_host); /** * @brief Destroy the discord voice client object */ virtual ~discord_voice_client(); /** * @brief Handle JSON from the websocket. * @param buffer The entire buffer content from the websocket client * @return bool True if a frame has been handled * @throw dpp::exception If there was an error processing the frame, or connection to UDP socket failed */ virtual bool handle_frame(const std::string &buffer); /** * @brief Handle a websocket error. * @param errorcode The error returned from the websocket */ virtual void error(uint32_t errorcode); /** * @brief Start and monitor I/O loop */ void run(); /** * @brief Send raw audio to the voice channel. * * You should send an audio packet of 11520 bytes. * Note that this function can be costly as it has to opus encode * the PCM audio on the fly, and also encrypt it with libsodium. * * @note Because this function encrypts and encodes packets before * pushing them onto the output queue, if you have a complete stream * ready to send and know its length it is advisable to call this * method multiple times to enqueue the entire stream audio so that * it is all encoded at once (unless you have set use_opus to false). * Constantly calling this from the dpp::on_voice_buffer_send callback * can and will eat a TON of cpu! * * @param audio_data Raw PCM audio data. Channels are interleaved, * with each channel's amplitude being a 16 bit value. * * The audio data should be 48000Hz signed 16 bit audio. * * @param length The length of the audio data. The length should * be a multiple of 4 (2x 16 bit stereo channels) with a maximum * length of 11520, which is a complete opus frame at highest * quality. * * @return discord_voice_client& Reference to self * * @throw dpp::voice_exception If data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++ */ discord_voice_client& send_audio_raw(uint16_t* audio_data, const size_t length); /** * @brief Send opus packets to the voice channel * * Some containers such as .ogg may contain OPUS * encoded data already. In this case, we don't need to encode the * frames using opus here. We can bypass the codec, only applying * libsodium to the stream. * * @param opus_packet Opus packets. Discord expects opus frames * to be encoded at 48000Hz * * @param length The length of the audio data. * * @param duration Generally duration is 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 * if the timescale is 1000000 (1ms) * * @return discord_voice_client& Reference to self * * @note It is your responsibility to ensure that packets of data * sent to send_audio are correctly repacketized for streaming, * e.g. that audio frames are not too large or contain * an incorrect format. Discord will still expect the same frequency * and bit width of audio and the same signedness. * * @throw dpp::voice_exception If data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++ */ discord_voice_client& send_audio_opus(uint8_t* opus_packet, const size_t length, uint64_t duration); /** * @brief Send opus packets to the voice channel * * Some containers such as .ogg may contain OPUS * encoded data already. In this case, we don't need to encode the * frames using opus here. We can bypass the codec, only applying * libsodium to the stream. * * Duration is calculated internally * * @param opus_packet Opus packets. Discord expects opus frames * to be encoded at 48000Hz * * @param length The length of the audio data. * * @return discord_voice_client& Reference to self * * @note It is your responsibility to ensure that packets of data * sent to send_audio are correctly repacketized for streaming, * e.g. that audio frames are not too large or contain * an incorrect format. Discord will still expect the same frequency * and bit width of audio and the same signedness. * * @throw dpp::voice_exception If data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++ */ discord_voice_client& send_audio_opus(uint8_t* opus_packet, const size_t length); /** * @brief Send silence to the voice channel * * @param duration How long to send silence for. With the standard * timescale this is in milliseconds. Allowed values are 2.5, * 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 milliseconds. * @return discord_voice_client& Reference to self * @throw dpp::voice_exception if voice support is not compiled into D++ */ discord_voice_client& send_silence(const uint64_t duration); /** * @brief Sets the audio type that will be sent with send_audio_* methods. * * @see send_audio_type_t */ discord_voice_client& set_send_audio_type(send_audio_type_t type); /** * @brief Set the timescale in nanoseconds. * * @param new_timescale Timescale to set. This defaults to 1000000, * which means 1 millisecond. * @return discord_voice_client& Reference to self * @throw dpp::voice_exception If data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++ */ discord_voice_client& set_timescale(uint64_t new_timescale); /** * @brief Get the current timescale, this will default to 1000000 * which means 1 millisecond. * * @return uint64_t timescale in nanoseconds */ uint64_t get_timescale(); /** * @brief Mark the voice connection as 'speaking'. * This sends a JSON message to the voice websocket which tells discord * that the user is speaking. The library automatically calls this for you * whenever you send audio. * * @return discord_voice_client& Reference to self */ discord_voice_client& speak(); /** * @brief Pause sending of audio * * @param pause True to pause, false to resume * @return reference to self */ discord_voice_client& pause_audio(bool pause); /** * @brief Immediately stop all audio. * Clears the packet queue. * @return reference to self */ discord_voice_client& stop_audio(); /** * @brief Returns true if we are playing audio * * @return true if audio is playing */ bool is_playing(); /** * @brief Get the number of seconds remaining * of the audio output buffer * * @return float number of seconds remaining */ float get_secs_remaining(); /** * @brief Get the number of tracks remaining * in the output buffer. * This is calculated by the number of track * markers plus one. * @return uint32_t Number of tracks in the * buffer */ uint32_t get_tracks_remaining(); /** * @brief Get the time remaining to send the * audio output buffer in hours:minutes:seconds * * @return dpp::utility::uptime length of buffer */ dpp::utility::uptime get_remaining(); /** * @brief Insert a track marker into the audio * output buffer. * A track marker is an arbitrary flag in the * buffer contents that indicates the end of some * block of audio of significance to the sender. * This may be a song from a streaming site, or * some voice audio/speech, a sound effect, or * whatever you choose. You can later skip * to the next marker using the * dpp::discord_voice_client::skip_to_next_marker * function. * @param metadata Arbitrary information related to this * track * @return reference to self */ discord_voice_client& insert_marker(const std::string& metadata = ""); /** * @brief Skip tp the next track marker, * previously inserted by using the * dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker * function. If there are no markers in the * output buffer, then this skips to the end * of the buffer and is equivalent to the * dpp::discord_voice_client::stop_audio * function. * @note It is possible to use this function * while the output stream is paused. * @return reference to self */ discord_voice_client& skip_to_next_marker(); /** * @brief Get the metadata string associated with each inserted marker. * * @return const std::vector<std::string>& list of metadata strings */ const std::vector<std::string> get_marker_metadata(); /** * @brief Returns true if the audio is paused. * You can unpause with * dpp::discord_voice_client::pause_audio. * * @return true if paused */ bool is_paused(); /** * @brief Discord external IP detection. * @return std::string Your external IP address * @note This is a blocking operation that waits * for a single packet from Discord's voice servers. */ std::string discover_ip(); }; };