// // AsyncChannel.h // // Library: Foundation // Package: Logging // Module: AsyncChannel // // Definition of the AsyncChannel class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_AsyncChannel_INCLUDED #define Foundation_AsyncChannel_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include "Poco/Channel.h" #include "Poco/Thread.h" #include "Poco/Mutex.h" #include "Poco/Runnable.h" #include "Poco/AutoPtr.h" #include "Poco/NotificationQueue.h" namespace Poco { class Foundation_API AsyncChannel: public Channel, public Runnable /// A channel uses a separate thread for logging. /// /// Using this channel can help to improve the performance of /// applications that produce huge amounts of log messages or /// that write log messages to multiple channels simultaneously. /// /// All log messages are put into a queue and this queue is /// then processed by a separate thread. { public: using Ptr = AutoPtr<AsyncChannel>; AsyncChannel(Channel::Ptr pChannel = 0, Thread::Priority prio = Thread::PRIO_NORMAL); /// Creates the AsyncChannel and connects it to /// the given channel. void setChannel(Channel::Ptr pChannel); /// Connects the AsyncChannel to the given target channel. /// All messages will be forwarded to this channel. Channel::Ptr getChannel() const; /// Returns the target channel. void open(); /// Opens the channel and creates the /// background logging thread. void close(); /// Closes the channel and stops the background /// logging thread. void log(const Message& msg); /// Queues the message for processing by the /// background thread. void setProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); /// Sets or changes a configuration property. /// /// The "channel" property allows setting the target /// channel via the LoggingRegistry. /// The "channel" property is set-only. /// /// The "priority" property allows setting the thread /// priority. The following values are supported: /// * lowest /// * low /// * normal (default) /// * high /// * highest /// /// The "priority" property is set-only. /// /// The "queueSize" property allows to limit the number /// of messages in the queue. If the queue is full and /// new messages are logged, these are dropped until the /// queue has free capacity again. The number of dropped /// messages is recorded, and a log message indicating the /// number of dropped messages will be generated when the /// queue has free capacity again. /// In addition to an unsigned integer specifying the size, /// this property can have the values "none" or "unlimited", /// which disable the queue size limit. A size of 0 also /// removes the limit. /// /// The "queueSize" property is set-only. protected: ~AsyncChannel(); void run(); void setPriority(const std::string& value); private: Channel::Ptr _pChannel; Thread _thread; FastMutex _threadMutex; FastMutex _channelMutex; NotificationQueue _queue; std::size_t _queueSize = 0; std::size_t _dropCount = 0; }; } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_AsyncChannel_INCLUDED