// // Application.cpp // // Library: Util // Package: Application // Module: Application // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/Util/Application.h" #include "Poco/Util/SystemConfiguration.h" #include "Poco/Util/MapConfiguration.h" #include "Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h" #include "Poco/Util/IniFileConfiguration.h" #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_XMLCONFIGURATION #include "Poco/Util/XMLConfiguration.h" #endif #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_JSONCONFIGURATION #include "Poco/Util/JSONConfiguration.h" #endif #include "Poco/Util/LoggingSubsystem.h" #include "Poco/Util/Option.h" #include "Poco/Util/OptionProcessor.h" #include "Poco/Util/Validator.h" #include "Poco/Environment.h" #include "Poco/Exception.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" #include "Poco/File.h" #include "Poco/Path.h" #include "Poco/String.h" #include "Poco/ConsoleChannel.h" #include "Poco/AutoPtr.h" #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) #include "Poco/UnWindows.h" #endif #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS) #include "Poco/SignalHandler.h" #endif #include "Poco/UnicodeConverter.h" using Poco::Logger; using Poco::Path; using Poco::File; using Poco::Environment; using Poco::SystemException; using Poco::ConsoleChannel; using Poco::NumberFormatter; using Poco::AutoPtr; using Poco::icompare; namespace Poco { namespace Util { Application* Application::_pInstance = 0; Application::Application(): _pConfig(new LayeredConfiguration), _initialized(false), _unixOptions(true), _pLogger(&Logger::get("ApplicationStartup")), _stopOptionsProcessing(false) { setup(); } Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): _pConfig(new LayeredConfiguration), _initialized(false), _unixOptions(true), _pLogger(&Logger::get("ApplicationStartup")), _stopOptionsProcessing(false) { setup(); init(argc, argv); } Application::~Application() { _pInstance = 0; } void Application::setup() { poco_assert (_pInstance == 0); _pConfig->add(new SystemConfiguration, PRIO_SYSTEM, false); _pConfig->add(new MapConfiguration, PRIO_APPLICATION, true); addSubsystem(new LoggingSubsystem); #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS) _workingDirAtLaunch = Path::current(); #if !defined(_DEBUG) Poco::SignalHandler::install(); #endif #else setUnixOptions(false); #endif _pInstance = this; AutoPtr pCC = new ConsoleChannel; Logger::setChannel("", pCC); } void Application::addSubsystem(Subsystem* pSubsystem) { poco_check_ptr (pSubsystem); _subsystems.push_back(pSubsystem); } void Application::init(int argc, char* argv[]) { setArgs(argc, argv); init(); } #if defined(_WIN32) void Application::init(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) { std::vector args; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg; Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(argv[i], arg); args.push_back(arg); } init(args); } #endif void Application::init(const ArgVec& args) { setArgs(args); init(); } void Application::init() { Path appPath; getApplicationPath(appPath); _pConfig->setString("application.path", appPath.toString()); _pConfig->setString("application.name", appPath.getFileName()); _pConfig->setString("application.baseName", appPath.getBaseName()); _pConfig->setString("application.dir", appPath.parent().toString()); _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", Path::configHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator()); _pConfig->setString("application.cacheDir", Path::cacheHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator()); _pConfig->setString("application.tempDir", Path::tempHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator()); _pConfig->setString("application.dataDir", Path::dataHome() + appPath.getBaseName() + Path::separator()); processOptions(); } const char* Application::name() const { return "Application"; } void Application::initialize(Application& self) { for (auto& pSub: _subsystems) { _pLogger->debug(std::string("Initializing subsystem: ") + pSub->name()); pSub->initialize(self); } _initialized = true; } void Application::uninitialize() { if (_initialized) { for (auto& pSub: _subsystems) { _pLogger->debug(std::string("Uninitializing subsystem: ") + pSub->name()); pSub->uninitialize(); } _initialized = false; } } void Application::reinitialize(Application& self) { for (auto& pSub: _subsystems) { _pLogger->debug(std::string("Re-initializing subsystem: ") + pSub->name()); pSub->reinitialize(self); } } void Application::setUnixOptions(bool flag) { _unixOptions = flag; } int Application::loadConfiguration(int priority) { int n = 0; Path appPath; getApplicationPath(appPath); Path confPath; if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "properties", confPath)) { _pConfig->add(new PropertyFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_INIFILECONFIGURATION if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "ini", confPath)) { _pConfig->add(new IniFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #endif #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_JSONCONFIGURATION if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "json", confPath)) { _pConfig->add(new JSONConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #endif #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_XMLCONFIGURATION if (findAppConfigFile(appPath.getBaseName(), "xml", confPath)) { _pConfig->add(new XMLConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #endif if (n > 0) { if (!confPath.isAbsolute()) _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.absolute().parent().toString()); else _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.parent().toString()); } return n; } void Application::loadConfiguration(const std::string& path, int priority) { int n = 0; Path confPath(path); std::string ext = confPath.getExtension(); if (icompare(ext, "properties") == 0) { _pConfig->add(new PropertyFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_INIFILECONFIGURATION else if (icompare(ext, "ini") == 0) { _pConfig->add(new IniFileConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #endif #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_JSONCONFIGURATION else if (icompare(ext, "json") == 0) { _pConfig->add(new JSONConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #endif #ifndef POCO_UTIL_NO_XMLCONFIGURATION else if (icompare(ext, "xml") == 0) { _pConfig->add(new XMLConfiguration(confPath.toString()), priority, false); ++n; } #endif else throw Poco::InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported configuration file type", ext); if (n > 0 && !_pConfig->has("application.configDir")) { if (!confPath.isAbsolute()) _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.absolute().parent().toString()); else _pConfig->setString("application.configDir", confPath.parent().toString()); } } std::string Application::commandName() const { return _pConfig->getString("application.baseName"); } std::string Application::commandPath() const { return _pConfig->getString("application.path"); } void Application::stopOptionsProcessing() { _stopOptionsProcessing = true; } int Application::run() { int rc = EXIT_CONFIG; initialize(*this); try { rc = EXIT_SOFTWARE; rc = main(_unprocessedArgs); } catch (Poco::Exception& exc) { logger().log(exc); } catch (std::exception& exc) { logger().error(exc.what()); } catch (...) { logger().fatal("system exception"); } uninitialize(); return rc; } int Application::main(const ArgVec& args) { return EXIT_OK; } void Application::setArgs(int argc, char* argv[]) { _command = argv[0]; _pConfig->setInt("application.argc", argc); _unprocessedArgs.reserve(argc); std::string argvKey = "application.argv["; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg(argv[i]); _pConfig->setString(argvKey + NumberFormatter::format(i) + "]", arg); _unprocessedArgs.push_back(arg); } } void Application::setArgs(const ArgVec& args) { poco_assert (!args.empty()); _command = args[0]; _pConfig->setInt("application.argc", (int) args.size()); _unprocessedArgs = args; std::string argvKey = "application.argv["; for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { _pConfig->setString(argvKey + NumberFormatter::format(i) + "]", args[i]); } } void Application::processOptions() { defineOptions(_options); OptionProcessor processor(_options); processor.setUnixStyle(_unixOptions); _argv = _unprocessedArgs; _unprocessedArgs.erase(_unprocessedArgs.begin()); ArgVec::iterator it = _unprocessedArgs.begin(); while (it != _unprocessedArgs.end() && !_stopOptionsProcessing) { std::string name; std::string value; if (processor.process(*it, name, value)) { if (!name.empty()) // "--" option to end options processing or deferred argument { handleOption(name, value); } it = _unprocessedArgs.erase(it); } else ++it; } if (!_stopOptionsProcessing) processor.checkRequired(); } void Application::getApplicationPath(Poco::Path& appPath) const { #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS) if (_command.find('/') != std::string::npos) { Path path(_command); if (path.isAbsolute()) { appPath = path; } else { appPath = _workingDirAtLaunch; appPath.append(path); } } else { if (!Path::find(Environment::get("PATH"), _command, appPath)) appPath = Path(_workingDirAtLaunch, _command); appPath.makeAbsolute(); } #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) wchar_t path[1024]; int n = GetModuleFileNameW(0, path, sizeof(path)/sizeof(wchar_t)); if (n > 0) { std::string p; Poco::UnicodeConverter::toUTF8(path, p); appPath = p; } else throw SystemException("Cannot get application file name."); #else appPath = _command; #endif } bool Application::findFile(Poco::Path& path) const { if (path.isAbsolute()) return true; Path appPath; getApplicationPath(appPath); Path base = appPath.parent(); do { Path p(base, path); File f(p); if (f.exists()) { path = p; return true; } if (base.depth() > 0) base.popDirectory(); } while (base.depth() > 0); return false; } bool Application::findAppConfigFile(const std::string& appName, const std::string& extension, Path& path) const { poco_assert (!appName.empty()); Path p(appName); p.setExtension(extension); bool found = findFile(p); if (!found) { #if defined(_DEBUG) if (appName[appName.length() - 1] == 'd') { p.setBaseName(appName.substr(0, appName.length() - 1)); found = findFile(p); } #endif } if (found) path = p; return found; } bool Application::findAppConfigFile(const Path& basePath, const std::string& appName, const std::string& extension, Path& path) const { poco_assert (!appName.empty()); Path p(basePath,appName); p.setExtension(extension); bool found = findFile(p); if (!found) { #if defined(_DEBUG) if (appName[appName.length() - 1] == 'd') { p.setBaseName(appName.substr(0, appName.length() - 1)); found = findFile(p); } #endif } if (found) path = p; return found; } void Application::defineOptions(OptionSet& options) { for (auto& pSub: _subsystems) { pSub->defineOptions(options); } } void Application::handleOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { const Option& option = _options.getOption(name); if (option.validator()) { option.validator()->validate(option, value); } if (!option.binding().empty()) { AbstractConfiguration* pConfig = option.config(); if (!pConfig) pConfig = &config(); pConfig->setString(option.binding(), value); } if (option.callback()) { option.callback()->invoke(name, value); } } void Application::setLogger(Logger& logger) { _pLogger = &logger; } } } // namespace Poco::Util