#include "Debug.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "Register.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <cstdarg> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Debug::Pointer _Dbg = Debug::Inst(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Debug::Debug() : m_VM(NULL) , m_Opts(PRINT_ALL | TRACE_ALL) , m_Type() , m_Func() , m_RootName(_SC("root")) , m_UnknownType(_SC("unknown")) , m_UnknownFunc(_SC("unknown")) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Debug::~Debug() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::_Finalizer(Debug * ptr) { delete ptr; /* Assuming 'delete' checks for NULL */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Debug::Pointer Debug::Inst() { if (!_Dbg) { return Pointer(new Debug(), &Debug::_Finalizer); } return Pointer(nullptr, &Debug::_Finalizer); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HSQUIRRELVM Debug::GetVM() { return m_VM; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::SetVM(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { m_VM = vm; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::PrintTrace(SQInt32 lvl, SQInt32 end) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(lvl); SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(end); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::PrintCallstack(SQInt32 lvl, SQInt32 end) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(lvl); SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(end); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::SetInf(const char * type, const char * func) { if (type != NULL) { m_Type.assign(type); } else { m_Type.assign(m_UnknownType); } if (func != NULL) { m_Func.assign(func); } else { m_Func.assign(m_UnknownFunc); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Wrn(const char * type, const char * func, const char * fmt, va_list args) { // Store the information about the source SetInf(type, func); // Are warning messages enabled? if (!(m_Opts & WRN_PRINT)) { return; } // Send the message _Log->Send(Logger::LEVEL_WRN, false, fmt, args); // Is trace enabled for warning messages? if (!(m_Opts & WRN_TRACE)) { return; } // Do a traceback of the function call InternalTrace(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Err(const char * type, const char * func, const char * fmt, va_list args) { // Store the information about the source SetInf(type, func); // Are warning messages enabled? if (!(m_Opts & ERR_PRINT)) { return; } // Send the message _Log->Send(Logger::LEVEL_ERR, false, fmt, args); // Is trace enabled for warning messages? if (!(m_Opts & ERR_TRACE)) { return; } // Do a traceback of the function call InternalTrace(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Ftl(const char * type, const char * func, const char * fmt, va_list args) { // Store the information about the source SetInf(type, func); // Are warning messages enabled? if (!(m_Opts & FTL_PRINT)) { return; } // Send the message _Log->Send(Logger::LEVEL_FTL, false, fmt, args); // Is trace enabled for warning messages? if (!(m_Opts & FTL_TRACE)) { return; } // Do a traceback of the function call InternalTrace(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Wrn(const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Wrn(NULL, NULL, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Err(const char * fmt, ...) { SetInf(NULL, NULL); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Err(NULL, NULL, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Ftl(const char * fmt, ...) { SetInf(NULL, NULL); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Ftl(NULL, NULL, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Wrn(const char * func, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Wrn(NULL, func, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Err(const char * func, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Err(NULL, func, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Ftl(const char * func, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Ftl(NULL, func, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Wrn(const char * type, const char * func, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Wrn(type, func, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Err(const char * type, const char * func, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Err(type, func, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::Ftl(const char * type, const char * func, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Ftl(type, func, fmt, args); va_end(args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Debug::InternalTrace() { // Structure that will contain informations about the queried stack level SQStackInfos si; // Output the base stack information before the actual trace if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_stackinfos(m_VM, 1, &si))) { if (m_Func.at(0) == '@') { _Log->SInf(" > 1 [ %s:%d > %s::%s ]", si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown"), si.line, m_Type.c_str(), m_Func.c_str()+1); } else { _Log->SInf(" > 1 [ %s:%d > %s::%s(...) ]", si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown"), si.line, m_Type.c_str(), m_Func.c_str()); } } // Keep outputting traceback information for the rest of the function calls for (SQInt32 level = 2; SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_stackinfos(m_VM, level, &si)); ++level) { _Log->SInf(" > %d [ %s:%d > %s::%s(...) ]", level, si.source ? si.source : _SC("unknown"), si.line, EnvName(level).c_str(), si.funcname ? si.funcname : _SC("unknown")); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String Debug::EnvName(SQInt32 level) { // Obtain the top of the stack const SQInteger top = sq_gettop(m_VM); // Name of the retrieved local const SQChar * name = NULL; // Attempt to find the this environment for (SQInt32 seq = 0; (name = sq_getlocal(m_VM, level, seq)); ++seq) { // Is this the `this` environment? if (strcmp(name, "this") == 0) { // Found it! break; } // Pop this useless local from the stack sq_pop(m_VM, 1); } // Have we found anything? if (name == NULL) { // Unable to find the `this` environment return m_UnknownType; } // Push the root table on the stack sq_pushroottable(m_VM); // See if the `this` environment in the current level is the root table if (sq_cmp(m_VM) == 0) { // Pop everything pushed onto the stack sq_pop(m_VM, sq_gettop(m_VM) - top); // Return the name specified for the root table return m_RootName; } // Attempt to manually call the _typeof metamethod on the `this` environment else if (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_typeof(m_VM, -2))) { // Treat the value returned by the the _typeof metamethod as a string Var< String > str(m_VM, -1); // Pop everything pushed onto the stack sq_pop(m_VM, sq_gettop(m_VM) - top); // If it was a valid string then return it as the name if (!str.value.empty()) { return str.value; } } // Just pop everything pushed onto the stack else { sq_pop(m_VM, sq_gettop(m_VM) - top); } // At this point the `this` environment is not recognized return m_UnknownType; } // ================================================================================================ bool Register_Dbg(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { SQMOD_UNUSED_VAR(vm); return true; } } // Namespace:: SqMod