// // KillCursorsRequest.h // // Library: MongoDB // Package: MongoDB // Module: KillCursorsRequest // // Definition of the KillCursorsRequest class. // // Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef MongoDB_KillCursorsRequest_INCLUDED #define MongoDB_KillCursorsRequest_INCLUDED #include "Poco/MongoDB/MongoDB.h" #include "Poco/MongoDB/RequestMessage.h" namespace Poco { namespace MongoDB { class MongoDB_API KillCursorsRequest: public RequestMessage /// Class for creating an OP_KILL_CURSORS client request. This /// request is used to kill cursors, which are still open, /// returned by query requests. { public: KillCursorsRequest(); /// Creates a KillCursorsRequest. virtual ~KillCursorsRequest(); /// Destroys the KillCursorsRequest. std::vector& cursors(); /// The internal list of cursors. protected: void buildRequest(BinaryWriter& writer); std::vector _cursors; }; // // inlines // inline std::vector& KillCursorsRequest::cursors() { return _cursors; } } } // namespace Poco::MongoDB #endif // MongoDB_KillCursorsRequest_INCLUDED