#ifndef _CORE_HPP_ #define _CORE_HPP_ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "Base/Shared.hpp" #include "Base/Vector3.hpp" #include "Base/Quaternion.hpp" #include "Base/Color4.hpp" #include "Base/ScriptSrc.hpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace SqMod { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Circular locks employed by the central core. */ enum CoreCircularLocks { CCL_RELOAD_SCRIPTS = (1 << 0), CCL_EMIT_SERVER_OPTION = (2 << 0) }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Core module class responsible for managing resources. */ class Core { private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Core s_Inst; // Core instance. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ Core(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy constructor. (disabled) */ Core(const Core & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move constructor. (disabled) */ Core(Core && o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~Core(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copy assignment operator. (disabled) */ Core & operator = (const Core & o) = delete; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Move assignment operator. (disabled) */ Core & operator = (Core && o) = delete; protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify a blip entity instance on the server. */ struct BlipInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ BlipInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~BlipInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(!Core::Get().ShuttingDown(), SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CBlip * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mWorld; // The identifier of the world in which this blip was created. Int32 mScale; // The scale of the blip. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mSprID; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3 mPosition; Color4 mColor; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify a checkpoint entity instance on the server. */ struct CheckpointInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ CheckpointInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~CheckpointInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(!Core::Get().ShuttingDown(), SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CCheckpoint * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnEntered; Function mOnExited; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify a key-bind entity instance on the server. */ struct KeybindInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ KeybindInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~KeybindInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(!Core::Get().ShuttingDown(), SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CKeybind * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mFirst; // Key-code of the first button from the triggering combination. Int32 mSecond; // Key-code of the second button from the triggering combination. Int32 mThird; // Key-code of the third button from the triggering combination. Int32 mRelease; // Whether the key-bind reacts to button press or release. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnKeyPress; Function mOnKeyRelease; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify an object entity instance on the server. */ struct ObjectInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ ObjectInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~ObjectInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(!Core::Get().ShuttingDown(), SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CObject * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnShot; Function mOnTouched; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify a pickup entity instance on the server. */ struct PickupInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ PickupInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~PickupInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(!Core::Get().ShuttingDown(), SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CPickup * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnRespawn; Function mOnClaimed; Function mOnCollected; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify a player entity instance on the server. */ struct PlayerInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ PlayerInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~PlayerInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(false, SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CPlayer * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQInteger mTrackPosition; // The number of times to track position changes. SQInteger mTrackHeading; // The number of times to track heading changes. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mTrackPositionHeader; // Header to send when triggering position callback. Object mTrackPositionPayload; // Payload to send when triggering position callback. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mKickBanHeader; // Header to send when triggering kick/ban callback. Object mKickBanPayload; // Payload to send when triggering kick/ban callback. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mLastWeapon; // Last known weapon of the player entity. Float32 mLastHealth; // Last known health of the player entity. Float32 mLastArmour; // Last known armor of the player entity. Float32 mLastHeading; // Last known heading of the player entity. Vector3 mLastPosition; // Last known position of the player entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mAuthority; // The authority level of the managed player. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnRequestClass; Function mOnRequestSpawn; Function mOnSpawn; Function mOnWasted; Function mOnKilled; Function mOnEmbarking; Function mOnEmbarked; Function mOnDisembark; Function mOnRename; Function mOnState; Function mOnStateNone; Function mOnStateNormal; Function mOnStateAim; Function mOnStateDriver; Function mOnStatePassenger; Function mOnStateEnterDriver; Function mOnStateEnterPassenger; Function mOnStateExit; Function mOnStateUnspawned; Function mOnAction; Function mOnActionNone; Function mOnActionNormal; Function mOnActionAiming; Function mOnActionShooting; Function mOnActionJumping; Function mOnActionLieDown; Function mOnActionGettingUp; Function mOnActionJumpVehicle; Function mOnActionDriving; Function mOnActionDying; Function mOnActionWasted; Function mOnActionEmbarking; Function mOnActionDisembarking; Function mOnBurning; Function mOnCrouching; Function mOnGameKeys; Function mOnStartTyping; Function mOnStopTyping; Function mOnAway; Function mOnMessage; Function mOnCommand; Function mOnPrivateMessage; Function mOnKeyPress; Function mOnKeyRelease; Function mOnSpectate; Function mOnCrashreport; Function mOnObjectShot; Function mOnObjectTouched; Function mOnPickupClaimed; Function mOnPickupCollected; Function mOnCheckpointEntered; Function mOnCheckpointExited; Function mOnClientScriptData; Function mOnUpdate; Function mOnHealth; Function mOnArmour; Function mOnWeapon; Function mOnHeading; Function mOnPosition; Function mOnOption; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Helper structure used to identify a vehicle entity instance on the server. */ struct VehicleInst { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default constructor. */ VehicleInst() : mID(-1), mFlags(ENF_DEFAULT), mInst(nullptr) { Core::Get().ResetInst(*this); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destructor. */ ~VehicleInst() { if (VALID_ENTITY(mID)) { Destroy(!Core::Get().ShuttingDown(), SQMOD_DESTROY_CLEANUP, NullObject()); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Destroy the entity instance from the server, if necessary. */ void Destroy(bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mID; // The unique number that identifies this entity on the server. Uint16 mFlags; // Various options and states that can be toggled on the instance. CVehicle * mInst; // Pointer to the actual instance used to interact this entity. Object mObj; // Script object of the instance used to interact this entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQInteger mTrackPosition; // The number of times to track position changes. SQInteger mTrackRotation; // The number of times to track rotation changes. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 mLastPrimaryColour; // Last known secondary-color of the player entity. Int32 mLastSecondaryColour; // Last known primary-color of the player entity. Float32 mLastHealth; // Last known health of the player entity. Vector3 mLastPosition; // Last known position of the player entity. Quaternion mLastRotation; // Last known rotation of the player entity. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnDestroyed; Function mOnCustom; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function mOnEmbarking; Function mOnEmbarked; Function mOnDisembark; Function mOnExplode; Function mOnRespawn; Function mOnUpdate; Function mOnColour; Function mOnHealth; Function mOnPosition; Function mOnRotation; Function mOnOption; }; public: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::vector< BlipInst > Blips; // Blips entity instances container. typedef std::vector< CheckpointInst > Checkpoints; // Checkpoints entity instances container. typedef std::vector< KeybindInst > Keybinds; // Key-binds entity instances container. typedef std::vector< ObjectInst > Objects; // Objects entity instances container. typedef std::vector< PickupInst > Pickups; // Pickups entity instances container. typedef std::vector< PlayerInst > Players; // Players entity instances container. typedef std::vector< VehicleInst > Vehicles; // Vehicles entity instances container. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::vector< ScriptSrc > Scripts; // List of loaded scripts. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::unordered_map< String, String > Options; // List of custom options. private: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 m_State; // Current plug-in state. HSQUIRRELVM m_VM; // Script virtual machine. Scripts m_Scripts; // Loaded scripts objects. Options m_Options; // Custom configuration options. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blips m_Blips; // Blips pool. Checkpoints m_Checkpoints; // Checkpoints pool. Keybinds m_Keybinds; // Key-binds pool. Objects m_Objects; // Objects pool. Pickups m_Pickups; // Pickups pool. Players m_Players; // Players pool. Vehicles m_Vehicles; // Vehicles pool. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uint32 m_CircularLocks; // Prevent events from triggering themselves. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int32 m_ReloadHeader; // The specified reload header. Object m_ReloadPayload; // The specified reload payload. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CStr m_IncomingNameBuffer; // Name of an incoming connection. size_t m_IncomingNameCapacity; // Incoming connection name size. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool m_Debugging; // Enable debugging features, if any. bool m_Executed; // Whether the scripts were executed. bool m_Shutdown; // Whether the server currently shutting down. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object m_NullBlip; // Null Blips instance. Object m_NullCheckpoint; // Null Checkpoints instance. Object m_NullKeybind; // Null Key-instance pool. Object m_NullObject; // Null Objects instance. Object m_NullPickup; // Null Pickups instance. Object m_NullPlayer; // Null Players instance. Object m_NullVehicle; // Null Vehicles instance. public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the core instance. */ static Core & Get() { return s_Inst; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize the plug-in core. */ bool Initialize(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Load and execute plug-in resources. */ bool Execute(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Terminate the plug-in core. */ void Terminate(bool shutdown = false); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reload the plug-in core. */ bool Reload(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the current plug-in state. */ void SetState(Int32 val) { m_State = val; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the current plug-in state. */ Int32 GetState() const { return m_State; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether debugging option was enabled in the plugin. */ bool IsDebugging() const { return m_Debugging; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether all queued scripts were executed and the plugin fully started. */ bool IsExecuted() const { return m_Executed; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See whether the server is currently in the process of shutting down. */ bool ShuttingDown() const { return m_Shutdown; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the value of the specified option. */ CSStr GetOption(CSStr name) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the value of the specified option or the fall back value if it doesn't exist. */ CSStr GetOption(CSStr name, CSStr value) const; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the value of the specified option. */ void SetOption(CSStr name, CSStr value); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the virtual machine. */ HSQUIRRELVM GetVM() const { return m_VM; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the circular locks. */ Uint32 & GetCircularLock() { return m_CircularLocks; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See if certain circular locks are enabled. */ bool IsCircularLock(Uint32 lock) const { return (m_CircularLocks & lock); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set the header and payload for the reload. */ void SetReloadInfo(Int32 header, Object & payload) { m_ReloadHeader = header; m_ReloadPayload = payload; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset the header and payload for the reload. */ void ResetReloadInfo() { m_ReloadHeader = -1; m_ReloadPayload.Release(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the specified reload header. */ Int32 GetReloadHeader() const { return m_ReloadHeader; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve the specified reload header. */ Object & GetReloadPayload() { return m_ReloadPayload; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Adds a script to the load queue. */ bool LoadScript(CSStr filepath, bool delay); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Modify the name for the currently assigned incoming connection. */ void SetIncomingName(CSStr name); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * retrieve the name for the currently assigned incoming connection.. */ CSStr GetIncomingName() { return (!m_IncomingNameBuffer) ? _SC("") : m_IncomingNameBuffer; } protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Script output handlers. */ static void PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...); static void ErrorFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr msg, ...); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Script error handlers. */ static SQInteger RuntimeErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm); static void CompilerErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm, CSStr desc, CSStr src, SQInteger line, SQInteger column); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity scanners. */ void ImportBlips(); void ImportCheckpoints(); void ImportKeybinds(); void ImportObjects(); void ImportPickups(); void ImportPlayers(); void ImportVehicles(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity allocators. */ BlipInst & AllocBlip(Int32 id, bool owned, Int32 header, Object & payload); CheckpointInst & AllocCheckpoint(Int32 id, bool owned, Int32 header, Object & payload); KeybindInst & AllocKeybind(Int32 id, bool owned, Int32 header, Object & payload); ObjectInst & AllocObject(Int32 id, bool owned, Int32 header, Object & payload); PickupInst & AllocPickup(Int32 id, bool owned, Int32 header, Object & payload); VehicleInst & AllocVehicle(Int32 id, bool owned, Int32 header, Object & payload); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity deallocator. */ void DeallocBlip(Int32 id, bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); void DeallocCheckpoint(Int32 id, bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); void DeallocKeybind(Int32 id, bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); void DeallocObject(Int32 id, bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); void DeallocPickup(Int32 id, bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); void DeallocVehicle(Int32 id, bool destroy, Int32 header, Object & payload); public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity creators. */ Object & NewBlip(Int32 index, Int32 world, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Int32 scale, Uint32 color, Int32 sprid, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewCheckpoint(Int32 player, Int32 world, bool sphere, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a, Float32 radius, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewKeybind(Int32 slot, bool release, Int32 primary, Int32 secondary, Int32 alternative, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewObject(Int32 model, Int32 world, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Int32 alpha, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewPickup(Int32 model, Int32 world, Int32 quantity, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Int32 alpha, bool automatic, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewSprite(Int32 index, CSStr file, Int32 xp, Int32 yp, Int32 xr, Int32 yr, Float32 angle, Int32 alpha, bool rel, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewTextdraw(Int32 index, CSStr text, Int32 xp, Int32 yp, Uint32 color, bool rel, Int32 header, Object & payload); Object & NewVehicle(Int32 model, Int32 world, Float32 x, Float32 y, Float32 z, Float32 angle, Int32 primary, Int32 secondary, Int32 header, Object & payload); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity destroyers. */ bool DelBlip(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); bool DelCheckpoint(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); bool DelKeybind(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); bool DelObject(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); bool DelPickup(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); bool DelVehicle(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity retrievers. */ BlipInst & GetBlip(Int32 id) { return m_Blips.at(id); } CheckpointInst & GetCheckpoint(Int32 id) { return m_Checkpoints.at(id); } KeybindInst & GetKeybind(Int32 id) { return m_Keybinds.at(id); } ObjectInst & GetObject(Int32 id) { return m_Objects.at(id); } PickupInst & GetPickup(Int32 id) { return m_Pickups.at(id); } PlayerInst & GetPlayer(Int32 id) { return m_Players.at(id); } VehicleInst & GetVehicle(Int32 id) { return m_Vehicles.at(id); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pool retrievers. */ const Blips & GetBlips() const { return m_Blips; } const Checkpoints & GetCheckpoints() const { return m_Checkpoints; } const Keybinds & GetKeybinds() const { return m_Keybinds; } const Objects & GetObjects() const { return m_Objects; } const Pickups & GetPickups() const { return m_Pickups; } const Players & GetPlayers() const { return m_Players; } const Vehicles & GetVehicles() const { return m_Vehicles; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Null instance retrievers. */ Object & GetNullBlip() { return m_NullBlip; } Object & GetNullCheckpoint() { return m_NullCheckpoint; } Object & GetNullKeybind() { return m_NullKeybind; } Object & GetNullObject() { return m_NullObject; } Object & GetNullPickup() { return m_NullPickup; } Object & GetNullPlayer() { return m_NullPlayer; } Object & GetNullVehicle() { return m_NullVehicle; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Container cleaner. */ void ClearContainer(EntityType type); protected: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Instance cleaners. */ static void ResetInst(BlipInst & inst); static void ResetInst(CheckpointInst & inst); static void ResetInst(KeybindInst & inst); static void ResetInst(ObjectInst & inst); static void ResetInst(PickupInst & inst); static void ResetInst(PlayerInst & inst); static void ResetInst(VehicleInst & inst); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bindings cleaners. */ static void ResetFunc(BlipInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(CheckpointInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(KeybindInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(ObjectInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(PickupInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(PlayerInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(VehicleInst & inst); static void ResetFunc(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Emit(Function & func) { if (!func.IsNull()) { func.Execute(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename... Args > static void Emit(Function & func, Args&&... args) { if (!func.IsNull()) { func.Execute(std::forward< Args >(args)...); } } public: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global event binder. */ void BindEvent(Int32 id, Object & env, Function & func); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Player lifetime management. */ void ConnectPlayer(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); void DisconnectPlayer(Int32 id, Int32 header, Object & payload); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Emit a custom event. */ void EmitCustomEvent(Int32 group, Int32 header, Object & payload); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Server events. */ void EmitBlipCreated(Int32 blip, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitCheckpointCreated(Int32 forcefield, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitKeybindCreated(Int32 keybind, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitObjectCreated(Int32 object, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitPickupCreated(Int32 pickup, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitPlayerCreated(Int32 player, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitVehicleCreated(Int32 vehicle, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitBlipDestroyed(Int32 blip, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitCheckpointDestroyed(Int32 forcefield, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitKeybindDestroyed(Int32 keybind, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitObjectDestroyed(Int32 object, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitPickupDestroyed(Int32 pickup, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitPlayerDestroyed(Int32 player, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitVehicleDestroyed(Int32 vehicle, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitBlipCustom(Int32 blip, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitCheckpointCustom(Int32 forcefield, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitKeybindCustom(Int32 keybind, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitObjectCustom(Int32 object, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitPickupCustom(Int32 pickup, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitPlayerCustom(Int32 player, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitVehicleCustom(Int32 vehicle, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitServerStartup(); void EmitServerShutdown(); void EmitServerFrame(Float32 elapsed_time); void EmitPluginCommand(Uint32 command_identifier, CCStr message); void EmitIncomingConnection(CStr player_name, size_t name_buffer_size, CCStr user_password, CCStr ip_address); void EmitPlayerRequestClass(Int32 player_id, Int32 offset); void EmitPlayerRequestSpawn(Int32 player_id); void EmitPlayerSpawn(Int32 player_id); void EmitPlayerWasted(Int32 player_id, Int32 reason); void EmitPlayerKilled(Int32 player_id, Int32 killer_id, Int32 reason, vcmpBodyPart body_part, bool team_kill); void EmitPlayerEmbarking(Int32 player_id, Int32 vehicle_id, Int32 slot_index); void EmitPlayerEmbarked(Int32 player_id, Int32 vehicle_id, Int32 slot_index); void EmitPlayerDisembark(Int32 player_id, Int32 vehicle_id); void EmitPlayerRename(Int32 player_id, CCStr old_name, CCStr new_name); void EmitPlayerState(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state, Int32 new_state); void EmitStateNone(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateNormal(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateAim(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateDriver(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStatePassenger(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateEnterDriver(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateEnterPassenger(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateExit(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitStateUnspawned(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_state); void EmitPlayerAction(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action, Int32 new_action); void EmitActionNone(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionNormal(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionAiming(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionShooting(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionJumping(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionLieDown(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionGettingUp(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionJumpVehicle(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionDriving(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionDying(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionWasted(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionEmbarking(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitActionDisembarking(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_action); void EmitPlayerBurning(Int32 player_id, bool is_on_fire); void EmitPlayerCrouching(Int32 player_id, bool is_crouching); void EmitPlayerGameKeys(Int32 player_id, Uint32 old_keys, Uint32 new_keys); void EmitPlayerStartTyping(Int32 player_id); void EmitPlayerStopTyping(Int32 player_id); void EmitPlayerAway(Int32 player_id, bool is_away); void EmitPlayerMessage(Int32 player_id, CCStr message); void EmitPlayerCommand(Int32 player_id, CCStr message); void EmitPlayerPrivateMessage(Int32 player_id, Int32 target_player_id, CCStr message); void EmitPlayerKeyPress(Int32 player_id, Int32 bind_id); void EmitPlayerKeyRelease(Int32 player_id, Int32 bind_id); void EmitPlayerSpectate(Int32 player_id, Int32 target_player_id); void EmitPlayerCrashreport(Int32 player_id, CCStr report); void EmitVehicleExplode(Int32 vehicle_id); void EmitVehicleRespawn(Int32 vehicle_id); void EmitObjectShot(Int32 object_id, Int32 player_id, Int32 weapon_id); void EmitObjectTouched(Int32 object_id, Int32 player_id); void EmitPickupClaimed(Int32 pickup_id, Int32 player_id); void EmitPickupCollected(Int32 pickup_id, Int32 player_id); void EmitPickupRespawn(Int32 pickup_id); void EmitCheckpointEntered(Int32 forcefield_id, Int32 player_id); void EmitCheckpointExited(Int32 forcefield_id, Int32 player_id); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Miscellaneous events. */ void EmitPlayerHealth(Int32 player_id, Float32 old_health, Float32 new_health); void EmitPlayerArmour(Int32 player_id, Float32 old_armour, Float32 new_armour); void EmitPlayerWeapon(Int32 player_id, Int32 old_weapon, Int32 new_weapon); void EmitPlayerHeading(Int32 player_id, Float32 old_heading, Float32 new_heading); void EmitPlayerPosition(Int32 player_id); void EmitPlayerOption(Int32 player_id, Int32 option_id, bool value, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitVehicleColour(Int32 vehicle_id, Int32 changed); void EmitVehicleHealth(Int32 vehicle_id, Float32 old_health, Float32 new_health); void EmitVehiclePosition(Int32 vehicle_id); void EmitVehicleRotation(Int32 vehicle_id); void EmitVehicleOption(Int32 vehicle_id, Int32 option_id, bool value, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitServerOption(Int32 option, bool value, Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitScriptReload(Int32 header, Object & payload); void EmitScriptLoaded(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity pool changes events. */ void EmitEntityPool(vcmpEntityPool entity_type, Int32 entity_id, bool is_deleted); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Entity update events. */ void EmitPlayerUpdate(Int32 player_id, vcmpPlayerUpdate update_type); void EmitVehicleUpdate(Int32 vehicle_id, vcmpVehicleUpdate update_type); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Client data streams event. */ void EmitClientScriptData(Int32 player_id, const uint8_t * data, size_t size); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve global event bindings. */ Function & GetEvent(Int32 evid); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retrieve local event bindings. */ Function & GetBlipEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); Function & GetCheckpointEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); Function & GetKeybindEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); Function & GetObjectEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); Function & GetPickupEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); Function & GetPlayerEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); Function & GetVehicleEvent(Int32 id, Int32 evid); private: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global event bindings. */ Function mOnCustomEvent; Function mOnBlipCreated; Function mOnCheckpointCreated; Function mOnKeybindCreated; Function mOnObjectCreated; Function mOnPickupCreated; Function mOnPlayerCreated; Function mOnVehicleCreated; Function mOnBlipDestroyed; Function mOnCheckpointDestroyed; Function mOnKeybindDestroyed; Function mOnObjectDestroyed; Function mOnPickupDestroyed; Function mOnPlayerDestroyed; Function mOnVehicleDestroyed; Function mOnBlipCustom; Function mOnCheckpointCustom; Function mOnKeybindCustom; Function mOnObjectCustom; Function mOnPickupCustom; Function mOnPlayerCustom; Function mOnVehicleCustom; Function mOnServerStartup; Function mOnServerShutdown; Function mOnServerFrame; Function mOnIncomingConnection; Function mOnPlayerRequestClass; Function mOnPlayerRequestSpawn; Function mOnPlayerSpawn; Function mOnPlayerWasted; Function mOnPlayerKilled; Function mOnPlayerEmbarking; Function mOnPlayerEmbarked; Function mOnPlayerDisembark; Function mOnPlayerRename; Function mOnPlayerState; Function mOnStateNone; Function mOnStateNormal; Function mOnStateAim; Function mOnStateDriver; Function mOnStatePassenger; Function mOnStateEnterDriver; Function mOnStateEnterPassenger; Function mOnStateExit; Function mOnStateUnspawned; Function mOnPlayerAction; Function mOnActionNone; Function mOnActionNormal; Function mOnActionAiming; Function mOnActionShooting; Function mOnActionJumping; Function mOnActionLieDown; Function mOnActionGettingUp; Function mOnActionJumpVehicle; Function mOnActionDriving; Function mOnActionDying; Function mOnActionWasted; Function mOnActionEmbarking; Function mOnActionDisembarking; Function mOnPlayerBurning; Function mOnPlayerCrouching; Function mOnPlayerGameKeys; Function mOnPlayerStartTyping; Function mOnPlayerStopTyping; Function mOnPlayerAway; Function mOnPlayerMessage; Function mOnPlayerCommand; Function mOnPlayerPrivateMessage; Function mOnPlayerKeyPress; Function mOnPlayerKeyRelease; Function mOnPlayerSpectate; Function mOnPlayerCrashreport; Function mOnVehicleExplode; Function mOnVehicleRespawn; Function mOnObjectShot; Function mOnObjectTouched; Function mOnPickupClaimed; Function mOnPickupCollected; Function mOnPickupRespawn; Function mOnCheckpointEntered; Function mOnCheckpointExited; Function mOnEntityPool; Function mOnClientScriptData; Function mOnPlayerUpdate; Function mOnVehicleUpdate; Function mOnPlayerHealth; Function mOnPlayerArmour; Function mOnPlayerWeapon; Function mOnPlayerHeading; Function mOnPlayerPosition; Function mOnPlayerOption; Function mOnVehicleColour; Function mOnVehicleHealth; Function mOnVehiclePosition; Function mOnVehicleRotation; Function mOnVehicleOption; Function mOnServerOption; Function mOnScriptReload; Function mOnScriptLoaded; }; } // Namespace:: SqMod #endif // _CORE_HPP_