// // Context.h // // Library: NetSSL_Win // Package: SSLCore // Module: Context // // Definition of the Context class. // // Copyright (c) 2006-2014, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef NetSSL_Context_INCLUDED #define NetSSL_Context_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Net/NetSSL.h" #include "Poco/Net/X509Certificate.h" #include "Poco/RefCountedObject.h" #include "Poco/AutoPtr.h" #include "Poco/Mutex.h" #include <vector> #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) #include <windows.h> #include <wincrypt.h> #include <schannel.h> #ifndef SECURITY_WIN32 #define SECURITY_WIN32 #endif #include <security.h> #include <sspi.h> #endif namespace Poco { namespace Net { class NetSSL_Win_API Context: public Poco::RefCountedObject /// This class encapsulates context information for /// an SSL server or client, such as the certificate /// verification mode and which certificates and /// protocols to use. /// /// The Context class is also used to control /// SSL session caching on the server and client side. { public: using Ptr = Poco::AutoPtr<Context>; enum Usage { TLS_CLIENT_USE, /// Context is used by a client for TLSv1 or higher. Use requireMinimumProtocol() or disableProtocols() to disable undesired older versions. TLS_SERVER_USE, /// Context is used by a client for TLSv1 or higher. Use requireMinimumProtocol() or disableProtocols() to disable undesired older versions. CLIENT_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a client. SERVER_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a server. TLSV1_CLIENT_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a client requiring TLSv1. TLSV1_SERVER_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a server requiring TLSv1. TLSV1_1_CLIENT_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a client requiring TLSv1.1. Not supported on Windows Embedded Compact. TLSV1_1_SERVER_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a server requiring TLSv1.1. Not supported on Windows Embedded Compact. TLSV1_2_CLIENT_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a client requiring TLSv1.2. Not supported on Windows Embedded Compact. TLSV1_2_SERVER_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a server requiring TLSv1.2. Not supported on Windows Embedded Compact. TLSV1_3_CLIENT_USE, /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a client requiring TLSv1.3. Not supported on Windows Embedded Compact. TLSV1_3_SERVER_USE /// DEPRECATED. Context is used by a server requiring TLSv1.3. Not supported on Windows Embedded Compact. }; enum VerificationMode { VERIFY_NONE = 0, /// Server: The server will not send a client certificate /// request to the client, so the client will not send a certificate. /// /// Client: If not using an anonymous cipher (by default disabled), /// the server will send a certificate which will be checked, but /// the result of the check will be ignored. VERIFY_RELAXED = 1, /// Server: The server sends a client certificate request to the /// client. The certificate returned (if any) is checked. /// If the verification process fails, the TLS/SSL handshake is /// immediately terminated with an alert message containing the /// reason for the verification failure. /// /// Client: The server certificate is verified, if one is provided. /// If the verification process fails, the TLS/SSL handshake is /// immediately terminated with an alert message containing the /// reason for the verification failure. VERIFY_STRICT = 2, /// Server: If the client did not return a certificate, the TLS/SSL /// handshake is immediately terminated with a handshake failure /// alert. /// /// Client: Same as VERIFY_RELAXED. VERIFY_ONCE = 1 /// Same as VERIFY_RELAXED (provided for interface compatibility with /// the OpenSSL implementation. }; enum Protocols { PROTO_SSLV2 = 0x01, PROTO_SSLV3 = 0x02, PROTO_TLSV1 = 0x04, PROTO_TLSV1_1 = 0x08, PROTO_TLSV1_2 = 0x10, PROTO_TLSV1_3 = 0x20 }; enum Options { OPT_PERFORM_REVOCATION_CHECK = 0x01, /// Check certificates against revocation list. Not supported (ignored) on Windows Embedded Compact. OPT_TRUST_ROOTS_WIN_CERT_STORE = 0x02, /// Trust root certificates from Windows root certificate store. OPT_USE_MACHINE_STORE = 0x04, /// If specified, the windows machine certificate store is used (server only). /// Otherwise, the user's certificate store is used. OPT_USE_STRONG_CRYPTO = 0x08, /// Disable known weak cryptographic algorithms, cipher suites, and /// SSL/TLS protocol versions that may be otherwise enabled for better interoperability. OPT_LOAD_CERT_FROM_FILE = 0x10, /// Load certificate and private key from a PKCS #12 (.pfx) file, /// and not from the certificate store. OPT_DEFAULTS = OPT_PERFORM_REVOCATION_CHECK | OPT_TRUST_ROOTS_WIN_CERT_STORE | OPT_USE_STRONG_CRYPTO }; Context(Usage usage, const std::string& certificateNameOrPath, VerificationMode verMode = VERIFY_RELAXED, int options = OPT_DEFAULTS, const std::string& certificateStoreName = CERT_STORE_MY); /// Creates a Context. /// /// * usage specifies whether the context is used by a client or server, /// as well as which protocol to use. /// * certificateNameOrPath specifies either the subject name of the certificate to use, /// or the path of a PKCS #12 file containing the certificate and corresponding private key. /// If a subject name is specified, the certificate must be located in the certificate /// store specified by certificateStoreName. If a path is given, the OPT_LOAD_CERT_FROM_FILE /// option must be set. /// * verificationMode specifies whether and how peer certificates are validated. /// * options is a combination of Option flags. /// * certificateStoreName specifies the name of the Windows certificate store /// to use for loading the certificate. Predefined constants /// CERT_STORE_MY, CERT_STORE_ROOT, etc. can be used. /// /// Note: you can use OpenSSL to convert a certificate and private key in PEM format /// into PKCS #12 format required to import into the Context: /// /// openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey cert.key -in cert.crt -out cert.pfx ~Context(); /// Destroys the Context. VerificationMode verificationMode() const; /// Returns the certificate verification mode. Usage usage() const; /// Returns whether the context is for use by a client or by a server /// and whether TLSv1.x is required. bool isForServerUse() const; /// Returns true iff the context is for use by a server. bool sessionCacheEnabled() const; /// Returns true iff the session cache is enabled. void enableExtendedCertificateVerification(bool flag = true); /// Enable or disable the automatic post-connection /// extended certificate verification. /// /// See X509Certificate::verify() for more information. bool extendedCertificateVerificationEnabled() const; /// Returns true iff automatic extended certificate /// verification is enabled. int options() const; /// Returns the options flags. void addTrustedCert(const Poco::Net::X509Certificate& cert); /// Adds the certificate to the trusted certs. Takes ownership of pCert. void disableProtocols(int protocols); /// Disables the given protocols. /// /// The protocols to be disabled are specified by OR-ing /// values from the Protocols enumeration, e.g.: /// /// context.disableProtocols(PROTO_SSLV2 | PROTO_SSLV3); void requireMinimumProtocol(Protocols protocol); /// Disables all protocol version lower than the given one. /// To require at least TLS 1.2 or later: /// /// context.requireMinimumProtocol(PROTO_TLSV1_2); Poco::Net::X509Certificate certificate(); /// Loads or imports and returns the certificate specified in the constructor. /// /// Throws a NoCertificateException if the certificate cannot /// be found or no certificate name has been provided in the constructor. /// /// May also throw a filesystem-related exception if the certificate file /// cannot be found. HCERTSTORE certificateStore() const; /// Returns a handle to the certificate store. CredHandle& credentials(); /// Returns a reference to the Schannel credentials for this Context. static const std::string CERT_STORE_MY; static const std::string CERT_STORE_ROOT; static const std::string CERT_STORE_TRUST; static const std::string CERT_STORE_CA; static const std::string CERT_STORE_USERDS; protected: void init(); void loadCertificate(); void importCertificate(); void importCertificate(const char* pBuffer, std::size_t size); void acquireSchannelCredentials(CredHandle& credHandle) const; DWORD proto() const; DWORD enabledProtocols() const; private: Context(const Context&); Context& operator = (const Context&); Usage _usage; Context::VerificationMode _mode; int _options; int _disabledProtocols; bool _extendedCertificateVerification; std::string _certNameOrPath; std::string _certStoreName; HCERTSTORE _hMemCertStore; HCERTSTORE _hCollectionCertStore; HCERTSTORE _hRootCertStore; HCERTSTORE _hCertStore; PCCERT_CONTEXT _pCert; CredHandle _hCreds; SecurityFunctionTableW& _securityFunctions; mutable Poco::FastMutex _mutex; }; // // inlines // inline Context::VerificationMode Context::verificationMode() const { return _mode; } inline Context::Usage Context::usage() const { return _usage; } inline int Context::options() const { return _options; } inline bool Context::isForServerUse() const { return _usage == SERVER_USE || _usage == TLS_SERVER_USE || _usage == TLSV1_SERVER_USE || _usage == TLSV1_1_SERVER_USE || _usage == TLSV1_2_SERVER_USE || _usage == TLSV1_3_SERVER_USE; } inline bool Context::extendedCertificateVerificationEnabled() const { return _extendedCertificateVerification; } inline bool Context::sessionCacheEnabled() const { return true; /// Session cache is always enabled with Schannel. } inline HCERTSTORE Context::certificateStore() const { return _hCollectionCertStore; } } } // namespace Poco::Net #endif // NetSSL_Context_INCLUDED