// Buffer.h
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module:  Buffer
// Definition of the Buffer class.
// Copyright (c) 2012, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier:	BSL-1.0

#ifndef Foundation_Buffer_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_Buffer_INCLUDED

#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstddef>

namespace Poco {

template <class T>
class Buffer
	/// A buffer class that allocates a buffer of a given type and size
	/// in the constructor and deallocates the buffer in the destructor.
	/// This class is useful everywhere where a temporary buffer
	/// is needed.
	Buffer(std::size_t length):
		/// Creates and allocates the Buffer.
		if (length > 0)
			_ptr = new T[length];

	Buffer(T* pMem, std::size_t length):
		/// Creates the Buffer. Length argument specifies the length
		/// of the supplied memory pointed to by pMem in the number
		/// of elements of type T. Supplied pointer is considered
		/// blank and not owned by Buffer, so in this case Buffer
		/// only acts as a wrapper around externally supplied
		/// (and lifetime-managed) memory.

	Buffer(const T* pMem, std::size_t length):
		/// Creates and allocates the Buffer; copies the contents of
		/// the supplied memory into the buffer. Length argument specifies
		/// the length of the supplied memory pointed to by pMem in the
		/// number of elements of type T.
		if (_capacity > 0)
			_ptr = new T[_capacity];
			std::memcpy(_ptr, pMem, _used * sizeof(T));

	Buffer(const Buffer& other):
		/// Copy constructor.
		if (_used)
			_ptr = new T[_used];
			std::memcpy(_ptr, other._ptr, _used * sizeof(T));

	Buffer(Buffer&& other) noexcept:
		/// Move constructor.
		other._capacity = 0;
		other._used = 0;
		other._ownMem = false;
		other._ptr = nullptr;

	Buffer& operator = (const Buffer& other)
		/// Assignment operator.
		if (this != &other)
			Buffer tmp(other);

		return *this;

	Buffer& operator = (Buffer&& other) noexcept
		/// Move assignment operator.
		if (_ownMem) delete [] _ptr;

		_capacity = other._capacity;
		_used = other._used;
		_ptr = other._ptr;
		_ownMem = other._ownMem;

		other._capacity = 0;
		other._used = 0;
		other._ownMem = false;
		other._ptr = nullptr;

		return *this;

		/// Destroys the Buffer.
		if (_ownMem) delete [] _ptr;

	void resize(std::size_t newCapacity, bool preserveContent = true)
		/// Resizes the buffer capacity and size. If preserveContent is true,
		/// the content of the old buffer is copied over to the
		/// new buffer. The new capacity can be larger or smaller than
		/// the current one; if it is smaller, capacity will remain intact.
		/// Size will always be set to the new capacity.
		/// Buffers only wrapping externally owned storage can not be
		/// resized. If resize is attempted on those, IllegalAccessException
		/// is thrown.
		if (!_ownMem) throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Cannot resize buffer which does not own its storage.");

		if (newCapacity > _capacity)
			T* ptr = new T[newCapacity];
			if (preserveContent && _ptr)
				std::memcpy(ptr, _ptr, _used * sizeof(T));
			delete [] _ptr;
			_ptr = ptr;
			_capacity = newCapacity;

		_used = newCapacity;

	void setCapacity(std::size_t newCapacity, bool preserveContent = true)
		/// Sets the buffer capacity. If preserveContent is true,
		/// the content of the old buffer is copied over to the
		/// new buffer. The new capacity can be larger or smaller than
		/// the current one; size will be set to the new capacity only if
		/// new capacity is smaller than the current size, otherwise it will
		/// remain intact.
		/// Buffers only wrapping externally owned storage can not be
		/// resized. If resize is attempted on those, IllegalAccessException
		/// is thrown.
		if (!_ownMem) throw Poco::InvalidAccessException("Cannot resize buffer which does not own its storage.");

		if (newCapacity != _capacity)
			T* ptr = 0;
			if (newCapacity > 0)
				ptr = new T[newCapacity];
				if (preserveContent && _ptr)
					std::size_t newSz = _used < newCapacity ? _used : newCapacity;
					std::memcpy(ptr, _ptr, newSz * sizeof(T));
			delete [] _ptr;
			_ptr = ptr;
			_capacity = newCapacity;

			if (newCapacity < _used) _used = newCapacity;

	void assign(const T* buf, std::size_t sz)
		/// Assigns the argument buffer to this buffer.
		/// If necessary, resizes the buffer.
		if (0 == sz) return;
		if (sz > _capacity) resize(sz, false);
		std::memcpy(_ptr, buf, sz * sizeof(T));
		_used = sz;

	void append(const T* buf, std::size_t sz)
		/// Resizes this buffer and appends the argument buffer.
		if (0 == sz) return;
		resize(_used + sz, true);
		std::memcpy(_ptr + _used - sz, buf, sz * sizeof(T));

	void append(T val)
		/// Resizes this buffer by one element and appends the argument value.
		resize(_used + 1, true);
		_ptr[_used - 1] = val;

	void append(const Buffer& buf)
		/// Resizes this buffer and appends the argument buffer.
		append(buf.begin(), buf.size());

	std::size_t capacity() const
		/// Returns the allocated memory size in elements.
		return _capacity;

	std::size_t capacityBytes() const
		/// Returns the allocated memory size in bytes.
		return _capacity * sizeof(T);

	void swap(Buffer& other)
	/// Swaps the buffer with another one.
		using std::swap;

		swap(_ptr, other._ptr);
		swap(_capacity, other._capacity);
		swap(_used, other._used);
		swap(_ownMem, other._ownMem);

	T* steal()
	/// Releases ownership of the buffer. Whoever gets hold of the buffer must invoke delete [] on it.
		T* ptr = _ptr;
		_ptr = 0;
		_capacity = _used = 0; // Retrieve this before calling this method
		_ownMem = false; // Consult this before calling this method
		return ptr;

	bool operator == (const Buffer& other) const
		/// Compare operator.
		if (this != &other)
			if (_used == other._used)
				if (_ptr && other._ptr && std::memcmp(_ptr, other._ptr, _used * sizeof(T)) == 0)
					return true;
				else return _used == 0;
			return false;

		return true;

	bool operator != (const Buffer& other) const
		/// Compare operator.
		return !(*this == other);

	void clear()
		/// Sets the contents of the buffer to zero.
		std::memset(_ptr, 0, _used * sizeof(T));

	std::size_t size() const
		/// Returns the used size of the buffer in elements.
		return _used;

	std::size_t sizeBytes() const
		/// Returns the used size of the buffer in bytes.
		return _used * sizeof(T);

	T* begin()
		/// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the buffer.
		return _ptr;

	const T* begin() const
		/// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the buffer.
		return _ptr;

	T* end()
		/// Returns a pointer to end of the buffer.
		return _ptr + _used;

	const T* end() const
		/// Returns a pointer to the end of the buffer.
		return _ptr + _used;

	bool empty() const
		/// Return true if buffer is empty.
		return 0 == _used;

	T& operator [] (std::size_t index)
		poco_assert (index < _used);

		return _ptr[index];

	const T& operator [] (std::size_t index) const
		poco_assert (index < _used);

		return _ptr[index];


	std::size_t _capacity;
	std::size_t _used;
	T*          _ptr;
	bool        _ownMem;

} // namespace Poco

#endif // Foundation_Buffer_INCLUDED