\page buildfreebsd Building on FreeBSD ## 1. Toolchain This project uses CMake. Install it with `pkg install cmake` ## 2. Install External Dependencies Your FreeBSD base system should have all the required dependencies installed by default. For voice support, additional dependencies are required pkg install libsodium opus pkgconf ## 3. Build Source Code cmake -B ./build cmake --build ./build -j8 Replace the number after -j with a number suitable for your setup, usually the same as the number of cores on your machine. `cmake` will fetch any dependencies that are required for you and ensure they are compiled alongside the library. ## 4. Install globally cd build; make install ## 5. Installation to a different directory If you want to install the library, its dependencies and header files to a different directory, specify this directory when running `cmake`: cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install Then once the build is complete, run `make install` to install to the location you specified. ## 7. Using the library Once installed, you can make use of the library in standalone programs simply by including it and linking to it: clang++ -std=c++17 -ldpp mydppbot.cpp -o dppbot The important flags in this command-line are: * `-std=c++17` - Required to compile the headers * `-ldpp` - Link to libdpp.dylib * `mydppbot.cpp` - Your source code * `dppbot` - The name of the executable to make Of course, this is just a proof of concept - you should really use a more robust build system like [`cmake`](@ref buildcmake). If you are having trouble setting up CMake, you can try [our template bot](https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/templatebot). **Have fun!**