// // ArchiveStrategy.cpp // // Library: Foundation // Package: Logging // Module: FileChannel // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #include "Poco/ArchiveStrategy.h" #include "Poco/NumberFormatter.h" #include "Poco/File.h" #include "Poco/Path.h" #include "Poco/DeflatingStream.h" #include "Poco/StreamCopier.h" #include "Poco/Exception.h" #include "Poco/ActiveDispatcher.h" #include "Poco/ActiveMethod.h" #include "Poco/Void.h" #include "Poco/FileStream.h" namespace Poco { // // ArchiveCompressor // class ArchiveCompressor: public ActiveDispatcher { public: ArchiveCompressor(): compress(this, &ArchiveCompressor::compressImpl) { } ~ArchiveCompressor() { } ActiveMethod> compress; protected: void compressImpl(const std::string& path) { std::string gzPath(path); gzPath.append(".gz"); FileInputStream istr(path); FileOutputStream ostr(gzPath); try { DeflatingOutputStream deflater(ostr, DeflatingStreamBuf::STREAM_GZIP); StreamCopier::copyStream(istr, deflater); if (!deflater.good() || !ostr.good()) throw WriteFileException(gzPath); deflater.close(); ostr.close(); istr.close(); } catch (Poco::Exception&) { // deflating failed - remove gz file and leave uncompressed log file ostr.close(); Poco::File gzf(gzPath); gzf.remove(); return; } File f(path); f.remove(); return; } }; // // ArchiveStrategy // ArchiveStrategy::ArchiveStrategy(): _compress(false), _pCompressor(0) { } ArchiveStrategy::~ArchiveStrategy() { delete _pCompressor; } void ArchiveStrategy::compress(bool flag) { _compress = flag; } void ArchiveStrategy::moveFile(const std::string& oldPath, const std::string& newPath) { bool compressed = false; Path p(oldPath); File f(oldPath); if (!f.exists()) { f = oldPath + ".gz"; compressed = true; } std::string mvPath(newPath); if (_compress || compressed) mvPath.append(".gz"); if (!_compress || compressed) { f.renameTo(mvPath); } else { f.renameTo(newPath); if (!_pCompressor) _pCompressor = new ArchiveCompressor; _pCompressor->compress(newPath); } } bool ArchiveStrategy::exists(const std::string& name) { File f(name); if (f.exists()) { return true; } else if (_compress) { std::string gzName(name); gzName.append(".gz"); File gzf(gzName); return gzf.exists(); } else return false; } // // ArchiveByNumberStrategy // ArchiveByNumberStrategy::ArchiveByNumberStrategy() { } ArchiveByNumberStrategy::~ArchiveByNumberStrategy() { } LogFile* ArchiveByNumberStrategy::archive(LogFile* pFile) { std::string basePath = pFile->path(); delete pFile; int n = -1; std::string path; do { path = basePath; path.append("."); NumberFormatter::append(path, ++n); } while (exists(path)); while (n >= 0) { std::string oldPath = basePath; if (n > 0) { oldPath.append("."); NumberFormatter::append(oldPath, n - 1); } std::string newPath = basePath; newPath.append("."); NumberFormatter::append(newPath, n); moveFile(oldPath, newPath); --n; } return new LogFile(basePath); } } // namespace Poco