mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 07:27:13 +01:00
Revise the entity creation/destruction system.
This commit is contained in:
@ -734,279 +734,163 @@ void Core::CompilerErrorHandler(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar * desc, const SQCha
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CBlip > Core::CreateBlip(SQInt32 index, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQInt32 scale, \
const Color4 & color, SQInt32 sprite, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CBlip > Core::NewBlip(SQInt32 index, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQInt32 scale, SQUint32 color, SQInt32 sprid,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateCoordBlip(index, world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, scale, color.GetRGBA(), sprite);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CBlip >::Activate(id, true, world, scale, sprite, pos, color))
// Trigger the specific event
OnBlipCreated(id, header, payload);
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CBlip> instance");
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CBlip >(id);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
return Reference< CBlip >(EntMan< CBlip >::Create(header, payload, true,
index, world, x, y, z, scale, color, sprid));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CCheckpoint > Core::CreateCheckpoint(const Reference< CPlayer > & player, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, \
const Color4 & color, SQFloat radius, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CCheckpoint > Core::NewCheckpoint(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQUint32 r, SQUint32 g, SQUint32 b, SQUint32 a, SQFloat radius,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified player reference is valid
if (!player)
if (!Reference< CPlayer >::Verify(player))
LogWrn("Attempting to create a <Checkpoint> instance on an invalid player: %d", _SCI32(player));
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateCheckpoint(_SCI32(player), world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, radius);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CCheckpoint >::Activate(id, true))
// Trigger the specific event
OnCheckpointCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create a checkpoint instance> on an invalid player: %d", player);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CCheckpoint> instance");
return Reference< CCheckpoint >(EntMan< CCheckpoint >::Create(header, payload, true,
player, world, x, y, z, r, g, b, a, radius));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CCheckpoint >(id);
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CCheckpoint >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CKeybind > Core::CreateKeybind(SQInt32 slot, bool release, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, \
SQInt32 alternative, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CKeybind > Core::NewKeybind(SQInt32 slot, bool release,
SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 alternative,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->RegisterKeyBind(slot, release, primary, secondary, alternative);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CKeybind >::Activate(id, true, primary, secondary, alternative, release))
// Trigger the specific event
OnKeybindCreated(id, header, payload);
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CKeybind> instance");
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CKeybind >(id);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
return Reference< CKeybind >(EntMan< CKeybind >::Create(header, payload, true,
slot, release, primary, secondary, alternative));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CObject > Core::CreateObject(const CModel & model, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQInt32 alpha, \
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CObject > Core::NewObject(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQInt32 alpha,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified model is valid
if (!model)
if (!CModel::Valid(model))
LogWrn("Attempting to create an <Object> instance with an invalid model: %d", _SCI32(model));
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateObject(_SCI32(model), world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, alpha);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CObject >::Activate(id, true))
// Trigger the specific event
OnObjectCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create an object instance> using an invalid model: %d", model);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CObject> instance");
return Reference< CObject >(EntMan< CObject >::Create(header, payload, true,
model, world, x, y, z, alpha));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CObject >(id);
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CObject >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CPickup > Core::CreatePickup(const CModel & model, SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity, const Vector3 & pos, \
SQInt32 alpha, bool automatic, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CPickup > Core::NewPickup(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity,
SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQInt32 alpha, bool automatic,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified model is valid
if (!model)
if (!CModel::Valid(model))
LogWrn("Attempting to create a <Pickup> instance with an invalid model: %d", _SCI32(model));
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreatePickup(_SCI32(model), world, quantity, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, alpha, automatic);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CPickup >::Activate(id, true))
// Trigger the specific event
OnPickupCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create a pickup instance> using an invalid model: %d", model);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CPickup> instance");
return Reference< CPickup >(EntMan< CPickup >::Create(header, payload, true,
model, world, quantity, x, y, z, alpha, automatic));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CPickup >(id);
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CPickup >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CSphere > Core::CreateSphere(const Reference< CPlayer > & player, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, \
const Color3 & color, SQFloat radius, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CSphere > Core::NewSphere(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQUint32 r, SQUint32 g, SQUint32 b, SQFloat radius,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified player reference is valid
if (!player)
if (!Reference< CPlayer >::Verify(player))
LogWrn("Attempting to create a <Sphere> instance on an invalid player: %d", _SCI32(player));
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateSphere(_SCI32(player), world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, color.r, color.g, color.b, radius);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CSphere >::Activate(id, true))
// Trigger the specific event
OnSphereCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create a Sphere instance> on an invalid player: %d", player);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CSphere> instance");
return Reference< CSphere >(EntMan< CSphere >::Create(header, payload, true,
player, world, x, y, z, r, g, b, radius));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CSphere >(id);
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CSphere >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CSprite > Core::CreateSprite(SQInt32 index, const String & file, const Vector2i & pos, const Vector2i & rot, \
SQFloat angle, SQInt32 alpha, bool rel, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CSprite > Core::NewSprite(SQInt32 index, const SQChar * file, SQInt32 xp, SQInt32 yp,
SQInt32 xr, SQInt32 yr, SQFloat angle, SQInt32 alpha, bool rel,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified file path is valid
if (file.empty())
if (!file)
LogWrn("Attempting to create a <Sprite> instance with an empty path: %d", file.size());
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateSprite(index, file.c_str(), pos.x, pos.y, rot.x, rot.y, angle, alpha, rel);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CSprite >::Activate(id, true, file))
// Trigger the specific event
OnSpriteCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create a sprite instance> with an empty path: null");
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CSprite> instance");
return Reference< CSprite >(EntMan< CSprite >::Create(header, payload, true,
index, file, xp, yp, xr, yr, angle, alpha, rel));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CSprite >(id);
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CSprite >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CTextdraw > Core::CreateTextdraw(SQInt32 index, const String & text, const Vector2i & pos, \
const Color4 & color, bool rel, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CTextdraw > Core::NewTextdraw(SQInt32 index, const SQChar * text, SQInt32 xp, SQInt32 yp,
SQUint32 color, bool rel,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified text is valid
if (text.empty())
if (!text)
LogWrn("Attempting to create a <Textdraw> instance with an empty text: %d", text.size());
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateTextdraw(index, text.c_str(), pos.x, pos.y, color.GetRGBA(), rel);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CTextdraw >::Activate(id, true, text))
// Trigger the specific event
OnTextdrawCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create a textdraw instance> using an empty text: null");
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CTextdraw> instance");
return Reference< CTextdraw >(EntMan< CTextdraw >::Create(header, payload, true,
index, text, xp, yp, color, rel));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CTextdraw >(id);
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CTextdraw >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CVehicle > Core::CreateVehicle(const CAutomobile & model, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, \
SQFloat angle, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
Reference< CVehicle > Core::NewVehicle(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQFloat angle, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
// See if the specified model is valid
if (!model)
if (!CAutomobile::Valid(model))
LogWrn("Attempting to create an <Vehicle> instance with an invalid model: %d", _SCI32(model));
// Attempt to create an instance on the server and obtain it's identifier
SQInt32 id = _Func->CreateVehicle(_SCI32(model), world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, angle, primary, secondary);
// Attempt to activate the instance in the plugin at the received identifier
if (EntMan< CVehicle >::Activate(id, true))
// Trigger the specific event
OnVehicleCreated(id, header, payload);
LogWrn("Attempting to <create a vehicle instance> using an invalid model: %d", model);
// Attempt to create the entity and return a reference to it
LogErr("Unable to create a new <CVehicle> instance");
return Reference< CVehicle >(EntMan< CVehicle >::Create(header, payload, true,
model, world, x, y, z, angle, primary, secondary));
// Return the obtained reference as is
return Reference< CVehicle >(id);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyBlip(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyCheckpoint(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyKeybind(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyObject(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyPickup(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyPlayer(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroySphere(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroySprite(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyTextdraw(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Core::DestroyVehicle(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept
return true;
// Return an invalid reference
return Reference< CVehicle >();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1771,7 +1655,7 @@ void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) noexcept
if (deleted)
DestroyVehicle(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload);
EntMan< CVehicle >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true);
else if (EntMan< CVehicle >::Activate(id, false))
@ -1781,7 +1665,7 @@ void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) noexcept
if (deleted)
DestroyObject(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload);
EntMan< CObject >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true);
else if (EntMan< CObject >::Activate(id, false))
@ -1791,7 +1675,7 @@ void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) noexcept
if (deleted)
DestroyPickup(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload);
EntMan< CPickup >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true);
else if (EntMan< CPickup >::Activate(id, false))
@ -1804,9 +1688,9 @@ void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) noexcept
if (deleted)
DestroySprite(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload);
EntMan< CSprite >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true);
else if (EntMan< CSprite >::Activate(id, false, ""))
else if (EntMan< CSprite >::Activate(id, false))
OnSpriteCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload);
@ -1814,9 +1698,9 @@ void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) noexcept
if (deleted)
DestroyTextdraw(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload);
EntMan< CTextdraw >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true);
else if (EntMan< CTextdraw >::Activate(id, false, ""))
else if (EntMan< CTextdraw >::Activate(id, false))
OnTextdrawCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload);
@ -1824,20 +1708,17 @@ void Core::OnEntityPool(SQInt32 type, SQInt32 id, bool deleted) noexcept
if (deleted)
DestroyBlip(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload);
EntMan< CBlip >::Deactivate(id, SQMOD_DESTROY_POOL, payload, true);
SQInt32 world, scale, sprite;
SQUint32 pcolor;
Vector3 pos;
Color4 color;
SQInt32 world, scale, sprid;
SQUint32 color;
SQFloat x, y, z;
// Get the blip information from the server
_Func->GetCoordBlipInfo(id, &world, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z, &scale, &pcolor, &sprite);
// Unpack the retrieved color
if (EntMan< CBlip >::Activate(id, false, world, scale, sprite, pos, color))
_Func->GetCoordBlipInfo(id, &world, &x, &y, &z, &scale, &color, &sprid);
// Attempt to activate this instance
if (EntMan< CBlip >::Activate(id, false, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, world, x, y, z, scale, color, sprid))
OnBlipCreated(id, SQMOD_CREATE_POOL, payload);
@ -181,103 +181,65 @@ public:
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Blip on the server
Reference< CBlip > CreateBlip(SQInt32 index, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQInt32 scale, \
const Color4 & color, SQInt32 sprite, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CBlip > NewBlip(SQInt32 index, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQInt32 scale, SQUint32 color, SQInt32 sprid,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Checkpoint on the server
Reference< CCheckpoint > CreateCheckpoint(const Reference< CPlayer > & player, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, \
const Color4 & color, SQFloat radius, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CCheckpoint > NewCheckpoint(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQUint32 r, SQUint32 g, SQUint32 b, SQUint32 a, SQFloat radius,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Keybind on the server
Reference< CKeybind > CreateKeybind(SQInt32 slot, bool release, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, \
SQInt32 alternative, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CKeybind > NewKeybind(SQInt32 slot, bool release,
SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 alternative,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Object on the server
Reference< CObject > CreateObject(const CModel & model, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQInt32 alpha, \
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CObject > NewObject(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQInt32 alpha,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Pickup on the server
Reference< CPickup > CreatePickup(const CModel & model, SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity, const Vector3 & pos, \
SQInt32 alpha, bool automatic, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CPickup > NewPickup(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity,
SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQInt32 alpha, bool automatic,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Sphere on the server
Reference< CSphere > CreateSphere(const Reference< CPlayer > & player, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, \
const Color3 & color, SQFloat radius, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CSphere > NewSphere(SQInt32 player, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQUint32 r, SQUint32 g, SQUint32 b, SQFloat radius,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Sprite on the server
Reference< CSprite > CreateSprite(SQInt32 index, const String & file, const Vector2i & pos, const Vector2i & rot, \
SQFloat angle, SQInt32 alpha, bool rel, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CSprite > NewSprite(SQInt32 index, const SQChar * file, SQInt32 xp, SQInt32 yp,
SQInt32 xr, SQInt32 yr, SQFloat angle, SQInt32 alpha, bool rel,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Textdraw on the server
Reference< CTextdraw > CreateTextdraw(SQInt32 index, const String & text, const Vector2i & pos, \
const Color4 & color, bool rel, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CTextdraw > NewTextdraw(SQInt32 index, const SQChar * text, SQInt32 xp, SQInt32 yp,
SQUint32 color, bool rel,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Vehicle on the server
Reference< CVehicle > CreateVehicle(const CAutomobile & model, SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQFloat angle, \
SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Blip created by the server
bool DestroyBlip(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Checkpoint created by the server
bool DestroyCheckpoint(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Keybind created by the server
bool DestroyKeybind(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Object created by the server
bool DestroyObject(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Pickup created by the server
bool DestroyPickup(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Sphere created by the server
bool DestroySphere(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Sprite created by the server
bool DestroySprite(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Textdraw created by the server
bool DestroyTextdraw(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Destroys a Vehicle created by the server
bool DestroyVehicle(SQInt32 id, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
Reference< CVehicle > NewVehicle(SQInt32 model, SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z,
SQFloat angle, SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) noexcept;
@ -5,6 +5,159 @@
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace SqMod {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EBlipCreated & GBlipCreated() noexcept
return _Core->BlipCreated;
ECheckpointCreated & GCheckpointCreated() noexcept
return _Core->CheckpointCreated;
EKeybindCreated & GKeybindCreated() noexcept
return _Core->KeybindCreated;
EObjectCreated & GObjectCreated() noexcept
return _Core->ObjectCreated;
EPickupCreated & GPickupCreated() noexcept
return _Core->PickupCreated;
EPlayerCreated & GPlayerCreated() noexcept
return _Core->PlayerCreated;
ESphereCreated & GSphereCreated() noexcept
return _Core->SphereCreated;
ESpriteCreated & GSpriteCreated() noexcept
return _Core->SpriteCreated;
ETextdrawCreated & GTextdrawCreated() noexcept
return _Core->TextdrawCreated;
EVehicleCreated & GVehicleCreated() noexcept
return _Core->VehicleCreated;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EBlipDestroyed & GBlipDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->BlipDestroyed;
ECheckpointDestroyed & GCheckpointDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->CheckpointDestroyed;
EKeybindDestroyed & GKeybindDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->KeybindDestroyed;
EObjectDestroyed & GObjectDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->ObjectDestroyed;
EPickupDestroyed & GPickupDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->PickupDestroyed;
EPlayerDestroyed & GPlayerDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->PlayerDestroyed;
ESphereDestroyed & GSphereDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->SphereDestroyed;
ESpriteDestroyed & GSpriteDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->SpriteDestroyed;
ETextdrawDestroyed & GTextdrawDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->TextdrawDestroyed;
EVehicleDestroyed & GVehicleDestroyed() noexcept
return _Core->VehicleDestroyed;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EBlipCustom & GBlipCustom() noexcept
return _Core->BlipCustom;
ECheckpointCustom & GCheckpointCustom() noexcept
return _Core->CheckpointCustom;
EKeybindCustom & GKeybindCustom() noexcept
return _Core->KeybindCustom;
EObjectCustom & GObjectCustom() noexcept
return _Core->ObjectCustom;
EPickupCustom & GPickupCustom() noexcept
return _Core->PickupCustom;
EPlayerCustom & GPlayerCustom() noexcept
return _Core->PlayerCustom;
ESphereCustom & GSphereCustom() noexcept
return _Core->SphereCustom;
ESpriteCustom & GSpriteCustom() noexcept
return _Core->SpriteCustom;
ETextdrawCustom & GTextdrawCustom() noexcept
return _Core->TextdrawCustom;
EVehicleCustom & GVehicleCustom() noexcept
return _Core->VehicleCustom;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Register_Entity(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -223,27 +223,27 @@ void CAutomobile::SetName(const SQChar * name) noexcept
Reference< CVehicle > CAutomobile::Create(SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQFloat angle,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreateVehicle(*this, world, pos, angle, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, header, payload);
return _Core->NewVehicle(m_ID, world, pos.x, pos.z, pos.y, angle, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, header, payload);
Reference< CVehicle > CAutomobile::Create(SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQFloat angle,
SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 header,
SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreateVehicle(*this, world, pos, angle, primary, secondary, header, payload);
return _Core->NewVehicle(*this, world, pos.x, pos.z, pos.y, angle, primary, secondary, header, payload);
Reference< CVehicle > CAutomobile::Create(SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQFloat angle,
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreateVehicle(*this, world, Vector3(x, y, z), angle, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, header, payload);
return _Core->NewVehicle(*this, world, x, y, z, angle, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, SQMOD_UNKNOWN, header, payload);
Reference< CVehicle > CAutomobile::Create(SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQFloat angle,
SQInt32 primary, SQInt32 secondary, SQInt32 header,
SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreateVehicle(*this, world, Vector3(x, y, z), angle, primary, secondary, header, payload);
return _Core->NewVehicle(*this, world, x, y, z, angle, primary, secondary, header, payload);
// ================================================================================================
@ -232,26 +232,26 @@ bool CModel::IsActuallyWeapon() const noexcept
Reference< CObject > CModel::Object(SQInt32 world, const Vector3 & pos, SQInt32 alpha, SQInt32 header, \
SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreateObject(*this, world, pos, alpha, header, payload);
return _Core->NewObject(m_ID, world, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, alpha, header, payload);
Reference< CObject > CModel::Object(SQInt32 world, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, SQInt32 alpha, \
SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreateObject(*this, world, Vector3(x, y, z), alpha, header, payload);
return _Core->NewObject(m_ID, world, x, y, z, alpha, header, payload);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< CPickup > CModel::Pickup(SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity, const Vector3 & pos, SQInt32 alpha, \
bool automatic, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreatePickup(*this, world, quantity, pos, alpha, automatic, header, payload);
return _Core->NewPickup(m_ID, world, quantity, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, alpha, automatic, header, payload);
Reference< CPickup > CModel::Pickup(SQInt32 world, SQInt32 quantity, SQFloat x, SQFloat y, SQFloat z, \
SQInt32 alpha, bool automatic, SQInt32 header, SqObj & payload) const noexcept
return _Core->CreatePickup(*this, world, quantity, Vector3(x, y, z), alpha, automatic, header, payload);
return _Core->NewPickup(m_ID, world, quantity, x, y, z, alpha, automatic, header, payload);
// ================================================================================================
@ -166,6 +166,16 @@ protected:
LogErr("Attempting to set global data for invalid automobile id: %d", id);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See if the specified identifier is valid and in bounds.
static bool Valid(SQInt32 id) noexcept
return VALID_ENTITYGETEX(id, Max);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference in New Issue
Block a user