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// httplib.h
// Copyright (c) 2020 Yuji Hirose. All rights reserved.
// MIT License
* Configuration
#ifdef _WIN32
#define CPPHTTPLIB_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH ((std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)())
#define CPPHTTPLIB_RECV_BUFSIZ size_t(4096u)
((std::max)(8u, std::thread::hardware_concurrency() > 0 \
? std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - 1 \
: 0))
* Headers
#ifdef _WIN32
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifdef _WIN64
using ssize_t = __int64;
using ssize_t = int;
#if _MSC_VER < 1900
#define snprintf _snprintf_s
#endif // _MSC_VER
#ifndef S_ISREG
#define S_ISREG(m) (((m)&S_IFREG) == S_IFREG)
#endif // S_ISREG
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR)
#endif // S_ISDIR
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#endif // NOMINMAX
#include <io.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "crypt32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "cryptui.lib")
#ifndef strcasecmp
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#endif // strcasecmp
using socket_t = SOCKET;
#define poll(fds, nfds, timeout) WSAPoll(fds, nfds, timeout)
#else // not _WIN32
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <resolv.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <csignal>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using socket_t = int;
#define INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
#endif //_WIN32
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <climits>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <thread>
#undef X509_NAME
#undef X509_EXTENSIONS
#undef X509_CERT_PAIR
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK)
#include <openssl/applink.c>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#error Sorry, OpenSSL versions prior to 1.1.1 are not supported
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
inline const unsigned char *ASN1_STRING_get0_data(const ASN1_STRING *asn1) {
return M_ASN1_STRING_data(asn1);
#include <zlib.h>
#include <brotli/decode.h>
#include <brotli/encode.h>
* Declaration
namespace httplib {
namespace detail {
* Backport std::make_unique from C++14.
* NOTE: This code came up with the following stackoverflow post:
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10149840/c-arrays-and-make-unique
template <class T, class... Args>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T>>::type
make_unique(Args &&...args) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template <class T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T>>::type
make_unique(std::size_t n) {
typedef typename std::remove_extent<T>::type RT;
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new RT[n]);
struct ci {
bool operator()(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) const {
return std::lexicographical_compare(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(),
[](unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2) {
return ::tolower(c1) < ::tolower(c2);
} // namespace detail
using Headers = std::multimap<std::string, std::string, detail::ci>;
using Params = std::multimap<std::string, std::string>;
using Match = std::smatch;
using Progress = std::function<bool(uint64_t current, uint64_t total)>;
struct Response;
using ResponseHandler = std::function<bool(const Response &response)>;
struct MultipartFormData {
std::string name;
std::string content;
std::string filename;
std::string content_type;
using MultipartFormDataItems = std::vector<MultipartFormData>;
using MultipartFormDataMap = std::multimap<std::string, MultipartFormData>;
class DataSink {
DataSink() : os(&sb_), sb_(*this) {}
DataSink(const DataSink &) = delete;
DataSink &operator=(const DataSink &) = delete;
DataSink(DataSink &&) = delete;
DataSink &operator=(DataSink &&) = delete;
std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_len)> write;
std::function<void()> done;
std::function<bool()> is_writable;
std::ostream os;
class data_sink_streambuf : public std::streambuf {
explicit data_sink_streambuf(DataSink &sink) : sink_(sink) {}
std::streamsize xsputn(const char *s, std::streamsize n) {
sink_.write(s, static_cast<size_t>(n));
return n;
DataSink &sink_;
data_sink_streambuf sb_;
using ContentProvider =
std::function<bool(size_t offset, size_t length, DataSink &sink)>;
using ContentProviderWithoutLength =
std::function<bool(size_t offset, DataSink &sink)>;
using ContentReceiverWithProgress =
std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_length, uint64_t offset,
uint64_t total_length)>;
using ContentReceiver =
std::function<bool(const char *data, size_t data_length)>;
using MultipartContentHeader =
std::function<bool(const MultipartFormData &file)>;
class ContentReader {
using Reader = std::function<bool(ContentReceiver receiver)>;
using MultipartReader = std::function<bool(MultipartContentHeader header,
ContentReceiver receiver)>;
ContentReader(Reader reader, MultipartReader multipart_reader)
: reader_(std::move(reader)),
multipart_reader_(std::move(multipart_reader)) {}
bool operator()(MultipartContentHeader header,
ContentReceiver receiver) const {
return multipart_reader_(std::move(header), std::move(receiver));
bool operator()(ContentReceiver receiver) const {
return reader_(std::move(receiver));
Reader reader_;
MultipartReader multipart_reader_;
using Range = std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t>;
using Ranges = std::vector<Range>;
struct Request {
std::string method;
std::string path;
Headers headers;
std::string body;
std::string remote_addr;
int remote_port = -1;
// for server
std::string version;
std::string target;
Params params;
MultipartFormDataMap files;
Ranges ranges;
Match matches;
// for client
ResponseHandler response_handler;
ContentReceiverWithProgress content_receiver;
Progress progress;
const SSL *ssl = nullptr;
bool has_header(const char *key) const;
std::string get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
template <typename T>
T get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
size_t get_header_value_count(const char *key) const;
void set_header(const char *key, const char *val);
void set_header(const char *key, const std::string &val);
bool has_param(const char *key) const;
std::string get_param_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
size_t get_param_value_count(const char *key) const;
bool is_multipart_form_data() const;
bool has_file(const char *key) const;
MultipartFormData get_file_value(const char *key) const;
// private members...
size_t redirect_count_ = CPPHTTPLIB_REDIRECT_MAX_COUNT;
size_t content_length_ = 0;
ContentProvider content_provider_;
bool is_chunked_content_provider_ = false;
size_t authorization_count_ = 0;
struct Response {
std::string version;
int status = -1;
std::string reason;
Headers headers;
std::string body;
std::string location; // Redirect location
bool has_header(const char *key) const;
std::string get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
template <typename T>
T get_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
size_t get_header_value_count(const char *key) const;
void set_header(const char *key, const char *val);
void set_header(const char *key, const std::string &val);
void set_redirect(const char *url, int status = 302);
void set_redirect(const std::string &url, int status = 302);
void set_content(const char *s, size_t n, const char *content_type);
void set_content(const std::string &s, const char *content_type);
void set_content_provider(
size_t length, const char *content_type, ContentProvider provider,
const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser = nullptr);
void set_content_provider(
const char *content_type, ContentProviderWithoutLength provider,
const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser = nullptr);
void set_chunked_content_provider(
const char *content_type, ContentProviderWithoutLength provider,
const std::function<void()> &resource_releaser = nullptr);
Response() = default;
Response(const Response &) = default;
Response &operator=(const Response &) = default;
Response(Response &&) = default;
Response &operator=(Response &&) = default;
~Response() {
if (content_provider_resource_releaser_) {
// private members...
size_t content_length_ = 0;
ContentProvider content_provider_;
std::function<void()> content_provider_resource_releaser_;
bool is_chunked_content_provider_ = false;
class Stream {
virtual ~Stream() = default;
virtual bool is_readable() const = 0;
virtual bool is_writable() const = 0;
virtual ssize_t read(char *ptr, size_t size) = 0;
virtual ssize_t write(const char *ptr, size_t size) = 0;
virtual void get_remote_ip_and_port(std::string &ip, int &port) const = 0;
virtual socket_t socket() const = 0;
template <typename... Args>
ssize_t write_format(const char *fmt, const Args &...args);
ssize_t write(const char *ptr);
ssize_t write(const std::string &s);
class TaskQueue {
TaskQueue() = default;
virtual ~TaskQueue() = default;
virtual void enqueue(std::function<void()> fn) = 0;
virtual void shutdown() = 0;
virtual void on_idle(){};
class ThreadPool : public TaskQueue {
explicit ThreadPool(size_t n) : shutdown_(false) {
while (n) {
ThreadPool(const ThreadPool &) = delete;
~ThreadPool() override = default;
void enqueue(std::function<void()> fn) override {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
void shutdown() override {
// Stop all worker threads...
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
shutdown_ = true;
// Join...
for (auto &t : threads_) {
struct worker {
explicit worker(ThreadPool &pool) : pool_(pool) {}
void operator()() {
for (;;) {
std::function<void()> fn;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(pool_.mutex_);
lock, [&] { return !pool_.jobs_.empty() || pool_.shutdown_; });
if (pool_.shutdown_ && pool_.jobs_.empty()) { break; }
fn = pool_.jobs_.front();
assert(true == static_cast<bool>(fn));
ThreadPool &pool_;
friend struct worker;
std::vector<std::thread> threads_;
std::list<std::function<void()>> jobs_;
bool shutdown_;
std::condition_variable cond_;
std::mutex mutex_;
using Logger = std::function<void(const Request &, const Response &)>;
using SocketOptions = std::function<void(socket_t sock)>;
inline void default_socket_options(socket_t sock) {
int yes = 1;
#ifdef _WIN32
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&yes),
reinterpret_cast<char *>(&yes), sizeof(yes));
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&yes),
setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast<void *>(&yes),
class Server {
using Handler = std::function<void(const Request &, Response &)>;
using ExceptionHandler =
std::function<void(const Request &, Response &, std::exception &e)>;
enum class HandlerResponse {
using HandlerWithResponse =
std::function<HandlerResponse(const Request &, Response &)>;
using HandlerWithContentReader = std::function<void(
const Request &, Response &, const ContentReader &content_reader)>;
using Expect100ContinueHandler =
std::function<int(const Request &, Response &)>;
virtual ~Server();
virtual bool is_valid() const;
Server &Get(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
Server &Get(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, Handler handler);
Server &Post(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
Server &Post(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, Handler handler);
Server &Post(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Post(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len,
HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Put(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
Server &Put(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, Handler handler);
Server &Put(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Put(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len,
HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Patch(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
Server &Patch(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, Handler handler);
Server &Patch(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Patch(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len,
HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Delete(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
Server &Delete(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, Handler handler);
Server &Delete(const char *pattern, HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Delete(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len,
HandlerWithContentReader handler);
Server &Options(const char *pattern, Handler handler);
Server &Options(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, Handler handler);
bool set_base_dir(const char *dir, const char *mount_point = nullptr);
bool set_mount_point(const char *mount_point, const char *dir,
Headers headers = Headers());
bool remove_mount_point(const char *mount_point);
Server &set_file_extension_and_mimetype_mapping(const char *ext,
const char *mime);
Server &set_file_request_handler(Handler handler);
Server &set_error_handler(HandlerWithResponse handler);
Server &set_error_handler(Handler handler);
Server &set_exception_handler(ExceptionHandler handler);
Server &set_pre_routing_handler(HandlerWithResponse handler);
Server &set_post_routing_handler(Handler handler);
Server &set_expect_100_continue_handler(Expect100ContinueHandler handler);
Server &set_logger(Logger logger);
Server &set_address_family(int family);
Server &set_tcp_nodelay(bool on);
Server &set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options);
Server &set_keep_alive_max_count(size_t count);
Server &set_keep_alive_timeout(time_t sec);
Server &set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
Server &set_read_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
Server &set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
Server &set_write_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
Server &set_idle_interval(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
Server &set_idle_interval(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
Server &set_payload_max_length(size_t length);
bool bind_to_port(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags = 0);
int bind_to_any_port(const char *host, int socket_flags = 0);
bool listen_after_bind();
bool listen(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags = 0);
bool is_running() const;
void stop();
std::function<TaskQueue *(void)> new_task_queue;
bool process_request(Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
bool &connection_closed,
const std::function<void(Request &)> &setup_request);
std::atomic<socket_t> svr_sock_;
size_t keep_alive_max_count_ = CPPHTTPLIB_KEEPALIVE_MAX_COUNT;
time_t keep_alive_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
time_t read_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
time_t read_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
time_t write_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
time_t write_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
time_t idle_interval_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_IDLE_INTERVAL_SECOND;
time_t idle_interval_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_IDLE_INTERVAL_USECOND;
size_t payload_max_length_ = CPPHTTPLIB_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH;
using Handlers = std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, Handler>>;
using HandlersForContentReader =
std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, HandlerWithContentReader>>;
socket_t create_server_socket(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags,
SocketOptions socket_options) const;
int bind_internal(const char *host, int port, int socket_flags);
bool listen_internal();
bool routing(Request &req, Response &res, Stream &strm);
bool handle_file_request(const Request &req, Response &res,
bool head = false);
bool dispatch_request(Request &req, Response &res, const Handlers &handlers);
dispatch_request_for_content_reader(Request &req, Response &res,
ContentReader content_reader,
const HandlersForContentReader &handlers);
bool parse_request_line(const char *s, Request &req);
void apply_ranges(const Request &req, Response &res,
std::string &content_type, std::string &boundary);
bool write_response(Stream &strm, bool close_connection, const Request &req,
Response &res);
bool write_response_with_content(Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
const Request &req, Response &res);
bool write_response_core(Stream &strm, bool close_connection,
const Request &req, Response &res,
bool need_apply_ranges);
bool write_content_with_provider(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
Response &res, const std::string &boundary,
const std::string &content_type);
bool read_content(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res);
read_content_with_content_receiver(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
ContentReceiver receiver,
MultipartContentHeader multipart_header,
ContentReceiver multipart_receiver);
bool read_content_core(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
ContentReceiver receiver,
MultipartContentHeader mulitpart_header,
ContentReceiver multipart_receiver);
virtual bool process_and_close_socket(socket_t sock);
struct MountPointEntry {
std::string mount_point;
std::string base_dir;
Headers headers;
std::vector<MountPointEntry> base_dirs_;
std::atomic<bool> is_running_;
std::map<std::string, std::string> file_extension_and_mimetype_map_;
Handler file_request_handler_;
Handlers get_handlers_;
Handlers post_handlers_;
HandlersForContentReader post_handlers_for_content_reader_;
Handlers put_handlers_;
HandlersForContentReader put_handlers_for_content_reader_;
Handlers patch_handlers_;
HandlersForContentReader patch_handlers_for_content_reader_;
Handlers delete_handlers_;
HandlersForContentReader delete_handlers_for_content_reader_;
Handlers options_handlers_;
HandlerWithResponse error_handler_;
ExceptionHandler exception_handler_;
HandlerWithResponse pre_routing_handler_;
Handler post_routing_handler_;
Logger logger_;
Expect100ContinueHandler expect_100_continue_handler_;
int address_family_ = AF_UNSPEC;
bool tcp_nodelay_ = CPPHTTPLIB_TCP_NODELAY;
SocketOptions socket_options_ = default_socket_options;
enum class Error {
Success = 0,
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Error& obj)
os << static_cast<std::underlying_type<Error>::type>(obj);
return os;
class Result {
Result(std::unique_ptr<Response> &&res, Error err,
Headers &&request_headers = Headers{})
: res_(std::move(res)), err_(err),
request_headers_(std::move(request_headers)) {}
// Response
operator bool() const { return res_ != nullptr; }
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return res_ == nullptr; }
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return res_ != nullptr; }
const Response &value() const { return *res_; }
Response &value() { return *res_; }
const Response &operator*() const { return *res_; }
Response &operator*() { return *res_; }
const Response *operator->() const { return res_.get(); }
Response *operator->() { return res_.get(); }
// Error
Error error() const { return err_; }
// Request Headers
bool has_request_header(const char *key) const;
std::string get_request_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
template <typename T>
T get_request_header_value(const char *key, size_t id = 0) const;
size_t get_request_header_value_count(const char *key) const;
std::unique_ptr<Response> res_;
Error err_;
Headers request_headers_;
class ClientImpl {
explicit ClientImpl(const std::string &host);
explicit ClientImpl(const std::string &host, int port);
explicit ClientImpl(const std::string &host, int port,
const std::string &client_cert_path,
const std::string &client_key_path);
virtual ~ClientImpl();
virtual bool is_valid() const;
Result Get(const char *path);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
Result Get(const char *path, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ResponseHandler response_handler,
ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ResponseHandler response_handler, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Params ¶ms, const Headers &headers,
Progress progress = nullptr);
Result Get(const char *path, const Params ¶ms, const Headers &headers,
ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress = nullptr);
Result Get(const char *path, const Params ¶ms, const Headers &headers,
ResponseHandler response_handler, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
Progress progress = nullptr);
Result Head(const char *path);
Result Head(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
Result Post(const char *path);
Result Post(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Params ¶ms);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params ¶ms);
Result Post(const char *path, const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const MultipartFormDataItems &items, const std::string &boundary);
Result Put(const char *path);
Result Put(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Params ¶ms);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params ¶ms);
Result Patch(const char *path);
Result Patch(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path);
Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
Result Delete(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
Result Options(const char *path);
Result Options(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
bool send(Request &req, Response &res, Error &error);
Result send(const Request &req);
size_t is_socket_open() const;
void stop();
void set_default_headers(Headers headers);
void set_address_family(int family);
void set_tcp_nodelay(bool on);
void set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options);
void set_connection_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
set_connection_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
void set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
void set_read_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
void set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
void set_write_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
void set_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void set_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
void set_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void set_keep_alive(bool on);
void set_follow_location(bool on);
void set_compress(bool on);
void set_decompress(bool on);
void set_interface(const char *intf);
void set_proxy(const char *host, int port);
void set_proxy_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
void set_proxy_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void enable_server_certificate_verification(bool enabled);
void set_logger(Logger logger);
struct Socket {
socket_t sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
SSL *ssl = nullptr;
bool is_open() const { return sock != INVALID_SOCKET; }
Result send_(Request &&req);
virtual bool create_and_connect_socket(Socket &socket, Error &error);
// All of:
// shutdown_ssl
// shutdown_socket
// close_socket
// should ONLY be called when socket_mutex_ is locked.
// Also, shutdown_ssl and close_socket should also NOT be called concurrently
// with a DIFFERENT thread sending requests using that socket.
virtual void shutdown_ssl(Socket &socket, bool shutdown_gracefully);
void shutdown_socket(Socket &socket);
void close_socket(Socket &socket);
// Similar to shutdown_ssl and close_socket, this should NOT be called
// concurrently with a DIFFERENT thread sending requests from the socket
void lock_socket_and_shutdown_and_close();
bool process_request(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
bool close_connection, Error &error);
bool write_content_with_provider(Stream &strm, const Request &req,
Error &error);
void copy_settings(const ClientImpl &rhs);
// Socket endoint information
const std::string host_;
const int port_;
const std::string host_and_port_;
// Current open socket
Socket socket_;
mutable std::mutex socket_mutex_;
std::recursive_mutex request_mutex_;
// These are all protected under socket_mutex
size_t socket_requests_in_flight_ = 0;
std::thread::id socket_requests_are_from_thread_ = std::thread::id();
bool socket_should_be_closed_when_request_is_done_ = false;
// Default headers
Headers default_headers_;
// Settings
std::string client_cert_path_;
std::string client_key_path_;
time_t connection_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
time_t connection_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
time_t read_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
time_t read_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_READ_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
time_t write_timeout_sec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_SECOND;
time_t write_timeout_usec_ = CPPHTTPLIB_WRITE_TIMEOUT_USECOND;
std::string basic_auth_username_;
std::string basic_auth_password_;
std::string bearer_token_auth_token_;
std::string digest_auth_username_;
std::string digest_auth_password_;
bool keep_alive_ = false;
bool follow_location_ = false;
int address_family_ = AF_UNSPEC;
bool tcp_nodelay_ = CPPHTTPLIB_TCP_NODELAY;
SocketOptions socket_options_ = nullptr;
bool compress_ = false;
bool decompress_ = true;
std::string interface_;
std::string proxy_host_;
int proxy_port_ = -1;
std::string proxy_basic_auth_username_;
std::string proxy_basic_auth_password_;
std::string proxy_bearer_token_auth_token_;
std::string proxy_digest_auth_username_;
std::string proxy_digest_auth_password_;
bool server_certificate_verification_ = true;
Logger logger_;
socket_t create_client_socket(Error &error) const;
bool read_response_line(Stream &strm, const Request &req, Response &res);
bool write_request(Stream &strm, Request &req, bool close_connection,
Error &error);
bool redirect(Request &req, Response &res, Error &error);
bool handle_request(Stream &strm, Request &req, Response &res,
bool close_connection, Error &error);
std::unique_ptr<Response> send_with_content_provider(
Request &req,
// const char *method, const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const char *body, size_t content_length, ContentProvider content_provider,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider_without_length,
const char *content_type, Error &error);
Result send_with_content_provider(
const char *method, const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const char *body, size_t content_length, ContentProvider content_provider,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider_without_length,
const char *content_type);
virtual bool process_socket(const Socket &socket,
std::function<bool(Stream &strm)> callback);
virtual bool is_ssl() const;
class Client {
// Universal interface
explicit Client(const char *scheme_host_port);
explicit Client(const char *scheme_host_port,
const std::string &client_cert_path,
const std::string &client_key_path);
// HTTP only interface
explicit Client(const std::string &host, int port);
explicit Client(const std::string &host, int port,
const std::string &client_cert_path,
const std::string &client_key_path);
bool is_valid() const;
Result Get(const char *path);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
Result Get(const char *path, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ResponseHandler response_handler,
ContentReceiver content_receiver);
Result Get(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ResponseHandler response_handler, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, ResponseHandler response_handler,
ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress);
Result Get(const char *path, const Params ¶ms, const Headers &headers,
Progress progress = nullptr);
Result Get(const char *path, const Params ¶ms, const Headers &headers,
ContentReceiver content_receiver, Progress progress = nullptr);
Result Get(const char *path, const Params ¶ms, const Headers &headers,
ResponseHandler response_handler, ContentReceiver content_receiver,
Progress progress = nullptr);
Result Head(const char *path);
Result Head(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
Result Post(const char *path);
Result Post(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Post(const char *path, const Params ¶ms);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params ¶ms);
Result Post(const char *path, const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const MultipartFormDataItems &items);
Result Post(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const MultipartFormDataItems &items, const std::string &boundary);
Result Put(const char *path);
Result Put(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Put(const char *path, const Params ¶ms);
Result Put(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const Params ¶ms);
Result Patch(const char *path);
Result Patch(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers, size_t content_length,
ContentProvider content_provider, const char *content_type);
Result Patch(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
ContentProviderWithoutLength content_provider,
const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path);
Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
Result Delete(const char *path, const char *body, size_t content_length,
const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers, const char *body,
size_t content_length, const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path, const std::string &body,
const char *content_type);
Result Delete(const char *path, const Headers &headers,
const std::string &body, const char *content_type);
Result Options(const char *path);
Result Options(const char *path, const Headers &headers);
bool send(Request &req, Response &res, Error &error);
Result send(const Request &req);
size_t is_socket_open() const;
void stop();
void set_default_headers(Headers headers);
void set_address_family(int family);
void set_tcp_nodelay(bool on);
void set_socket_options(SocketOptions socket_options);
void set_connection_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
set_connection_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
void set_read_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
void set_read_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
void set_write_timeout(time_t sec, time_t usec = 0);
template <class Rep, class Period>
void set_write_timeout(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration);
void set_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void set_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
void set_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void set_keep_alive(bool on);
void set_follow_location(bool on);
void set_compress(bool on);
void set_decompress(bool on);
void set_interface(const char *intf);
void set_proxy(const char *host, int port);
void set_proxy_basic_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void set_proxy_bearer_token_auth(const char *token);
void set_proxy_digest_auth(const char *username, const char *password);
void enable_server_certificate_verification(bool enabled);
void set_logger(Logger logger);
// SSL
void set_ca_cert_path(const char *ca_cert_file_path,
const char *ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);
void set_ca_cert_store(X509_STORE *ca_cert_store);
long get_openssl_verify_result() const;
SSL_CTX *ssl_context() const;
std::unique_ptr<ClientImpl> cli_;
bool is_ssl_ = false;
class SSLServer : public Server {
SSLServer(const char *cert_path, const char *private_key_path,
const char *client_ca_cert_file_path = nullptr,
const char *client_ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);
SSLServer(X509 *cert, EVP_PKEY *private_key,
X509_STORE *client_ca_cert_store = nullptr);
~SSLServer() override;
bool is_valid() const override;
bool process_and_close_socket(socket_t sock) override;
SSL_CTX *ctx_;
std::mutex ctx_mutex_;
class SSLClient : public ClientImpl {
explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host);
explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port);
explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port,
const std::string &client_cert_path,
const std::string &client_key_path);
explicit SSLClient(const std::string &host, int port, X509 *client_cert,
EVP_PKEY *client_key);
~SSLClient() override;
bool is_valid() const override;
void set_ca_cert_path(const char *ca_cert_file_path,
const char *ca_cert_dir_path = nullptr);
void set_ca_cert_store(X509_STORE *ca_cert_store);
long get_openssl_verify_result() const;
SSL_CTX *ssl_context() const;
bool create_and_connect_socket(Socket &socket, Error &error) override;
void shutdown_ssl(Socket &socket, bool shutdown_gracefully) override;
bool process_socket(const Socket &socket,
std::function<bool(Stream &strm)> callback) override;
bool is_ssl() const override;
bool connect_with_proxy(Socket &sock, Response &res, bool &success,
Error &error);
bool initialize_ssl(Socket &socket, Error &error);
bool load_certs();
bool verify_host(X509 *server_cert) const;
bool verify_host_with_subject_alt_name(X509 *server_cert) const;
bool verify_host_with_common_name(X509 *server_cert) const;
bool check_host_name(const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len) const;
SSL_CTX *ctx_;
std::mutex ctx_mutex_;
std::once_flag initialize_cert_;
std::vector<std::string> host_components_;
std::string ca_cert_file_path_;
std::string ca_cert_dir_path_;
long verify_result_ = 0;
friend class ClientImpl;
} // namespace httplib